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:-: WWE Hulk Hogan :-:

:-: Scene :-:

*The scene opens up to a capacity crowd in the WWE arena. Move to the music plays loud on the P.A. and the fans all erupt with cheers like a roar of thunder shaking the arena. The camera pans the crowd and bounces around and then zooms in and then out of the ring. The scene then goes down to the announcer's table where Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler sit and sort through papers. Then all of the sudden on the titan tron a camera man wonders the hallways. Hulk Hogan appears in front of the camera with a gym bag in his hand. The crowd is heard erupting int he background. Hogan is wearing a Hulkamania shirt and jeans. He walks with a serious look on his face as he rubs his mustache with his free hand. The camera goes back to the arena to Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler.*

:-: Jim Ross :-:

"Well folks there is the man that we have all been anticipating for arriving here in the WWE since his last match at Raw where, he did indeed defeat Kurt Angle and Goldberg! And then out of nowhere the Rock, hit Hogan with a Rock Bottom! Not to mention the Rock Bottom that we all witnessed at the beginning of the show when Hogan came out to talk about the limousine accident, because he heard from reporters that it was The Rock that did the whole thing."

:-: Jerry "The King" Lawler :-:

"Well J.R. we did hear it from The Rock himself that he did not hit Hogan with the car. Hogan made it sound like The Rock did it on purpose to keep him out of the Title Match at Royal Rumble this Sunday. Hogan has been very angry around here and very testy since the accident with the limousine 2 weeks ago on Raw. The Rock came out here last week and made it clear that he does not like Hogan and he landed not one but two Rock Bottoms on him."

:-: Scene :-:

*The camera leaves the announcers table as the lights go out in the arena and the camera sweeps the crowd and then makes it's way up to the titantron where a camera backstage is catching footage. Hogan appears once again on the camera backstage in his room and he is on the phone with someone and just as the camera comes into the scene he hangs up the phone. He walks over to the opposite side of the room and grabs a couple of vitamins and a bottle of water and takes them. He then walks over to the door and looks out into the hall and The Rock is making his way down the hall with his back turned to him and Hogan with an evil look on his face keeps his cool. As The Rock's music hits the P.A. in the background Hogan wanders around his room and begins to speak.*

:-: Hulk Hogan :-:

"Well brother, Rock if you think that you are that badass dude, then I guess that me, you and all of the Hulkamaniac's will find out this Sunday at the Royal Rumble when I get to square up with you face to face in the ring and show you what all of the Hulkamaniac's already know and that is that Hulk Hogan is the best superstar in this business today, and I will continue that streak until the day I die brother! Rock, you came out here last week on Raw and you thought that you would try and show everyone just how big of a wuss you are! I came out here after hearing that it was you that ran me down 2 weeks ago on Raw and you decide to come down here and make a big statement to all of Hulk Hogan's Hulkamaniac's and Rock you should of known that they weren't going to listen to you brother. Then as Vince made his way down here and said that he wasn't gonna let it happen between me and you in that ring, I turned my back on you Rock because I didn't believe deep in my heart that you were like the rest of the gutless coward's in the back like, Goldberg, Jeff Hardy, Rick Flair. But I learned the hard way that as soon as I turned back around you were waiting. Brother, I knew that you were going to try something during my match on Raw, but I really thought that you had enough of me until Royal Rumble when I lay you down in the middle of that ring for the 1.2.3! But no, Rock you you didn't have enough did you brother? Well Rock, you are going to pay for your actions from Monday, this Sunday at the Royal Rumble when I become the first WWE World Champion!"

:-: Hulk Hogan :-:

"Now on to Triple H, brother, another one of the men that I will be facing this Sunday at the Royal Rumble for the WWE World Title, Triple H, brother, you want go out there in the ring and call out Hogan brother, that's not a very wise idea, because you need to understand something about Hulk Hogan, I maybe be older than most of you, but what you don't see is brother, I am more experienced in that ring than you and I knnow exactly what it takes to get that title as I have done it before. Triple H, you will see exactly what I am talking about this Sunday brother, another thing that you have against you is that all of the people out there, known as Hulkamaniac's want to see the gold brough home to us. I already stated that I am going to do whatever it takes to get this title for these Hulkamaniac's. Triple H, you want to talk about "The Game" and how everyone that you ever wrestle is just a player, well Triple H, sorry to tell ya brother but you have been beaten before and those players in the game weren't even near my talent of wrestler, I will play the game and I will win and prove you wrong when you say that everyone that tries to play the game will lose. That is the most false statement that Hulk Hogan has ever heard brother, you will see Triple H, I just wish that I could get you sooner, and prove to all of my Hulkamaniac's that I am the best player in the game and I have more experience than any player in the game. Brother, your manager is old news also, you are just dragging him through hell and back by making him walk on thos old rubber legs all the way down to the ring and back. Triple H, brother, I've got one question for you and for all of the contestants on Sunday! Whatcha' gonna do when Hulkamania's runnin wild on you?!?!"

:-: Scene :-:

*As Hulk Hogan finishes up his comments the camera moves around the room as Hulk Hogan grabs his water and his gym bag and starts mumbling to himself in his room. He walks over to the door and walks out. The camera makes it's way behind Hogan hoping to catch something exciting. Hogan is fired up and walking down the hallway. He looks to his right as he hears The Rock's music. The Rock comes walking backstage and does not see Hogan. Hogan looks over and takes off his sunglasses and takes a deep stare at the back of The Rock. The Rock walks off and Hogan gets on his Harley Davidson bike and speeds off burning rubber in the parking lot. The crowd erupts as the camera goes back to ringside and down to the announcer's table where Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler are sitting once again*

:-: Jerry "The King" Lawler :-:

"Well J.R. Hulk Hogan seems to be a very angry man with all of the circumstances and events that have been happening to him. I mean, he hasn't had a quiet week yet. He has been speared, Rock Bottomed, ran down by a limousine and now he is getting ready to wrestle in a four way for the World Title and I can't believe he hasn't had something happen to him already since Raw I mean it is unlike him to have 2 days in a row quietly!"

:-: Jim Ross :-:

"Well King you said it there, this man, Hulk Hogan has been a moving target ever since he joined this company and he has lived up to the expectations, pulling away with an undefeated record so far and hoping to push that record farther and gain a title this Sunday at Royal Rumble. Well, King all we can do is wait to hear from some more people here in the WWE to understand all of these events fully!"

:-: Scene :-:

*Camera fades out to a commercial*

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