ROLEPLAY #: 001   RECORD: 00 - 00 - 00 


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No Mercy Wrestling is back for another week of exciting action. Some would say that as the week's go on that the energy and excitement from the superstars begin to decrease as the fatigue sets in, but the administrative team of Paul Heyman and William Regal have taken the steps to assure their talent stays at the top of their game. The method these two men have chosen in assuring they get the best quality show is by giving each superstar on the roster a little incentive in the form of an eight man tournament in the hopes of crowning a brand new world heavyweight champion. The tournament is filled with nothing, but the best in this business today. Each match that has been put together will see each star contrasting with the other's style. Although their styles in the ring are all very different, their desire and determination to be called the best is one in the same. Even though all eight men would die to get to the top of the nMw mountain, only one man can succeed at the end...

The nMw logo flashes over the screen with the classic viewer discretion is advised warning following that. Finally the show comes back on the air and we're live from The Staples Center in Los Angeles California. The crowd is absolutely jacked for this house show as it is the final one before the huge Raw event that will take place in the very same arena the following night. Good Ol' JR and Jerry The King Lawler are at their usual position to the right of the the entrance stage calling the action. There are two young up and comers going at it in the ring. The crowd isn't overly in to the match as it's obvious the two men in the ring are very green at this point in their career and aren't yet able to hit all their moves and remember the spots to completely accuracy. 

'THE KING' Jerry Lawler: Wow, JR, these two guys in the ring are ruthless. They're goin' at each other like there's no tomorrow.  What are their names again? 

'GOOD OL' JR' Jim Ross: Matt Storm and Devon Hiatt and as we say in Oklahoma, these two guys are going at each other like a starving man on a Christmas ham. The crowd really doesn't seem to be getting behind either one of these guys though, King. 

'THE KING' Jerry Lawler: Well they definitely have potential JR, but you really can't blame the crowd for not getting behind them. I mean they're not established names in the business and let's face it, they don't have puppies or kitties or anything like that! Hahaha. 

'GOOD OL' JR' Jim Ross: Well I should have expected that from you, King. You're quite the animal lover, aren't ya? 

'THE KING' Jerry Lawler: Yet bet I am JR, I love puppies of all shapes and sizes! I'm not a picky man. 

'GOOD OL' JR' Jim RossYeah, we have a term back in Oklahoma for that one too, King. 

'THE KING' Jerry Lawler: Really, what is it? 

'GOOD OL' JR' Jim RossDesperate! 

'THE KING' Jerry Lawler: Oh, is that so? When was the last time you had a variety of puppies and kittens, JR?

JR doesn't respond to The King's question and continues watching the match, which has started to boil down in to a slug fest.  Devon hits a huge hurricanrana on Matt and the crowd pops for it. Suddenly there's a commotion near the top of the arena where the crowd enters to take their seats. There's a couple security members in one big bunch at one of the entrances.  Once again there's a big pop from the crowd, but it definitely isn't for the two men in the ring. Someone seems to have made their way in to the arena uninvited and the crowd near that entrance has a pretty good idea of who it is. 

'THE KING' Jerry Lawler: It looks like there's something going on up at one of the entrances that leads from the concession stands in to the seats. What do you think it is, JR? 

'GOOD OL' JR' Jim RossNow how the hell am I supposed to know, King?! 

'THE KING' Jerry Lawler: Well you're supposed to be the big shot announcer aren't you? You should know these things. 

'GOOD OL' JR' Jim Ross: I'm not the one with the crown, am I, King? 

'THE KING' Jerry Lawler:  You got a point. 

The action continues in the ring. Both men have gotten several near falls throughout the course of the match. At this point the crowd is even less in to Devon and Matt than when the match started, what with the distraction occurring in the seating area entrance. Some how whoever it was has convinced security personal  to step aside and let them past. It's finally revealed that it's indeed two men coming through the crowd, not just one. They finally get with in close view of the camera and the crowd just goes absolutely nuts. Finally realizing who it is themselves, The King and JR are in absolute shock. 

'GOOD OL' JR' Jim Ross OH MY GOD! It's Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash! What they hell are those two doing here? They don't work for nMw!

'THE KING' Jerry Lawler: Well, it looks like they're on their way down here. Why don't you go tell them yourself they don't work here, JR?

'GOOD OL' JR' Jim Ross: No thanks, I'll pass. I'm just in absolute shock that Nash and Michaels are here tonight!

'THE KING' Jerry Lawler: Not only are they here, JR, but they're making their way through the crowd and it looks like they're heading towards the ring. Someone better tell Storm and Hiatt there's been a change of plans! 

'GOOD OL' JR' Jim Ross: Well if they don't know by now, King, they're damn sure about to find out! 

Shawn Michaels and his seven foot side kick have made their way through the crowd. Shawn is standing at the guard rail having a shouting match with Matt Storm, but in the most cocky fashion possible.  Shawn continues to bad mouth the kid and then begins to point with a smile on his face, assumingly in an attempt to get Matt to look behind him.  he turns around quickly and his face gets introduced to a size seventeen boot by Kevin Nash! Shawn laughs evilly from the other side of the banister then jumps over it, getting on the apron and going through the ropes to enter the ring.  Nash picks up Matt and as he does so he's met by Devon Hiatt who's punching him in the lower back, in attempts to take the big monster out. Shawn sees this and quickly pulls Devon off of Nash, putting him in the corner and delivering a few punches to the face and kicks to the midsection, which leave him down in the corner. Now that Shawn has momentarily taken care of one of the young rookies he begins directing traffic for Kevin Nash. You can see Shawn moving his hands up and down and then the inevitable is finally heard, even without a microphone as Shawn tells Nash how to finish the job. 

'THE HEART BREAK KID' Shawn Michaels: Jackknife 'em big man! 

Nash is happy to comply with that request. With an evil smile on his face, Nash picks up the defenseless kid and positions his head between his legs. With ease Nash picks the kid up over his head and sends him crashing down to the canvas below, which is accompanied by a huge "eww" from the crowd.  Devon Hiatt, who has been laying motionless in the corner this entire time is starting to climb to his feet. Nash notices this, goes over, grabs him by the hair and places him between his legs as well, seemingly for a powerbomb. Suddenly Michaels starts waving his arms and yelling for Nash not to go through with it, as those Michaels feels guilty. 

'THE HEART BREAK KID' Shawn Michaels No, big man, not this one.  Let me handle 'em. 

The seven foot monster takes the kid out from between his legs and stands him straight up. Michaels goes over and pats the kid on the shoulder then shakes his hand. He points for the kid to shake Nash's hand as well, as if he'd just won the Super Bowl. The kid happily agrees and turns around to shake the big man's hand. He shakes Nash's hand  then slowly turns around to shake Heart Break's hand and gets nailed in the chin with a super kick! 

'GOOD OL' JR' Jim Ross: Oh my god, what the hell did he go and do that for?! 

'THE KING' Jerry Lawler: I don't know JR, but I have a pretty good feeling that things are about to change in nMw. 

Michaels and Nash stand over Storm's broken body and perform their traditional pose. Michaels with his legs outstretched and his arms flexed and Kevin Nash behind him with his arm way up in the air. The break from the pose and Michaels spits on Matt Storm then Shawn and Kevin both laugh as though they just heard the funniest jokes of their lives.  Michaels steps through the second rope and drops to the floor followed by the seven footer who easily steps over the top rope, also dropping to the floor and following The Heart Break Kid up the ramp and the show goes to a quick break. 


The show returns and the camera is backstage, following the two men who just committed a blatant assault on two young kids in the middle of the ring. Suddenly  Michael Cole comes running up beside them with a microphone, speaking in almost a yell in order to get their attention. 

'THE LITTLE RODENT' Michael Cole: Excuse me, Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels, can I get a word with you? What was with that brutal attack you two just committed out there in the ring? 

The two men stop and as usual Michaels takes charge and speaks first as he opens his mouth way more than necessary and smacks his lips while chewing his gum. 

'THE HEART BREAK KID' Shawn Michaels: First of all, ya little munchkin...the man standing next to me does not go by the name of Kevin Nash. This is nMw and you're lookin' at the single most dominant force this company has ever seen. That's The Heart...Break...Kid Shawn Michaels and Diesel. Got it? 

'THE LITTLE RODENT' Michael Cole: Oh, ok then. So why did you and Diesel decimate those two kids out there? I mean you guys don't even work for this company. 

'THE HEART BREAK KID' Shawn Michaels: Oh, is that so? Well maybe before ya' run your mouth and try to tell people like big Diesel and myself where we work and where we don't work, maybe you should check with Paul Heyman. 

'THE LITTLE RODENT' Michael Cole: What, I don't get it. 

'THE HEART BREAK KID' Shawn MichaelsYeah, figures. People like you and these idiots here in Los're all so stupid. You don't understand a darn thing about how Big D and  good ol' Heart Break do things. Ya' see, Cole It's come to my attention that nMw wrestling is holding a little tournament to crown a new world heavyweight champ at Soul Survivor. The way me and big Diesel see it, there aint no better suited to be wearin' that gold strap around their waste than The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels. Am I right, big man? 

'HEART BREAK'S BODY GUARD'  Diesel: You're right on the money, Heart Break. 

'THE HEART BREAK KID' Shawn Michaels I thought what I'd do is go in to Heyman's office and see what kind of a deal me and the big man could work out with the boss and for some reason it didn't take long of Diesel's massive hand around Heyman's throat for our good ol' boss to happily fit me in to the tournament and we couldn't have found a better spot.

'THE LITTLE RODENT' Michael Cole: Really?! Who will you be facing. 

'THE HEART BREAK KID' Shawn MichaelsWell, kid it turns out I've been a signed to give The Messiah a little music lesson. 

'THE LITTLE RODENT' Michael Cole: The Messiah? But he was supposed to originally face Triple H in the tournament  tomorrow night on Raw in the first round, but Hunter was replaced by The Undertaker! What happened to that? 

'THE HEART BREAK KID' Shawn MichaelsCole, do I honestly look like I care what happened to The Undertaker? 'cause to be perfectly honest...I don't. All I know is that Triple H was in, Triple H is out, 'Taker's in, Taker's out and now yours truly, the sexiest thing on God's green earth is fixin' to walk that istle and show the world that The Messiah aint nothin' but a little speed bump in my way of becoming the world champion. 

'THE LITTLE RODENT' Michael Cole: Well I guess that's great news, but don't you feel you're underestimating the ability of The Messiah?

'THE HEART BREAK KID' Shawn Michaels: Who? 

'THE LITTLE RODENT' Michael Cole: The Messiah, your opponent for Raw.

'THE HEART BREAK KID' Shawn Michaels: Oh right? Well actually I've never heard of the kid, what about you Big D?

'HEART BREAK'S BODY GUARD'  Diesel: Nah, Shawn, doesn't ring a bell. 

'THE LITTLE RODENT' Michael Cole: Guys, he's a very impressive superstar. Definitely one of the major players back in the independent circuit.  You might not want to overlook this kid. I mean, his speed and agility isn't something you should look past. 

'THE HEART BREAK KID' Shawn Michaels: |Mocking Michael Cole| "His speed and agility isn't something you should look past" Shutch your mouth ya' no good rascal. Listen, there aint nobody faster and there sure as hell aint nobody better than The Heart Break Kid. As far as yer' concerned Messiah. Don't go out there expectin' to Heart Break to hold back for ya' just cause it's your first real match. You just enjoy bein' out there with me while it lasts 'cause you definitely don't deserve to be in the same ring as The Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels. Now if you're lucky and I'm in a good mood maybe I'll end music class early and I'll just hit ya with some good ol' fashion sweet chin music from the get go an' after that, better prey that big Diesel doesn't keep ya' after school. What'd ya thing, Diesel? 

'HEART BREAK'S BODY GUARD'  Diesel: Well Shawn, I aint promisin' anything, but I'll tell ya' one thing, Messiah, I know Shawn aint gonna have any problem kickin' you're teeth down your throat, but if you get in my way, they better call an ambulance 'cause there's no way yer' gettin' up once you're hit by three hundred and twenty pounds of raw....











Heard The Music: The Messiah?