The scene begins out at the beach in Venice Beach, in southern California. The camera passes through the people playing volleyball. Through the numerous pairs of sexy women lay on towels on the sand, sunbathing. From the street, a man walks onto the sand wearing a dark blue suit with a black tie. It’s WuW’s own Larry Hall from the U.K.. Larry walks up to a few women, who are laying on their stomachs tanning

Um, excuse me ladies… I’m looking for Sir Psycho Sexy

One of the women wakes up and looks up at him. She then ignores him and goes back to sleep

Where can he be…? He must be here somewhere

Out in the distance. Hall catches a view of a surfer, The surfer rides the waves like they’re nothing. The surfer finally reaches land. The surfer leaves the board as he’s approached by numerous women in skimpy wet bikinis.

That must be him….

Hall approaches the surfer. Hall begins pushing his way through the mob of women towards the surfer. Hall finally gets through the wall of women and find that the surfer was in fact, Sir Psycho Sexy, himself. Hall signals for the cameraman. Taylor hasn’t noticed yet that Hall is standing right there. The only thing on his mind right now is taking the woman, rubbing on his chest, wanting to take off his wetsuit

How about we go somewhere and take you out of that wetsuit….?

Taylor smirks and nods. Taylor and girl begin to walk away

Hey Mr. Taylor....

Taylor pauses

Sir Psycho Sexy
That better not be who I think it is….

Taylor turns around and finds Larry Hall with microphone in hand and accompanied by a camerman.

Sir Psycho Sexy
Fuck! Fish the Bitch!


Sir Psycho Sexy
Him! That’s Fish the Bitch! Probably one of the crappiest interviews I’ve worked with in my career. He’s still dirty guy from the U.K. who can’t even get any even if he paid…. You know what? I’m gonna try and hook my boy up. Shouts out to everyone Hey, any girls here lookin for some quick love?

A few women come and crowd around Taylor. They all smirk as they behind rubbing on his chest and arms. One girl sneaks up from behind and slaps his ass. Taylor smirks in excitement but shakes it off

Sir Psycho Sexy
Here’s the deal girls. It’s not for me… Points at Fish the Bitch That boy right there could use some real good lovin… So what you do say, girls…?

The girls look disgusted

Sir Psycho Sexy
How about $50 bucks to just give him a little ride…..?

The girls won’t do it

Sir Psycho Sexy

Still no response

Sir Psycho Sexy
Damn! Is he really that bad….

One of the girls whisper something into his ear

He kinda smells……

Sir Psycho Sexy
Damn Fish, none of these girls want your ugly ass

Fish the Bitch
I’m a happily married man…..

Taylor laughs

Sir Psycho Sexy
Man, are you sure it’s even a woman…? Or better yet… Was a woman all “her” life…? If you get what I’m saying….

They all laugh except for Hall, of course

Sir Psycho Sexy
Alright girls…. My final offer. $300 to just take the guy somewhere and I don’t care what you gotta do…. Just pleasure the man somehow…. An easy $300…..

The girls still won’t do it. Taylor laughs at Fish

Sir Psycho Sexy
Well Fish, I don’t know what to tell ya… I tried to help hook you up… But I know I should hook these girls up after that scare…

Taylor unzips some of his wetsuit and reaches in his suit and pulls out a card key.

Sir Psycho Sexy
Lets see…..

Taylor picks out 3 more women. Taylor hands one of them the key. Taylor whispers the address and room number into the ear of one of the girls.

Sir Psycho Sexy
I’ll meet you girls there shortly. I gotta give Fish an interview…. It’s the least I could do….

They all agree

Sir Psycho Sexy
Alright Fish…. I got the perfect place in mind where my mind can get clear and you can get your interview…. Cool?

Fish nods. They head up to the shore and get in the backseat of Taylor’s white limo as the scene fades to black

The scene begin as the limo drives up out front of a local strip club out in Santa Monica.

Fish the Bitch
Taylor, this is a strip club with nude women…..

Sir Psycho Sexy
No shit sherlock….. Cold feet? Laughs Well if you want your interview, this is the place it’s happening…. Take it or leave it….

Fish the Bitch takes a deep breath as they enter the club. They walk through the doors. The man at the counter looks at Taylor apprehensively.

Shane Taylor…..?

Sir Psycho Sexy
Yeah, that’s the name…. Don’t wear it out man…. And I’m trying to keep it low….

Damnit man! How long has it been? Someone actually told me Shane died….

Taylor laughs his ass off

Sir Psycho Sexy
Dead….? This fucker still has a lot left to do on this earch before I die…..

Hey girls! Look who’s here…. It’s Shane

A few waitresses stop working and go to Shane.

Where have you been, Shane? Some people thought you died or something….

Sir Psycho Sexy
Why do people think I’m dead….? I just moved to the U.K. I got drafted to a fed in England called WuW. Not a fed federation… You’re lookin at the I.C. Champion…


No shit?

Sir Psycho Sexy
Man you should know me better than that man…..

Sad thing… I know you too well….. Speaks to Fish Almost every Friday, Shane came here and every single time…. He always left with a girl. Biggest player I’ve ever seen


Sir Psycho Sexy
Hey man, I gotta do an interview and when I’m done, we’ll catch up on shit, cool?


Taylor and Fish the Bitch head to a private booth and take their seats.

Sir Psycho Sexy
Damn, you know what’s missing…..?

Fish the Bitch is puzzled. Taylor smirks

Sir Psycho Sexy
Just wait….

Taylor peers his head out the door

Sir Psycho Sexy
Hey, is Rene still here?

The usual, eh?

Taylor laughs

Sir Psycho Sexy
Of course….

Alright, she’ll be right with you….

Sir Psycho Sexy

Taylor sits back down.

Sir Psycho Sexy
Alrighty…. Hit me with what you got….

As Fish the Bitch begins on his first question. A female stripper gets on the table in front of them and begins dancing. Fish the Bitch, tries to ignore and block the naked woman

Fish the Bitch
Ok, my first question…

Taylor continues to watch on

Sir Psycho Sexy
Keep going man… You got my attention….

Fish the Bitch
Ok, first allow me to congratulate you on your title win at Devil’s Night as you became the WuW Intercontinental Champion. And now that’s you’ve alligned yourself with “PTP” Justin Owens and the WuW World Heavyweight Champion, Rollin’ Ryan Dice. My question…. Why do you decide to join the world champion as your career was obviously going up as it is……

Taylor laughs

Sir Psycho Sexy
First off…. My career always been going up since day one…. And it’ll just go even higher as I fight along side with my boys, Justin and Ryan. I already know… The world is speechless at it all went down Sunday night….. Laughs and arrogantly smirks Here me and Ryan are…. Two former XWD stars. Shit, Ryan was in that company since the almost the beginning of that company and he never got shit! I walked up into XWD… They offer me a contract, and I was a damn dope to sign that shit… Those fuckers could have killed my career, but there came the draft that altered the story of my career…. Sighs Because I know good and well what would have happened…. If Ryan would have stayed in XWD… It’s ECWL now, I guess…. Same company… Bottom line…. They would have kept him as I.C. Champion. And what did they do to me. Those fuckers were sticking me with a bunch of no names….. They thought I deserved the damn TV Title….. Laughs out loud But I think we showed them, huh? Ryan is a world champion… I’m the intercontinental champion… And I know Justin is gonna get gold someday real soon…. I’ll guarantee that…. But to answer your question…. This isn’t gonna push my career down or keep it where it is…. Because I’m still going up like the original master plan…..

Fish the Bitch
My next question…. This Sunday, as you return back to the U.K. It’ll be you and your new stable mates taking on Amanda “The Fist” Foley, Jeff Lawson and K.O. Kidd with Barty B. Bad.

Taylor interrupts

Sir Psycho Sexy
First I’ll start off with Lawson since I don’t even know who the hell he is… But I’ll say this. I want that jobber to come right after me… laughs But I have a good idea, Ryan and Justin already got something planned for him. As for Amanda “The Fist Fucker” Foley. That girl is a straight up skank. I remember sundaty night, of all nights…. As I was getting ready for Lesnar I saw that bitch standing there watching me. Staring me…. My ass…. I saw her standing there rubbing those nipples like no one in the world existed. And believe me… Smirks I know good and well when a lady wants a piece of Sir Psycho Sexy… Sighs But you know what, Fish? After the match…. I’ll hold no hard feeling for the ho…. So if she wants…. And I know I’ll be tense…. Like always after a match… But she’s welcome to offer a quick blowjob. Laughs And looking at those lips…. Definitely something I might actually enjoy…. But of course I wouldn’t fuck her…! (Laughs hard and out loud) And as for the kid… I saw that rookie wrestle back in XWD…. Smirks arrogantly Should I be scared…..? Should I go home and train extra hard? That whole team is a joke, period! They have no clue how bad of a rut they’ve dug themselves into it….. But after this Sunday, it’ll be time to fill in that hole and move on…..

Now I think I gave you your interview so why don’t you split now? Me and Renee here got a lot of catching up to do before I jet…..

Fish the Bitch gets up. Fish the Bitch and the cameraman leave. Renee gets on Taylor’s lap. The two start kissing as the scene fades to black