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Shawn "The Real Deal" Owens

Roleplay Title 

Peopled Involved


Current Titles

Past Achievments

Headless Horseman

Xstatic, Davie J, Angel, Rock, Scientific, DX, Horseman



Seven Time Hall of Fame Inductee

Six Time Grandslammer

Innovator of over 255 Gimmick Matches

Shawn is seen walking along bright green fields. He is wearing his trademark "Wanted" T-shirt. His Faded Blue jeans, and backwards ball cap give him a leisure look. He is nonchalanty chewing gum as he walks along the fields. Shawns back turns towards the cameras and the back of his hat says "Fuck Off". He walks a little further along the fields before he stops and begins speaking to the cameras.

Shawn Owens: Hitman... I seem to have struck a nerve inside your little head. You think the Horseman are just so great... the Horseman this... The Horseman that... The Horseman are coming for you... Damn... You're putting me to sleep... Flap your gums all you want... It doesn't frighten me one bit... You see Hitman... you talk about how noone cares about the Real Deal. Noone cares about my accomplishments... You say this is your block... I have to proove myself to "The Horseman". Listen up and listen good rookie... I Know What I am... I may be new to the block but Im not new to this country... you own your little block... the WORLD IS MY STOMPING GROUND! You need to proove yourself to me! The True Icon of Wrestling... You may not be up to date with your wrestling news, but those fans that chant my name when I walk out from behind those curtains... Those fans that scream for the moment... they Know Shawn Owens... and Soon... At Mayhem... your little boy Jeff Jarrett will know the term, Whooping Boy... Im gonna beat him from post to pillar! There is two things your boys can do about it... Absolutly Nothing... And Love it! You've got me all fired up! Eyes in the back of my head? No I got one better then that... Do you want to know what is? Well your just going to have to wait till Mayhem... you See Hitman you and the rest of your flock remind me of an old old story... The Headless Horseman... you know what happened to the headless horsemans head? He got so conceded, it was so far up his ass the guy was brushing his teeth from the other end. You guys are so pompus, yet Hitman... I don't see anything threatening about you... The Fire isn't there. That rage you can tell in someone's eye. Are they going to snap and unleash the fury... or are they deep down scared. I have no Fears...I've looked fear, death, pain, and agony in the face and spit into there wounds. You want me to proove myself? Rookie watch what I do to your "Chosen One" in Manchester! He will see the depths of hell.

Over a hill not to far from where Shawn is standing comes a man riding a Horse. He gallops over the hill and towards the direction of Shawn. The Horse reers up on it's hind legs before slowly coming back down to the ground and The Cowboy a top the horse takes his hat off and begins to speak to Shawn.

Cowboy: Howdy Ho, Stranger! This here is my farm, and by you being on it I take you are Shawn Owems, that famous Wrestler.

Shawn Owens: Aye, and you must be the Horseman I've come to see.

Cowboy: Yuppers... Some People call me a Horseman because of all the amount of horses I own.

Shawn Owens: What is that God Awful smell?

Cowboy: Well, you see Mr. Owens... When you hang around with the horses you get a certain smell to you...

Shawn Owens: Good God Man... that's awful! So Horseman have a certain stink to them.

Cowboy: Yes sir. Has something to do with riding with the horses and cleaning up after them... It's part of the job.

Shawn Owens: So Horseman are trained to deal with... well shit. Well Mr. Horseman... I know your a fan of the ECW just by your allowing me to be here, but I have to ask you... What do you think of the horseman?

Cowboy: The Horseman deserve respect... They've been in the business for a while... They pretty much run the ECW...

Shawn Owens: That's where your wrong... Dead Wrong. You see stepping into this match with The Horseman who by your own words call them selves stinky shit breeders, Well you see I am going to rock the very foundation of the Horseman. Worlds are gonna collide at Mayhem! Only the bigger and better will survive. You see pedro, I am The Real Deal, Shawn Owens. You do not get any classier... You can't get more technical... Then Shawn Owens. Put your money on the horseman for this match... That is why you live here on this hell hole of a ranch. You'd lose all your money in Vegas because you are the worst gambler on God's Green Earth! Shawn is going down to that ring, he's gonna throw a massive right, a fury of Lefts, and End it all with the Fireman's carry spun straight into Oblivion! Rock.... Hitman... Jeff... Angel, Let me explain to you exactly what Oblivion is. Oblivion is when everyone forgets your name... You fade from the history of the Earth. Oblivion is when noone remembers your glory. Oblivion is your end of days. Soon, The Horseman will know all about the Oblivion!

Shawn begins to walk away from the cowboy he just insulted. The Cow boy yells at Shawn, who in return just turns around and gives him the finger. Shawn turns back around and walks towards his car. The scene fades to black... and opens again with Shawn pulling into his home. He walks to his mail box and picks up his news paper. He unfolds it and reads as he walks inside his huge million dollar mansion. Shawn walks into the kitchen where sits the beatiful Amy Loah.

Shawn Owens: Hey Gorgeous.

Amy: Hey Handsome!

Shawn walks over to the table she is sitting at and gives her a quick kiss before sitting down across from her.

Shawn Owens: So has there been any more updates to my Match at Mayhem in Manchester?

Amy: Well Shawn, I got a call from our source and he says there is debate on who the sixth man in the match will be.

Shawn Owens: Well who are they debating over?

Amy: Well its either the DX reprasentative... or Davie J... or Your Brother Seth!

Shawn Owens: Seth! Not a bad choice... the boy has spunk... but Davie J... The Loser of Losers... The epitome... Hey Davie... take some advice from me... Shut the Hell Up. You bad mouth Angel, hell you seem to be obsessed with the guy. Then you talk about bringing back honor to the title... Any title you hold deserves to be burned and then buried with you holding the title still. You see Davie... You are nowheres near as good as you think you are... You are nowhere's near as entertaining as you think you are. Take where you think you are... which is high up there with the stars... Now lets talk reality... You plummit down to the Earth... Then we bury you 6 feet under... Your now where you belong! Thats where your at. Part of me wants you in this match so I can put you in your place... Yet the other part of me thinks you'd kill the match... Make it boring with the repetative slams... the running, and the bad maneuvers basically. Seth... Now that'd be interesting... Owens vs Owens... Brother vs Brother. Entertainer vs Entertainer... What ever the decision, Shawn Owens will walk out the next ECW... United States Champion.

Shawn folds up the newspaper and sets it down. The scene fades to black on the cover, which goes into detail about both Xstatic and Stacy Keibler.


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{Shawn "Sugar Daddy" Owens}