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Get it Fired Up In A Hurry
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-[ Compton's Angel ]-

*Stephanie is sitting in the Payne's locker room with her laptop infront of her, shes typing and Teddy is sitting next to her, he leans over and looks at the computer screen*

~!~ Teddy Payne ~!~: The fuck you doing?

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Paper for my online college psychology course.. On what?

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Wether or not enviornment and family REALLY affects the kind of person you become later in life.

*Teddy smiles and messes up Steph's hair, she swats his hand away and looks at him*

~!~ Teddy Payne ~!~: Thats my sister.. The smart one of the family.

*Steph smiles and smoothes her hair, she looks back at the computer and continues typing, about 5 minutes later she smiles and closes the lap top*

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Done.. Finally!

*Steph picks up her lap top and walks over to her bag and puts it in. As shes walking abck to the couch, theres a knock at the door, Teddy grabs his gun and Steph walks over to the door slowly, She opens the door and sees someone standing there, the girl turnd around and Steph smiles and pulls her in fast, They hug and Teddy stands up confused*

~!~ Teddy Payne ~!~: Uh.. Steph?

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Yeah Teddy? Oh! Sorry.. This is Claire.. I know her from Private School.. I haven't seen her in forever.

*Teddy smirks and walks ove,r her holds his hand out to Claire and Steph slaps his hand away*

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Don't even think about it.

~!~ Teddy Payne ~!~: Damn you..

*Steph smirks and Teddy sits back down*

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Clarie! What are you doing here?

~~ Claire ~~: I went to your house to see you and that one girl was there.. Natalie i think her name is.. She told me what happened to you so i wanted to make sure you were okay.. so i found you. You got shot?

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Kind of.. The bullet grazed my arm. But I'm fine. How have you been?

~~ Claire ~~: I've been good. So.. Wrestling huh? I bought some extra clothes with me.. if you wanna g work out i heard you ave your first match coming up.

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Sure! Teddy.. Can I?

*Teddy nods*

~!~ Teddy Payne ~!~: Just.. bring your bag with you.. okay?

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: I will.. just need to change.

*Steph grabs her clothes and goes into the bathroom, she closes the door and changes, steph walks out of the bathroom in her gym clothes and goes to Teddy, she kisses her brother on the cheek and Smiles, they hug and the 2 girls leave the locker room, they start walking down the hall talking*

~~ Claire ~~: So thats the infamous brother huh? He looked like he did okay in Jail..

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: No No thats K... But I don't know where he is right now... and i don't really care..

~~ Claire ~~: Wow.. thats the first time I've heard anything like that from you Steph.. What happened?

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Its a long story..

~~ Claire ~~: I get it.. you don't wanna talk about it

*The girls get to the parking lot and get into Claire's car, Claire starts up the car and "Make Her Feel good" is on the radio as Claire starts driving the girls are dancing aand singing, after the song, Claire turns the radio down and looks at Steph, then back at the road*

~~ Claire ~~: So.. why wrestling?

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Truthfully.. I just followed Teddy..

*Claire laughs and pulls into the parking lot of the gym, They get out of the car and walks towards the gym. they go in and go into the locker room. the girls put their stuff in lockers and walk out, they head over to the treadmills and get on 2 of them. they turn them on and start running, both girls pulling their hair back into ponytails*

~~ Claire ~~: So.. I was watching TV.. and I saw this girl your facing.. Baby Bianca? What kind of stupid name is that?

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Hey.. stop that. Its a wrestling gimmick.. Just like I'm Compton's Angel.. Now seriously? Am I an angel?

~~ Claire ~~: Hell no.

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Exactly.. So chill.. Shes only 19.. If thats the way she wants to be seen.. thats completly fine.

~~ Claire ~~: Damn.. You still have that.. "I love everyone" attitude..

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Stop it okay.. I hear this enough from my brothers I dont need it from you.

~~ Claire ~~: Okay I'm sorry.. But comeon.. You have to have SOMETHING against this girl..

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Okay fine.. You're right I do. She was sitting in that bar drinking... not to mention shes underage.. Now.. Me and her are the same age.. And shes gonna fucking sit there and call me blondie and talk shit about me? And I'm trying to make something of my life instead of fucking sitting in a bar getting drunk. Hell.. Shes probably passed out right now somewhere. And I'm training for our match... She thinks just because shes been in the buisness longer shes automaticly gonna beat me? I'll show her.. You don't fuck with a Payne..

~~ Claire ~~: Woah... oookay. Girl, shes crazy if she thinks shes gonna beat you. Besides.. the shit shes talking don't mean nothing. Theres nothing wrong with being proud of where you come from or your family. atleast you have something to be proud of. Besides.. being blonde ain't so bad. its better than being a pale gothic nasty bitch.

*Steph laughs and shakes her ehad and just keeps running on the treadmill. She stops it as does Claire, they both get off the treadmills and walk over to the weight bench. Steph puts 200lbs on the bar and lays down, Claire stands behind her spotting her, Steph lifts up the bar and starts doing her reps*

~~ Claire ~~: If theres one thing I've learned.. its to never underestimate you Steph.. You can be very suprising at times.. Especially when you're pissed.. And I can see theres going to be plenty of shit to piss you off in KWWE... Even that other guy.. whats his name..

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: Keegan?

~~ Claire ~~: Yeah that asshole.

*Steph finishes her 30 reps and puts the bar back, she gets up and Claire lays down and Steph spots for her*

~*~ Stephanie Payne ~*~: I'm not even worried about him, Hes just mad because K called him out for what he really is.. a pussy. So hes lookin to insult the family any way he can. the boys will get him for that eventually.. But for now I need to focus on BB..

~~ Claire ~~: You'll be fine.. Don't even worry about it. That girl is a piece of trash.. You dealt with tougher girls in our school.

*Steph nods and Claire put the bar back, and the girls cotinue to train. Steph always keeping Bianca in the back of her mind*
Its About Time For My Arrival