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It's Tuesday September....damn I forgot the date! Anyways I got a few things to speak on this week, some heavy duty commentary for all of you (2) Blaque Hart fans out there that check out my commentary every week. Dave aka Howie D decides to post some of his own commentary on the message board of the now DEAD MoonPie Wrestling web site. Hello Dave, how do you do? I must say I was shocked to read about how you really feel about me. Especially considering all the phone conversations and in person conversations where you yourself told me I was one of the best workers in your promotion. Now because I speak my mind, and in a few comments trash a few of the wrongs about the M.P.W. you want to bad mouth me. Well go on right ahead and have fun bad mouthing me all you want. It cerainly won't stop me from saying what I want to say. Last I checked this was America right? By the way, you say I've been given many opportunities to climb the ladder in the M.P.W. I damn near pissed my pants laughing on that one. What a joke Dave. Ever think of doing stand up. Here's the way I see it, in the MPW if you're not BLACK, you ain't going no where. Sure Abrith is black, but he's not"black". He's what we call an "oreo" a black guy who thinks he is white. Oh yeah, Dave. I almost forgot, the V.W.F. is coming back real soon if we finalize a few things. Why don't you come, check us out, bring the "boys" from MPW. We'll show you guys a real good time!!

This is not comfirmed as of yet. But it is highly likely. The Vegas Wrestling Federation. The backyard promotion Abrith got his big break in. May be reurting real soon. I have a few people working with me to try and make this happen. We're hoping to have the ball rolling soon. I will keep you updated!

In other news. I'm thrilled to see my favorite wrestler ever Ric Flair get a shot at the Intercontinenal championship at the next PPV. One of the only titles he has never held. Good luck to the MAN. I think he's going to win believe it or not. As much as I admire the skills of Carlito. CYA next week!! Bye DAVE!