Semifinal Match Arson Vs. Little Giant-/center-

((SHOW2 comes onto the air with fireworks flying to the Ramp and igniting the arena with music and pyrotechnics. Then the Titantron fades into a viewing of the Text SHOW2 is still Alive))

RS: We're back We're back!! After a controversial week of SHOW2, We are back and having a Show tonight!

TD: Yeah we almost got closed down! But George McMenemy and Scott stepped in to keep SHOW2 alive with Rommel. There has been talk about a new Prez but no one has a clue who it could be

RS: That's right and we will find out eventually but right now its time for our first match. It's a Semifinal match between the Pyromaniac Arson and the….

TD: And the Tough man Little Giant. I hope Arson walks all over that little runt.

((LG's music plays and he makes his way to the ring with the crowd cheering. He is interrupted with Arson's Flames igniting and him walking down))

RS: Ok lets get this match going. Arson runs in and overestimates Little Giant because the guy ducks and trips the Maniac.

TD:THUD!! Hah! Timber. Man you gotta be a lil faster in the head to wrestle with Little Giant, Arson.

RS: Yeah well he isn't being slow getting up and closelining Giant to the ground. Ouch that has got to sting.

TD: Well I guess he didn't see the massive arm flying at his head. He should opened his LITTLE EYES! It doesn't matter cuz Arson's got him up and Scoop Slamming him down to the mat.

RS: Little Giant gasps for air. Arson backs off to pose a bit. Not a good strategy cuz Wham! BullDog by Little Giant. He sizes up Arson until he gets up.

TD: Woah what he doing? Oh man! He just Super Kicked him right in the Gut! Arson falls to the ground. What's wrong Arson you can't take a kick to the stomach without going down??

RS: Well in any case Arson is up and mad! Little Giant knows that he has ignited the beast! Arson is running in to grab Giant…..but!!! Giant super kicked him again!!! Arson falls back holding his stomach.

TD: Talk about a Death Wish…..Giant hops out of the ring. He seems to be trying to figure out what to do. Arson is up and Giant slips through the ropes from behind. Look like he wants to Roll Arson up.

RS: That ain't gonna happen! Arson spins and grabs LG by the neck!!! He shoves him into the rope and on the rebound he PowerSlams him!!!! Oh WOW!!!! What a slam!

TD: we got a pin…1….2….no! LG kicks out before the three count. Arson begins to pick up LG. Look like its time for you to get what you deserve LG!!

RS: No wait!! Giant elbow slams him with the elbow! Again,…..again…..Arson is dazed in the ring. Giant is going up to the turnbuckle! Is it time for the Giant Snap???? Giant leaps!!

TD: Arson is waiting!!! He catches LG into a SIDESLAM!! Ouch…..Oh yes yes yes!! He signals. I can't wait to see LG slammed into the mat!!!

RS: DRIVER TO HELL!!!!! Giant bounces off the mat and the lays limp. Pin…1…2…3!!!!! Its over!!

TD: YES YES YES Take that Little Giant ha!!! Arson is going on to the finals!!!

Viper Vs. Roze TV Title Championship

RS: Well after that match, its time for a title match. We have Viper in the Ring and Rose making her way down the ramp.

TD: Yeah well We all know Roze deserves to win this. I can think of 2 very big reason that she can with the title with.

RS: Well nonetheless they are off. Roze circles around Viper. She is using her speed and takes Viper's knee out from behind.

TD: Well Viper can't even tell that Roze is back there! Wow he needs ta realize that he is in a match.

RS: I think he did cuz he Scoops up Roze and throws her to the Mat.

TD: Well Damn Viper why don't ya go beat up on somebody that can defend their self?

RS: What??? YOU just said he needs to realize he is in a match and now you say he needs….

TD: Shut up Ron there is a match going on! You missed that suplex by Viper. He just threw Roze over his shoulder.

RS: She is lying in pain getting dominated here. She better find away to retaliate.

TD: oh she will, SEE She is up and off the ropes. Alright Dropkick!

RS: Don't get excited Viper dodges and Roze smacks the mat. Ouch.

TD: oh well she'll get it next time.

RS: Well Viper's got her up and taunts the crowd as Roze hangs off the ropes.

TD: Man! Viper can go to…

RS: Wait Roze charges and tackles Viper down!!!

TD: Wow she is wailing on him!!! GO ROZE!!!

RS: I don't think Viper knows what hit him. Roze is throwing fist at him everywhere. But Viper finally get up and grabs Roze by the hair. He tosses her!!!!

TD: Viper!!! Man it has to hurt to be swung by your hair. RS: Well it doesn't tickle I know that much. TD: DUH!! Anyway Roze got back up and is ready for Viper. She have sumthing up her sleeve?

RS: No but she has a Hurricarana She is up on the turnbuckle.

TD: Wait no Roze he is just gonna reverse it!…..Or He could totally take it and roll across the match. Roze pins. 1….2….NO Viper kicks out and he isn't happy.

RS: He waits for Roze to attack and….WOW Closeline! He picks her up and Powerbombs her….pin….1…..2….3!!!! Viper retains his TV Title!!!

Welcome to SHOW2

Maurice Flavors VS. Jason Sanders

RS: Well its time that we met some new wrestlers in SHOW2. They're getting their first match tonight. 1st is Maurice Flavors, from Dallas He is 6'3 and 240 lbs. He is making his way down the ramp to his music.

TD: After him is Jason Sanders. This Rookie is 6 foot 265 pounds from, oh yeah, Hollywood, California.

RS: They are sizing each other up. Who will be the first to initiate the attack?

TD: ooooo its my man Jason Sanders. He charges and kitchen sinks Flavors, flipping him over his knee.

RS: Well Flavors doesn't stay down long he is up with a closeline. But Jason is up and He looks up and down Flavors.

TD: Both of these guys suck!! They sit and stare. How about actually wrestling???

RS: Well Tony how about you get in their and tell them!

TD: Uh well….they are Rookies I can't be rough on them

RS: Yeah sure. It doesn't matter because they are at it and Sanders grabs Flavors into a Headlock. Flavors reverses with an Irish Whip. Sanders gets flipped up into a pancake

TD: Well looks like Flavors can wrestler after all. Oooh leg drop.

RS: Don't count down Sanders he is sneaking up behind Flavors as Flavors walks up to talk to the crowd.

TD: Now really. How dumb are ya to turn your back on you opponent!! I mean look! He just got dropkicked out of the ring!!

RS: Well Flavors is back up and He slides into the ring but is met with some brutal kicks by Sanders. His head's bouncing off the mat.

TD: Wait he grabs Sanders leg and trips him. He's up and he show Sanders what kicks to the gut feel like.

RS: Well Sanders rolls out of the way and stands but Flavors runs up and wraps arms around his waist and locks. German Suplex!!

TD: That'll bring ya some neck surgery.

RS: Yeah but that would be a dramatic event for Rookies Like Sanders and Flavors.

TD: Well This is a pretty even match its gonna be hard to pick a winner.

RS: Sanders recuperates with a Powerslam. Pin…1…doesn't get the 2 count before Flavors kicks out.

TD: Flavors is standing with Sanders now. Sanders backs up then..he charges for a spear!

RS: Wait Flavors moves aside and CATCHES HIM!!! This look like its time for Kiss You Mamma!!

TD: WAIT WAIT Sanders elbows Flavors and makes him drop Sanders.

RS: Now Flavors falls back and bounces off the ropes. Sanders doesn't have time to react before Flavors grabs him again and and……YES HE HIT THE KISS YO MAMMA!!! Pin….1…..2….3!!!

TD: Damn Hollywood Boy lost the match!!!

Sick, Sharp, Sticky and Smoking Battle Royal!

TD: Its Time Time Time Ron!! The match I've dreamt of since being a lil boy. A Battle Royal with all the weirdest things you can think of.

RS: Certainly not a usual match. The ring is set up with Piranhas on one side, Wankers Underwear on another. Next side has a plank with tack and Finally some C-4 explosives.

((SHOW2 fades into a commercial as the men make it down to the ring for their match))

((Commercial fades in with a scene of a fat guy walking into a candy store))

Guy: Yeah give me 12 candy bars

Shop Owner: Ummm that's a little too much for you…

Guy: Who are you to tell me how to eat!!

SO: Take this

((SO hands Guy Stacker2))

Guy: Thanx!!!

((A narrator starts talking as scenes show))

Narrator: Did you try Stacker2?

- ((Scene Shows guy using stacker2 and losing weight))

Narrator: But then did you decide you would rather be fat again??

((Scene shows Guy looking sad and missing his fat))

Narrator: THEN TRY STACKER3!!! The Fat Gainer!!!

((Scene Shows Guy taking Stacker3 and being fat again then getting happy. Then shows in small text on bottom. Do not take with Stacker2….Side effects are vomiting, diarrhea, and pregnancy. Plus if might kill you so don't take it if ya don't need it. We are going out of business anyway))

((Camera fades in to everybody inside the ring Ready for their match at SHOW2))

TD: Ok its time to start the match.

RS: Well the bodies rush each other as a mass of wrestlers attack each other.

TD: But look Chapel is going for Graves by closelining him. Corner Pocket helps Graves out by grabbing Chapel and giving him a neckbreaker.

RS: Meanwhile, George and 80's are going at it with George charging and spearing 80s into the post. But he is interrupted with Carnage kneeing him in the gut. Then Cobra grabs Carnage and suplexes him.

TD: CP and Graves are double teaming Chapel by kicking him. But that suplex throws Carnage into CP and knocks him back. CP is against the ropes! Over the ropes is the Piranhas!!!

RS: CP controls himself and doesn't go over. But look at Viper and Roze they mad cuz each of them are pounding each other! George steps in and doubles closelines them both out!!

TD: but out of no where 80s runs at CP and CP ducks throwing him over!!!!80's is in the Piranhas!!! He scrambles out and gets them all off of him!!

RS: Well with 80s eliminated George and Cobra Brawl it out throwing punches at each other.

TD: Graves is working on getting CP out of the ring but CP keeps clinging to those ropes.

CP retaliates by pushing Graves then closelining him.

RS: Carnage Notices CP and runs over to attack him. He Irish whips him into the ropes! But Graves is up and he knocks Carnage out of the way as He pushes CP over the ropes CP is over!!!


RS: right onto the dirty underwear!!! Oh my god I would puke!

TD: The two are up and gagging!!

RS: Well there is still a match as Carnage, Chapel, Cobra, and George are in a 4-way brawl with fists and arms flying. But George has Carnage and he throws him into Chapel.

TD: Chapel grabs him and sets him up for the Steeple!!! It hits!!! He rolls him under the ropes and out of the ring!!

RS: George sneaks up and grabs Chapel in a head-lock…but wait Cobra gets George in a headlock!!!! 3-way head lock!

TD: But George Elbows Cobra them Back drops Chapel! When he gets up Cobra grabs and Irish whips him into a Military Press out of the RING!!!!! George lands on the plank with tacks!!!! Ouch he is in pain.

RS: He is also eliminated. It is Chapel and Cobra in the ring. And Cobra closelines him as the two go at it. Cobra gets the upper hand and drops Chapel. He picks him up and puts him on the ropes.

TD: He is pounding away trying to get him over the ropes. WAIT!!! Carnage is back in the ring and he runs up! Cobra notices and moves as Carnage Spears Chapel out of the Ring!!! Is that legal???

RS: Well Carnage didn't go over the top rope he is a legal man and he takes that to his side because closelines a confused Cobra out!!!! Carnage wins!!! He is the new Cruiserweight Champion!!!

Kiss my Ass Match Cobra Vs. Matt Wanker

RS: Ok well we have a unique match coming up

TD: Tell me about it! Whoever loses has to kiss the other guy's ass!!! Hahaha!!!

((Cobra and Wanker make their way to the ring))

RS: Lets get started. Wanker is knocked back with some right arms by Cobra.

TD: Cobra's gotta be a little mad after losing that match because Carnage knocked him out. I bet he takes it out on Wanker

RS: Well he Irish whips Wanker and brings him back into an arm drag. He seems to be knowing what he is doing. He drops a couple elbows on Wanker and Wanker finally gets up. He dances around while Cobra just watches.

TD: Hehe Wanker runs and plows into Cobra throwing him over the ropes. I bet he's used to doing that.

RS: Well Cobra walks around then slides back in the ring. He runs up and spins behind Wanker grabing him and Russian Leg Sweeping him to the mat.

TD: Woah the ground is rumbling from that fall. Wanker isn't exactly a light load.

RS: Cobra holds Wanker's head up and pounds into his forehead over and over. But the Ref is making him stop.

TD: Lets see what Wanker does. He is standing and he pushes Cobra over. He jumps and lands on Cobra with a Body Drop! Well I think I heard a couple ribs snap there.

RS: Wanker Pins.1….2….nope Wanker isn't winning this match Cobra gets the shoulder up. He looks like he is done messing around. He grabs Wanker and yanks him up by the hair and….Dropkicks him into the post.

TD: He follows up with some hard shoulders in the post. Even for Wanker's huge belly that has to hurt.

RS: He drill him a last time then grabs him and….Monkey Flip!


RS: Yeah well not long cuz there is a mat in his way. Cobra goes up top and leaps off into a Leg Drop!!

TD: Just pin him this is pathetic.

RS: Instead he is going for the Cobra Clutch but he is having trouble getting it locked in….

TD: But He does!!! Wanker is crying in pain he reaches for something to grab a hold of!!

RS: But He can't HE HAS TO TAP HE TAPPED!!!!! Wanker Loses.

((Cobra sets a daized Wanker in the post and pulls down his pain shoving his ass in Wanker's face))

TD: OH MY GOD THAT IS NASTY!!! Even For Wanker he has to be gagging!!!!!

Semifinal Match Jimmy Copeland Vs. Fallen

RS: Well here is an awesome match-up. The Antichrist against the Preacher. They both are in the Ring and the 7 footer shows his technicality by doing some beautiful belly-to-belly suplexes.

TD: Fallen is staying down he is up and he rushes tripping Copeland and sending him face first into the match. Fallen is quick. He gets up and knees drops Cope.

RS: Copeland gets up and Fallen goes for a face-buster but is stopped as Copeland reverses by grabbing Fallen's arm and flipping him over.

TD: But Fallen rolls with it and turns around and punches at Copeland. Copeland backs up and bounces off the ropes into a Dropkick by Fallen.

RS: Copeland's is on the mat and Fallen picks him up. He grabs Copeland's arm and Irish whips him then pulls him back into a kitchen sink.

TD: Yeah but look at this, Fallen goes to pick him up again and Copeland extends his leg to kick him in the face.

RS: Copeland is up and he grabs Fallen. Suplexes him! Now he has him up and is grabbing him for some German suplexes. 1 German suplex….2……3……4…..5!!!

TD: Wow talk about a headache Fallen isn't moving!

RS: Copeland takes the advantage by putting Fallen in an STO!!

TD: Oh come on Copeland make him tap!!!

RS: Fallen is gritting his teeth he doesn't know what to do…

TD: Pull Copeland!! Fallen you better tap that hand!!

RS: Nope!! Fallen is moving to the ropes…and he grabs it! The Ref is making Copeland break the hold

TD: Fallen is taking a beating here He better do sumthing quick

RS: Well He stumbles to his feet as Copeland charges and Closelines him out of the ring.

TD: Well Copeland is taking a break in the corner and Fallen is getting up looking over Copeland.

RS: Looks like he has a plan cuz he slides into the ring. Copeland runs up and is met with some punches to the face. Fallen pushes him and goes to the turnbuckle

TD: UH oh he's off and he brings the 7 footer down. Wham!! He pins him 1…2….Copeland throws Fallen off of him.

RS: Copeland quickly gets up and picks fallen up for a Scoop Slam.

TD: Pin him already!!!

RS: well he isn't he instead picks Fallen up again. Copeland walks Fallen over and sits him up on the turnbuckle.

TD: He's gonna finish him of with a Superplex off the turnbuckle!!!

RS: But wait Fallen is fighting back with punches to the Gut!! Copeland is gonna fall!!

TD: No wait Copeland grabs Fallen as he falls back and Fallen flies over and slams into the mat with Copeland!!!

RS: Copeland struggles over and puts an arm over Fallen….1…2….3!!


RS: wait minute Copeland isn't done. He has Fallen back up on the turnbuckle….wait he sets him up for a Deliverance.

TD: But he does it to eh outside of the Ring!!!! Fallen is out cold!!!! Copeland is sending a message!!!!

((SHOW2 fads off the air))

Hour 2