Miss Jackie

    Low Down on
    Name - Jackie
    Job - Wrestler / Manager
    Age - 24
    Weight - 132 lbs
    Height -
    Hair Color - Blonde
    Eye Color - Brown
    Martial Status - Married to The Game
    Alignment - None
    Stable - ???

    Signing with TNA

    Roleplay Info 
    Match - Jackie vs ???
    Stipulation - ???
    People Used - ??
    Event - Impact
    Roleplay Number - 2

  • b e a u t i f u l - s i n . n e t and dawn for banner

The Game & Jackie

The scene opens right after IMPACT goes off the air as the camera shows The Game and Jackie in there locker room sitting on the couch relaxing and talking.

Jackie: Babe you were great out there tonight. No you were awsome out there babe.

The Game: Thanks babe i kicked his ass and showed him who his the dominte couple on IMPACT.

Jackie: Yea we did babe. So what do you want to do babe to celebrate your win against chicken chocker.

The Game: Well for now can we just sit here babe and relax i hurt.

Jackie: Yea babe of course we can just relax anything for you.

The Game: Thanks babe.

Jackie: Where does it hurt babe?

The Game: My neck hurts a little so does my stomach.

Jackie: Ok babe hold on and i will make them better.

The Game: Ok babe

Jackie then kisses The Games neck a few times slowly after she kisses his neck she rubs his stomach.

Jackie: Does that feel better babe?

The Game: Yea babe taht does feel better alot better you know what i like.

Jackie: Yes i do babe. Do you want me to kiss your neck again?

The Game: Would you please babe?

Jackie: Anything for my man

The Game: Aww thank you babe.

Jackie: Your welcome babe

Jackie then kisses The Games neck once more to make it feel better.

The Game: Yea babe that feels alot better you know all the right spots.

Jackie: Yes i do babe.

After Jackie kisses The Games neck they relax and decide what they should do next.

The Game: Babe what do you want to do next? I just want to be with you babe.

Jackie: Well all i want is to be with you to babe so how about we just go home and relax and rest up

The Game: Ok babe i love that idea. I am ready when you are.

Jackie: I am ready babe.

The Game: Ok lets go babe

After The Game and Jackie decide what they are going to do Jackie then stands up and turns around and takes The Game hand and pulls him up slowly then Jackie pulls him in to her and kisses him on the lips as the sence cuts to a commerical break the camera shows The Game and Jackie kissing.

After the commerical break is over the camera shows The Game and Jackie in there limo heading back to the house while they are on there way back to the house they are in the limo relaxing and kissing when they are finished kissing the limo pulls up to there house as the limo driver steps out walks over and opens the door as Jackie steps out first after Jackie steps out The Game then steps out of the limo then the both of them walk up to the front door and The Game opens the door as Jackie walks in first then right behind her is The Game. When the both of them walk in the house The Game closes the door behind him and they talk about what to do next.

Jackie: Were fianlly home babe.

The Game: Yea i am so glad to be home with my babe

Jackie: What do you want to do next?

The Game: Just relax and be with you babe.

Jackie: Thats all i want to do babe. Should we go on the couch and relax.

The Game: Yea babe that sounds good to me

The Game and Jackie then walk over to the couch when they get to the couch The Game sits on the couch so does Jackie when they sit on the couch Jackie moves closer to The Game then The Game kisses her on the lips Jackie kisses The Game on the lips. The Game then puts Jackie on his lap as Jackie starts to rub his chest The Game starts to kiss Jackie's neck.

Jackie: Oh babe you know what i like.

The Game: Yea babe i know you love it

The Game then kisses her neck once more after The Game kisses her neck Jackie starts to kiss The Game softly on the lips and neck.

The Game: Babe that feels good thats the perfect spot. You know all the right spots babe.

Jackie: Yes i do babe.

The Game: I love you babe.

Jackie: I love you to babe.

As the scene goes to a commerical break the camera shows The Game and Jackie walking upstairs to bed to go to sleep.

Scene 2( Next Day)

The scene opens the next morning with The Game and Jackie awake and laying in bed as they are laying in bed they start to kiss for a minute or two then the both of them start to talk about what they are going to do for the day.

The Game: Babe what should we do today?

Jackie: Well for the day babe i don’t know but right now i am going to go get dressed for today.

The Game: Babe i was thinking of getting up and getting dressed so lets get dressed together ok babe.

Jackie: That sounds like a good idea babe.

Jackie and The Game then go in the bathroom and get dressed when they get done getting dressed The Game and Jackie walk out of the bathroom looking hot and sexy the both of them then start to talk about what to do for the rest of the day.

The Game: So babe what should we do the rest of the day?

Jackie: Well we could go shopping and get some kick ass out fits.

The Game: That sounds good to me what ever you want i just want to be with my babe today.

Jackie: Ok then lets go shopping for awhile.

The Game and Jackie then walk closer to each other then they kiss after they kiss the both of them walk down stairs to the front door and then Jackie gets on her shoes first after Jackie does then The Game gets on his shoes when they get there shoes on The Game opens the front door and opens it for Jackie after Jackie walks out the front door The Game then walks out the front door he then shuts it behind him as the scene goes to a commerical break the camera shows The Game and Jackie walking to there limo and stepping in the limo.

When the commerical comes to a close the camera shows The Game and Jackie in there limo on there way to the mall while they are in the limo they contiue to talk.

Jackie: This is going to be a great day babe.

The Game: Yea it will because i am with you.

Jackie: I love it how you like doing the same things as me

The Game: Of course babe i love shopping with you

Jackie: Where should we go first?

The Game: Well we can go where ever you want to go? This is our day together so you pick where we go first.

Jackie: Well lets go to the lingerie place

The Game: Ok and get you some sexy lingerie

Jackie: Yea babe extcly right

The Game and Jackie then walk to the lingerie place where the both of them walk in the store when the both of them walk in the store they start to walk around as Jackie looks around when she finds a sexy out fit she then asks The Game what he thinks.

Jackie: Babe what do you think of this on me?

The Game: Well lets go try it on you to see if it fits but it looks sexy anything on you looks hot and sexy on you babe.

Jackie: Aww thank you babe. So should i buy this one?

The Game: Oh yea babe get that one.

Jackie then walks up and buys the lingerie after Jackie buys the lingerie her and The Game then walk out of the store and then they decide where to go next.

Jackie:So babe where should we go next?

The Game: We could just walk around or go get something to eat.

Jackie: Yea babe lets get something to eat.

The Game: Where should we go then babe?

Jackie: Well lets get a pizza and eat that.

The Game: Thats fine by me babe what ever you want to do.

Jackie and The Game then walk over to this small pizza joint where The Game opens the door for Jackie when Jackie walks in The Game then walks in the both of them then wait to be seated while they are waiting to be seated they start to talk.

Jackie: Babe this so much fun being with you today.

The Game: Babe i love being with you and not worring about nothing.

Jackie: Yea babe i love being with you and not worring about IMPACT at all right now.

The Game: What kind of pizza should we have babe?

Jackie: Lets have pepperoni.

The Game: Ok babe that sounds good to me.

When they get done talking they are then being seated when they get seated the waiter starts to take there order.

Waiter: Hi what would you like to drink tonight?

The Game: I would like a water

Waiter: And for the lady

Jackie: I would like a water also.

Waiter: Ok two waters coming right up.

While they both wait for there drinks they contiune to talk

Jackie: Babe last Thursday everyone was shocked about what we did on GAME ON.

The Game: Yea it seems like we always get the same question over and over.

Jackie: Yea i know and its starting to get old. if anyone ask that again i am going to slap that person.

The Game laughs

The Game: Now babe you know as well as i do that we dont just slap them we kick there ass so just leave who ever ask that alone andyou can take your anger out on Stormy.

Jackie smiles then kisses The Game.

Jackie: Ok babe i can wait because she will get a ass kicking.

The Game: Yea thats for sure

The Game then leans over and kisses Jackie on the lips. After The Game kisses Jackie on the lips the waiter then comes over and brings there drinks then speaks to them again

Waiter: Are you ready to order now?

Jackie: Yes we are.

Waiter: What would you like to eat?

Jackie: We would like a meduim pepperoni pizza.

Waiter: Is that all?

The Game: Yes that is all so now go get our food ready and bring to us.

When the waiter walks away to go get there food ready The Game and Jackie then smile at each other and start to kiss for a few minutes then the waiter comes back with there food and as the sence goes to a commerical break the camera shows The Game and Jackie getting pizza.

When the commerical break comes to an end the camera shows The Game standing up and walking over to Jackies chair and pulling it out then Jackie stands up when Jackie stands up her and The Game then walk over to the cashier and pay for the pizza and other stuff when they leave the pizza joint a fan comes up to them and asks them a question.

Fan: Game and Jackie i am your #1 fan but i got a question for you?

Jackie & Game: Ok ask away.

Fan: Why did you both do what you did to Stormy on Thursday night?

Jackie & Game: Listen just wait until we go to the IMPACT ZONE and give our expliantion then you and everyone else will understand why we did what we did.

After the fan walks away The Game and Jackie start to walk around the mall and contiune to talk.

Jackie: See babe i told you now i have to kick that bitchs ass.

The Game: Dont worry babe you will get the chance. Just calm down babe.

Jackie: Ok babe i am not worried i know i will get to kick her ass soon.

The Game then pulls her close to him and kisses her on the lips.

Jackie: Babe you know what i love.

The Game: Yea i do babe. Do you feel better now babe?

Jackie: I feel much better babe. Could we leave i just want to relax with you before we go to the IMPACT ZONE and deal with all that bull crap.

The Game: Yea we can babe i was hoping you would say that because i wanted to leave anyways and just relax in our limo.

Jackie: I am ready babe when you are.

The Game: I am ready babe.

The Game and Jackie then walk out of the mall and in to there limo when they get in to there limo they go to there house The Game then puts Jackie on his lap when Jackie is on The Game lap they start to kiss for a few minutes then they both smile at each other after they smile at each other Jackie kisses The Game lips after Jackie kisses The Game on the lips.

The Game: Babe you know what i love.

The Game then kisses Jackie on the neck.

Jackie: Babe i love it when you do that.

The Game: I know thats why i do it because you love it so much.

When they finish talking there limo pulls up to the house when the limo comes to a full stop the limo driver opens the door as The Game and Jackie then step out of the limo when they step out of the limo the both of them walk up to there front door and The Game then opens the front door as Jackie and The Game then walk in the front door The Game then closes the front door as they talk about what to do next.

The Game: Babe now that we are fianlly home what should we do next?

Jackie: Babe you know what i want to do babe

The Game: Yea i know you want to go up to our bed room.

Jackie: Thats right babe thats what i want to do.

The Game: Well babe i think thats a great idea lets go.

Jackie: I am ready when you are babe.

The Game: I am ready now

Jackie: Ok babe lets go up then.

When the sence goes to a commerical break the camera shows the both of them walking upstairs to there bed room.

When the scene comes back from the commerical break the camera shows The Game walking in there bed room when they walk in there bed room The Game and Jackie then sit on the couch and begin to kiss for a few minutes when they finish kissing they begin to talk

Jackie: Well babe i am going to go put on this new lingerie we got me today ok babe.

The Game: Ok babe i will be here waiting for you.

Jackie then goes in the bathroom and changes in to her new lingerie while The Game gets out of his sweat paints and goes down to his boxers and t shirt after The Game gets down to his boxers Jackie then asks for The Game to come to the bathroom.

Jackie: Babe would come to the bathroom i need some help zipping this up?

The Game: Yea babe i will help you i am coming right now.

Jackie: Thanks babe

The Game: Anything for my babe

The Game then walks over to the bathroom door and opens it and then he walks in and starts to help her zip the back of the linarge up after The Game helps her zip it up they start to kiss in the bathroom while they kiss they talk a little bit

The Game: Babe you are sexy in this hot lingrine.

Jackie: Thanks babe. You look sexy in those boxers

The Game: Thanks babe

Jackie and The Game contiune to kiss and talk

Jackie: Babe lets go lay on the bed.

The Game: Yea babe lets go i love that idea babe

The Game then takes jackies hand and Jackie shuts off the light as they walk over to the bed The Game pulls open the covers as Jackie lays in the bed first when Jackie lays down then The Game lays down in the bed close to her Jackie then pulls up The Game shirt and puts her hand on his chest while her hand is on his chest her head is on his shoulder and as the scene cuts to a commerical break the camera shows the both of them kissing.

Part 2(Scene 3 The Next Day)

The sence opens with he Game waking up after a moment or two Jackie then wakes up The Game then kisses her on the lips good moring. they then start to talk

The Game: Good morning babe. Did you sleep good?

Jackie: Good morning babe. I slept great because i was by my babe. Did you sleep good.

The Game: I slept good also because i was right by my babe.

Jackie: What should we do today babe?

The Game: It dont matter to me i just want to be with you.

Jackie: Well i just want to be with you also but if we had to do something we better go to the IMPACT ZONE and expline why we did what we did so everyone quits asking us why we did what we did to her.

The Game: Ok babe you are right we should go do that today so after we get dressed and everything maybe we should go.

Jackie: Babe i think its for the best.

The Game: Ok then babe thats what we will do.

Jackie: Lets go get dressed first babe.

The Game: Yea babe lets go get dressed.

The Game and Jackie then stand up walk over and get what they are going to wear for the day then they walk in the bathroom and shut the bathroom door as the snce goes to a commerical the camera shows the bathroom door closed and them getting changed

When the sence comes back from the commerical break the camera shows The Game and Jackie grabing there bags by the front door when they pick up there bags The Game then opens the front Door for Jackie as Jackie walks out she then turns around with a big smile on her face as The Game then walks out the front door when the both of them walk out the front door The Game closes it behind him and right before they walk to there limo they kiss then they walk to there limo when they get to there limo the limo driver opens the limo door and holds it open while Jackie steps in the limo then The Game steps in right behind her when the both of them get in the limo they start to talk while on there way to the IMPACT ZONE.

Jackie: Babe i cant wait to tell everyone why we did what we did to Stormy on Thursday night.

The Game: Yea me to everyone will shut up and quit asking us also.

Jackie: Yea thats for sure and they will be shocked why we did it also.

The Game: Oh yea babe they will but we dont give a dman what people think.

Jackie: No we dont babe.

When The Game and Jackie finish talking then the camera breaks to the IMPACT ZONE where Don and Mike begin to talk.

Mike: Don the word is that The Game and Jackie are on there way to the IMPACT ZONE tonight.

Don: Yea thats the word around the locker room.

Mike: Everyone is still in a buzz at what they did last Thursday on GAME ON.

Don: Yea that was just i am lost for words.

Then the camera all of a sudden breaks out to the parking lot area where a long black limo pulls up to the IMPACT ZONE when the limo comes to a complete stop the limo driver walks over and opens the limo door and then Jackie steps out of the limo first she then turns around and watchs The Game step out of the limo as the sence cuts to a commerical break the camera shows The Game and Jackie walking in to the IMPACT ZONE.

When the commerical break is over the camera shows The Game and Jackie walking in to the IMPACT ZONE when they get in to the IMPACT ZONE they walk down the hallway to there locker room when they get to there locker room The Game then opens the door as Jackie walks in the locker room when Jackie walks in The Game walks in the locker room right after her when the both of them are in the locker room they set there bags down and sit on the couch and begin to talk.

Jackie: Babe tonight is the night when we tell everyone why we turned our backs on Stormy

The Game: Yea and i cant wait to tell them all some might like it some might not.

Jackie: Yea babe thats for sure. I am ready to go out there when you are.

The Game: I am ready babe.

Jackie: Ok then lets go babe

After they get done talking the both of them stand up and The Game grabs a bottle of water out of the mine fridge then he opens the door and holds it open for Jackie as she walks out of it first The Game then walks out of the locker room when the both of them walk out of the locker room Jackie then shuts the door and as the sence cuts to a commerical break the camera shows The Game and Jackie walking down the hallway towards the IMPACT ARENA.

When all the commericals are over the camera then cuts out in to the IMPACT ARENA when the camera shows the crowd in troanto then all of a sudden you hear TIME TO PLAY THE GAME blast all though out the arena then out comes on to the ramp way The Game and Jackie as they walk out on to the ramp The Game then takes a drink of water and then he spins Jackie around once as they start to walk down to the ring The Game then spits out the water then the both of them walk down the ramp holding hands when they get to the end of the ramp The Game stands there for a moment while looking around while Jackie walks over to the steps then The Game starts to walk over to one side of the ring while he is walking he takes one last drink of water then throws the bottle in to the crowd while Jackie walks up the steps and in to the ring The Game then stands on the floor for a moment then he climbs up on the apron walks to the center of the apron The Game then looks side to side he then sprays out all the water with Jackie in the ring watching her man The Game then steps in the ring walks over to one side of the ring climbs up on the middle turnbuckle and taunts at the crowd when he is done taunting he climbs down walks over and grabs a micophone off one of the chairs in the ring and begins to speak to the crowd in Toranto

The Game: Now babe hold on before we get started i have a question?

Jackie: Ok babe what is it.

The Game: Now it seems like every damn time we come up to Toranto or for that matter Canada they like us but when we are in america they hate us why is that?

Jackie: I am not sure babe. Maybe this people actually respect us and they know we are great.

The Game: I dont know we will see if they like us when we tell them our exptlaion.

Jackie: Yea we will babe. Before we do that lets ask them what they think of us not that we care it just seems like they cherr for us.

The Game: Ok babe we can do that.

Jackie& Game: What do you people think of us?

Fans go crazy.

The Game: Well babe they like us and cheer for us.

Jackie: Yea were dman superised they do seeing as what we did to Viper.

The Game: Ok but anyways now the real reason why we are out here.

Jackie: Yes now you all know we have a show called GAME ON well we would like to show a viedo package from our last edition of GAME ON.

After Jackie finishs talking they show a one or two minute viedo package from last Thursday then when the viedo package is over Jackie goes back to talking.

Jackie: Well for the past few days we have been getting the same dman question and we are sick of it to and just so you know in a bit there will be another edition of GAME ON but babe why dont you tell them why we turned our backs on Stormy.

The Game: Babe i would be happy to tell them. Now as you saw on the video package what we did you all want to know why well here is why. We turned our backs on Stormy and Sting for that matter because they were starting to think they run rough shot on IMPACT and we had enough of it and besides they had egos the size of texas.

Jackie: Anyways Sting and Stormy you quit being our friends when Game here was out and didn’t be sure i was ok and safe so look what happens payback is a bitch

The Game: Yea you both didnt protect Jackie thats when you turned on us and only cared about your self thats when you both made it personal now moving on enough about those two assholes earlier we said there would be another editon of GAME ON and that is right now so babe would you interdouce this person.

Jackie: Yes i would babe now this person is the curennt World Champion and faces The Rock this Sunday night at Bound For Gloary it is the UnderTaker so UnderTaker come out and join us on GAME ON

Then all of a sudden UnderTakers music blast though the arena then UnderTaker walks out to the IMPACT arena after UnderTaker walks out to the ramp he then walks down the ramp when UnderTaker gets to the end of the ramp he walks over to the steps and walks up to the top step and stops and then raises his arms has the lighs begin to come back on UnderTaker then steps in the ring walks over and grabs the micophone off the chair and starts to listen to what The Game and Jackie have to say.

Jackie& Game: First off UnderTaker welcome to GAME ON.

UnderTaker: Thanks for having me on the show. I have to admit i watch this show i think its really cool.

Game& Jackie: Well thank you UnderTaker

Jackie: Now we called you out to GAME ON because since you became champion you have impressed us.

UnderTaker: Really i have?

The Game: Yea UnderTaker you have you have beat everyone who has got in your way.

Jackie: Yea but babe there is one person he has not beat?

The Game: Whos that babe?

Jackie: Well thats our friend The Rock. So UnderTaker how will you beat Rock?

UnderTaker: Well he is another easy challange in my way.

The Game: Oh really is that true UnderTaker?

UnderTaker: Yea it is.

The Game: Well i hate to say it but you are going to get your ass kicked.

UnderTaker: What did you just say?

The Game: You heared me you stupid ass

UnderTaker: You better watch your self before you go on the hit list.

Jackie: Now hold on UnderTaker we have a superise guest for you and for everyone else to see so would the superise guest please come out.

Then all of a sudden you hear The Rocks music blast though out the IMPACT arena then out comes The Rock from the backstage area as he walks out to the ramp way he looks down at the ring then he starts to walk down the ramp when he gets to the end of the ramp Rock then walks up the steps and steps in to the ring when The Rock is in the ring he grabs the micophone and begins to listen to Jackie and The Game.

Jackie & Game: Welcome back to GAME ON Rock

The Rock: Thanks for having me again.

Jackie: Now Rock UnderTaker is right here.

The Rock: Yea so Deadman you think you can beat me

UnderTaker: Actually i know i can.

Jackie& Game: Now Deadman your nothing our friend The Rock is going to kick your ass on Sunday.

then all of a sudden they all drop there micophones as The Game gets Jackie in a safer spot for a minute then all of a sudden UnderTaker trys and takes a cheap shot at The Rock but Rock comes back with a few punchs while outside the ring Jackie gets The Game a sledgehammer and rolls it in to him then The Game picks it up while Rock and UnderTaker contiune to fight The Game then takes his sledgehammer and hits UnderTaker in the ribs after he hits him in the ribs The Game then blast him in the head as UnderTaker is knocked out cold Jackie then walks back in to the ring and then the both of them say something to UnderTaker.