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::: scene starts:::

shadow is seen walking down the halls of dwf.  Jr walks up to him and stops him.

Jr: Hey shadow welcome back to dwf, how does it feel to be back?

Shadow - It feels the same way it always felt, and that is good.  I like dwf i am glad i was rehired to be here once again.  This time i will become the undisputed champion again and be a very great one for that matter.  The last time i was here i was apart of the revolution but this time i think im going to be on my own for a while till i start taking names and kicking asses.  Then maybe try to win the tag belts so we dont have the same champions for a very long time because then it gets boring.  Not saying sully and malice werent that good of champions but think about it when they keep the belts and defend them 1 a year its pretty gay.  See when i had the undisputed belt as soon as i got it i gave one of the new commers a chance that he wanted to win it.  He almost beat me but i killed him and i bet i still could kill him right this day.  

Jr: wow that is great.  Do you think dwf is going to change or be the same?

Shadow - i think it will be the same and great just like it always is.

Jr: I checked the roster and you have a new finisher and new music why did you change all of that?

Shadow - Well i wanted a new finisher because the 187 was getting boring for me.  So i was listening to my music and it said 369 in there and i was like hey that would be sweet if i named my finisher that so i did and i changed my music to that because the song sounds good for me.

Jr: Well ill see you out in the ring if that is were you are going.

Shadow - yep see ya there.

....The arena goes dark and starts to flicker blue.....

-Get low- by lil jon and the eastside boyz plays-

as soon as the song lyrics say 369 shadow pops out of the enterence.

-shadow gets a huge pop from the fans-

Jr: Shadow is a great wrestler king.

King: Yes you are right jr.

shadow gets in the ring poses to the fans then he grabs a mic.

Finally i am back here were i belong in the dwf.  This place was great and i have alot of memorys with it.  So fans let me start this off with somthing i always use to say. Yo guess what time it is? ITS SHADOW TIME.  now if anyone in the back wants to try out the shadow ill steal a line from the rock Just bring it.  If you think you can take me and make my day try me because i will beat you so fast your head will spin and fall off and you will have to be like kurt angel and get neck surgury and you will be out for weeks and weeks and weeks.  As i sit and beat more and more people in this dwf ring as i have before. This is a new era of shadow and this will be the best and greatest one of all.  This time i will win the undisputed belt and keep it and continue wining it so i can say somthing like what booker t says. I am the 5 time 5 time wcw champion like that but it will be.  I am the 5 time 5 time dwf Undisputed champion.  That will sound really good dont you think? yeah i bet you do think it will sound good hell yeah i do.  But anyways its great being back and vince is a good owner of this place and im glad he decided to reopen it and let the rath of shadow come apon it once again.  Everyone in that locker rom will feel the fear that i bring when i step foot in the ring as soon as the bell makes a ding ding. Now that is all i have to say.  If Yaa... LIke it OR not SHADOW TIME IS COMMING APON U..

-gEt low plays as shadow leaves the ring-

shadow heads to the locker room.  He is walking out to his dodge viper to leave the building.

Security: Have a nice day shadow its good seeing you back.

Shadow - thank you, you have a good day to.

:::Scene Fades::::