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Event » Raw
Date » August 12th 2002
Location » Madison Square Garden


..: | Raw Live From New York City | :..


| Scene | - | The fans go nuts as the arena fades to a green neon colour and the 'D-Generation X' music plays on the PA system. Clips of Shawn Michaels hitting the sweet chin music to Vince, Eric and another select few from his WWF days are mixed in with numerous clips of Rob Van Dam hitting 5 Star's and Van Daminators. The Heartbreak Kid appears first and dances out onto the stage and is quickly joined by Rob Van Dam, both kitted out in the green of DX. The DX Duo make their way down the ramp and slide into the ring, HBK does his stretching arm flexing pose as RVD does crotch chops behind him. Heartbreak Kid finally takes a microphone and grins at RVD then at the fans before beginning. |

|| ~ 'Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels ~ || - Madison Square Garden.. ARE YOU READY?

| Scene | - | The fans reply with the usual chant of 'WHAT?' |

|| ~ 'Whole FN Show' Rob Van Dam ~ || - He said.. ARE YOU READY?

|| ~ 'Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels ~ || - Well then you better get ready..

|| ~ 'Whole FN Show' Rob Van Dam ~ || - TO BOW TO THE MASTA'S

| Scene | - | Suddenly the arena dims down and a huge green pyro lights up the sky's, it is joined by a second which crosses over into the X shape and in the ring HBK and RVD crotch chop as the fans go nuts. Finally the pyro's end and the smoke starts to clear, the lights flick back to normal but Eric Bischoff is standing on the stage. |

|| ~ 'Big Eazy' Eric Bischoff ~ || - Shawn, when are you going to learn? You got fired, this is not your show anymore, you are a nobody in the XWF. Is it that hard to understand?

|| ~ 'Whole FN Show' Rob Van Dam ~ || - Woah woah wait just one second there Biscuit, what you are failing to remember here is that last week on Raw. When Rob Van Dam brought back Degeneration X, when Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels brought back DX, We took over this show, we took over the WHOLE FUCKING SHOW!

|| ~ 'Big Eazy' Eric Bischoff ~ || - Well that's real cute Rob, but however much sp**k you spray on each other's asses, it's not going to change the fact that you are nothing, and that any moment we could kick your sorry asses out of the XWF.

|| ~ 'Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels ~ || - Okay Henrik enougth is enougth, you've got a problem with Shawn Michaels? You don't like the fact that I put the WCW out of business, well fine I propose to you. At Summerslam, you and me, one on one, Eric Bischoff Vs Shawn Michaels, we'll see just who is nothing, and just who the main event is, just who the icon, the showstopper is.

|| ~ 'Big Eazy' Eric Bischoff ~ || - No no, You see Shawn I'm happy enougth with beating the hell out of RVD at Vengeance. You Shawn, I think I'll take it easy on you. So instead of facing me, you'll face somebody else at Summerslam, somebody who has actually 'proven' to be the main event in the XWF.

|| ~ 'Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels ~ || - And who exactly would this misfit be?

|| ~ 'Big Eazy' Eric Bischoff ~ || - Well that's for me to know Shawn, and for you to find out.

| Scene | - | Bisch grins as he chews on his gum before leaving for the back. We cut to previews of Summerslam and the huge Kurt Angle Vs Rob Van Dam main event as DX make their way backstage. |

Sabu vs. Chris Kanyon vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Kevin Nash vs. Hurricane vs. Matt Hardy vs. Hulk Hogan vs. Al Snow vs. X-Pac vs. Stamboli vs. Scott Hall
Anywhere Fall's Elimination Match European #1 Contenders
All of a sudden the music of Team Xtreme is heard blaring over The XWF PA System as the crowd jumps to its feet and the females in attendance are going crazy as Matt Hardy and Lita are seen at the top of the ramp. They stand there for a few seconds before running down the ramp and sliding into the ring and going over to the turnbuckles and posing for the crowd. Once they jump down though their music is cut out as 'Who Betta Than Kanyon!' starts to blare throughout the arena as Kanyon appears at the top of the ramp, he starts to taunt the crowd and they boo him and he stands there in amazement and shakes his head and just walks the ramp, once he gets to the ring he just stands outside and walks to the side leaving Matt Hardy in there with Lita. As Kanyon is pacing around the ring. Better Not Mess With The Wolfpac cuts Kanyons music off as Kanyon stands there and looks up at the top of the ramp and sees 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash stand at the top of the ramp giving the Wolfpac sign. He slowly walks down the ramp also getting ready for the match, he too stands at the front of the ring and looks inside at Matt and to Kanyon at the side and goes to the opposite side of the ring as Kanyon. All of a sudden X-PAC is heard blaring over The PA System cutting off Nash's theme. X-Pac comes bouncing from behind the curtain like a little monkey jumping all over the place. He finally settles down and jogs down the ramp and goes straight into the ring and looks at everyone else who is down there allready. He stands there for a few seconds before his music finally cuts out and Rey Mysterio's music is heard as he too comes bounding from behind the curtain, but with more energy than X-Pac as if he is expecting to go a long way in this match. He looks over everyone who is down by the ring from the top of the ramp and then slowly makes his way down, when he is half way down his music is cut out as The Hurricanes music blares throughout Madison Square Garden. He comes out from behind the curtain spinning like a superhero. He spins a few times and then he too starts to slowly walk down the ramp. By this time everyone is outside the ring that has gone down there except for X-Pac and Matt Hardy. All of a sudden once again the music is cut out and WHAT DOES EVERYBODY WANT??? is heard blaring throughout the arena as Al Snow comes out from the back with Head in his hand shaking it all around. He stops for a second and looks at everyone down by the ring. He slowly makes his way down, and while he is his music is cut out to the sound of Im Standin' Next To A Mountain which can only mean one person is coming out. And out comes Hollywood Hogan whos is doing his usuall poses, he walks down and goes straight into the ring without any fears. When he gets in and rips his shirt his music cuts out and Sabu's music hits as he appears at the top of the ramp and points to the ceiling of MSG. He makes his way down quick and waits outside the ring also. And the next music hits and it is the sound of Scott Hall's as he makes his way out strutting like he always does. He walks down and looks everybody over and just climbs into the ring. And finally the final persons music hits as Stamboli's music starts to blare over the pa. But after a few seconds no one has came out from the top of the ramp and everyone is looking puzzled. However Stamboli comes from behind and no one sees him and he has a chair in hand. He jumps from the crowd and hits Kanyon with it in the head and goes for the pin and the referee counts the three count as Kanyon is the first to be eliminated. And oncer everyone realizes what has happened all hell has broke loose in and out of the ring as Kanyon looking pissed off makes his way to the backstage area. By this time everyone has gathered into the ring and they are going after whoever they can. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash seem to be teaming up to do a number on Sabu. The Hurricane and Matt Hardy are going at it one on one. And with this Matt Hardy goes running at The Hurricane and they both wind up out of the ring. And Mysterio, Al Snow and Stamboli who has now lost his chair are all going at it together. Out on the floor Hardy and Hurricane are going at it all out, Mysterio sees what is going on and he all of a sudden jumps out of the ring and Hurricane and Hardy notice it and get out of the way in time so Mysterio winds up hitting the guard rail, Hurricane and Hardy both pick him up and give him a double suplex over the guardrail and Hurricane then goes for the pin and gets it. Mysterio has been eliminated. But before Hurricane can realize he eliminated him Matt Hardy jumps onto the guardrail and jumps at Hurricane and lands on him and covers him and hooks the tights as Hurricane is now also eliminated. In the ring it is still chaos as Matt Hardy sees and he just decides to wait outside the ring and sits down on the guardrail and watches. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash appear to be going at it now as they have given up on Hogan who is now battling it oput with Al Snow and Sabu and X-Pac and Stamboli are going at it. Matt Hardy however has had enough of sitting outside and goes and climbs onto the ring apron and winds up getting knocked off by Hogan who was just Irish whiped by Sabu who runs at him and clotheslines him over the top ring rope, but gets dragged over by Hogan. Now Hardy, Hogan and Sabu are all going at it as they seem to be making their way up the ramp and in no time they have disapeared behind teh curtain into the backstage area, but no one in the ring has seemed to notice they are gone. Now it is Kevin Nash, X-Pac, Snow , Scott Hall and Stamboli are the only ones in the ring and know nothing of the other ones leaving. All of a sudden Kevin Nash is in one corner by himself, Hall and Pac are in one corner and Snow and Stamboli are in the other corner. The fighting has stopped as they realize that they should all take out Nash and they agree and everyone runs at Nash, but Al Snow, being the only smart one takes a couple of steps and then rolls out of the ring and crawls under it before anyone can notice. So now it is Stamboli, X-Pac and Hall taking on Nash. Nash is getting beaten down until all of a sudden he stands up and throws his arms up and sends them all flying. They all look confused and run at him again one at a time but Nash gives them all a big boot. The last one to run at him is X-Pac who he picks up after the big boot and then gives him a Jacknife Powerbomb and then pins him and gets the three count as X-Pac is eliminated. By this time Hall and Stamboli are up and they rush at Nash but to no avail and he just gives the a double clothesline and looks down at them. He then looks around and realizes that some people are missing, he then walks over to the ropes without caring about Stamboli or Hall who are just lying there. They are both slowly gettin up so he then goes and gives them both a big Jacknife each and then gets out of the ring without even pinning them. Al Snow then peeks his head up and looks into the ring and realizes that Hall and Stamboli are just lying there side by side and he goes and pins them both at the same time and eliminates Scott Hall and Stamboli in one pin. Kevin Nash was not all the way up the ramp but when he hears the referee he looks down and notices that Al Snow was there the whole time but he appears to not care and starts to walk up the ramp again and goes behind the curtain. Al Snow then realizes that he has a chance to win and grabs a chair and starts running up the ramp. Once he gets to the curtain he has the chair held up so he can run easier but all of a sudden a huge grunt is heard and a big boot come out from behind the curtain and nail Al Snow right in the head with the chair. Nash just looks down at him and grins and pins him and gets the three count. Al Snow is eliminated. Kevin Nash then once again goes and dissepares behind the curtain. The camera than cuts out to Matt Hardy, Hogan and Sabu who are still in the arena but by the time the camera cuts to them they are in the parking lot. They keep brawling, all three of the men look exhausted as they continue to brawl. Kevin Nash all of a sudden is seen way behind them, but he notices that they must think they are the only three left so he lets them be and just follows far enough behind to see what is going on but not to be seen. Hardy, Hogan and Sabu all keep brawling outside of the arena getting farther and farther away without even knowing it.

To Be Continued..


| Scene | - | The arena flicks to a golden colour as 'Last Resort' plays on the PA system, Jeff Hardy's theme music. Jeff struts out onto the ramp alongside 'Naitch' and both look at the crowd reactionand then at each other and smile. They make their way down the ramp and enter the ring, Ric just rests on the turnbuckle as Jeff is handed a microphone and begins to speak. |

|| ~ 'The Golden Boy' Jeff Hardy ~ || - I've been back for a week now, and already all the hype in the XWF is about Jeff Hardy. All the hype has turned to 'The Golden Boy', because let's face it, Rob Van Dam and Kurt Angle main eventing Summerslam just doesn't cut it. The XWF is on a huge roll, Triple H returned at Vengeance, DX reformed last week, but they where both over shadowed by the long awaited return of an XWF Legend, Jeff Hardy. Any other time, the return of Triple H would be huge, the reformation of DX would be too big to miss. But they both got made to look boring when last week on RAW that music hit, and Jeff Hardy stormed down that ramp like he's never been gone. Oh yeah my time in the CWO was okay, but nothing compares to this, Jeff Hardy is back in the XWF, Jeff Hardy is back home.

| Scene | - | There is a huge ovation for Jeff which causes him to pause for a second before continueing. |

|| ~ 'The Golden Boy' Jeff Hardy ~ || - Now you all know I wouldn't just walk back into the XWF without a plan, Everybody knows that you're just going to get destroyed in the XWF if you don't come in here with something up your sleeve. So you see that's where Naitch comes in, he's my ticket to the top, he's my ticket to instant success. I look at the roster and I see a lot of new faces, a lot of new guy's like Randy Orton, he seems to have taken the XWF by storm recently. But I also see a lot of the familiar faces, guy's who I have had some huge battles with in the past. Of course The Big Show, Triple H, Kurt Angle, Rob Van Dam, the list goes on and on. And although I could start at the top, I could go from numero uno in Kurt Angle, and Ric could most definetely get me that match, Well I don't want Kurt Angle yet. I want to prove myself allover again, and where better to start than with the former champion, the best ever champion. The man who arguably made the XWF what it is today, I'm talking about The Rock. That's right Rocky, you might not be the champion anymore but I still have unfinished business when it comes to you.

| Scene | - | All of a sudden chants of 'Rocky' have filled Madison Square Garden and Jeff is forced to puase again, this time looking into the crowd as if they are a pile of trash. |

|| ~ 'The Golden Boy' Jeff Hardy ~ || - You see Rock, I never got my chance against you for the title. I never had that chance to go one on one with the so called 'The Great One', with the title on the line. Yeah I got a match with you, None title match that is, and I beat you. But as far as I am concerned that match means nothing. That's why I want you in a match, at Summerslam. The Rock Vs Jeff Hardy, a match with more than just a peice of gold on the line, this is about pride, this is to prove just who was the best whilst Jeff Hardy was around. Rock I want you to walk yourself out here, and accept my challenge, right now.

| Scene | - | Silence breaks out as the whole arena awaits the arrival of The Rock, After about 20 seconds Jeff finally has had enougth and goes to shout out to The Rock when all of a sudden. |


| Scene | - | The fans go nuts as The Rock makes his way out onto the ramp, The Rock walks from one side of the stage to the other, keeping his eyes firmly etched on Jeff Hardy. |

|| ~ 'The Great One' The Rock ~ || - Summerslam, the biggest show of the summer, the second biggest show of the year. And you want The Rock to waiste his time whipping your sorry ass? Jeff, Jif, Jamin the 2 bit chump change jobber, it doesn't matter what your name is. The simple fact is The Rock is not waisting his precious time on you. At Summerslam The Rock has better things on his mind. The Rock has a certain jabroni in mind who The Rock would like to beat at Summerslam, a certain jabroni who likes dressing up in a black gimp suite and attacking The Rock during his matches. Well Jeff unless that man is you, then The Rock Vs Jeff Hardy at Summerslam, is just a distant dream. Now do what any other smart jabroni would do, Shut Your Mouth.. and Know Your Role!




| Scene | - | The Rock raises the peoples eyebrow before dissapearing backstage, what an insult to Jeff Hardy. Jeff trys to climb out of the ring and follow The Rock but Flair stops him and just nods as if to say, 'Take your time'. |

Booker T Vs Val Venis
Singles Match None Title
'Hello Lady's', the whole of the female population of the arena stand on their feet and whistle as Val Venis makes his way out wearing a towel and flapping his hands from side to side. Val clumbers into the ring and rips off his towel as the Booker Man's music hits, CAN YOU DIG IT? SUCKAAA! Well can ya? Sucka! Booker T walks out onto the stage with a ghosty glase in his eyes, and a slight grin on his face. Booker hops on the spot before lifting his arms high into the air and engulfing the stage with flames. Booker shakes his hair around before making his way down the ramp, Booker and Val meet in the middle of the ring straight away and Booker goes all wide eyed. Val quickly slaps Booker across the face but Booker replys with a slap of his own before driving his thigh into Val's gut and sending him crashing into the turnbuckle pads. Booker charges in and slams a fist into the side of Val's head, grabs Val by his hair and spins him around before drilling his head straight into the top turnbuckle pad. Val stumbles across the ring in a daze and Booker charges in once again and sends him crashing to the canvas with a clothesline. Val slides to the outside but double back as Booker follows him out, leaving Booker on the outside of the ring alone. Booker jumps up onto the apron but Val grabs him by the confused dread locks and hits a guilotine over the top rope, sending Booker crashing backwards and into the barracade. Booker screams out in pain and hobbles around ringside but Val quickly climbs to the outside and rolls Booker back into the ring. Val charges onto the ropes and goes for a diving elbow drop but Booker rolls out of the way, hops to his feet and goes for the harlem side kick, But Vla ducked out of the way, SUPERKICK FROM VAL! Val goes straight to the top rope, holds his hands in the air and calls for the end, MONEYSHOT!!!...1 ...2 ...3 Val Venis has taken the win here, but it could have gone either way.

Winner: Val Venis

| Scene | - | It has been about 20 minutes and the anywhere falls match is still on, this time they are near some train tracks on the outskirts of the city. They dont even realize it but they wind up stopping on the train tracks and keep going at it. Hardy seems to be getting the best of the two as Hogans age is getting him tired and Sabu has been getting beat on the whole time. Hardy then goes for the twist of fate on Sabu but Hogan stops him by giving him a big boot to the face and then goes for a leg drop but missed and lands right on the train tracks. Hogan seems to be hurt as Sabu and Hardy go at it, all of a sudden a train is heard in the background. Hardy and Sabu do not notice it as Hogan rolls off the tracks, Sabu and Hardy notice it just before it is too late and jump out of the way, and in an attempt to escape Hardy, Sabu jumps onto the train and barely makes it, the train seems to be very long so Hardy in an attempt to catch Sabu jumps onto the train too, Nash then comes out of hiding and sees Hogan lying there and just puts his foot on Hogans chest and gets the three count as Hogan has been eliminated. It is now down to the final three. Hardy, Sabu and Nash. And by this time Nash realizes that the only way he will win the match is to jump onto the train too. He jumps on and looks like he is regretting jumping onto it as the scene fades back out. |

| Scene | - | We cut to the backstage area where Test is heading to the arena for his match, he notices Chavo sat in the corridor talking to Pepe his dog. Test looks down at Chavo and begins to speak. |

|| ~ 'Big Shot' Test ~ || - Hey Chavo, not to be cruel or anything, but your girlfriend is a dog man, ha ha ha.

|| ~ Chavo Guerrero Jnr ~ || - And what is your point?

|| ~ 'Big Shot' Test ~ || - Damn, forget it.

| Scene | - | Test looks down to notice that Pepe is pissing allover his leg, Test flips out and kicks Pepe straight down the corridor, Chavo is in shock and goes to help Pepe who is yelping in pain. Test just laughs before heading back down the corridor, BUT HERE COMES CHAVO! Chavo clotheslines Test over the back of the head and Test goes skidding down the corridor, Chavo climbs up onto some nearby boxes and waits as Test gets to his feet before hitting a missile dropkick straight to Test's chin. Test grabs his title and charges away down the corridor as Chavo goes back to Pepe. |

Randy Orton Vs Scott Steiner
Singles Match None Title
The sirens begin to wail out of the PA System and Big Poppa Pump comes cockily strutting out to the ramp, followed closely behind by his '#1 Freak' Midajah, the crowd boo and jeer for Steiner but he just ignores it and struts down the ramp, trash talking the fans in the front row, even threatening a few, he steps inside of the ring and flexes his muscles just to piss off the fans who boo like hell until Randy Ortons theme blasts out around the arena and 'The Perfect Alliance' step out onto the ramp, Orton looks around the arena before running down the ramp and sliding into the ring, only to be met with hard kicks to the back of the head courtesy of Scott Steiner before the referee pulls him off. Randy goes into the corner to gain his senses back, and Scott Steiner charges at him, but Orton capitalises by ducking and delivering an amazing dropkick to the back of the head of The Big Bad Booty Daddy, Steiner goes head first into the turnbuckle before Orton rolls him up but Steiner kicks out at two, they both stand up but Steiner gets the upper hand, taking the youngster down with a vicious clothesline before picking him up and whipping him into the turnbuckle, following closely behind him and squashes Orton between his body and the turnbuckle, Steiner backs off but comes straight back at Orton with hard kicks to the gut of The Future before Orton falls to the ground and Steiner starts to choke him with his boot before being dragged off. Steiner flips off the fans but has given Orton a little time to recuperate, Steiner sees him coming to his senses and charges at him, only for the rookie to dodge him, turn around and spear him into the turnbuckle, before driving some hard shoulders into the upper body of Big Poppa Pump, before standing up and delivering some hard knife edge chops to the chest of Scott Steiner to loud 'WOOOS' from the crowd, the younger is in control of Scott Steiner here, he brings him out of the corner and irish whips him into the ropes, Steiner comes back and Orton goes for the clothesline, which Steiner ducks and comes back off the other ropes, kicking Orton hard in the gut and delivering a sharp snap suplex to the rookie before going for the pin, 1..2..KICK OUT AT 2 BY ORTON! Steiner gets pissed at the ref but gives the youngster no time to regain his senses, kneeling down and giving Orton some hard punches to his face, Steiner picks Orton up before kicking him in the gut and delivering a solid powerbomb to the rookie, but he wastes vital time boasting about it to the fans, kissing his biceps and telling them to kiss his ass, he turns around and bends down to pin Orton, but is met with a low blow by the rookie, who stands up and delivers another hard dropkick to the face of Big Poppa Pump, who goes down to the canvas, Orton looks around the arena, and jumps onto the apron and then ontop of the turnbuckle, he waits for Steiner to get to his feet, which he does groggily, and Orton jumps off of the turnbuckle, HUGE SPLASH! HUGE SPLASH TO STEINER! Orton looks around the arena at all the screaming fans, but then looks at Mr Perfect, who has Torrie Wilsons head in his hands, LIP LOCK! CURT HENNIG IS KISSING TORRIE WILSON, WHAT THE FUCK? Orton goes up to the ropes and grabs ahold of Perfects hair, and goes to drag him into the arena, but Steiner seizes his chance and gets the roll up, 1....2....3! Steiner has won this one! Steiner has ended Ortons winning streak!

Winner: Scott Steiner

| Scene | - | Sabu has been able to avoid Matt Hardy, but it appears Matt Hardy has found him finally after going on top of all the cars and looking down. Sabu was hiding between them. When Sabu notices that Hardy has found him, he immedietly jumps off the train, once Hardy notices he jumps off too and goes running after Sabu. Nash however is still clueless as to what is going on, he is jsut looking from side to side seeing if he can find Sabu or Hardy, he sees Sabu and then jumps off immedietly and starts to attack him until Sabu tells Nash that he has allready been eliminated and that Hardy is the only one left. When he hears this he looks around and sees Hardy walking over to the area where they are standing, Nash then turns around and starts to head in the direction of Hardy, but all of a sudden Sabu gives Nash a low blow from behind and pins him and gets the three count as Sabu has eliminated Kevin Nash. Sabu then gets a smile on his face as it is now down to Matt Hardy and Sabu. They look at each other and both run at each other as if the collide head on, Sabu goes for a clothesline but Matt Hardy ducks it and gives Sabu a neckbreaker and goes for a pin but Sabu kicks out immedietly. Hardy, realizing that it will take more than a pure neckbreaker to finnish off Sabu, grabs him by the head and starts punching him right in the face. After a few shots Sabu is finally able to put his arm up and block one and give Matt Hardy a couple shots also. By this time Sabu has blood coming out of his head from the shots delivered to him by Hardy. Hardy is also getting all of Sabu's blood all over him and not even caring, all he cares about is winning the damn match. But being out in an open field proves to be hard when in a wrestling match, because all you can do is brawl. Hardy however notices a fence a couple hundred yards away. He starts leading over that way as he is pushing Sabu over there, Sabu does not know what is going on but when they near about 50 feet of the fence he notices what is happening and starts to go near the fence also as they can both have that fance play a major part in a victory. When they reach about 5 feet away from the fence they lock up and Matt Hardy wins and Irish Whips Sabu right at it, Sabu goes face first into the chain link fence and turns around and has even more blood on his face than before. Sabu just stares at Matt Hardy and runs at him and pounces him and starts to punch him in the face. Sabu seems to be going wild. Sabu then helps Matt Hardy up by pulling his hair and giving im kicks to the stomach at the same time to make sure he gets up. He goes to give Matt Hardy and Irish Whip him at the fence, but Hardy reverses it and gives Sabu another Irish Whip to the fence but this time Sabu jumps at the fence and goes to climb it. It appears to be at least 10 feet tall and neither wrestler has noticed the barbed wire that is at the top of it. Sabu just wants to climb it to get away from Matt Hardy, Hardy starts to climb to but Sabu then starts to kick at him, Hardy avoids them and moves over to the side of Sabu and climbs at the same speed as him. When they both reach the top they start battling it out with punches. Sabu then notices the barbed wire that is lined at the top of the fence and catches one of Hardys punches and takes his hand and runs it along the barbed wire. Hardy screams out in pain but manages to stay up top, he the reaches over and grabs Sabu's head and runs it along the barbed wire as Sabu lets out a painful scream and falls off the fence and lands on his face. Hardy then looks down and gives Sabu his patented leg drop and then stands there for a second waiting for Sabu to get back up. He has to wait a few minutes, but finally a drowsy Sabu slowly gets up and Matt Hardy kicks him in the stomach but Sabu catches it and gives Hardy a swift clothesline but Hardy ducks it and waits for Sabu to turn around and once again kicks him in the stomach and gives him the twist of fate and covers him and gets the final three count of this match as Matt Hardy eliminates Sabu and wins the battle royal to become the number one contender for the European Championship. But once he gets up while holding his hand in pain he looks around and realizes he has no idea where the hell he is and starts walking through the field looking for a road. |

Test (c) Vs Christian
Singles Match Hardcore Title
# Test..Test..this is a Test # Test's theme music echo's around the arena, as the XWF Hardcore champion, proudly strust from behind the black curtain, with his Hardcore title intact. Test calmly parades down the rampway, with his title over his shoulder. Test then enters the ring, and poses on the turnbuckle. Suddenly..the arena plunges into darkness...# Chris-TIAN! Chris-TIAN! At last..your own your owwwwnnn...# is chanted over the PA system as the fans give a rather good ovation for the current tag team champion. Christian walks from behind his gold pyro, before heading to the ring. Christian eyes Test all the way, as he struts down the ramp. He enters the ring, and without no chance, Test delivers a solid elbow to the back of Christian! Christian howls in pain, as the bell tolls! Test then delivers some boots to the chest of Christian, before picking him up to his feet. Test then whips Christian to the turnbuckle, and nails a solid clothesline! Christian slumps to his knees, Test then makes the cover 1,2..Christian's shoulder shoots up off of the canvas! Test seems pissed with the ref, as he grabs him by his shirt. Meanwhile Christian gets to his feet, he hurdles towards Test and delivers a SPINNING HEEL KICK! Test falls to the ground, as the fans roar! Christian starts to build some momentum. Test gets to his feet, Christian then begins to taunt the much bigger Canadian. Test attempts to grab Christian, but the tag champ, dives between his legs, then takes him down with a leg-sweep! The crowd laugh, at Test's downfall. Test then gets to his feet, and has seriously lost his temper! Test takes hold of Christian by his mesh shirt, and throws him into the turnbuckle! Test hammers away..lefts and rights..rights and lefts! Test then whips Christian to the opposit turnbuckle, and nails a BODYSPLASH! Christian holds his chest in pain, Test then makes another cover 1,2...Christian kicks out..just in the nick of time. Test then exits the ring and looks underneath the ring and takes hold of a steel chair. By now, Christian sprints towards Test..and MY GOD! Christian dropkicked the chair into the face of Test! Test falls flat on his butt, as Christian slides to the outside. Christian then himself digs underneath the ring..and finds..a broom! Christian then delivers a blow to Test..and breaks the broom in half! He picks Test to his feet, but Test nails a knee to the gut, he then rams Christian into the STEEL STEPS! Ouch! Test then takes hold of a steel chair, from ringside, and swings at Christian...The Awesome One ducks! He then slides under the ring, and Test follows! The pursuit is on! Christian slides out of the other end..Test's head then appears and MY GOD! A CHAIR SHOT! Right on the back of Test's head! Test's eyes..roll back, and Test looks out of it! Christian then makes the cover on the outside..1.2...MY GOD! Test kicked out! Christian looks almost confused, he digs back under the ring and..finds..a Moose Head? A Moos Head? The crowd laugh, Test then stunningly gets to his feet, and Christian applies The Moose Head..over Tets's! Test is blind! Christian then picks up some kendo sticks..and attacks the knees of Test! Test then eventually removes the head, and chases Christian into the ring! Test manages to counter a clothesline, and attempts The Pumphandle Slam...HE GOT IT! PUMPHANDLE SLAM TO CHRISTIAN! Test makes the cover 1,2...Christian kicked out! Christian is still alive! Test is irate! Test then picks Christian to his feet, and attempts another Pumphandle slam..this time Christian wriggles free, and drops Test with THE REVERSE DDT! DDT to Test! The crowd cheer, as Christian nails his trademark manouver! Christian then picks up a steelchair from ringside and enters the ring, Test then hurdles over to Christian and a BIG BOOT! Test nailed the big boot..and the chair flew back into Christian's head! What the hell...The Big Show. Christian's buddy then slides into the ring, and Test see's him! He attempts a clothesline..HELL NO! Show takes hold of Test by the throat..and MY GOD! A SHOWSTOPPER TO TEST! What amazing strength! Show then picks up Christian and drapes his motionless body over Test..the ref makes the cover 1,2...3! Christian's done it! Christian has won back..what he lost! What the's Jeff Hardy! Hardy with a chair in hand! Rattles it across the back of The Big Show! Show barely moves, and nails some right hands, knocking Hardy from the ring! Both Show and Hardy then fight through the crowd! Christain then on his knees, holds his head in pain, and his hardcore title in hand.'s....Edge! Christian's brother..slides into the ring and takes hold of his younger brother. He raises his arm! E & C are back! The fans are going crazy! Edge then gloats to his fans..and HELL NO! UNPRETTIER! UNPRETTIER TO EDGE! Christian just nailed The Unprettier on his own brother! My god! The fans are going bezerk! Their..booing Christian! Christian tells them to 'shut up!' Christian then gives Edge some boots! He then looks down at his brother..and raises his arms! Christian then leaves the ring!

Winner: Christian

| Scene | - | Randy Orton storms back into his locker room where Mr Perfect is sat with his feet up on the table. |

|| ~ 'The Future' Randy Orton ~ || - WHAT IN FLYING FUCK WAS THAT?

| Scene | - | Mr Perfect just calmly climbs to his feet and looks Orton in the eyes. |

|| ~ 'Mr Perfect' Curt Hennig ~ || - Listen Randy, I might be perfect, But I'm just like any other man, I have urges too.

|| ~ 'The Future' Randy Orton ~ || - Now you listen here, Your 'Urge' cost me that match, keep your urges to your bed at night pal.

| Scene | - | MR PERFECT JUST SLAPPED THE TASTE OUT OF ORTON'S MOUTH! Orton holds his face as a red hand mark covers it. He suddenly thrusts his hand up and grabs Mr Perfect around the collar. |

|| ~ 'The Future' Randy Orton ~ || - WE'RE OVER! GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!

| Scene | - | Mr Perfect just grins back at Orton before laughing his way out of the room, what the hell just happened? Orton and Perfect is finished. |

| Scene | - | Inside The Corporations locker room Kurt Angle is warming up ahead of his world title match later with Raven. Angle is doing some thrust jumps, whatever the hell they are. He starts to jog on the spot and looks over at Vince and Eric talking by the table. He walks over and continues to hop on the spot as he speaks to the two. |

|| ~ 'XWF Champion' Kurt Angle ~ || - So pals, you looking forward to the show tonight?

|| ~ 'CEO' Vince Mcmahon ~ || - Well the show has actually already started Kurt.

|| ~ 'XWF Champion' Kurt Angle ~ || - Ha Ha you say such stupid things Vince, Are you looking forward to the real show tonight? Kurt Angle beating the daylights out of that bird in a cage.

|| ~ 'Big Eazy' Eric Bischoff ~ || - Hmmmm yeaaaah Kurt, Anyway I've got some business to take care of.. I'll see you two later.

| Scene | - | Eric leaves the room as Angle has frozen, Vince just continues with his paper work as Kurt stares into space before shooting into voice again. |

|| ~ 'XWF Champion' Kurt Angle ~ || - I knew it!

|| ~ 'CEO' Vince Mcmahon ~ || - Wha? You knew what?

|| ~ 'XWF Champion' Kurt Angle ~ || - Eric's got a plan to screw me, I know it.

|| ~ 'CEO' Vince Mcmahon ~ || - Ha Ha are you alright Kurt? Why would Eric want to screw you? He helped you keep that title at Vengeance remember?

|| ~ 'XWF Champion' Kurt Angle ~ || - Oh I remember, But that was just part of his whole plan. You see Eric has been planning this for months, for months he has planned to screw me, the best damn wrestler in XWF history. What his problem is I don't know, But I'm going to find out. It all makes sense, He purposely got fired by you all them months ago, so that he could take the time off to plan this. Why else would he book this match tonight? Why else would he be going to take care of some business?

|| ~ 'CEO' Vince Mcmahon ~ || - I don't know, maybe it's got something to do with the fact he has got matches to book for Summerslam?

| Scene | - | Vince grabs his papers and leaves the room laughing at Kurt who just stands there with his hand on his chin thinking. Has Kurt gone mad? |

Edge (c) Vs Bret Hart
Singles Match TV Title
'The Hart Foundation' blasts over the PA system, as Bret Hart walks from behind the curtain, to a bad ovation by the crowd. Bret struts down the rampway, donned in purple and black. Hart then enters the ring, and continously taunts the crowd. Suddenly " You think you know me " by Rob Zombie blasts around the arena, as the Ultra-Smooth Edge, walks from behind the turnbuckle, to a massive elevation from the crowd. Edge obviously holding his head, following the attack by Christian. Edge enters the ring, still a little banged up. Edge hands the championship to the ref, and the bell tolls. Edge and Hart both tangle, and Hart nails a shot to the had, easily knocking Edge down. Edge holds his head in pain, as Hart nails some boots to the chest! Hart then begins to strut around the ring! Hart then nails some elbows to the back of the head, but Edge manages to battle back, with some knife-edge chops! Edge backs Hart into the turnbuckle, and nails some shoulder blocks to the gut! Hart manages to escape, and catches Edge in a headlock! Edge falls to his knees, as Hart tightens the hold. The pain seemingly going to Edges head. The Ultra Smooth Edge, then manages to nail some shots to the gut, then bounces off of the ropes, Hart nails a knee to the gut, flipping Edge in mid air! Hart then picks Edge up, but Edge counters..into a small package! 1..2..a surprised Hart kicks out! Edge nails a drop-toe hold, before floating over into his own headlock! He raises Hart to his feet, but Bret manages to dig deep and nails a BACKDROP! Edge landing right on the back of his neck! Hart then makes the cover 1,2..Edge manages to kick out. Hart raises Edge to his feet, and places him in the turnbuckle. Hart then mounts the turnbuckle, and nails some punches to the head! He reaches 10, then dis-mounts. Bret pulls Edge from the turnbuckle, and drops Edge with a huge SUPLEX! Cover! 1..2..Edge kicks out! They both get to their feet, and Edge manages to gain the advantage, with some bodyshots. Bret nails a shot to the head, and whips Edge...Edge then counters with a SPINNING HEEL KICK! Kick to the head of Hart! Edge then races up the turnbuckle, and waits...a MISSILE DROPKICK TO HART! Edge picks up the pace, and rolls into a cover! 1...2..Bret uses his veteran style, and kicks out! Edge picks Bret to his feet, and Bret nails a LOW BLOW! The ref says above the belt..but clearly wasn't! Bret then follows with a modified DDT, and floats into the cover..1.2..with great resiliancy, Edge kicks out! Bret then stares at the ref, and nails somemore shots to the head of Edge. He picks Edge to his feet, and Abdominal stretch! Edge..being stretched, hold shis rubs in pain. After a few seconds, Edge manages to wriggle free and bounces off of the ropes..Edge then ducks a clothesline and nails A SPEAR! SPEAR TO HART! Edge makes the cover! 1..2...3..NO! Hart got his foot on the rope! My god! Edge thought he had it right there! Edge picks Hart to his feet, before putting him in the turnbuckle, Edge follows up with some shoulderblocks in the turnbuckle, and then some knife-edge chops! Hart falls to his knees, and Edge nails a dropkick to the chest! Edge makes another cover 1,2..Hart yet kicks out! Hart manages to get to his feet, and Edge is scooped up..and then Bret nails a BACKBREAKER! A bone crunching backbreaker! Edge falls to the ground. And the Hitman nails some elbow drops, and kicks to the back of Edge. The Hitman, then awaits..waiting as Edge slowly gets to his feet, he attempts a kick, but Edge holds his feet..ENSUGURI! Bret's trademark move nails Edge in the back of the head! The crowd boo as Bret takes hold of Edge's legs...SHARPSHOOTER! SHARPSHOOTER! Edge howls in pain, as Bret applies his finishing submission manouver! Edge is about to tap..he's inches away from the ropes...Edge then makes a final attempt..and he does! Edge reaches the ropes! Hart is forced to break the move! Hart can't believe it! Edge is at his feet..and is limping! Hart turns around..EDGE-ECUTION! EDGE-ECUTION! Hart falls to the ground..Edge makes the cover! 1..2....NO! Hart's feet are on the ropes! What does it take! Edge or Hart can't believe it! Edge is irate! He can't believe it! Hart then uses the ropes to get to his feet, and what! A LOW BLOW! Edge delivers a field-goal style kick to the crown jules of Hart! The ref calls for the bell! Edge just got DQ'D! Edge has lost! Yet..he keeps the title! Edge looks frustrated..and seems to irate! Here comes Christian! Christian comes storming down the ramp..but takes one look at his brother..oh no! Christian shakes his Edge challanges him to get in the ring! Christian's chicken! Christian then turns his back on his brother..and walks off with a smile!

Winner: Bret Via DQ

| Scene | - | Kurt Angle is walking the backstage area all wide eyed, he comes to one of the officials and begins to speak to him. |

|| ~ 'XWF Champion' Kurt Angle ~ || - Hey you, where's Eric Bischoff?

|| ~ Bob 'The Builder' ~ || - Hmmmm I don't know Kurt.

|| ~ 'XWF Champion' Kurt Angle ~ || - What do you mean you don't know where he is? He's your boss damnit, wait a minute. How the hell do you know my name? Are you in on his plan? You better start talking buster.

|| ~ Bob 'The Builder' ~ || - Your Kurt Angle, everybody knows Kurt Angle.

|| ~ 'XWF Champion' Kurt Angle ~ || - Ha Ha yeah everybody does know Kurt Angle, but that still doesn't explain why you don't know where your boss is. Are you trying to hide something? I know where my boss Vince Mcmahon is all the time.

|| ~ Bob 'The Builder' ~ || - Wow, you know where he is all the time? That's impressive.

|| ~ 'XWF Champion' Kurt Angle ~ || - Don't sass me, you know what? I'm going let you off this time, but if I see you in this stretch of the woods again I'll be forced to sign yourself a ticket to the Olympic Hotel.

| Scene | - | Ha Ha what the fuck? Kurt Angle is not just going paranoid, he's getting more and more goofy. Bob walks off quickly as Kurt just grunts and heads the other way. |

| Scene | - | Christian makes his way back to his locker room with a huge grin on his face, but as he heads into the room The Big Show is stood with a scowl on his face. |

|| ~ The Big Show ~ || - What are you playing at?

|| ~ Christian ~ || - Well I was just about to get a couple of soda's, you want one?

|| ~ The Big Show ~ || - Ha Ha yeah, Soda's Rule! But anyway, what the hell happened tonight? Edge could have been a great addition to the team, And you screwed him over damnit!

|| ~ Christian ~ || - Squeeze me? Have you forgotten who Edge is? He's my brother, He deserved a good smashing with that Unprettier. Nothing is going to change the fact that I hate my brother, NOTHING!

| Scene | - | Suddenly Eric Bischoff appears in the doorway. |

|| ~ 'Big Eazy' Eric Bischoff ~ || - Big Show, We need to talk.

|| ~ The Big Show ~ || - Okay sure, Christian this conversation isn't finished.

|| ~ Christian ~ || - Bah!

| Scene | - | Big Show leaves the room and Christian just slams the door after him as the scene fades out. |

Tazz (c) Vs HHH
Singles Match Euro Title
'Thug Superstar' hits over the PA system as the orange smoke clears as Tazz struts from the smoke with his European title over his shoulder. Tazz mounts the turnbuckle, and crosses arms, he then removes his shades. Thug Superstar is then interupted by 'Time to Play the Game' as 'The Game' Triple H walks from behind the curtain with water bottle in hand. He tips a little over his head and takes a sip. He saunters down the aisle, and performs his infamous taunt on the ring apron, before entering the ring. Triple H and Tazz then both lock eyes. The bell tolls and the duo both lock up. Triple H being the stronger superstar takes Tazz down with snapmare. And then taunts the crowd. Tazz being a tough son of a gun, simply stands to his feet..waits for HHH to turn around...A T-BONE SUPLEX! Tazz just threw Triple H like a rag doll! The Game jumps to his feet, almost in shock, and questions himself. Tazz, barely broke a sweat, as he threw Triple H like a cruiserweight. Triple H and Tazz then both lock up once more, and Triple H applies a headlock. Tazz manages to nails some shots to the gut, and breaks free, he bounces off of the ropes, and The Game connects with a RISING KNEE! Tazz is down, and Triple H makes the cover..1..2..Tazz kicks out! The Game lifts Tazz, to his feet, but Tazz manages to underhook him and nails a NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX! Tazz yet again with an awesome display of technical skill, and then hooks the leg 1..2..The Game manages to power out! Triple H steadily gets to his feet, and nails a knee to the gut of Tazz, followed by some hammer blows to the back. The Game stomps away on Tazz, in the turnbuckle. He steps back, and then begins to taunt the crowd. Thus giving Tazz enough time to re-group. He struts out of the ring...and Hunter turns right into a BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX! holy shit! The Game just went airborne! Tazz threw The Game like a piece of crap! The Game holds his back in pain, as this time Tazz stomps away! Tazz lifts The Game up, but Triple H counters with a rake to the eye, Tazz then sprints towards The Game, but Hunter counters with a huge SPINEBUSTER! Tazz, almost whiplashed down! The Game makes the cover 1..2..Tazz rolls over, and kicks out! Triple H almost looking frustrated begins to stalk Tazz, he sprints towards The European Champ, and nails a clothesline knocking the champ down! Tazz gets to his feet, only to be knocked down yet again. He then gets up once more, and Hunter attempts a clothesline...oh hell no! Tazz..then follows up with THE TAZZPLEX! Tazz's version of a belly to belly! The Game lands solid on the canvas, and Tazz stomps away on The Game! Tazz raises Triple H up, and places him in the turnbuckle, and nails some hard bodyshots! The Game manages to counter, and nails some hard right hands. He knocks Tazz down with a rising knee, and follows up with a knee-drop to the sternum! The Game places Tazz in the corner, and mounts the turnbuckle. He then begins to hammer down on Tazz...he reaches 10 and the ref indicates for him to let go. The Game then turns to face the crowd and begins to taunt them. Tazz then rallies out of the corner..TAZZMISSION! TAZZMISSION! Wait...a LOW BLOW! Low blow by The it is..PEDIGREE! Pedigree on Tazz! The Game rolls into the cover 1..2..3! The game wins it..but with the help of a low blow!

Winner: Triple H

| Scene | - | Triple H collects his championship and taunts the crowd...and what's's Y2J! Chris Jericho! He then slides into the ring and nails a SPINNING HEEL KICK! Knocking the championship back into the face of HHH! Jericho quickly grabs Triple H by the legs and starts to grind him over onto his back, IT'S THE WALL'S OF JERICHO! Triple H is screaming out in pain as Jericho winches back on the hold and Triple H has no escape. Jericho finally breaks the hold, stomps the hell out of Triple H and sends him crashing to the outside before grabbing a microphone. |

|| ~ 'Y2J' Chris Jericho ~ || - WELCOME... TO RAW IS JERIIIIIICHO! Triple H, It's time you learned a lesson. The lesson that Y2J will never lay down, the Lion that is Chris Jericho will never quit, never stop. No amount of chair shots, no amount of sledgehammer shots, IF I GET POWERBOMBED TO A CONCRETE FLOOR! IT'S NOT GOING TO STOP ME! What you did to me last week on Raw, All it did was keep me out for one week, Well guess what Jerky, I'M BACK ALREADY! And I'm going to give just as much as I receive. Whether you like it or not Triple H, You're facing me for at Summerslam, the match has already been booked. That European title will be on the line, and when I'm finished with you, the beating I give to you at Summerslam, It's going to make a Powerbomb off the stage look tame. Get Ready Triple H, the new European Champion is here, And you will never, EVVVVVVER! Be the same.. AGAAAAAAAIN!

| Scene | - | Jericho's music hits and the fans don't know if they are supposed to cheer or not, Jericho is back and he's taken Triple H out! |

| Scene | - | Randy Orton is sat on a stack of crates backstage looking at the cold floor. The Undertaker suddenly rides up on his bike, on his way to the arena. Orton's foot is in The Undertaker's path, but The Undertaker stops the bike when he would usually just run over the person's foot. |

|| ~ The Undertaker ~ || - Hey kid, you wanna move your foot?

|| ~ Randy Orton ~ || - Sorry man.

|| ~ The Undertaker ~ || - Don't worry about it.

| Scene | - | The Undertaker nods to Orton as he rides on down the corridor, yeah he is riding in the corridors. Orton looks up as Taker leaves and the scene fades out. |

HBK Vs Taker Vs Benoit
Triple Threat Match None Title
# ARE YOU READY? # 'Sexy Boy' hits the PA system and Shawn Michaels dances his way down the ramp and into the ring. HBK poses for the fans in his DX gear as 'Whatever' hits and Chris Benoit storms out onto the ramp. Benoit pauses at the top of the ramp and grins at HBK, one tooth missing in his mouth, which actually makes him look more evil. Benoit heads to the ring as the arena lights dim down and The Undertaker's music hits, But Benoit and HBK are already beating the hell out of each other as Taker rides down the ramp. Benoit and HBK share right hands but Benoit ducks one and hits a fiercesome German Suplex. HBK lands right on the top of his neck and rolls to the outside in agony, UNDERTAKER IS TRYING TO RUN HBK DOWN! The Undertaker almost ran HBK down with the motorcycle but Michaels dived out of the way, Taker climbs off the bike but HBK cathces him with a desperation Sweet Chin Music, UNDERTAKER WENT DOWN LIKE A TON OF BRICKS! Benoit lifts HBK up and rolls him back into the ring but HBK rolls straight through and struggles back around ringside as Benoit charges off the ropes, BASEBALL SLIDE TO HBK'S CHIN! Michaels darted back and slammed into the barracade. Benoit stands at the ropes and looks over HBK with that sick smile on his face again, But HBK shoots back into action, grabbing Benoit by the feet and pulling him down onto his ass. HBK quickly pulls Benoit's legs around the ringpost, BENOIT'S NUTS SLAMMED THE STEEL POST! Heartbreak Kid starts taunting Benoit and poses holding his nuts before crotch chopping to the fans in the middle row, But The Undertaker is back on his feet and HBK didn't see him coming, BIG BOOT TO HBK'S CHIN! Undertaker lifts HBK up and rolls him straight into the ring, follows him in and charges off the ropes, DIVING RUNNING LARIOT FROM THE TAKER! Taker goes for the cover on HBK...1 ...2 ..But the Icon that is HBK shoots a shoulder up. Undertaker clibs back to his feet and lifts HBK up as Benoit climbs back to his, Benoit beats Undertaker for a second with right hands but Undertaker fights back and sends Benoit into a slight daze with a right hand before darting off the ropes, DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE FROM THE UNDERTAKER! He makes a double cover...1 ...2 ..BUT THEY BOTH KICK OUT! Benoit rolls away and climbs to his feet, Taker charges at him but Benoit took him down CROSSFACE! CROPPLER CROSSFACE ON THE TAKER! Is he going to tap out? No The Undertaker somehow gets to the ropes and breaks the hold. Benoit keeps the hold in for 4 seconds before breaking it, but that time only let HBK recover and clothesline Benoit over the top rope as he got to his feet. HBK quickly stalks The Undertaker as he climbs to his feet clutching his arm, SWEET CHIN MUSIC! The Undertaker just got booked into the Heartbreak Hotel, clocked with the that damn sweet chin music...1 ...2 ...3 Shawn Michaels has beaten The Undertaker.

Winner: HBK

| Scene | - | Heartbreak Kid rolls out of the ring clutching his head but stops as Eric Bischoff makes his way out onto the stage. |

|| ~ 'Big Eazy' Eric Bischoff ~ || - Shawn, Hey Shawn. Nice win there for you, well you know I promised that you'd be facing somebody at Summerslam, not me that is. Well here's the time to find out who you'll be facing Shawn, Paul get your ass out here.

| Scene | - | Paul? Who is it? 'WEEEEELLLLL WELL IT'S A BIG SHOW!' The Big Show will be facing HBK at Summerslam? The Big Show makes his way out onto the stage, his eyes almost buldging out of his head. |

|| ~ 'Big Eazy' Eric Bischoff ~ || - Well you know what Shawn, I know you. I know how much of a chiken shit you really are, there is no chance your going to face The Big Show without something on the line. So here's your incentive to face The Big Show, the winner will become the number one contender, the winner will be facing the champion at King Of The Ring in September.

| Scene | - | Number 1 Contenders match, amazing. |

|| ~ The Big Show ~ || - Well you know something Eric, I'm not going to turn this down, I'd have to be off my head to turn this down. But that doesn't mean that The Big Show and Eric Bischoff are a team, that will never happen. Oh I'll be facing Shawn Michaels at Summerslam, But it won't be with the guidance of Eric Bischoff.

| Scene | - | BIG SHOW HAS BISCHOFF AROUND THE NECK! He's going to chokeslam Bischoff straight on the steel stage! BIT HERE COMES KURT ANGLE! CHAIR TO THE BACK OF THE BIG SHOW! Angle has saved Eric Bischoff, and pulls him backstage as Big Show clutches the bottom of his back. In the ring Benoit has flipped and locks the Crippler Crossface on The Undertaker! Officials rush to ringside as Benoit pulls back on the Crossface, grinding against The Undertaker's shoulder and arm. The Undertaker's screams are filling the arena, But here comes Randy Orton out of the crowd. Orton breaks it up and sends Benoit crashing to the outside, ORTON HAS BROKEN IT UP! Orton pulls The Undertaker up to his feet but The Undertaker is obvioussly worse for ware. |

The Rock Vs RVD
Singles Match None Title
# IF YA SMELLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN! # blasts out of the PA system and The Rock strides down the ramp with his fists clenched, the two former ERW members, the biggest members of the ERW ready to battle it out. The Rock poses on the second turnbuckle in both corners of the ring before striding from side to side like a rabid dog awaiting Rob Van Dam. # ARE YOU READY? # blasts out and it is quickly followed by 'One Of A Kind' as RVD makes his way out with a smile on his face. RVD strides down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope but was caught off guard as The Rock started the match like a house on fire, beating the living shits out of RVD with right hands. The Rock beats RVD back into the corner and sends him darting across to the opposite turnbuckle, RVD crashes out and into a huge clothesline from The Rock, almost near damn decapitating RVD. The Rock stands over RVD for a second before lifting him back to his feet and sending him into the ropes, RVD's limp body darts back but straight into a huge samoen drop that only The Rock can hit. RVD bounces around the ring and The Rock quickly crawls into a cover...1 ...2 ..But Van Dam shoots his shoulder up with desperation. He is in shock at the speed The Rock has started this match off at. The Rock sends RVD back into the ropes, SPINE ON THE PINE FROM THE ROCK! The Rock trys to cross legs for the Sharpshooter but RVD blocks it, so The Rock just gives RVD a kick to the nuts! The Rock lifts RVD's legs up, AND SENDS HIM FLYING INTO THE TURNBUCKLE! Van Dam has been layed out on the top turnbuckle and The Rock follows him in looking for a super back drop, The Rock gets RVD into position but RVD fights out of it with stiff elbows that knock The Rock off the turnbuckle and crashing down to the canvas below. RVD spins around, FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH! THE ROCK ROLLED OUT OF THE WAY! Van Dam landed chest first on the canvas and is in agony. The Rock quickly rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair, what is he thinking? He rolls back into the ring and just pushes the referee aside and is looking to slam the chair into RVD's skull, But RVD hopped straigh to his feet, VAN DAMINATOR!!!!...1 ...2 ...THE ROCK SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY KICKED OUT! AMAZING! The Rock struggles to climb to his feet and stumbles to the ropes a bloody mess, Here comes Jeff Hardy! Jeff quickly grabs the chair, HE SLAMMED IT OVER THE ROCK'S BACK! The Rock stumbles forward, SUPERKICK FROM RVD!...1 ...2 ...3 Rob Van Dam has beaten The Rock in an amazing match!

Winner: RVD

| Scene | - | RVD rolls out of the ring and rest on the outside as Jeff slides into the ring with the chair, he waits as The Rock climbs to his feet.. MY GOD WHAT A CHAIRSHOT! The Rock's skull has been smashed to peices by Jeff Hardy right there. Jeff drops the chair and grabs a microphone, stands over the bloody Rock and begins to speak. |

|| ~ 'The Golden Boy' Jeff Hardy ~ || - Rocky you stupid son of a bitch, the mistake you made earlier tonight has come back to bite you in the ass, hasn't it? You see Rock earlier you said you didn't want to waste your time with me, you had your eyes set on the man who attacked you last week on Raw. Well guess what Rock, That man was me, and you didn't even realise it! That's two matches in a row I've cost your sorry ass, And beleive me Rocky when I say this, that number will keep on increasing if you don't accept my challenge!

| Scene | - | Jeff drops the mic with a thud and grins as officials come to The Rock's aid and Jeff slowly leaves for the back. What will The Rock's answer be? |

Big Show Vs Jeff Hardy
Singles Match None Title
WEEEELLLL Well It's A Big Show! The Big Show appears at the top of the ramp and makes his way straight down to ringside. The Big Show has the tag title over his shoulder, and now knows that at Summerslam his will be facing Shawn Michaels, the winner getting a shot at the XWF Championship at King Of The Ring. Big Show climbs into the ring like the top rope wasn't even there and does the dreaded chokeslam pose, that very chokeslam that almost crippled Eric Bischoff earlier. # CUT MY LIFE INTO PEICES # hits the PA system for the second time tonight, and Jeff Hardy comes charging straight down the ramp. Jeff slides staight into the ring and through Show's legs. Jeff jumps to his feet and charges off the ropes, darts back and hits a diving forearm straight to Big Show's skull, but the Showster didn't move an inch. Jeff charges back off the ropes and dives at Big Show but the 7 foot 2 monstor plucked him out of the air, BELLY TO BELLY SPLASH! Jeff Hardy has been crushed, literally. Big Show climbs to his knees and looks at the fallen Jeff who is struggling for breath, Big Show quickly makes the cover but Jeff shoots the shoulder up. Big Show grabs Jeff by the arm and lifts him up like he's a little kid, like he weights nothing. Big Show sends Jeff crashing into the turnbuckle and charges in, squashing Jeff in the corner. Big Show sends Jeff back into the opposite turnbuckle and this time Jeff trys to climb the turnbuckle and go for the Whisper In The Wind but just slumps over the turnbuckle. Big Show grabs him around the back of the neck and lifts him into the air, FUCKING HUGE BACK SUPLEX! The ring was shaking there and Big Show covers again...1 ...2 ..But again Jeff kicks out, somehow. Big Show lifts Jeff back to his feet and sends him into the ropes but Jeff hugs the ropes, Big Show charges in but Jeff lowers the ropes, BIG SHOW CRASHED TO THE OUTSIDE! Jeff quickly span around, grabbed the top rope and went flying over the top rope, CROSS BODY! OLD SCHOOL JEFF HARDY RIGHT THERE! Jeff rolls Big Show back into the ring and climbs to the top rope, but The Rock is charging down the ramp, blood dripping from his head and a chair in his hand, he looks like shit. Jeff notices The Rock and dives off the top turnbuckle, JEFF TOOK THE ROCK OUT! Jeff slides back into the ring and drop kicks Big Show in the knee which only sends him rocking, Jeff goes for the irish whip, The Rock swings the chair without looking, HE TATOOED THE BIG SHOW, TIIIIIMBER! BIG SHOW IS OUT COLD! Jeff cover...1 ...2 ...3 Jeff Hardy has stolen it!!

Winner: Jeff

| Scene | - | Jeff jumps to his feet in celebration but The Rock is in the ring, CHAIRSHOT TO JEFF'S GUT! ROOOOOCKBOTTOM ROCKBOTTOM! THE ROCK HAS GOT REVENGE! The Rock grabs a microphone, whipes the blood from his eyes and shouts.. |

|| ~ 'The Great One' The Rock ~ || - Jeff Hardy, you want The Rock at Summerslam, you want The Rock so much that you'd attack The Rock? That you'd disguise yourself before hand and attack The Rock? Well Jeff Hardy, You little 2 Bit Chump Change, PART QUEER PUNK ASS BITCH! You've got The Rock at Summerslam, Legend Vs Legend, Icon Vs Icon, THE ROCK VS JEFF HARDY AT SUMMMMMERSLAM!




| Scene | - | YES YES YES! The Rock Vs Jeff Hardy at Summerslam, Finally the two will get it on at Pay Per View, a match for the ages, the match everybody has been waiting for! |

| Scene | - | Eric Bischoff's music hits and he storms down the ramp, obvioussly not having a good day. Bischoff grabs a microphone and begins immedaitly. |

|| ~ 'Big Eazy' Eric Bischoff ~ || - You know if it was up to me I wouldn't be wasting my time out here, But you all know that I'm a good guy, So I'm out here. Summerslam is only around the corner, August 25th, So It's time to put things straight. I've got better things to do than stand here in this trash town so let's get on with it. Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam will get it on in the Iron Man Match, XWF Championship on the line. The Rock will face Jeff Hardy, two legends finally battling it out on Pay Per View. Chris Jericho and Triple H will battle for the European Title. Shawn Michaels will get destroyed by The Big Show, well you know I could give a rats ass about that match, but the winner will be the number one contender. Chris Benoit seems to have an obsession with The Undertaker and breaking his arm, well Benoit you can try at Summerslam as you face Taker for the Intercontinental Championship. Christian, you suddenly get the urge to attack your brother? Well guess what Christian, you can do some more kicking his ass at Summerslam as you face him in a Ladder match, the two originators of the Ladder match will go at it against each other for the TV title. I'm out of here, one last thing, THE SUMMER JUST GOT BEEEEEETTER!

| Scene | - | Bischoff throws the mic away and storms backstage once again, he is one pissed off motha fucker. The cage suddenly begins to lower from the roof as we get ready for the main event. |

Angle (c) Vs Raven
Cage Match World Title
The cage lowers and is now around the ring and Raven's music immedaitly hits the PA system. Raven makes his way out onto the stage and holds his arms out in the crucifix pose before heading down the ramp. He climbs into the ring and climbs up the cage and does the pose on top of the cage wearing his leather jacket. 'Medal' hits and Kurt Angle walks out onto the stage looking nervy. He has the XWF title around his waste and doesn't bother with the pyro's instead climbs straight into the ring. Raven starts to take his jacket off as the cage door is shut but Angle grabs the jacket and spins Ranve around, pulling the jacket sleeve around Raven's neck. ANGLE IS CHOKING RAVEN OUT WITH HIS JACKET! Raven's face turns red but he quickly drives Angle backwards and crashing into the steel cage, Raven escapes and uses the jacket, wrapping it around Angle's neck now. Raven pulls Angle's head down to the ropes and does a move used by Tommy Dreamer in ECW, whiping the rope with Angle's face. Angle's face is burning from the friction and he trys to escape but Raven sends him crashing head first into the unforgiving steel mesh of the cage. Angle slumps to the canvas and has been busted open and is spilling blood on the canvas. Raven just grins and starts to climb the turnbuckle, Could he possible escape so early and win the title? Raven gets to the top turnbuckle and grabs the top of the cage, but Angle springs to life, jumps up and joins Raven on the top turnbuckle grabbing him around the waiste, GERMAN SUPLEX FROM THE TOP ROPE! BOTH MEN HAVE BEEN SNAPPED SMACK BANG IN TWO! Both men lay near unconcious on the canvas for about 30 seconds before Raven starts to climb to his feet, Raven staggers up but Angle climbs up too and grabs Raven around the back once again, ANOTHER GERMAN SUPLEX! Angle sits on his knee's and is breathing hard, blood dripping from his head but Raven won't stay down, Angle can't beleive his eyes, He is almost crying. Raven climbs back to his feet and staggers from side to side like a drunken idiots, he just smiles at Angle! ANGLE GRABS HIM AROUND THE WAISTE, BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX! Angle sits up for a second and gets his wits back before making it for the door, BUT RAVEN IS GETTING BACK UP! ANGLE CAN'T BELEIVE IT! Angle shouts at Raven, 'Stay The Fuck Down!' but Raven won't stay down, He's too damn tough. Angle who is now struggling to see from the blood in his eyes grabs Raven around the waiste again! BELLY TO BELLY INTO THE CAGE! THE CAGE MESH BROKE! RAVEN ALMOST WENT STRAIGHT THROUGH THE SIDE OF THE CAGE! Raven almost became the champion there and Angle slumps to his knee's, he almost gave Raven the win, there is now a huge hole in the side of the cage. Raven is once again climbing to his feet, Angle is crying, how can he keep Raven down? He charges at Raven, DROP TOE HOLD! RAVEN REVERSED IT! ANGLE LANDED FACE FIRST ON THE CANVAS! Raven climbs to his feet as if the match had just started and makes a lunge for the door but Angle grabbed him by the leg, ANKLE LOCK ANKLE LOCK! ANGLE IS TRYING TO BREAK RAVEN'S ANKLE! Raven screams out in pain but spins around and kicks Angle straight in the chin. Angle's chin almost shattered as Raven climbs to his feet, grabs Angle by the neck and goes for the Evenflow, But Angle fights out of it.. OLYMPIC SLAM! ANGLE GOT THE OLYMPIC SLAM! Raven bounces around the ring as if he's just been struck by lightning. Angle quickly starts crawling to the door, tears flowing from his eyes and blood pouring from his forehead, what a sadistic, barbaric match this has been. He's got there, the door is opened, Angle trys to pull himself out but he just slumps over the steel steps, he's ran out of energy. Raven climbs to his knee's and starts making his way to the door, He's going to overtake Angle! Raven makes his move for the floor but Here comes Bischoff, Bischoff grabs Angle by the arms and pulls him down to the floor, ANGLE HAS RETAINED! With a slight help from Bischoff, Angle has retained.

Winner: Angle