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..::( Brock Lesnar's Information )::..

Roleplay Number 88


Brock's Record 88

Wins: 0 - Lost: 0 - Drawn: 0

Next For The F-5 88

Anyone in the way!

Beaten Opponents 88

None Yet

Career Achievements 88

None Yet

..::( Layout Disclaimer )::..

Yo it'z like this. Paul Winslow made this layout for some other dude and then gave it to me to use. If you dont like it then get the hell outta here.

- Scene -

//Forward\\ Last weekened was WME Insurextion. A great night live from the United Kingdom. The superstars that were there layed it all on the line and gave the British audience one hell of a show. And now Raw this Monday should be ver interesting to watch. The King of The Ring qualifiers start this week. Eight matches is all Raw will have next Monday, and all of them are qualifiers. 16 guys from Raw have a shot to become King of The Ring! Who will win it? But don't forget that 16 Smackdown superstars also have the chance to win. Will Smackdown get even and settle the score? Or will Raw prove once again that they are the better brand. You will have to watch to find out!

~!~ Scene 1 ~!~ The wme opens up live from the American Airlines Arena in Miama Florida. A stretch limo pulls up to the parking lot. They drive up to the doorway area and the driver gets out. The driver is a short stocky man in a navy blue suit. He opens the door. Out first our two enormous legs. Then the face is shown and it is Brock Lessnar! Brock steps out of the limo and hands the driver a 20 dollar bill. The driver then opens up the trunk and hands Brock his bags. Brock takes his bags and starts to walk towards the door. Out come two young men that are there to help Brock. Brock sets the bags down and greets them.

'Here Comes The Pain' Brock Lessnar Hey There guys. Whats up?

'Lugage Carrier' Nothing Mr. Lessnar. How was your flight?

'Here Comes The Pain' ' Brock Lessnar 'Oh it was good, real good. Call me Brock please.

'Lugage Carrier' Ok then Brock, can I assist you to your locker room?

'Here Comes The Pain' ' Brock Lessnar 'Yeah sure buddy. Man it's been a while since I been in a wrestling locker room. Might feel a little weird at first.

'Lugage Carrier' Oh I'm sure you will fit right in. We gave you the best locker room in the place.

'Here Comes The Pain' ' Brock Lessnar ' Well hell thats real nice of you guys. Why did you do that for me?

'Lugage Carrier' Well it's your big return Brock. Everyone knows that, so we have to treat you with the best of respect. Welcome back!

'Here Comes The Pain' ' Brock Lessnar 'Thanks. Yeah I guess I have been gone for a lil bit. Some shit has hit the fan since I been gone to. I mean Matt Hardy was the champion and now Sean O'haire is! Seems like they are just giving the belt to these losers. But now everythings alright. I'm back and better then ever!

'Lugage Carrier" Well here we are. Your locker room. Enjoy the show tonite Brock.

'Here Comes The Pain' ' Brock Lessnar ' Thanks a lot man. Heres a 20, go have a good nite on the town. I have some things to do here tonight. If I were you I would stick around to see it!

'Luggage Carrier' Oh don't worry, I wouldnt miss it for the world. Bye Brock.

'Here Comes The Pain' ' Brock Lessnar ' Nice Guy. It's about time I get treated with some damn respect around here. And after tonite everyone will respect me. Some crazy shit has been going on lately. Sean O'haire is the wm2k1 champion. That is bizzare. But what is even more bizzare is that Brock Lessnar is not even in the King of The Ring tournament. There is no doubt that I am getting screwed. So I am back now, and I will make a huge impact once again. I am one of the biggest men to ever step foot in a ring. I am Brock Lessnar and for whoever gets in my way. HERE COMES THE PAIN!