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Narrator: I don’t know when it started. I had forgotten everything of “the incident.” The last thing I remembered was lying on my back after passing out. Just before, I was standing somewhere where I have never been. It’s dark. The only thing noticeable is a dull, flickering light swaying from the ceiling. When the light bulb is actually on for more then a second, its noticeable I am in a long hallway with not an end in sight. Fifteen feet in front is when the light ends and the obscurity begins. To the left, there is nothing except a hoary wall, and to the right, almost a mirror image. Even the blood on the wall is pretty much at the same spot on the other side. To walk into the abyss right in front would almost be suicide. I saw what was down that hallway, and I don’t want to move anywhere near the shadows. I must have lost her, because she was no longer by my side, and if I heard anything, it wouldn’t be her voice…she is inevitably dead. I felt the drip from a leaky pipe from above, but as I felt for the hole, there was none. The dripping was coming from the moisture of the hallway. I even began to fell my hands become clammy, and a couple beads of sweat slide down from my hairline. There was nothing left for me to do but actually walk into the cavity of the unknown. I needed to find her, but which way to start. I never actually remembered which way I came from, but felt a presence gazing from the west. Should I dare head west, or was it in my mind? Was it my heart or mind instinct that was telling me to head the other way. That’s exactly how I felt…void of answers, but with too many questions to even attempt to answer. The direction I take is hardly the worst of problems, trying to decipher who or what I saw earlier. I didn’t do anything but hold my breath for a brief moment and take a deep breath. I couldn’t just stand here and hope my answers would just come to me. So I decided to head west. No, east! Yeah, it was east….my instincts proved to be right because I found what I’d hope to find…a door. Before I opened it, I felt that same presence I felt earlier standing right behind, but know there was nothing for me to see. I couldn’t see my own hand in front of my face. Why is it when you can’t see, you close your eyes because you think it opens up your other 4 senses? Because my eyes were closed as tight as I could as I turned around swinging, thinking I am going to hit something…but attested nothing to be there. When I turned back around to look for the knob I had found a moment earlier, but it was no where to be found. Now what? I have turned myself around? My breaths became shorter, while the air became thinner. How could a door just disappear? After what I had seen earlier, I guess anything could happen. I started to panic as I dropped to my knees looking for the crack in the ground where a door would be. Luckily on my way to the ground, I felt a hinge on the other side of the hallway and knew that the door didn’t vanish. I decided to not wait any longer and I opened the door without any hesitation. I didn’t open my eyes not because I couldn’t, but because on the other side there was nothing. I mean, I couldn’t see anything because it was also pitch black. But luckily for me I found a light switch and then bam! The beauty of sight was back and I had my 5th sense back. Where was I? It almost looked like an abandon hospital. This was an operating room. The room was just as damp as the hallway, but with all the things an emergency room would expect to have, a viewing window, and even the tools on a padding table next to the bed. This is exactly when my heart dropped, there was blood on knife. Actually, there was blood everywhere! Not just on the tools, but on the bed, floor and smeared all over the plastic sheets. It wasn’t before a brief moment when I touched to see if the blood was fresh….and it was fresher than my grandmothers tomato’s. It was right then and there when it started again. I saw a trail of blood heading through the door right next to the viewing window. It was obvious that a body was dragged through the door. At this point I could only pray that the blood wasn’t hers and she was still alive. For the first time since “the incident,” a shadow moved on the other side of the viewing window. Someone was watching me.

Ryda: Who the hell are you?

Narrator: He didn’t answer me. All I could do is move closer to the window to identify the man, but as I moved closer the shadow only became darker.

Ryda: (I screamed) Who the fuck are you?!?!

Narrator: He moved to his right and picked up something of a table that stood next to him. I heard a voice. But it didn’t sound humanly possible to be a person’s voice. It was very scratchy and deeper than what I was used to. I guess I was hoping it was her.

Voice: Do you know where you are Mr. Anthony James…is that what you call yourself now? Do you know why I brought you here Mr. Anthony James? To bring you back where you belong. You home Mr. James. I needed to show you what you have become…and that is something you are not.

Ryda: (I yelled angrily) What did you do to her?!?! You better not have hurt her?!?!

Narrator: He didn’t seem to like my threats because he let out a scratch laugh, and spoke again.

Voice: You were the one who changed Anthony, not me! You were the one that decided to leave me behind and become something she tainted.

Narrator: It was then I saw her, a dim light turned on right before her. She was covered in her own blood. I ran to the door to hopefully help her but the door was locked. I went back to the window and tried to break through. I picked up anything I could find and threw it into the window, but nothing seemed to crack it. I kept trying to do anything in my power to get into that room, but that voice…that voice ...I knew that voice…but who?

Voice: Nothing you can do will get you in here. There is nothing you can do to save her, Anthony. She is fine now, I gave her Demerol to ease her pain. She’ll be ok under my watch, but soon she will die. You need to chill and understand that she is the one that is evil Anthony, not me. She is the one that destroyed someone. She killed someone you knew very well. She killed you, Ryda!

Narrator: I stopped everything I was doing, and stared right at him. I took a deep breath to ease my heartbeat.

Voice: It is your time now, and you needed to see for yourself. She was the one that played with your mind. Its like you had no control, I understand Ryda. She worked as effectively as the government itself, Ryda. But what about me?!?! You just left and never looked back and you thought that I would just let that be. You are so nieve Ryda…you were once the strongest, will-minded person I have ever known and now…look at you?!?! You work for….HER!

Narrator: I knew what he was talking about. Or what he wanted me to believe. At the time I didn’t….

Ryda: What are you talking about?!?! I love her! And you better let her go or else?!?!…YOU….

Voice: (interrupting the Ryda) You love nobody but yourself?!?!? Don’t you understand that. Look what you have become?!?! Look what she trained you to be. A weak-minded fool. You know stand there thinking I am the one that you want to get your hands on, but it should be her, Ryda. You must understand that I am showing you what she has done to you. She is evil!

Ryda: Would you stop saying that?!?! I love her! She…

Voice: (interrupting the Ryda) YOU DON’T KNOW!?!?! AAAAAAGGGGGGHHHH!!!! She is the one that wanted this! She’s the one that came to me! She even thought you were not being yourself, and being someone that was missing your void. She stopped by my place and said that you were acting strange, acting as if you were going to hurt her…saying that every night you would wake up with nightmares. And every night you couldn’t sleep because you were dreaming of me… dreaming of what you really are. Knowing that your real you had been hidden by her, and she came to me to fix this….

Ryda: if anything happens to her, you will die.

Voice: (laughs) If I die, then I did my job. But when Amy dies, you will then become your old self, you will become the night. You will become the purple heart in the cold, cold self that is the Ryda. You must understand I did this for you Ryda. She is your SACRIFICE! She is the SACRIFICE YOU NEED TO SAY YOUR LIFE!!!!….oh wait…she is waking up…I think she wants to say something…

Amy: I…….I love you Anthony…….

Ryda: If you are….

Voice: (interrupts) Would you shut the fuck up! She is not done.

Narrator: He went to check in her vital signs but stood far enough to not give himself away. He wore a hooded sweatshirt to cover his face. He then put the mic back to her face.

Amy: This…this…. is the real you Anthony…don’t ever forget who you are…I am……….(coughs) I am…sorry.

Voice: Her time is up Ryda. And so is the time of Anthony James. Never forget this favor Ryda…you owe me one buddy.

Narrator: It was then I started to forget pretty much everything. I had already dropped to my knees and the world starting spinning before me. I heard the monitor flat line soon after. I couldn’t breath, and my whole was over before my own eyes. IT was right then when the man, or beast had moved into a shade of light. I could barely see, my eyes were rolling in the back of my head as I was about to pass out. I knew…I knew that voice. The voice then became more than just a shadow and a shaky voice….he took of his hood…and I passed out.

Ryda: Myz…eeerryyy…….wwhhhy……

****end of flashback****

(The Ryda was back in the rain, standing above Amy’s grave where we left off… The storm was brewing above him as the cameraman stood and listen to the Ryda’s story.)

Ryda: Sacrifice….

Ryda: A-Poc, you will become the epitome of the word sacrifice. It was Devine Intervention of the gods that you will become the next sacrifice for the Ryda. I was given no choice! I feel almost sorry for you that you are deemed to ride the storm as once many did. It was given to me now…I understand what I need to do. And what I now know has become your evident demise. I heard each and every word you spoke. So eloquent. So beautiful. But so wrong. Your ignorance will show up on Sunday as it has tonight. You think I left because I was afraid…you think I ran like a terrified goose…you think that the youth of this business were just too strong for me, mentally and physically. That my day was done, and it was the time for A-Poc…the time for Ace…the time for much more established wrestlers? The truth is I left because there was no more left for me to do…or so I thought. The competition had become weak, and I become ultimately bored. But now there is nothing that you said that has proven to me that the youth you show has taken over, and I will take over as I once did in the Row. There is no change…there is not such thing as change, only things in your mind can change only if you let them, and this is your problem A-Poc. That you wished…hoped things had changed but only to your weak mind allowed it to…I now understand where I was born and where I shall die. And this Sunday will not be that. This Sunday will know the meaning of the word Sacrifice. Because I am that man that puts a large apple in your throat whenever I walked past you. I am that man that made a mysterious liquid drip from my head everytime I mentioned your name. Nothing has changed A-Poc. I’ve heard it before, and I’ll hear it again…the legend has returned to answer to unfinished business. You have been warned, A-POC!!! That shadow you carry will run, maybe you should rethink, and do the same as it. It’s the time of the once fierce storm…the storm you only witnessed from inside, watching it as I just flew by. The storm that you once hoped that you would never get wet from. The storm that you always steered away from when you saw it in your horizons But now you feel that rain don’t you A-Poc? Do you see that lightning…well, now you will feel my thunder! The time has come and what Amy went through, will soon be your very own fate. I will hear that whiney voice…crying out….claiming to be from the streets…talking about how the ghetto is yours. Well that ghetto is still yours, and that is where I will send you back cause now you are in my world and this is where I belong. You’ll know what I mean when I say “Your fear has been set within.” There is no excaping what capabilities I have, and the power of the storm has and will bring….my efforts are limitless, and your honor will conclude with you tail between your legs…begging for forgiveness. You little boys speak too much. SACRIFICE…..

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