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|| Role-play Number ||

|| People Used ||

|| My aWe Record ||

|| Match Information ||


Stone Cold Steve Austin, Debra, Fans


Match Stipulation: Triple Threat
Against:  Shelton Benjamin And The Rock

|| Beaten ||
Shelton Benjamin

|| aWe Achievements ||
None Yet

|| OOC Comment ||
Here's my first role-play for RAW, quite a good one I think, don't understand why I'm fighting Rock when he's supposed to be injured but o well and Shelton? hopefully he will role-play this time. Enough off OOC read the role-play and enjoy
|| OOC Comment ||


|| Disclaimer ||
This Role-play was made only by Dean Mardon for AWE inspired by WWE's Stone Cold Steve Austin, if you want to use any material from this role-play including the banner and layout made by me then email me at or
|| End Disclaimer ||



|| Prologue || We've had our second show ever in aWe and what a show it turned out to be.  Triple H is heading to backlash for a chance at the aWe championship title, Jericho gets ANOTHER chance to go to backlash for a chance at the aWe title this week. Also this week Shane Douglas will be taking on Goldberg to see who will go to backlash for the aWe championship. 
|| End Prologue ||


|| Scene || Scene opens up inside of an airport, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Debra are walking together with a few security guards protecting them. Stone Cold has a Smoking Skulls belt over his shoulder, fans are running up asking for autographs and pictures.

|| Debra || And just remind me again what is happening today.

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Today some lucky fan is going to win a signed Smoking Skulls belt

|| Debra || Like a competition? 

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Yeah, whoever can say my favorite quote the best is going to win this belt.

|| Debra || ok.....

|| Scene || A little kid runs up to Stone Cold with his parents just behind him

|| 'Little Kid' Josh || Stone Cold, Stone Cold.....can I get a picture wit you.

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Sure little man, anything for my fans

|| 'Little Kid' Josh || Thank you! thank you.

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || No problem.

|| Scene || Josh's parents setup the camera, Stone Cold kneels down and kid moves in closer to Austin.  A picture is taken and the kid is delighted.

|| 'Little Kid' Josh || Will you sign my cap as well please Stone Cold.

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Why sign your cap when I can sign mine.

|| Scene || Stone Cold takes off his cap smiling, signs it and then gives it to little Josh.

|| 'Little Kid' Josh || Oh my God, is this really for me?

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Hellllll Yeahhhh!

|| Scene || Josh laughs and walks away with his parents.
Stone Cold carries of walking with Debra by his side, this time a little girl runs up with her older brother.

|| 'Little Girl' Katy || Stone Cold can you please tell my brother he keeps doing wrestling moves on me at home.

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || You do know that wrestling should never be tried at home? What!?!? Wrestlers are professional stunts people and if you don't do it right you could seriously hurt someone as well as yourself.

|| 'Little Girl' Katy || Yeah so stop it (to brother).

|| 'Kid' Jamie || But Stone Cold you inspire me to do it, I love doing wrestling moves and someday I want to be a professional wrestler just like you.

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Well in that case Stone Cold Steve Austin says you need to get yourself to a wrestling school and stop doing it on your sister.  Is it because she's smaller than you?...what? cant fight back?....what? easy target for you?....what? Stone Cold Steve Austin says you need to stop that now.

|| Scene || Jamie runs away sulking with his sister close behind.
Debra and Steve Austin continue to walk to the stage.
Stone Cold music plays through some speakers he and Debra gets up on stage.

|| 'Airport Manager' Chris || Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls I am proud to welcome AWE superstar STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!!!! and his lovely wife DEBRA!!!!!

 || Scene || The audience go wild, Stone Cold steps up onto a chair and holds the belt up high above his head showing it to the audience.  Stone Cold then lays it on a table which has a red cloth on.  Austin takes a microphone and waits for the audience to die down before speaking.

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Its great to be here (What?!?!) Stone Cold Steve Austin said its great to be here! (cheers) I'm here today to offer this great prize.....(What?!?!) Stone Colds very own smoking skulls belt.....(What?!?!) Signed by Stone Cold Steve Austin himself....(What?!?!) Stone Cold took this when WWE closed....(what?!?!) Its the original one.....(what?!?!) You think stone Cold is lying?....(What?!?!) No Stone Cold is not lying.....(What?!?!) Stone Cold never lies....(what?!?!) Did Stone Cold lie last week?.....(what?!?!)
Well lets see..... If you seen Raw last Monday night then me a hell yeah!

|| Crowd Together || Heeellllll Yeaaaahhhhhhh

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || That seems like most of you.....well last me ask you many of you seen Stone Cold Steve stomp a mud hole in Shelton Benjamins ass in under a MINUTE for the 1........2........3? Give Stone Cold a Hellll Yeahhhhh

|| Crowd Together || Heeeeellllllllllllllll Yeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || See I told you Stone Cold Steve Austin never lies....(what?!?!) Stone Cold said he was going out to the ring....(what?!?!) whoop some ass....(what?!?!) whoop Shelton Benjamin's ass to a pulp!....(WHAT?!?!) and that's exactly what Stone Cold did....(what?!?!) Stone Cold Stunner!.....(what?!?!) Stone cold Stunner again....(what?!?!) All over.....(what?!?!) Stone Cold wins 1....2.....3....(what?!?!) in under a minute....(what?!?!) and then some jackass comes out and hits Stone Cold Steve Austin over the head and then does the PEARL-RIVER-PLUNGE....(what?!?!) What a dumb ass.....(what?!?!) Stone Cold offered him beer.....(what?!?!) He got cocky with Stone Cold.....(what?!?!) Does Stone Cold care? (what?!?!) Hell no....(what?!?!) Is Stone Cold gonna get pay back?.....(what?!?!) HELL YEAH! (cheers)
This week on raw Stone Cold Steve Austin has to face the same jackass Shelton Benjamin again but this time with that mealy mouthed son of a bitch Rock in the match.....
(what?!?!) Can Stone Cold beat them both?.....(what?!?!) Hell Yeah (what?!?!) More importantly WILL Stone Cold beat them both (what?!?!) HELL YEAHHHH, Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to beat them from pillar to post and knock them within inches of their sad pathetic lives. 
First of all we got The Rock, "Mr. Hollywood"?......
(what?!?!) "pie eating"?.....(what?!?!) "eyebrow raising"?.....(what?!?!) the "peoples champ"?.....(what?!?!) Eh Eh, The Rock is nothing when it comes to a beer-swilling, finger-gesturing, ass-kicking, toughest son of a bitch in the Action! Wrestling Entertainment today Stone Cold Steve Austin!!! (Audience Cheers)
The Rock tells people to go suck a monkeys nipple? From what Stone Cold Steve Austin can tell The Rock is doing all the sucking, sucking Vince McMahon's saggy ass! (Cheers from the audience) and Rock you wanna know why the crowd boo you? Well that's a pretty straight forward answer (what?!?!) Stone Cold Steve Austin said that's a pretty straight forward answer, The reason they boo you Rock is are the crappest wrestler that ever stepped in the wrestling business ....(what?!?!) sure you got gold but as I said a few moments ago that's how you got it and now that you are in The Empire with Vince McMahon you think its going to happen all over again??.....(what?!?!) Eh Eh! If Stone Cold has to, he will bring The Empire down single handed (what?!?!) Stone Cold Steve Austin said if he has to he will bring the The Empire down single handed and that includes you Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin will bring you down. 
Let Stone Cold Steve Austin ask you lot this..... would you prefer Pie? or a good ol cold beer?.....if you would prefer pie then give me a boo...

|| Crowd Together || boooooooo

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || and if you prefer a nice cold beer then give me a hell yeah...

|| Crowd Together || Heeellllll Yeaaaahhhhhhh

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Rock... Stone Cold needs you ask you summit....are you even going to show for our match!....(what?!?!) Stone Cold means after what happened on Raw.... (what?!?!) Stone Cold really don't know....(what?!?!) Rock got his ass kicked by 4 men.....(what?!?!) that would be Hulk Hogan.....(what?!?!) Kevin Nash.....(what?!?!) Scott Hall....(what?!?!) and Syxx (WHAT?!?!)......Stone Cold Steve Austin wouldn't be surprised if you didn't show....Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin really hopes that you wrestle this week.....(quiet boos) yeah, yeah, Stone Cold really does because if the Rock don't then it  just leave's me with Shelton Benjamin.....(what?!?!) The no good piece of trailer park trash that got stunnered twice all over the ring last week on Raw by Stone Cold Steve Austin! (cheers) And quite frankly Stone Cold Steve Austin needs you in the match Rock to make things more interesting because then Stone Cold Steve Austin can deliver two Stunners to Shelton and then give two Stunners to The Rock for yet another victory....

And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Now lets get this show on the road, Debra is going to pick 3 lucky fans to come up on stage and have a chance to win this signed by me REAL smoking skulls belt.

|| Debra || Thank you Steve (Debra looks around) ummm you.... you..... and you!

|| Scene || 2 boys and 1 girl make there way to the stage, Stone Cold Steve Austin shakes all of their hands, their parents are taking photo's.

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Welcome, now all you have to do is say "And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!" and whoever says it the best will win this signed REAL smoking skulls belt!. Okay you (pointing to a boy #1) go first.

|| 'Boy'#1' Jack || and that's the bottom line because stone cold said so. (poor quality)

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Okay, and you next (to girl #1)

|| 'Girl #1' Samantha || AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE BECAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO! (too loud and squeaky)

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Okay, now you (boy #2)

|| 'Boy'#2' Daniel ||  And that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so! (perfect!)

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Ladies and gentlemen this is a tough decision I have to make but I think the winner is DANIEL!

 || Scene || Daniel picks up the belt and runs around the stage kissing it and jumping in the air as his mum is taking photographs. After a few minutes of being excited he stops next to Stone Cold.

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Congratulations Son.

|| Scene || Austin holds out his hand and shakes the kids hand, Austin pretends to stunner him.

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || haha got'cha, enjoy it son.

|| 'Boy'#2' Daniel || Thank You very much Steve.

 || Scene || A few photos is taken of Daniel and Stone Cold together. Stone Cold's music hits and Daniel climbs a few seats posing with the Smoking Skulls belt.  Just before Daniel leaves Debra walks up to him and pecks him on the cheek, he blushes and walks off the stage back to his parents. Music cuts again.

|| 'Airport Manager' Chris || Ladies and gentlemen I'm sure each and everyone of you would like to thank Stone Cold Steve Austin and his wife Debra for being here today and giving you a lot of entertainment but if you all thanked them individually we would be here all day heh, so lets all give them around of an applause and also can we have a around of an applause for Daniel who is today's winner of Stone Cold's signed smoking skulls belt!

|| Scene || Audience goes wild for Stone Cold and his wife, Austin is handed a few beers so he goes to the end of the stage and bashes them together making some of it go over the the fans at front row, Austin drinks them down.

|| 'Airport Manager' Chris ||  And don't worry the day isn't over yet because in a few minutes Stone Cold Steve Austin is going to be signing autographs with his wife Debra for a while before he has to take a flight to GREENSBORO COLISEUM COMPLEX, NORTH CAROLINA,  so if you could make a ordinary queue just over by that table then Stone Cold will be right with you.

|| Scene || A crowd of people scatter from around the stage to a table.
Stone Cold and Debra goes behind a certain on the stage for a break.

Few minutes later Stone Cold walks out with Debra and they sit at the table, the fans go wild.
The first fan walks up with a "what" T-shirt.

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Hey there...

|| 'Fan #1' Andrew || Hey Austin, can you sign my t-shirt?

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Of course I can.

|| Scene || Austin signs the t-shirt.

|| 'Fan #1' Andrew || I will be at Raw this week front row and I am going to watch you kick ass.

|| 'The Texas Rattlesnake' Stone Cold || Hell yeah I am going to kick ass, Shelton Benjamin and Rock wont know what's hit em.

|| Scene || A picture is then taken of the both and Andrew walks away.
Stone Cold continues to sign autographs for about half hour then
has to go catch a plane to GREENSBORO COLISEUM COMPLEX, NORTH CAROLINA, Austin thanks them and walks off with Debra and the security guards and boards the plane.