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*Stacy Keibler's music hits the P.A. system and the lovely Stacy Keibler walks down to the ring. She smiles as she gets into the ring her usual way making the male fans crazy and cheering loudly. She walks over to gets a mic from the ring announcer. Then she begins to speak.*

Stacy~You know, I was gone for a few days with my son at the beach, now that I'm back, I find I have a match against Torrie Wilson. Now some of my matches are professional, this match against Torrie is personal! Torrie, you used to be one of my best friends. Ever since we knew each other back in the WCW, we've been best friends...but that's changed Torrie and it was your decision. I could careless if you're with Kevin Nash, now that I realize he never really cared about me that much, it doesnt bother me if you're with him. What does bother me though is the fact that you are my best friend, excuse me...let me rephrase that, you WERE my best friend!...but that right when Kevin and I started arguing you immediately get in the way of things...what kind of friend are you?! Well, like I said, I've learned to move on. But this match is just my way of showing you how much I hate you..oh and Torrie, that's one thing that will NEVER change. I will forever hate you. You've always gotten the credit for being "hotter" than me...but I see that changing now Torrie, because these fans see you for who you truly aren't the sweet, beautiful Torrie Wilson everyone used to be on their feet for when your music played. Ever since you've been off with your new boyfriend Kevin Nash, the spotlight has left you and been more on me! Kevin Nash and Brock Lesnar might have both left me, but from the reaction of these fans, I know I'm better than you. These fans are the reason why I'm confident I'll beat you. Not only do I plan on beating you at the King of The Ring Torrie, I plan to make your life a living hell!

Stacy~You should know me well enough to know that when you mess with me, there's gonna be plenty of payback! Thats exactly what will happen at King of The Ring. Its not gonna to be like our old matches where we were catfightin' all around the way...this is gonna to be a brutal match...and although its a regular match, I will make sure you regret every mistake you've made that has pissed ME off! Oh believe did a whole lot to piss me off. You know when I was just talking about me being confident about myself? seems like you might just be confident with yourself now...but there once was a time when you weren't. From what YOU'VE told me, and from what I've seen on that "Before They Were Superstars 2" looks like you had an eating disorder. No looked at all of those supermodels in magazines all the time! Thats how close-minded you really were. And what about those fake boobs of yours? I think maybe you had low self esteem when it came to that too. But me? I've never had to change anything about myself, and yet I'm confident especially with these male fans whistling and cheering for ME! But enough of the beauty talk...this really is all about our match at King of The Ring. You know...the one where you have to suffer through. If you decide to bring your little sweetheart Kevin with will be much better because then he'll have to watch his precious Torrie Wilson cry and be hurting so much. Then again, he could always interfere...but then, not only will I have to take care of him myself, you'll get disqualified. But you see..I wouldn't want you to get Disqualified at all...what I do want is to pin you 1,2,3...and that's exactly what will happen at King of the Ring. You can try anything you want can't beat me...because you aren't even half the wrestler I am...I'm more talented than you...and I know a lot more about kicking some ass than you! And I've noticed your comments as well as Kevin Nash's on the fact that I'm stuck raising my son Kenny all alone. Yeah I admit, it does suck raising him alone, but I'm not complaining. I love my son, and he's my first priority. You think its funny that I have to raise a little boy alone? Yeah well...I'm the one who is proving that I can manage a career and a baby at the same time...thats how strong I have to be, Torrie. Now back to King of The Ring. What I've been going through these past few weeks, or should I say months, ever since Brock left and with you adding to everything..I'm stressed out...but I'm going to take out every bit of that stress on you this time. At King of The Ring...I'm going to make you wish you never even met me...and definetly will make you regret hurting my feelings when you betrayed me. Don't lie and say you didnt betray me...because you acted like my friend and then immedietely went after Kevin Nash after we got into our arguement. So come King of The Ring, you'll wish you never did that to me...I'll make the match so painful for you, you'll run everytime you see me after that. So Torrie, bring your boyfriend if you want, nothing will stop me from taking all of my anger and stress out on you...and I will pin you on that mat, 1,2,3! Luckily there's a hospital close by, because thats exactly where you're going after the match! But Torrie, its not a threat, its a promise!

*Stacy smiles and leaves the ring while the fans cheer for her. She walks backstage towards her locker room and passes by Kevin Nash. She then stops and thinks for a minute, smiling, then turning around. She stops Kevin Nash and then talks to him.*

Stacy~I hope you heard what I said out there...because everything I said is true. Your girlfriend...her career is slowly coming to an end, and I will be the reason for that. You made a mistake Kevin, choosing her over me. What makes me better than her, is the beauty, brains, talent and confidence..all of which she has little or no of. One day, you will see I could have made you much, much happier than she ever did. Thats when you'll be begging me you be with you, but guess what? Its not going to happen, you missed out on your opportunity to be with a woman...and chose a girl instead! If you can't realize how much more class than I have than her, then you have problems and its a mistake you've made, one that you will regret! When you see me kicking her ass, you'll see exactly what I mean!

*Just then, Torrie Wilson walks over wondering what's going on. She gives Stacy the evil eye. Stacy just smiles.*

Stacy~Are you trying to look tough and scare me? Well you could try harder, but it still wouldn't work. Even with Kevin next to you, you always will nothing. If you must know, I was telling him about how I'm going to beat you at King of The Ring. I also was telling him what a mistake it was when he chose you over me. Now I really do hope you heard what I said about you out there. If you think I was joking with anything I said out there, think again. Now I've got to get back to my locker room to watch Kenny....but I'll see you in the ring, at King of The Ring. These fans will see who the queen of the ring, really is! *STACY POINTS TO HERSELF* Good luck Torrie, you will need it!

*Stacy continues walking to her locker room, leaving Torrie and Kevin Nash speechless.*