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The scene opens to a bright, lively room. A man is pacing in the back of the room near a couch and T.V. He stops and pauses, he starts to mutter things under his breathe but stops. Then the man continues his pacing away from the camera. Finally he turns and the camera can tell that it is Confusion, the XWF wrestler. He looks very stressed out and also very frustrated. His face shows no emotion except anger and hate. He clenches his hands into a fist and slams it into the wall. He then looks at the room with the small t.v, little couch, some posters, and a table with chairs. On the table are some bags of chips and a 6-pack of beer. Confusion walks over to the table and flips it over sending all of the food and beer to the ground. Two cans of beer explode from the impact. Confusion looks around the room for anything else to take his anger, rage, frustration, distress, and all of the other emotions running through his body. He finds nothing there so he storms out of the room. He slams the door behind him and now everyone can see that he was inside of his locker room. Confusion walks down the hall shoving anyone in his path out of the way. Some people approached Confusion and were very angry with his behavior and were ready to cuss him out. Confusion simply walked past them without turning his head to even look at them. He finds his way to the parking lot and gets inside of his hummer. When he gets in he realizes that his keys are back in his locker room. The very angry Confusion walks back through the mob of people and gets back to his locker room. Waiting inside is none other than Steve Sayors an XWF interviewer. Confusion just looks at him with a blank stare. Steve is sitting down in a chair next to the overturned table. He just smiles at Confusion while he can tell that Confusion doesn't want to see him or anyone else for that matter at the moment.

Confusion: What do you want? I am not in the mood to talk to anyone right now! Can't you see that I am having some problems?

Steve Sayors: Well I don't mean to be rude but I need to get a couple of words from you on your match tomorrow. Would that be to much trouble?

Confusion: If I answer your stupid questions will you leave me alone? I am having some major issues right now and it is eating at me. I feel like I have the whole world on my shoulders and someone just kicked me in the shin! I was holding up everything and was being successful in my career and someone comes and takes that away from me. It sent my whole world crashing down! I have to stay focused but I cannot with all of these issues. I may have a chance to settle them tomorrow but I don't know if I have enough in me. This has been the hardest two weeks and all because my life was a living hell! What did I do to deserve this? Is everyone jealous of me? Am I just the jobber that anyone can turn to and start picking on? Since when have I done anything to anyone else? I was always the nice guy being on everyone's good side but now I don't know. I can be untouchable if I start looking out for myself and stop worrying what all the fans think and what everyone else thinks.

Steve Sayors: Will you answer my questions? If you do I may have an idea of how to solve your issues. I know how it feels to be in the situation that you are in.

Confusion: Alright, ask your questions and get out of my locker room. I would also like to know the way to solve my problems.

Steve Sayors: I will tell you after you answer these serious questions. The first question is what has it been like coming back from retirement and becoming so very close to being the X-treme Champion?

Confusion: I knew that you were going to ask that question and quite frankly I have a good answer for you, it just takes awhile to explain. Well here I go................ It all started with a call about the Lord of the Ring match. I decided what the hell I can come back for one match and do my best to win. I missed getting back in the ring. I had a match against Sean Parker the week before the pay-per-view. I won that match and was very surprised how good it was to be back. I then found out that Pysko Stevo was having a battle royal for the X-treme title. I thought to myself this was my chance and big break. I knew that I had to enter the match. Later one night Crunch announced that he was going to be entered into the tournament and I thought nothing out of it. I knew that before I could think of the competitiors I had to worry about the champion and that is what I did. So I trained all week to get ready for the match and was very pumped about it. I waited for the match to begin and soon two competitors were out. Later Enforcer was eliminated leaving just Stevo, Crunch and Myself. The next thing I know this new guy 504 Boy runs down to the ring and starts to attack Stevo. I thought that that was fine with me next Psyko Stevo was pinned leaving just Crunch in my path to the X-treme title. All of a sudden 504 Boy starts to run his mouth on the stage saying how my nightmare is just beginning. I looked back at him and then bam! My lights went out and I don't know what hit me. Later I found out that Crunch hit me over the head with a 2x4! I was so mad that the title slipped from my grasps again! Now after that backstage my brother Cody is mugged by Axel and his friend. I know from the very beginning that I didn't like him. That is what happened at the ppv and as you can tell I wasn't happy.

Steve Sayors: Wow! I never knew you felt like that about everything. Before everyone thought you were the stupid one that never cared about anything. I know it was how you appeared to be. Anyway we need to get back to the interview. My next question for you is what is going through your mind for tomorrow?

Confusion: What is going through my mind? I have many things going on in my mind right now and they all deal with AXEL HAWK! I know he may be pissed about being kicked out of the X-mas X-treme Tournament but that is nothing compared to what I can and will do to him tomorrow. I will strip him of his Hart title making me a 2x Hart CHAMPION! This will be the first time that I have touched a title in over 5 months! I have come close countless times but I was short. Tomorrow I will put Axel through a living hell as he has put me through. It is one thing to mess with me and my matches but when you attack my family it gets personal. Now over the last two weeks Axel has managed to break Cody's leg, Blind me in my match, and he managed to tick me off and call me to ringside. Now all of this is because why? Am I a person that all new comers want to pick on? 504 Boy and Axel share the common interest, messing up my life! They mess up my career which leads to messing up to my life. Right now wrestling is my life! Now getting back to the subject dealing with Axel, I know you are a punk rocker and trying to be the tough guy but in the end you won't win. If everyone is your enemy then who can you trust? Your little punk rocker friends? What if they turned on you then what would you do? How would you compete knowing every way you turn is someone that hates you? That is something for you to think about Axel and in the mean time make sure you are prepared to take whatever I can dish out tomorrow. If you can't than I pity you....................

Steve Sayors: Thank you Confusion for that interview!

Confusion: Wait what about your idea to solve my problem. What is it?

Steve Sayors: Have you ever heard of counseling?

Confusion: Counseling? What are you talking about? I am a wrestler not a suicide case! Just get out of my locker room!

Steve Sayors leaves the locker room as Confusion continues to mutter in his angry mood. With anarchy only a day away the scene fades to black.