ShadowDM's Pad

(ShadowDM is walking down the alley ways of his hometown Spokane,Washington...for the past few months DM has been out of UEF action..many wondered where he went...last we saw DM he was having a picnic with President Krash,Galuda,and Pod..after that DM vanished from the scene..hes now back..and Sunday Night he has a match against Xtreme Mohican for the Ironcore Title..the title that has slipped away from DM twice..but not this time..DM feels good...DM feels excited..DM feels good..and Sunday night..hes gonna walk out..a new he walks down the alleyway thoughts of him and Prometheus and Hellkat..and Christina ring thru his mind..he knows of their current situation..Christina having a love child with Scorp named Brandon...all the heels are now on one side and the faces on the other side...UEF Red vs UEF Blue..but what side is DM on?...last we knew DM was on the side of Stormbind..who were the top face group in the UEF...will he stay that way or will he go back to his roots and become the evil man he once he walks down the alley he looks up and notices something in the distance....suddenly everything around him look very very familiar..hes in his old neighborhood..and in the distance is his old childhood home..everything seems different now..the streets are dirty..the houses seem toys insight like there used to be...he conitinues walking..letting all the memories rush thru his head like a he nears his old home more and more memories fill his mind..back then he was happy...not like he is now..hes finally at his house..its beaten down now..the old fence is still up somehow..the dead leafs have piled up all over the front yard and weeds almost as big as him are all over the backyard...he opens the front gate and slowly walks in...suddenly he feels like hes pulled back in there..he is watching himself at 14 years old..moving from his home..his friends Leslie and Nick are standing outside his gate as he sits on the porch with his head lowered and all of his family members helping his mom and dad move their things out of his house..he remembers how he felt that day..just a week or 2 earlier his grandma had passed away..leaving him and his self esteem crushed like a pop can..and now he has to leave everything hes ever known..and go to a place hes only seen once..and didnt like..he walks over to his saddened self..he looks at himself and remembers all the feelings he was feeling that day..anger...saddness...confusion..thats the day his anger started to consume him...thats the day he regrets for the rest of his life...suddenly the scene fades away and hes left standing in the front the darkness with all the leafs..)

ShadowDM:...memories...good and bad...why must they curse me...why must this house curse me..why must everything i do curse me...*he sits down on the porch and lowers his head*...why did you have to die nana...why did i have to move...why did your corrupt my life GOD!?

(suddenly a girls voice calls out to him..he looks up and its his old friend Leslie..he stands up surprised)

ShadowDM:..L..Leslie?!..what are you doing here?

Leslie:...just wanted to catch up on some old memories..never thought i'd acually see an old memory

ShadowDM:..thats all i am now is an old memory eh

Leslie: well what did you expect? never called..or visited..hell you never even wrote were one of my best friends Jory

ShadowDM:..well what do you expect from me Leslie?..i was killed that day ok..i lost my nana..i lost my family..i lost my friends..i lost everything that was me..and i couldnt bare to even look a myself after that day

Leslie: listen to yourself make yourself sound pathetic..i know your used to be so full of life..where'd that go?

ShadowDM: it didnt go anywhere leslie..if you havent in the wrestling business a a world everything everyone wants to be..i may have been pathetic as a kid..but no longer

Leslie: i've know..Shelly and all the old gang have been talkin bout you..hell ever since you left they have...they miss you

ShadowDM: miss me my ass..they were all popular people..they just used me because i was smarter then all of them..if they really miss me like you say they do they wouldnt be sitting around here just talking..they would of....

Leslie: *interupts DM* how could they of gotten a hold of you? disappeared and never told any of us how to contact you

ShadowDM:..what do you want from me apology?...i think its alittle late for that

Leslie:...Jory...i cared for you..and i still do...and i missed you alot..and it broke my heart when i never heard from you...just...just pelase realize what this has done to us all all those people are in my past...i dont look at the past..i look at the future..and my future comprises of the UEF Ironcore want me to feel sorry for you and all of them..i wont..but i will apologize for the time thats not what i wanted to just ones perfect..not even me

Leslie:...listen..can we pick up where we left? bout you let me go with you to the arena so i can watch you face Xtreme Mohican...come on can come..just dont try to get invovled alright?

Leslie: i me *big smile*

(ShadowDM jumps off the porch and lands next to Leslie..he looks at her then turns away looking for a place to go...she grabs him by the wrist and leads him to Nicks house)

Leslie: remember Nick?

ShadowDM:..yea what happened to him?

Leslie: after you left he became insane and was thrown into a mental hospital for awhile..after he came back his mom started abusing him...after awhile he couldnt take it anymore..and he ran away...last time i saw him he came to visit me bout a year ago...apparently hes leading a nice life in Seattle as a sports commentator

ShadowDM:..always knew he was mentally unstable..oh well

(she grabs DM's wrist again and walks him to his former neighbors house)

ShadowDM: why do i feel like this is a DM version of "A Christmas Carol"?

Leslie: dunno..but remember Doug right?..well after you left he quit his job and just kinda disappeared..i heard he was supposed to visit you when you were 16 but he never showed...i dont know why he didnt but oh tell me excited bout tomorrow night?

ShadowDM: yea alittle bit..i mean having a title shot is cool and all but a hardcore Title?..i've only held one Hardcore Title my whole you know im not hardcore at all...oh gold hungry and a title is a title..and im goign agaisnt some guy named Xtreme Mohican...more like Xtremely sucks at think i wanna waste my time on a piece of trash like him? he holds a title i im gonna ahve to beat his ass and take the title thats been kept away from me soo many know...i've been going thru so much...wrestling almost every day....watching as my anger consumes me more and more...winning titles...going thru girlfriends like grape juice runs thru my opponents fat ass mamas...damn..i do miss my old life

Leslie: well you were quite the person back in the day Jory..always making jokes and always putting a smile on the faces of others..i miss those days

ShadowDM: now that i think bout it i do to...all those days before my grandma died were magical ones..i remember just chillin in the basement and listening to my Korn cd's and watching on as you and Nick played with the neighborhood kids...

Leslie: yep yep...Nick would always say something stupid though and scare the kids away

(they both laugh at that comment when suddenly a limo pulls up)

ShadowDM:..well..this is me

Leslie:..well..i'll cya at the event then right?

ShadowDM: yea...i'll see you then

(Leslie nods and goes jogging in the other direction as DM enters his limo and closes the door..the limo speeds off to the airport where DM will flight to Protocol to face Xtreme Mohican..this scene ends)

Kay's fed...check it out
