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.....As the camera shows Marlena in her locker room she is watching what just happened at the airport on her locker room television as she just saw Beulah reunite with her husband Tommy Dreamer as she starts to get a little worried because she doesnt know what they are up to and with him at ring side she knows that she will very little have a chance to win her match against Beulah later on tonight.....

~The Golden Beauty~Marlena~...*Cell phone rings*Hello?, Hey Baby whats going on?, Good do you know when you will be here tonight?, Ok so your here now well thats good just walk into my locker room when arrive hear so we can head out to the ring...Love you to babe, bye.....

~The Golden Beauty~Marlena~...*Knock on door* Come in..*walks in*...Hey baby i missed you so much so how were you in the WWE?

~The Bizare One~Goldust~....Baby I did a really great job in the WWE especially when i beat the living hell out of that hardcore cheap peice of shit Tommy Dreamer...

~The Golden Beauty~Marlena~...~Whoa Whoa Whoa Baby Baby thats actually why i brought you here, i got you here because my opponent tonight Beulah brought her husband back here to help her in her match against me and to be your surprise her husband is Tommy Dreamer...

~The Bizare One~Goldust~...~What What What do you mean Tommy Dreamer since you just said that he was here i will believe you but Marlena there's is one thing that i will promise you tonight and that is i will be at ring side with you during your match tonight because if he even gets close to you or even so much lays a hand on you i will get in the ring and beat the hell out of him and i will and i will shatter his dreams so bad to where the two bitches will neeeever have any babies...

~The Golden Beauty~Marlena~...~Goldust I understand if you have to get in the ring and make me lose my match by disqualification match as long as he doesnt touch me in any way possible.....So Goldust i have to get to the ring so come with me for protection......

~As Marlena lights up one of her big cigars as she sticks it in her mouth as Goldust opens the locker room door as Marlena walks out first the followed by Goldust as they smile at each other as they walk down the hallway as they smile and wave at the crew workers that are on the job as the golden couple finish walking down the hallway as Marlena picks up the bottom of her golden dress as they walk up the stairs as there music hits as the arena lights go gold and black as they walk out from behind the curtains as the fans stand up from there seats and cheer for the beutiful golden couple as they begin to walk down the rampway....

~As they keep walking down the rampway as they walk over to the stairs as Marlena picks up the bottom of her dress again so she doesnt step on it as she and Goldust walk up the metal stairs as they walk down the side of the ring apron and then go threw the middle rope as they grab a mic as Marlena begins to speak about her match tonight with Beulah....
