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“We got a great cut this time don’t you think?”

A vaguely familiar voice is heard as the shot opens and Sadist is seen, hes wearing a pair of pink pleather pants, a blue button up silk shirt, and a pair of neon red shoes. He smiles at Rune whos standing at his side and looking up at him wearing a black leather skirt and a faded old t-shirt with some old logo on it. He smiles as his green nails flip through the green dollars in his hands counting what both he and Rune earned in the last week. He counts over it and looks at her.

“Yes good cut good cut indeed, let this be a lesson Rune winners always prosper, then again you don’t have to worry about that you’re not a loser and I by far am not a loser. Now back to the situation at hand.”

They both in front of a counter with a shopping cart filled with all sorts of hardware. Duct Tape, Scissors, screw drivers, hammers, nails, screws. Rope, electric tape, wire, drill bits, bbs, and spray paint ECT… He smiles at the man behind the counter his red lips stick bringing out the glittery make up hes wearing. He runs a hand through Rune’s hair..

“How much did you say I owe you?”

The man behind the counter, an older looking gentlemen wearing over alls and a base ball cap, stares back at Sadist a bit confused never ever seeing a man quite like this in his life he wonders why in the hell would anyone want this one hardware, especially a man that looks like him.


Sadist counts the money to himself and then takes what he needs out and wads the rest into Rune shirt she looks up at him and smiles he licks his lips slowly and turns his attention to the clerk and pays him they both walk out of the hard ware store and begin walking down the street.

”Its always good to have things laying around, especially things like this you never know when you’ll need to tie some one up and beat them sense less…”

Sadist looks around wondering who he should do it to when something catches his eye. He stops and begins to look at his reflection bouncing off a store window. He smiles running his tongue over the top of his lip and adjusting his silver tipped hair as he watches himself infatuated.

“So nice….”

Rune stops and looks into the window… speechless… as always

“Whats next for me anyways?”

Sadist looks at Rune as if awaiting an answer instead of getting an answer she just signals him and he shrugs.

”No matter I’m sure they are no where as wonderful as I am when it comes to being well wonderful? What do you think Rune are they as good as me? Are they as good as me?”

Rune shakes her head from back then to right they turn the corner and Sadist smiles and pulls keys out of his pocket and looks at Rune.

”This car we got sure does match our personality.”

The two stop and stare at there car. Sadist smiles looking over the black neon they got.

”Still we could do a lot better, however lets not think about it lets get going okay. Put the hardware away.”

Rune heads toward the trunk and Sadist grabs her shoulder.

”HEY remember we got the special cargo in the trunk; put it in the back seat dear.”

Rune nods and begins to throw the stuff in the back seat carelessly not giving a crap if she breaks anything, either that or not knowing that the stuff may break. Sadist shrugs and walks over to the driver side of the car he climbs in and a loud bump from the back of the car is heard. Sadist looks over at Rune.

”I think that… our special cargo can use some new duct tape.”

Rune nods and grabs the duct tape she climbs out of the car and the drunk opens a mumbling noise is heard as well as the unmistakable noise of duct taped being pulled and ripped. Sadist smiles when the trunk smashes back down and Rune comes and sits down next to him, he looks at her and points at her shirt.

”You got a red spot on you’re shirt, looks like you weren’t very careful.”

Rune looks down and then takes her finger and daps the spot she licks it slowly and Sadists grins thinks to himself as he starts the car and begins to drive it off.

”Seriously though Rune the entire thing with who I’m fighting is bothering me…. Well it a little bit actually its in the back of my mind. I would just like to know who it is, I remember I heard him saying something about me… who can blame him I say things about my self all the time. “

Sadist rubs the wheel of the car as he spins it turning the car. ”He said something that he couldn’t find the definition to the word Sadist, he was trying to figure out why anyone would call themselves Sadist…. Well my thing is why not? My name is Sadist that’s who I am I am wonderful I’m special I’m the best thing you’ll ever see. Disagree well then you’re a fool aren’t you? The fact is Rune everyone in this wrestling company has never ever seen a pair like us. You and I, me and you.. SADIST and Rune.. No one has ever seen anyone like you, and more importantly like me!”

Sadist continues to drive the car thinking hard to himself about who said those things about him. He remembers all the crap he said he just cant match the name with the face.

“Said I was disturbing, why am I disturbing? Don’t want me to put my hands on you don’t want me to put you into a hold or to perhaps just hold you in a hold. Pain…. Oh sweet wonderful pain yes I could see this man in pain… what is his name?"

Sadist rubs his tongue over his lips pouting them at the mirror as he looks at himself paying no attention to the road. Rune and him don’t even seem to care as they speed through traffic.

“A love object? Does he want to be my love object?”

Sadist rubs the leg of Rune sensually.

”Love is something I am willing to give to 1 and many, for me Love is like jello… there is always room for more and if someone wants to become a love object… all they gotta do is ask all they gotta do is give themselves to me… do you want to give yourself to me… or do I got to take it?”

Sadist stares into the mirror as he drives watching his cold eyes…

“Cause I will take it among several things. I’ll take this match, I’ll take you, I’ll take this federation I’ll take it all everything you ever known I’ll take! Its sweet though that this guy wants me to dress nice for my loss… though it will be him losing I don’t mind taking that advice.”

Sadist pulls out a tube of Max Factor Lips stick and stops!

”That’s his name! Maxwell DiMara! What a nice man he is wanting me to look all prop and pretty for him in our match, perhaps he wants my love. Well it don’t matter to me because I will beat him and look good at the same time, he’ll learn something that many already know when it concerns Sadist I not only look good when I do it but I look good all the time!”

The car is seen pulling over in the middle of a dirt road in an isolated area some where. Sadist and Rune climb out of the car.

“Yea perfect heh. That’s funny to me because perfection is just a misled idea that you’re puny mind lets you perpetuate among yourself, but when you come to the ring I’ll teach you that though you think you’re perfect, Sadist is flawless at everything, so you might want to be the one who dresses good because me and you seem to have a date.”

Sadist winks

”And its always good to make a first impression…”

Sadist looks at Rune as she opens the trunk she begins to pull something out of the trunk Sadist looks over at her and begins to walk in her direction as the shot fades.