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Ladies and Gentlemen:
the reason for you being here
the reason that keeps you living



The Demigod of Deviousness


The Michelangelo of Pain

The Picasso of Terror


The Quintessence of Violence


The Widow Maker


Heart Breaker


Pure Perfection

The Ratings Maker


Always better than you, always better than advertised




The Messiah

Ric Righteous



"Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom for the future. Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of
“ the messiah” that will be established."


Alas...Ric Righteous has risen



[ Scene begins inside of The Playpen Mansion. Pint Midget, Sexy Sasha and Ric Righteous are all there. Pint Midget, thankfully is upstairs sleeping after an asskicking in an Irish Pub yesterday. Sasha and Ric are in the private studio filming an upcoming promo for the 2005 Ways to Bleed PPV.]

Sasha: "Ric I can't believe what Mr. Batee did to you last Sunday?"

[Ric being surprisingly calm, sits there without showing any emotion.]

Sasha: "I'm mean, how the hell can he declare your title vacant when you were counted out due to outside interference. I mean you should have won by DQ. How the hell does Randell keep his title? This is a travesty, an injustice. "

Righteous: "That's OK Sasha. He is just like my two opponents in their promos. They do it all to get a reaction from me. I'm sure they figure that I'd be pissed. I figured that even Mr. Batee would be smarter than that. First to allow someone to interfere in my match. Where was security? You never see me interfere in a match. Then to not do the right thing, not for me mind you but for the people. The people want to see justice done. They people want their champion to have his belt back. It's like Batee is trying to desecrate my career. I should be really pissed , and probably sue Batee and the WeWA for all that it is worth. I gave Batee to much credit for being smart and figured that at least before doing something stupid, he would DO_HIS_RESEARCH. That he would have watched the entire match. But I'm not pissed and anyone that knows me is scratching their head wondering , WHAT THE HELL IS HE REALLY DOING? What is "The Messiah" plotting? I know your all watching this, so let me tell you what is not really a secret. Are you ready? Good, I really don't give a fuck about either of the three titles. The title that I do care about is...

[Ric points to one of his World championship belts. This one made of diamonds, platinum and gold]

Righteous: " ...yes The World title belt like the one resting right here on my mantle. Magnum Randell, Tommy Rockett, excuse me, Rockwell, I sincerely hope you have fun doing your promos for the biggest pay per view to date, but as we all know, they are all meaningless, all worthless. I won't be viewing them, because like both of you, they just don't matter. I suggest finding another way to do the find an edge."

Sasha: "We leave for Las Vegas in the early afternoon Ric. Maybe you should start filming the promo now while we are in the studio."

[Righteous shrugs his shoulder, pauses for a second then nods his head yes and hits a couple of buttons, stares into the camera and start filming.]

Righteous: "Las Vegas is nice, but it is definitely not my beloved Los Angeles or my adopted home of Miami. So with that in mind......Attention, all you hopeless masochists and pathetic lemmings hoping beyond hope, otherwise known as the fans of WeWA and my would be opponents and future bitches, Magnum Randell and Tommy Rockwell. The absurdity of your lives is once again briefly suspended as I Your Messiah have seen fit to grace it with my presence once again. As you probably saw on your television, that little box in your house with all the people in it, yes that's a television. Anyway on that little box your laughable attention spans were loosely directed at the waste of programming space, that slightly more entertaining alternative to static and show called Superstars. There, you were treated to an experience that had more effect on you than your daily doses of ridilin or the dropping on your heads in your infancies combined could never equal. You, ...people... you stupid sad excuses who manage to walk and talk and are allowed on the streets of your own free will, experienced a first. You... the viewers of (gag) Superstars.... were finally .....ENTERTAINED!

[Righteous pauses then continues]

Righteous: "To those of who are cognizant enough to be entertained, I say to congratulations, I bet you didn't think you feel that way again, least not by the WeWA. There you have it, a lifelong goal achieved, you have been entertained by wrestling... again.Who do you have to thank? Certainly not the knuckle dragging automatons in tights who roll and fall one another, like Magnum Randell and Tommy Rockwell. Certainly not the regular, band of living contradictions to Darwinism known as the rest of the roster, NO SIR! No, not those rejects or remedial school and refugees of safety belt testing, the cast of the weakly show you have come to know and not admit watching to had nothing to do with it. It was me, Ric Righteous, or as some of you who have more than one brain cell refer to as Your Messiah who single-handedly saved the show in spite of the usual parade of prime candidates for forced sterilization, known once again as Magnum Randell and Tommy Rockwell. Having returned the WeWA from the dead myself, a previous impossibility, I the Righteous One, along with other forces in a Divinely inspired scheme set out to bring another miracle about. Sure enough lightning did strike twice in breathing life back into an organization otherwise deprived of by the otherwise suffocating lack of real talent. No thanks are necessary, you can show your Gratitude for me simply by continuing to watch, and not drooling too much when I come to do a show in a city near you. Now if only the WeWA would show gratitude for my assistance in uplifting the nonexistent standards of their programming. After all we had done just look at the Tommy Rockwell / Chris Ross match, watch that again and see if you don't fall asleep. We took our cue from the deafening noise of the collective snoring within the building, that a change of pace was needed from that snoozapalooza, and boy did we bring about some change.

[Righteous is still showing no outward show of emotion]

Righteous: "When we were finished the so-called fans in attendance were certainly ready for anything but a nap. And of course who could forget the stunning display of Pure Wrestling by myself "The Messiah" Ric Righteous, the only thing that saved this two bit show that can be truly called GREAT. Once again I showed those unskilled uncouth brawling buffoons who call themselves professional wrestlers, what wrestling is and what it isn't, and it certainly wasn't anything they were up to dealing with, by the way Cavanaugh and Kraven you both were a real knockouts, good bye and good riddance. I'm not one to brag, but I owe it to you fans to tell you the truth. As if the masterful display of mat wrestling put on by Gods Gift to Wrestling wasn't enough to captivate those Fenian Fuckwads, but then again that was all forgotten when into the ring came that yawnathon otherwise known as Magnum Randell. Poor Magnum felt the need to talk tough and try to defend what honor he had. What honor indeed? Poor Magnum and Tommy are still in denial that their ring skills suck more than the skank holed disease infested boils on the ass of humanity otherwise known as their mothers. Boy its not MY fault that neither of you can't get the fans up on their feet, or that you can't it up in general. I was brought in to provide entertainment, and make this place money not just cover the costs. Its not too late to clue in, or find a new career path, as limited as that path may be for you and the rest of the curtain jerkers in the back, nothing personal, but the truth, the whole truth and well, you know the rest."

[Righteous takes a sip of bottled water, then continues]

Righteous: "Speaking of nothing personal, or the less than personal way that I treated by Mr. Batee and the WeWA administration. How classy of them to treat me this way, with their down home, down in da hood type hospitality. And wasn't it an awesome display of power how they handled the decision? How could they be so stupid to allow that decision to stand, that the WeWA American title would be vacated? While I guess your happy Magnum that you got to keep your belt, thanks in part to Kraven. Funny thing I remember someone saying how they never got help to win matches. Of course I called you a liar then and we all see what transpired. That's ok Magnum. I'm sure somewhere your respective crackwhore mammas are very proud the way you managed to work out your differences, that is they would be proud it they watched the show, providing they weren't "Working" that night or didn't trade the TV for crack. I'm sure you will have something to say to about these comments like you always do, and whatever you say, I will make sure I have my Interpret English from the Ignorant dictionary. Who knew there so many pronunciations and subsequent connotations depending on the situations for whatever you come up with."

[Righteous shakes his head then continues]

Righteous: "Well at least I may have a reason for not understanding what either Tommy or Magnum is not talking about. Their lips move but nothing is coming out, it is as if they are mute and not being able to speak, so I have an excuse to not listen to whatever their uttering, and I'm sure that they have an excuse for all the nonsense spewing out of their collective mouths. A shame the rest of the roster doesn't have it so good. Well time is money and I had a few more things to talk about, but I don't want to kill you with the possibility of being overexcited for the first time in your deprived little lives, so until you are graced again, I am Your Messiah, you have not seen Greatness, until you have seen me. Atlantic City, known as Sin City itself. A cesspool of losers and copycats. Nothing more than a wanna be Las Vegas, and the WeWA is about to bring a roster full losers there in two weeks. I guess I should not talk so bad about being in New Jersey. After all, it's great to change the scenery sometime. If you like cesspools. I believe these are my first official words to you since you were graced by greatness a few weeks ago. That is if you don't count the "me being The Messiah of Pro Wrestling" while tuning in every week. I hope you now realize why I'm "God Gift to Wrestling" Ric Righteous. Why I'm the most deadly man in this sport and why I have no remorse, no shame, and no pity. Seems as soon as I have gotten that one thorn out of my side, one more little thorn have jumped up and stuck me in the ASS! The first little, non-significant thorn is Tommy Rocwell. Listening to him babble is equivalent of have to endure the foul stench of Obsidian when you wrestle him. You don't like me Tommy? You want to kick my ass Tommy? Well… more power to you sunshine, stand in line like the rest of the population who can't do anything to my ass except kiss it. I hate everyone in this hellhole and the only wrestler worth a damn in this place is ME! Yeah Tommy, you have all the right ideas for wanting to be the number one man in the greatest sport in the world, except for one little minor, minor detail; you want to take over the WeWA. Let me get this straight, you want to take over MY kingdom?! My Land!? Do you see these?

[Ric points to all of his World Championships]

Righteous: "These are my crowns! If I decide to participate in our scheduled match, I will own the WORLD once again at your expense! I'll permit you boys to run around and beat up loser like Cavanaugh and Kraven, but one thing I will not allow is treason! Treason against your King! Your GOD, Ric Righteous! Outlaw, as far as I'm concerned, both of you SUCK and don't deserve to be in the same ring with....

[...Ric points to himself]

Righteous: "You think Mr. Batee is evil. He is Mr. Nice Guy compared to me. There were 4 devils, lust, jealousy , hate and envy. Now thanks to Batee a fifth devil has been released...Ric Righteous. Batee if you thought I was vicious before, this time around, I'm more vicious, vile, and vindictive than ever before, and if I feel that I want to destroy you or the WeWA just for the hell of it, I will because this is My kingdom, I made this place and I will do what ever I please! My time is soon coming and no one is good enough to keep me from winning the WeWA World Championship, NO ONE! It's hard being this Damn Good, but nobody does it better! In closing Batee the opposite of what you wanted has happened. The WeWA and yourself must pay the price. Don't be surprise if I decide to take myself out of the PPV Batee. You asked me to come back. You need me, I don't need you or this ..."

[the camera is showing four letters: WeWA. With that Ric decides to just walk saying nothing further away leaving Sasha there by herself as the scene fades.....]

because there isn’t a fucking thing you can do about it!