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Name: 'Sugar' Simon Frazer

Height: 6'2''

Weight: 240 Lbs

Finisher: ''Sweet As Sugar''

Quote: ''It Is Not Bragging If You Can Back It Up...Because Victory Cannot Get Any Sweeter...But Defeat Will Leave A Sour Taste In Your Mouth!
'Sugar' Simon Frazer's Record
Won Lost Drew
0 0 0

::Scene One::

[Simon Frazer is sitting in his shared locker room watching a television screen which shows the arrogant Lasher run his mouth to all the fans in the UWF arena. Simon Frazer is perplexed when watching this because of the tone of confidence in Lasher's voice on getting that U.S title. Simon is wearing blue jean shorts cut off to his knees, hes not wearing any shirt, he has got a necklace around his neck though]

::Scence Two:: After hearing enough of Lasher talking crap and boring the fans in the UWF arena Lasher eventually leaves the stage and walks back stage. Simon Frazer gets out of his chair and draws his eyes away from the television screen. He stands up and walks out of the locker room walking down a dark aisle which leads to the outside stage of the UWF arena. He walks down the aisle and finds lasher walking in the incoming direction, Simon Frazer glares at Lasher with intensity and Lasher and Frazer bump each other with their shoulders to show their authority when passing each other. Frazer turns his head around but Lasher does the smart thing and continues walking and Frazer turns around and walks to the stage.

::Scene Three:" Somewhere I Belong'' by Linkin Park hits the arena and Simon Frazer walks out with an Australian flag in hand, he waits up the top near the tiatontron and waves it repeatively as the crowd has mixed reactions as they are American. He then walks down the aisle with the flag and places it in the ring while he jumps up onto the mat, he enters the ring by jumping up on the rop and fliping himself in the ring. He grabs the flag with amazing passion and pride and then asks a UWF assistant to throw him a microphone. He receives the microphone and pauses for about 10 seconds due to the cheers of the crowd starting to pick up chanting his name.

::Scene Four:: Simon Frazer begins to talk as the crowd repours to a silence and tune in to listen to his words.

-:[SIMON FRAZER]:- Well I was listening to Lashers words and thoughts he had about our upcoming U.S title match on Wednesday Warzone. I must applaud Lashers confidence, it's good to has, but he's got so much confidence I can smell the shit from his locker room to here. Sure he is one of the better athletes here in the UWF. I admit that he probably will be the top 3 wrestlers in UWF history as well. But one thing he should learn as a veteran he considers himself to be, is to never under estimate your opponent.

Especially when his upcoming opponent won his match last week, is undefeated here in the UWF and has advanced to the next round of the World Title Tournament. Did anyone else see Lasher's opponent send Pitch Black to hospital with brutal injuries and career threating circumstances from it? Why? Because he fucked with him, and that him is me.

All the signs lead to a great match, but Lasher you arrogant bastard you under estimate me to much and I will steal that U.S title you want so much out of your hands, their is always a upset in the making and this Australian Flag shows my Aussie fighting spirit. This flag represents my home, symbolies by culture, athelticism and intergerity. It shows past and heroic sporting legends which no Canandian has ever bestoed. No Canandian has the fighting potentials as a hard yakeer Aussie. No Canadian athlete has never been as succesful as a Harry Kewell, Andrew Johns or Don Bradman.

I will be this legend in their respected sports in UWF wrestling. I will show you how tough one Aussie can be on a second little country American Canadian. I will show the full potential of heroism, and to all these fans show appreciate a peoples champion which I will become. I will embark on great heights, and not just this one match, but an eternity of wrestling will never make me give up or lose this U.S title, in my heart its the Australian title, it will become it. ***Crowd cheers as Frazer waves Australian Flag***.

You see come Wednesday Warzone im gonna smack the bullshit off your up yourself Canadian deer fucking face, you start shit with an Aussie and I will finish it like I did with Pitch Black.

Prophecy is just an illusion to people who believe in things to much, just like how you believe in yourself to much, Genesis shows no prophecy but creation and immortality of man itself, I will be that man and the self wrapped profit like you think you are will be vanished like in the book of Exodus. You are starting down the face of defeat, You Fuck With Me I Will Bring You Down Lasher. All Rise For The National Anthem Of Australia.

::Scence 5:: National Anthem Plays And Simon Puts His Right Hand On His Heart And Sings His Home Anthem, In Joyful Grace And Let Us Sing, Advance Australia Fair! [Frazer Then regrabs the microphone and adds his finishing words]


::Scene 6:: Simon Frazer drops the microphone waves the Australian flag and slowly leaves the ring by rolling the flag out first than himself. He picks the flag up and walks up the aisle promising to fans he will become the U.S champion and defeat the immortal Lasher. He looks up at his tiatontron theme as his music plays, he points to his finishing move, looks at his flag and screams out Lasher. The scence ends when the UWF camera slowly fades to a discomforting black and Simon Frazer walks back and his figure becomes blaint to the naked eye. ::Scene Ends:: A commercial break for UWF Smackdown Here Comes The Pain plays before getting back to Jim Ross And Jerry The King Lawler to continue this house show.

'Sugar' Simon Frazer