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[ A Video Hyping the match between Test and Cena is played before the Wildside Video. 'Figure.09' by Linkin' Park begins to play on the Tron as a glass shatter occours breaking the WWA logo and showing the WWA Wildside entrance video. A pyro explosion occours. It starts at the Top of the stage and goes to the side of the ramp and it quits. After doing so the ring shoots up tons of Pyro from the turnbuckles. The Cameras go around looking at tons of fans everywhere in the arena. ]

Bobby Robertson - "Ladies and GEnts, welcome to the forst edition of WWA WILDSIDE!!! Tonight we have a With numorous debuts, great matches, and a HUGE announcement."

Elizabeth Page - "Indeed we do Bobby. Tonight we'll see Test take on John Cena! A huuuuge triple threat match, Sean 'O Haire vs. Kane and more!"

Ring Announcer - "Ladies and gentleman, the following contest is a Triple Threat Bra and Panties Elimination match for the WWA Women's Championship!"

[ Time to Rock N' Roll hits. The arena falls dark as a giggling is heard. A pyro explosion occours on stage. Trish Stratus begins to walk out and the crowd erupts! She walks to the ring and gets in it. Next, 'Legs' begins to play as Stacy Keibler comes walking to the ring, being cheered as well. The arena falls dark again. 'I'm All Grown Up,' hits over the P/A system. Stephanie McMahon begins to walk down the ramp and is getting cheered oout of the arena. She slides in the ring and the bell rings as the ref holds the belt in the air. ]

Elizabeth Page - "Oooh.... Trish and Stephanie getting locked up there. Stephanie just slapped Trish to hell and back..."

Bobby Robertson - "Stacy kicks Stephanie in the gut, she hooks hear head, and ooohh what a nice DDT. Stacy's back up again, as is Trish. Stacy with the Clostheline but misses. And Trish hits a huge German suplex on Stacy. Trish picks her up again, scoop slam By Trish. She turns around, SMAAAAAAAAAAACK... Stephanie just cracked Trish in the head with a chair!!! Isn't that illegal?!!?!"

Elizabeth Page - "No, Bobby. The ref is just there to watch. Ouch! Stephanie with another chair shot."

[ Stacy gets up. Stephanie turns around, and Stacy spins around as Stephanie lifts the chair up. SMAAAACK! Stacy kicked the chair into Steph's face with a beautiful Spinning Kick. Stacy Picks Stephanie up. And kicks her in the gut. WOOOOOOO!!! The crowd shouts as Stacy slaps the chest of Stephanie McMahon. WOOO!! She does it Again, backing Steph into the Corner. Stephanie turns the tables by reversing the slap. WO...Trish Rolls Stephanie up, She de-Pants Stephanie! ]

Bobby Robertson - "Ahhhh! The joys of thongs!. Sorry...." [ He Shrugs. ] " Stacy's up top. She grabs Trish's throat and lifts her into the air, Chocking her to death."

Elizabeth Page - "A nice hangmans chokelift by Stacy Keibler. She releases it and stands on the ropes. She jumps off....Beautiful missle dropkick by Stacy Keibler on Stephanie McMahon. She picks her up again. She DDT's her into the chair!!! Stacy's getting out of the ring, She looks under the ring... And she pulls a trash can! She's sliding in the ring now. Trish turns around....and Stacy puts it over Trish's head. She slams her down on Stephanie! You know Bobby, Stacy has become one vicious chick!"

Elizabeth Page - "Indeed she has Liz."

[ Stacy Pulls The top off of Stephanie! The ref rings the bell! She's outa here! Stacy picks Trish up again, She spins around Rapidly lifting her leg at the same time, Trish ducks, and does 'The Matrix,' She stands up, CRRAAAAACK! A chick kick by Trish Stratus. Stacy's top is off! The crowd erupts. Trish picks Stacy back up, both a little wobbley, the exchange right hands, Stacy gets the upper hand and DDT's Trish. Stacy walks over to the ropes. She hops on them bounces off and does a spinning leg lariat, she misses. Trish is back up, She takes Stacy's head....STRATUSFACTION! Trihs and Stacy both lay out. Trish walks over to Stacy and triese to rip her pants off. Trish gets picked up by the REAL Stacy from behind. She kicks Trish in the stomach, and DDTs her into the ground. She pulls off Trish's top and the crowd sends out a mixed reaction of noise. ]

Elizabeth Page - Stacy Keibler wasn't lying when she said she'll do anything to win the championship!

Bobby Robertson - "Indeed Liz. I mean, look, Stacy had a fake play most the match and then from under the ring the real Stacy came out! You must addmit, that was pretty darn clever!!! It won her the gold...."

Ring Announcer - "Ladies and Gentleman, the winner of this contest and new WWA Women's Champion, Stacy Keibler!"

[ Stacy hold the belt in the middle of the ring with both Stephanie and Trish Stratus laid at her feet! She rolls out of the ring and walks up the stage. She blows a kiss to the crowd and they erupt as she walks backstage. ]

[ Medal hits the P.A. System as the ground suddenly stands to their feet and cheer the Olympic Champion. Kurt Angle walks out and on the stage, he spins around falls to his knees. He holds his arms out in joy. He stands up and Turns around several times as Red, White, and Blue Pyro shoots up on the entrance stage. He begins to walk to the ring slapping all the hands he can. He slides in the ring, and spins several more times as more pyro poors from the turnbuckles. He gets a mic and listens to the crowd chanting 'ANGLE! ANGLE! ANGLE!' ]

Elizabeth Page - "Bobby, their stands, perhaps one of the greatest wrestlers in the world today! Kurt Angle!"

Bobby Roberston - "I can't argue with you there Elizabeth. This man has paid his dues, and has become a Wrestling Idol world wide."

Kurt Angle - "WOOOOOOOO!!!!! Man, it's great to be back!"

[ The crowd continues with cheers. ]

Kurt Angle - "I mean, look at this place! The World Wrestling Alliance! There is no place better... and when I say that, I mean it... You see, unlike Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon actually cares about these great ALL-AMERICAN fans!!!! You see, unlike the WWE, the WWA, is full of suprises, great superstars, who'm were being wasted in the federation called the WWE. The WWA is my new home, and it will continue to be my home until I die....!"

[ The crowd begins the 'Angle,' chant again. ]

Kurt Angle - "Now, I came here desperate...Thriving for my chance to become the First WWA champion, and that's why I'm here. I'm not here to please you people anymore then the others backstage, I'm here to get some Gold around my prescious waist. That's why next week, I'll start my WWA career off, by making a challenge to anyone backstage...Anyone rookies, or anyone else... Just come answer the challenge...."

[ Kurt drops the mic and 'Medal,' begins to play again. Kurt rolls out of the ring. He walks up the stage and into the back. ]

[ 'The Game' begins to play over the P.A. system. The crowd rises and boos. Triple H emerges from the back, the walks out a bit onto the stage, and spits water into the air. He walks down the ramp sipping his water. He walks on the apron, and spits water into the air. He walks to the turnbuckle and flexes for the crowd. 'Break The Walls Down' begins to interupt HHH, the crowd boo's even more. Y2J walks down the stage and slides in the ring. 'Evolution' hits the P.A. system and the crowd lifts its boos. Randy Orton walks out and runs down the ramp. He slides in the ring. DING DING DING!!! ]

Bobby Robertson - "There's the bell.... All three men stare each other down Triple H leaps out at Y2J, but turns around and closethlines Randy Orton. He Turns to Chris Jericho who tries to get a right hand. HHH begins battling at Y2J with rapid lefts and rights. Orton's back up, and he kicks Hunter. COMPLETE SHOT!!! Randy Orton just nailed HHH with his signature move."

Elizabeth Page - "Randy pins Hunter, and a two count. Orton lifts Hunter up they both turn around towards the turnbuckle. Jericho leaps off and takes both men down. Bobby, this match will be one of the highlights of the night. Oooh...A nice DDT by Chris on Hunter."

[ Jericho pins hunter.....1...29999...HHH kicked out. Orton stands up! LOW BLOW on JERICHO! Jericho falls out of the ring in aggony. Orton picks Hunter up again, He throws him against the ropes, and Triple H throws orton over his shoulders. He turns around a takes Randy down with a huge kitchen sink. Triple H sets up for the Pedigree. SMACKKKKKK...Jericho smacks a chair on hunters back. THe ref, DQs Jericho. He walks to Orton, and applys the Walls of Jericho. Orton taps out as a ton of officials run down to the ring. Jericho releases as the officials slide in the ring. Jericho walks up the stage. HHH gets up and lifts Randy up. PEDIGREE! He picks Randy up again. ANOTHER PEDIGREE! Hunter lifts the lifeless Randy Orton up Pedigrees him again. He slides out of the ring and graps a sledge hammer. He slides in the ring and knocks the ref out. He takes the hammer and rolls orton over. SMACKKKKKKK!!!!!!! He slams the hammer on Ortons back. HHH picks orton up again smiling. He takes the hammer and hits his chest this time. He takes the hammer and smacks Orton in the head. He lifts him up, and goes for a pedigree. He nails another one. ]

Bobby Robertson - "Liz, Triple H is a sick, sick man. Hunter picks Randy back up. And puts him on the ropes. He climbs up the ropes and tries to hit a huge superplex. Orton fights back. He pushes Triple H off the ropes and falls nailing his crotch on the ropes. He sits there in aggony. He finally stands up and leaps off the ropes. Hunter stands. A HUGE DROPKICK FROM NO WHERE!"

Elizabeth Page - "This kid could very well be the next big thing. He's got great physique, a great gimmick, and great talent. The refs up! Orton's pinning Hunter! ONE...TWO....THREE...!!!HE'S DONE IT BOBBY! He has a championship match next week here live on Wildside."

[ Orton, HHH, and the ref all lie motionless inside the ring. The scene comes to a commercial break. ]

Bobby Robertson - "Everyone remember to visit WWA Shopzone. We have some great merchandise avalible."

[ Shane McMahon appears on the Tron as the arena begins to cheer. He stands with a very pleased smile on his face. ]

Shane McMahon - "Ladies and Gentleman, how've you liked the show so far? OH well, no body really cares about the past. Now I'm here to make a HUGGEEE announcement. Okay let's get right to it. As you've learned we've signed Kurt Angle, and Booker T. But neither of those two compare to the newest edition of the WWA. Ladies and Gentleman welcome, The People's Champion the ROCK!"

[ 'Can You Smellll?!' is heard over the P.A. as the crowd errupts. The Rock walks out in black pants with a huge belt buckle. and a vest. He gets in the ring and does his taunt. He plays to the crowd as we cut to a commericial. ]

Draw - Due to no RPs. A rematch will occour next week.

[ 'Word Life' hits the P.a. as Cena comes down to the ring rapping. ]

John Cena -"Yo,yo,yo cut the beat! Test you aint no challenge to me so come out here now so I can pound you into the ground...I’ll make you never wanna come back to this town by beating you and at the same time making you look like a clown. Well you are a blonde so that explains alot....that’s why your foromergirl Stacy hot..and she all mines...I coulda been got her so many times...she easy as to get...I new I had her when we first meet. But back to you kid, Imma bus your ass like a true champion, after this match WWA will be thinking about sending you to a wrestling camp! Word life!!"

[ 'This is a Test' hits and Test walks out wearing big chains and and Toronto hat. He walks down the stage and stops half way. He points to the stage and Stacy Keibler walks out wearing the womens title. Cena looks furious. Test throws his chain and his hat into the crowd. he enter the ring through the cage door. He stands up and looks to Cena. The ref shuts the door. The bell rings and the two lock up. Test kicks Cena. He lifts up up and drops him and the crowd laughs. Cena stands back up and tries to closethline Test. He gets knocked down. Test Runs at Cena, who trips Test making him fall into the cage. Cena tries to climb the cage but is thrown down by Test. Cena Stands as does a bloody Test. They lock up and Cena is driven into the corner by Test's powerful bicepts. Test slaps the chest of John Cena many times and then does a huge pumpandle slam. Test lifts Cena up and throws him head first into the cage. He does this again, and the Cena low blows Test! Test falls down in aggony. John Cena makes a run up the side of the cage. Test barely stands and pulls on Cena's pants. Test yanks them off and Cena jumps off the cage. He lies on the ground and wins the match. He stops and realizes that test pulled down his boxers as well. Cena grabs the belt as Test stands smiling and as the rest of the crowd laughs at Cena. John covers his 'garbage' and runs up the ramp. The WWA Logo appears and the show comes to an end. ]