It's All About The Game

A Commitment To Excellence
Smackdown Roleplay Featuring Triple H; Josh Mathews

(Hunter and David’s Records are 13-2-1 for Triple H and 3-1-0 for David :-)) (Hunter and David’s Records are 13-2-1 for Triple H and 3-1-0 for David :-))

*Triple H was in the bedroom at his new home in Charlotte, NC. The house still wasn’t perfect. A few cardboard boxes that still needed to be unpacked lay scattered around the house and many more were being stored in the large garage. But Hunter was happy there, and the house still felt like a home, even it did need some finishing touches. Hunter’s suitcase and gym bag lay open on the bed as he pulled clothes and other necessities out of the closet and bathroom to fill his suitcase – his gym bag contained his wrestling gear and other work out equipment. Triple H wasn’t looking forward to this trip and was packing fairly slowly. He was usually excited before he went to a show...but not today. This trip was going to be different. He was going to get into the ring with Wes Ikeda to compete in a four on one handicap match – Himself, David Flair, Ric Flair and Sting versus The fifty per cent owner of the EBWF Wes Ikeda – Deep down Hunter already knew that no good could come from this match. As The Game was lost in his own thoughts his girlfriend Megan quietly walked into the room and slipped her arms around his waist. He put his hand on hers and held it before turning to face her. At this point she rested her head softly against his muscular torso and he held her in his arms. He could tell she knew what he was thinking about, and she proved it by voicing it...*

Megan Flair: ...You’re still not thrilled about the match, are you?

Triple H: No. I’m not happy about this match at all.

Megan Flair: I wish you could just stay here... what’s the point in wrestling when you don’t even want to, and when the match isn’t going to be on TV anyway?

Triple H: Because I’m under contract to the EBWF. I have to make appearances whenever they tell me to...or they fire me.

Megan Flair: But Christian--

Triple H: *Not letting her finish* That’s different. The guy’s fiancée died, then he lost his title...he’s mentally unstable. The EBWF could easily have fired him by now if they wanted to, but they’re not going to turn all lenient on two of us. They’re business men and they have to put their foot down or people will talk all over them. Wes is too smart to make this match if he knows we can get out it. I have to compete – it’s in my contract.

*Megan just bit her lip and nodded and immediately Hunter felt guilty for taking his bad mood out on her. After all, it wasn’t her fault she was in this situation, and she was only trying to help.*

Triple H: *he sighs and softly kisses her on the forehad* Megan...babe, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to take my temper out on you...but this match is just so damn stupid. Just the thought of it...It’s driving me crazy.

Megan Flair: It’s okay I understand...but why does this match even bother you so much? It’s four on one. You guys can beat Wes.

Triple H: I know... but that’s not even the point. No matter what happens in this match, we lose. We’re just caught between a rock and a hard place. If one of us pins Wes, he’ll just get pissed off and find something else to do to get under our skin. If he manages to beat us four on one, we end up looking like a bunch of pussies, no-one takes us seriously and our careers are fucked up anyway. How can we win in that situation?

Megan Flair: You’re just exaggerating. You’re still the King of the’re going to become the EBWF world champion after Summer Slam. Steve is still the Intercontinental Champion. My dad is the European Champion and David is still the Hardcore Champion. You guys are four amazing wrestlers. People will still take you seriously even if Wes beats you four on one....everyone knows that Wes Ikeda is no push over, I’m sure their not envious of your situation either.

Triple H: *he sits down on the bed* Yeah...I guess. But it still makes us look bad losing four on one. I don’t even know what’s going on with Wes. Why did he have to book that match with Steve and me for the IC belt anyway? That’s what started all of this shit. Before that everything was cool between the Horsemen and Wes as far as I know.

Megan Flair: *She sighs softly, sitting on Hunter’s lap and resting her hands on his shoulders.* Don’t you think that maybe you and Steve should have wrestled for real? The fact that the two of you had such a laid back approach to the match probably got under his skin even more so he decided to lash out at you... He probably feels like you guys made him look like an idiot, and you know how Wes would hate that. I barely even know the guy and I know he would hate that.

Triple H: Yeah I know. But I couldn’t find Steve properly. I was just figuring out where I stood with Steve... Our relationship was pretty fragile before then. I didn’t want the Horsemen to get messed up. Ric worked hard to bring us together and I didn’t want it ruined just because of one of Wes Ikeda’s whims. He didn’t have to book me against Sting...especially at a Pay Per View and especially for the IC title.

Megan Flair: Then why did he?

Triple H: He said he was giving the fans what they wanted to see. But I’m sure the fans would have been happy to watch Steve beat someone else.

Megan Flair: Maybe he just thought you guys wouldn’t take it so personally.

Triple H: *shrugs his shoulders.* Yeah maybe...he said it wasn’t personal...that it was business. But I was at the guy’s wedding, I was at his bachelor party. You’d think he’d cut the Horsemen a little slack.

Megan Flair: Yeah...but he’s Wes Ikeda. He just does what he feels like doing. And he is the fifty percent owner of the company you work for. Screwing with him wasn’t exactly a good idea.

Triple H: I know that! Gah! This is so fucking stupid. Why did Wes and Shannon have to take that challenge for the Tag titles so seriously? It was a friendly challenge and ever since then they keep fucking with us...Well, not Shannon I guess. Shannon is separate from this. I think we’re still cool with him, but Wes... I don’t even know what to think about that guy any more.

Megan Flair: I don’t either. I thought he was pretty cool.

Triple H: Me too...*he glances at the watch on his wrist.* I’d better finish packing. I’m meant to be heading to the airport soon.

Megan Flair: *Standing up* I’ll help you.

Triple H: Thanks but you don’t have--

*He stopped talking when Megan put her index finger on his lips and softly kissed him.*

Megan Flair: I want to.

Triple H: Thanks.

*He smiled at her and the two of them started packing Hunter’s things...Hunter knew that she couldn’t possibly understand how much he appreciated her right now. She was his rock. No sooner had the two of them finished packing when the sound of a car engine could be heard outside the house followed by the slamming of a car door and the soft ringing of the doorbell a few seconds later. Hunter walked over to the window and peered out, seeing a black Dodge Viper parked in their driveway.*

Triple H: It’s Steve. I don’t know what he’s doing here.

Megan Flair: Well he’s here, so then I guess we’d better let him in.

*The two of them made their way down the stairs where Megan opened the door. She smiled at Steve and wrapped him in a hug, which he returned.*

Megan Flair: Hey you. We weren’t expecting you.

Sting: Ah, well I was in the neighbourhood. *he smiled, knowing full well that he lived in the neighbourhood.*

Triple H: Well come on in buddy.

Sting: Thanks. *He walks inside and closes the door behind him.* I thought you might need a ride to the air’s pointless taking two cars when we only need one.

Triple H: Yeah good thinking...what about Ric and David? How are they getting there?

Sting: Ric got an earlier flight...said he had something to take care of. And David went with him.

Triple H: Well we don’t have to leave for about another half an hour.

Sting: Yeah, I didn’t want to turn up here and find out you’d already left though.

Megan Flair: Ha. As if Hunter is one for punctuality. Why don’t you go and sit in the living room and I’ll bring you a drink?

Sting: *He smiles at Megan.* Thanks, that would be nice.

*Megan heads to the kitchen and Hunter and Sting make their way to the living room.*

Sting: She’s a keeper, huh?

Triple H: *he smiles* Yeah I know.

*The two of them enter the living room. This room is mostly finished and some pictures have already been placed on the mantelpiece. Steve finds himself glancing at them as he walks into the room. There are pictures of Hunter with Megan, some of another woman in her thirties, presumably Hunter’s sister...others of Ric, David and Megan together, but one picture in particular catches his eye. It’s a picture taken backstage at the Great American Bash, of Triple H and Sting both dressed as each other and Ric stood in the middle dressed as “Dr. Will”. He smiles widely as he looks at it. Hunter notices him looking at it.

Triple H: David took that...I can get you a copy if you want.

Sting: Thanks.

*Both men take a seat in the living room, Steve sitting on one of the black leather arm chairs and Hunter taking a seat on the couch.*

Triple H: So... are you ready for this match with Wes?

Sting: Ready as I’ll ever be. You?

Triple H: *shrugs his shoulders* Same I guess.

Sting: Still not happy about it, huh?

Triple H: When did I say I wasn’t happy about it?

Sting: You’re not that difficult to read, man.

Triple H: Right... Yeah, well I just think we’re shooting ourselves in the foot here.

*Megan walks back into the room and hands Steve a drink. He thanks her and she takes a seat next to Hunter.*

Sting: What do you mean “shooting ourselves in the foot”?

Triple H: I just think that this is going to end badly for us. Wes is completely unpredictable, always has been. You never know what he’s going to do next, and even if there are four of us and one of him.... he’s been against worse odds in his life and won. The guy’s a fighter, AND our boss.

Sting: I can see your point of view. But like Ric’s been saying, soon all four of us are going to have championship belts, and we could win the Tag titles too. We can be unstoppable if we pull this off.

Triple H: Wes is the one who calls the shots. He’s the guy who can strip us of all our belts if he really wants to. He can take away my King of the Ring title shot if he really wants to.

Megan Flair: He wouldn’t do that. It wouldn’t be won that fair and square. Besides, he wouldn’t want the fans to backlash against him, and the Four Horsemen are pretty damn popular.

Sting: Yeah but who can be sure what Wes is capable of doing these days. Since he got married the guy has just been lashing out. Why do you think he picked the Horsemen to mess with anyway? There are plenty of other guys on the roster he could play with.

Triple H:Steve, it’s Because we’re the Horsemen. We’re the most powerful group in this company. Wes probably wants to make a big impact...if you want to make a big impact you do it with the biggest stars, and whether he likes it or not, that’s us. Who else is he gonna mess with, Shannon? The Horsemen, we present a challenge, and Wes is the kind of guy who likes to overcome adversity. I’m sure the idea of taking on the post powerful group in the company appealed to him.

Sting: I suppose you’re right. Sometimes I feel kinda sorry for the guy. From what I’ve heard he’s had a pretty tough life...but that doesn’t give him an excuse to mess with other people’s lives. He made a conscious choice to mess with us over anyone else in the company and I’m still as a loss as to why that is. He could have at least gone after people who have pissed him off.

Triple H: We did piss him off...with the Doctor Will Show and our match. We got under his skin...but I suppose that was after he had made the match in the first place.

Megan Flair: I thought that was really funny. Talk about giving the fans what they want. That segment probably got him pretty good ratings.

Triple H: Well I thought it was funny too, so did everyone else I talked to...but obviously the boss had a different opinion. He saw it as a rebellion against him.

Sting: Well I’ve given up trying to figure Wes Ikeda out.

Triple H: Me too. The guy is pretty much a loose cannon right now.

Megan Flair: You guys had better get going. You don’t want to miss your flight.

Sting: Yeah you’re right. I’ll go and start the car.

*He rises out of the chair wanting to leave Megan and Hunter alone so they could say their goodbyes. Megan gives Steve yet another hug before he exits the room. Hunter brings his bags downstairs before wrapping Megan in a big hug and giving her a long kiss. The two of them exchange farewells before Triple H grabs his bags exits the house and heads to the airport with Sting. The fans and Wes Ikeda awaited them...and The Four Horsemen were never a group to disappoint...*

It’s Showtiiime!

*Monday Night...EBWF RAW is on the air and the fans are on tenterhooks. Suddenly the bright lights in the arena go dim and the darkness is broken by purple and yellow laser beams and white spot lights... After a few seconds of hushed silence and confused anticipation from the crowd, the entrance theme of the Four Horsemen blasts out over the PA System and their entrance video plays on the titan tron. At this point the fans begin to cheer wildly. As the music grows louder the lights get gradually Ric Flair, Sting, Triple H and David Flair step out onto the stage. When the Four Horsemen appear from behind the curtain the cheers intensify and many of them WOOOOOO loudly. The camera switches to a shot of a fan holding a sign reading “Wes Fears The Horsemen” before switching back to a shot of the entrance ramp. The Four Horsemen walk to the ring with their usual confident swagger, Ric Flair carrying his new European Title, Sting with his Intercontinental Championship and David Flair with the Hardcore title...Triple H is the only member of the Group without a championship belt. The Horsemen continue down the ramp and then step into the ring. Ric Flair walks over to EBWF Ring Announcer Lilian Garcia and takes her microphone before walking to the center of the ring. The fans WOOOOOO as The Nature Boy takes the microphone. He waits for them to hush before beginning his promo.*

Ric Flair: (I figured Ric should speak first. Change the order and mess around with the action etc if you want :-))

Triple H: All right...Wes Ikeda. I know you’re back there and I know you can hear my voice. So listen up and listen carefully. This right here is the Horsemen’s ring! These fans...they are the Horsemen’s fans, and THIS is quite simply our world! You disappointed me Wes... I used to think you were a pretty good guy, in fact I still do. You’re a fighter... you’re a good business man, and you’re a damn hard worker. But tonight my friend, the odds are just not in your favour. This is a number’s game, and as tough as you are Mister EMF Grand Slam can’t over come this adversity. Face it Wes, in front of you stand the epitome of wrestling stables. The Four Horsemen are the measuring stick to which all other stables are compared. The Horsemen make you a hell of a lot of money Wes. We are good for this company, and you know it. We put asses in these seats, we shift merchandise, we sell Pay Per Views... take a look around this arena. How many Four Horsemen t-shirts do you see? Tons. We are not N.W.O version 579. We are not D-Generation-X, We’re not the Wolfpack...we are the most elite group in the entire History of wrestling. That’s why the Four Horsemen have a twenty year legacy. The Horsemen were kicking ass while you were playing with a rattle... And when you decided that you were going to screw with us, you made a very big mistake. You should know better than anyone what happens when you fuck with a Horseman...and the answer is You Get Trampled. You may be the fifty per cent owner of this company, you may be our boss, but that doesn’t grant you immunity. Nobody is immune...Nobody. You decided to throw your weight around, and for some stupid reason you chose to pit two of us in a match against each other. You thought it would be a smart thing to do to have The Game go one on one with Sting at the Great American Bash. Why? For the fans’ enjoyment? Why would you think the fans would like seeing the Horsemen duke it out? These fans know that The Horsemen are a unit. We do not fight one another, we only fight other people. And I’m sure that Sting and I could have had a hell of a match if we had wanted to. We’re pretty equally matched, both of us are outstanding athletes...we could have had a slobber knocker, possibly ever a match of the year candidate. But you’re not the only man with the ability to make decisions...and we made the decision NOT to fight one another. It’s no secret that Sting and I didn’t get along well when I first came to the EBWF, as a matter of fact neither did Ric and I. There were some personal issues between us, and those issues were broadcast to you guys on national television. But Ric and I worked past our differences. And I became a Horsemen. Contrary to what many of you may believe, Sting didn’t want me to be in the Horsemen at first. We were very different people and we didn’t really get along... in fact just days before I became a Horseman Sting had broken into my house and attacked me with a baseball bat.

*Sting and Triple H exchange looks and Sting says some words to Triple H that aren’t picked up by the microphone.*

Triple H: Yeah you’re right, I did cost you your Intercontinental Title...But that just proves what I was saying. Sting and I weren’t friends. In fact, some would even say we were enemies at first. But we sat down with Ric and David and worked past our differences. It was rocky at first...but over time Sting and I began to understand one another. And we realised that we had more in common than we first thought. By the time the Great American Bash card was announced, Sting and I had actually became pretty good friends. And Wes Ikeda, forgive me man, but I wasn’t going to let you drive a wedge between the Horsemen by booking a match for Sting’s IC title. I didn’t want the belt. Sting earned that title and he can keep it. I have my shot at the world title coming up, anything else would only be a distraction. Why else do you think I haven’t asked for my People’s Title Shot against your buddy Shannon? a matter of fact I think we can leave Shannon out of this discussion. As far as I know the Horsemen and Shannon are still cool, so I don’t want to drag him into this. But Wes...I wasn’t going to allow the Horsemen to fight with one another. The Four Horsemen are what you call an empire... And the thing about empires is that they are not brought down by outside forces... they are destroyed by weaknesses from within. We patched up our differences and we strengthened our weaknesses until they were non-existent, and it paid off. We are the most dominant group in this company. The N.W.O were nothing compared to the Four Horsemen. Team Canada and The Peep Crew were a joke compared to us. I mean face it...the leader of the Peep Crew has disappeared and gone to Alaska or some place where no-one can find him, and Team Canada have faded out into non-existence. Where is Simon Dean...Where is Midajah? Who knows? The only one of them left is Petey Williams...and Petey you little piece of crap, you know as well as I do that you are nothing more than the Horsemen’s bitch! You’re not good enough to lick our boots. No wonder Montanna chose Sting over you. Who can blame her? You’re a loser. The Horsemen are Champions and the fact that you even held that European title is a joke. Every other stable pales in comparison to us. Which may be why Wes chose to come for us in the first place. I’m just speculating here Wes, I have no idea why you wanted to pit the Horsemen against each other. Maybe you were threatened, maybe you just felt like it would be good for business, hell maybe you were just temporarily insane...either way, I don’t give a rat’s ass. You messed with us and now it’s time for you to pay. I didn’t want this match with you Wes. I didn’t ask for it. But you’re the boss, right? So what else can I do? You’re forcing us to get in the ring with you. The Horsemen would have been perfectly happy to finish our match at the Great American Bash and just forget that all of this ever happened. But you were somehow offended by the fact that Sting and I refused to fight one another. Maybe you figured we had made a fool out of you, again I’m just speculating. Who the hell can figure out what’s going on in Wes Ikeda’s head? Sometimes I don’t even think Wes himself knows what’s going on inside his head. I don’t want you to think I’m taking cheap shots at you Wes. I was perfectly happy for you and I to coexist. I never had a problem with you or any of your friends. You invited me to your bachelor party. I had fun there, and the two of us had a nice little talk after everyone else had headed to bed. And we actually had some things in common. I found myself relating to you. I found myself kinda liking you. I thought, “this is a guy I could hang out with”. And I was also at your wedding. As a matter of fact all Four of the Horsemen received invitations to your wedding. I spoke to you and your new wife...I introduced you to my girlfriend, hell you hugged my girlfriend! I never had a problem with any of that. And I didn’t think you had a problem with me either. You said that when you booked this match between Sting, and myself it was nothing personal. But I take it personally. Maybe that makes me sensitive, whatever. But when someone tries to drive a wedge between me and the men I consider to be brothers, you’re damn right I fucking take it personally. How would you feel if someone was trying to fuck with your relationship with Shannon? Probably not very good. You’d probably be pretty pissed off. We chose to make a joke out of that match and I guess that bugged you. But you had a choice Wes. You could have made that choice and let sleeping dogs lie. You could have walked away...but you didn’t. And maybe we made things worse by rubbing it in your face, but I guess subtlety has never been one of our greatest attributes. The Horsemen have always been pretty in your face and that’s not going to change now just because of Wes Ikeda. We’re still the Horsemen, and we are timeless baby.

*Triple H hands the microphone to Sting.*

Sting: (STEVE DOESN’T LIVE HERE ANY MORE! .....On a serious note, Get some good blahing in. We’ve got a load of storyline type-stuff. I sucked on the match talk but I’m sure You can do better :-))

David Flair: So, Wes Ikeda, huh? I don’t really know what to say about this match. You and I have pretty much zero interaction since I came here, and now I’m getting thrown into a Four on one handicap match against you. Personally I’ve always believed that handicap matches are pretty unfair. I’m a big fan of fair play, so honestly I would rather have a one on one match or some sort of equal numbers tag time match, if I were to get in the ring with you at all. But I guess since you’re the one who booked his match I shouldn’t be complaining about how unfair it is to you. I shouldn’t be complaining that the Horsemen have the advantage either. I don’t know you Wes, and I will probably never know you all that well. But I was asked to attend your wedding, and from what I’ve seen of you, I always thought you were a pretty cool guy. I don’t know where your head’s at right now, and I don’t know why you chose to put yourself in a match against us. Maybe you felt like punishing us for rebelling against you. Maybe you just felt like a challenge, I don’t know. But the point of the matter is, we’re having this match. I’m grateful to you and your brother Tony for giving me a chance and signing me to an EBWF Contract. I’m grateful that the two of you had enough faith in me to grant me a Light Heavyweight title shot, and then give me a shot at the hardcore title after I had lost. Although I’m not really sure how much you had to do with that, Wes. Either way, I’ve been given some great opportunities here in the EBWF, And I’m glad of that. But one thing I’m not happy about is this handicap match. This match isn’t even going to be televised, so don’t act like you made this match for the sake of the fans. If you had made this match for the fans then you would have had it on television. And you sure as hell didn’t make this match for the Four Horsemen...because I don’t think any of us acted like we even wanted to get into the ring with you. You made this match for yourself. What your motives are, I don’t know. Maybe you want to beat us so you can keep us down. Maybe you want to show everybody that they need to fall in line and that they don’t cross the Ikedas. Maybe I’m wrong. But I hate the idea of this handicap match, so you certainly didn’t make it for me. Under most circumstances Wes, I would love to get in the ring with you. You’re a great wrestler, Wes, you really are...and having a match in you would bring out the best in me. But a four on one handicap match? That’s just not my thing. Maybe a one on one ladder match or something like that would be more appropriate, I know how much you love jumping off of things and I’m beginning to take quite a liking to it myself. In the spirit of competition, I’d love to fight you, just like I loved fighting Shannon. I lost to Shannon, and I took a beating, but I loved every second of it. Because Shannon brought out the best in me. I know you would do the same. But this match isn’t really about competition is it? It seems to me like this match is about egos. A group of guys fighting over who the “big man” is. It’s like a battle of the egos. And it irritates me. This whole match is petty and stupid, and you know what? I don’t even think I want any part of it. I’m not built for these testosterone driven ego-clashes, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to change just for this match. So Wes...walk down that ramp, step into the ring, and fight for your life against three of the greatest wrestlers in this business today. But I’m afraid you can count me out.

*David Flair throws the mic into the crowd and starts to walk out of the ring. Ric Flair grabs David by the arm, but not roughly so David turns to face him. Sting and Triple H also walk over to David and they exchange a few words before leaving the ring and heading up the ramp to disappear behind the curtain.*

Jerry “The King” Lawler: What the hell was that about, JR?

Jim Ross: I guess David Flair doesn’t want to fight Wes Ikeda. He doesn’t want to partake in what he feels is a “clash of the egos”.

Jerry “The King” Lawler: Well I don’t think the other Three Horsemen are happy about that. And JR, they’ve got to get in the ring against Wes Ikeda when this broadcast goes off the air, but they don’t even seem to be on the same page.

Jim Ross: Well they had better get on the same page. Ladies and Gentlemen we’ve got to take a commercial break, we’ll try and bring you more updates on this when we return.

*The scene fades into an EBWF Logo followed by a Commercial Break.*

*After EBWF Returns from the commercial break the scene opens with Triple H, Ric Flair and Sting in the Four Horsemen’s dressing room. But David Flair is nowhere to be seen...the absent Horseman seems to be the topic of discussion.*

Triple H: What the hell is wrong with him? He gets put into this match and he just backs out and takes off like a spoiled kid. I’m not happy about the match either but you don’t see me freaking out.

Ric Flair: This is exactly what Wes throw us off our game. To get into our heads. We can’t let him.

Sting: Well we’re one Horseman short now. So I guess it’s going to be a three on one match.

Triple H: Don’t you get it? The contract says four on one, not three on one. We need him back or there’s no telling what Wes is going to do.

Ric Flair: He might have already left by now.

Triple H: I don’t think he has.

Sting: What makes you say that? He certainly made it perfectly clear that he didn’t want anything to do with this match, why would he hang around?

Triple H: I don’t know...maybe he just wanted attention or something. Maybe he thinks this is a stupid joke. But I have a hunch that he’s still around.

Ric Flair: Well then let’s go and get him back.

Sting: Actually I think it’s best if only one of us goes. That way he won’t feel overwhelmed. I’ll do it. *He starts to stand up.* Triple H: *Stands up too* That’s not a good idea...what are you gonna do, chase him with your bat until he caves and agrees to wrestle? Yeah that’ll work. I’ll do it, I’ll talk to him.

Sting: Like that’ll work, I don’t think he needs someone teasing him and making stupid jokes either.

Ric Flair: GUYS! Just stop, ok?! The bickering isn’t cute any more. This is serious. We have a match against Wes fucking Ikeda and if David doesn’t come back here we could all get it in the neck. We’re a group, a team and we NEED to be on the same page, otherwise we’re screwed. *He pauses and calms down a little.* I’ll go and find David, he’s my son...I’ll get him, I’ll talk to him. You two just wait here. And stop arguing!

*Ric rises up off the couch and walks out of the locker room leaving Triple H and Sting behind looking slightly bewildered. The cameras follow him as he begins his search. Ric walks down a hallway looking for any sign of David. He knows that David's not one to get really upset or angry very easily, so this outburst has caught him a little off-guard and he doesn’t really know how to fix the situation... He only knows that if he can’t fix it all four of them would be fucked. He walks past a small room and looks in the door, seeing David sitting in an office chair, learning forward with his head resting on his hands. Ric knocks on the door and walks in, still upset but trying to avoid a fight...He doesn’t take a seat but leans against the wall looking down at his son.*

Ric Flair: David? What's going on here, son?

David Flair: What's going on is that this match is ridiculous and like I said before, I don't want anything to do with it.

Ric Flair: Well I'm sorry but you don't have much of a choice. Your name is on that contract, all four of us have to be there or you're in danger of getting fired.

David Flair: *mocking his father's famous WCW promo* Fire me! I'm already fired!

Ric Flair: I don't want you fired, David. We are a team, we need all four of us to be there!

David Flair: So It's not like I'm irreplaceable. Just find someone else.

Ric Flair: You ARE irreplaceable, David. I don't think you realize how much it means to me to have you out there by my side right now. The first day you told me you wanted to be a wrestler, my first thought was, "finally, somebody worthy of handing over the reigns of the Four Horsemen to." It has been my dream to bring you into the stable and eventually let you take it over when I do decide to retire. I want you there, David. I NEED you there. You are the perfect completion to this group. Don't leave us hanging like that, we need you, son.

David Flair: No, you don’t need me. And it’s just for this one match, it’s not like I’m leaving the company! It's not like I WANT to get fired. I'm just not wrestling in this stupid clash of the egos handicap match. What's Wes going to do, take my Hardcore title? Cut my pay check? Let him for all I care! Christian ran away to Alaska and he didn't get fired. He got a world title shot even though he wasn’t even there to sign his rematch contract. If Wes punishes us it just means that he’s biased. He’s always talking about how he wants to do what’s right for the fans...firing the Horsemen isn’t right for the fans.

Ric Flair: David, son...Nobody knows if Christian ran away or got kidnapped or what the hell happened, so they're probably waiting to find that out for sure. If you walk out on this match you’re letting the rest of us down. And you know what? Fuck Wes Ikeda. If you hate the idea of this match, as ironic as it seems, the best way to show that is to come be IN the match and get your hands on Wes personally, am I wrong?

David Flair: ...I don't know.

Ric Flair: Listen, you're a grown man, you can make your own decisions. So I'm telling you this not as your father but as your friend, and your team mate... stop being a baby. Everyone gets put into matches they don't want to be in, it's the nature of the business. Look at you, you're the hardcore champion, did you really WANT to get in there with Sean O'Haire for 2 straight hardcore matches?

David Flair: That's different!

Ric Flair: How is it different?

David Flair: Because if I hadn't fought him the match would have been cancelled. There are still three of you to fight Wes.

Ric Flair: But the contract has all four of us on it. If you don't show up for the match, our end of the contract hasn't been fulfilled and knowing what a prick Wes is being to us right now, there's no telling what he'd do. Cancel the match, suspend us, whatever, I don't know. But if you don't show up, you're screwing the rest of us over. If you really don't want to be in it, all you have to do is come to the ring with us and be there to start the match, then you've been in it and your part of the contract is fulfilled, and you can walk out on the match whenever. Can you at least give us that much?

David Flair: *reluctantly sighs, knowing that he is defeated.* ...Yeah dad, I can do that.

Ric Flair: Good, thank you. And who knows, you get out there, start out the match, get your hands on Wes, you might even enjoy yourself! *he grinned at David*

David Flair: Yeah, maybe...*he starts to stand up* I'm going for a walk.

Ric Flair: Just make sure you're back in time to get ready for the match...

David Flair: I will be. I just need to clear my head.

Ric Flair: Promise me.

David Flair: All right...I promise. Satisfied now?

Ric Flair: Yeah. Now I'm heading back to talk to the guys.

David Flair: They're pissed at me, aren't they?

Ric Flair: No. Just make sure you get back. There's no telling what's going to happen if one of us doesn't show up. Wes could do anything...and he'll punish the group, not just you.

David Flair: I know that...I won't let you guys down.

Ric Flair: Good. Because we all need to be on the same page tonight if we're going to take on Wes Ikeda.

David Flair: Yeah, so I've heard.

Ric Flair: Okay. You go and clear you're head...make sure you're in the right place mentally for this match. Wes is pretty tough, and he's pissed at us. This isn't going to be a walk in the park...assuming you decide to actually wrestle of course.

David Flair: I'll think about it, and I know how tough the match is going to be...I'll be ready for Wes Ikeda. Stop worrying.

Ric Flair: *he smiles and puts his hand on his son's shoulder.* I'm your father, it's my job.

David Flair: *smiles back* Then I think you may want to think about retiring...Later dad.

*David grins and pats his father on the shoulder before walking out of the room. Ric shakes his head and smiles as the scene fades.*

(Maybe you can write an interview with the rest of the Horsemen about whether David is with them or not. I dunno, just reaching for ideas that might help us...write any storyline scenes if you want to, but we have a lot of those. We’d better try and get some real match talk.) *David was pacing up and down outside the arena, still trying to clear his head. He thought about what his father had said to him. In a lot of ways Ric had been right. Maybe pounding Wes Ikeda into the ground would be a good way to let out his frustration. But on the other hand he was completely against the idea of the match. Either way, he still had to make his way back so he was at least there to start the match. He couldn’t let the others down...they had put faith in him, and he didn’t want to betray their trust. Maybe he’d be able to decide during the short walk back to the dressing room what he was actually going to do. He turned around and began heading back, feeling the cool night air rush past him was relaxing and calming. He walked in through the arena door and before he knew it he was approached by Jonathan Coachman, microphone in hand and camera crew in tow.*

David Flair: God, not now Coach. I’m really not in the mood to have a camera shoved in my face.

The Coach: Just a quick word, it’ll only take a second.

David Flair: *he sighs* I guess a quick word wouldn’t hurt.

The Coach: Okay. Well the first question I have for you is about none other than Wes Ikeda. Do you think he has succeeded in driving a wedge between the Horsemen?

David Flair: *These were not the type of questions that were going to help him clear his head, but he answered anyway.* No Coach I don’t. The Horsemen are brothers. And brothers go through their problems just like everyone else...but they always manage to work things out in the end. We’re the Four Horsemen...We have a bond between us that can’t be broken...not by Wes Ikeda and not by anybody. The only person who can tear apart the Horsemen are the Horsemen themselves. And I may have just pissed all three of them off by doing what I just did and almost walking out on the match, but we’ll get past that.

The Coach: You say “almost” walking out...does that mean you’ve made the decision to wrestle tonight?

David Flair: *The answer came out of his mouth before he had even engaged his brain.* Yeah Coach...I think I am going to wrestle tonight. I’m David Flair, and I am the fourth and final Horseman...I was selected to be a part of this group even though there were countless other guys who could quite easily have filled the spot. I was chosen in part because I am Ric Flair’s son, I know that. But its deeper than that. I can’t let those guys down. I don’t want to get in this ring and fight in a handicap match against Wes Ikeda, but I suppose I will. Life is all about sucking it up and doing things you don’t want to do...and this business is often about compromise. I’m still young, and although I have Ric Flair for a father I still have a lot to learn about wrestling. As much as I hate to admit it, nice guys often finish last. And although I made a promise to a certain someone that I wouldn’t let this business change and corrupt me, I can’t always be a push over, I need to stand up for myself or I’m a dead man. So Wes Ikeda...tonight I’m standing up to you. Prepare to be trampled.

The Coach: Was this “walking out of the match” scenario all a ploy to lure Wes Ikeda into a false sense of security? You seem to have changed your mind awful quickly...

David Flair: No it wasn’t a ploy. I’m not the kind of guy who plays mind games...I’ll leave that up to other people. I’m a straight shooter, and I am honest. I didn’t want to compete in this match, and I’ve changed my mind because a certain someone by the name of Ric Flair got into my head. He convinced me that by walking away from the match, I would be walking away from the Horsemen, and I’m not a guy who turns his back on his friends. I’m not a guy who runs. I don’t fear Wes Ikeda, and I don’t fear the consequences of this match. Whatever happens will happen, because that’s fate, and there’s nothing I can do to change fate. So I’ll compete in this match, I’ll do my best, and after that I’ll stand up and face whatever punishment Wes feels like dishing out.

The Coach: Did you fear the consequences of not going through with this match?

David Flair: No. I don’t fear Wes, I told you that. I was happy to deal with whatever punishment he handed me. Because I was ready to stick to my beliefs. But I have an even stronger belief, and that belief is that brothers don’t let one another down. I’m a Horsemen, and the Horsemen are a team. Tonight we are brothers in arms. And I’m not going to be the guy who lets down the group. It’s all for one, and one for all...and tonight I suck it up and put my body on the line in that ring. For myself, for my brothers and for those fans who came here to watch a good old fashioned beat down. That’s all I need to say, Coach. Wes Ikeda, prepare for a battle, because tonight you go up against FOUR of the most talented athletes in this entire company...and they are gunning for you. I’m not letting you get into my head. I’m not letting you force the Horsemen apart, I’m facing you head on, and I’m not running anymore. Do whatever you want, me, suspend me, take my title...but you will NOT break me...because I am David Flair, and now YOU have to live with the name!

*David Flair walks away from the Coach and continues down the hallway towards the Horsemen’s dressing room. Meanwhile, the scene switches to a shot of the other three Horsemen sitting in their dressing room. They look nervous and are obviously on tenterhooks waiting for David to get there. The three of them are sitting on the leather couches and chairs, already dressed in their wrestling gear and glancing occasionally at the clock. The television was off, so they had not seen David’s interview and didn’t even know if he was still in the building or not...all they had was Ric’s word. Eventually Sting breaks the silence.*

Sting: Ric...It’s getting close to match time. He’s not here yet. Are you sure you convinced him to come?

Ric Flair: Yes I’m sure. He told me he would be here.

Ttiple H: ...Well I don’t see him.

Ric Flair: He’s gonna be here. He promised he would at least get here before the start of the match so he fulfilled his end of the contract. I trust him.

Sting: Usually I would trust him too, but he isn’t acting like himself tonight.

Triple H: He’s right. I’ve never seen David act like that. How do we know this whole thing hasn’t just gone to his head?

Ric Flair: Trust me. Trust David. I know my own son...he just got a little rattled. But he’ll start the match. He promised me.

*The door swings open and David walks into the room. The other three all look over towards the door.*

David Flair: Hey guys...*he notices that they are all staring at him* What’s with the weird looks?

Triple H: We weren’t sure if you were gonna make it or not.

David Flair: *he shrugs and smiles.* Well I’m here now so you can all stop biting your finger nails and looking at the clock... now are we gonna do this thing or what?

Sting: Does that mean you’re wrestling?

David Flair: Hell yeah I’m wrestling.

Triple H: Well Ric, looks like you have better powers of persuasion than we first thought.

Ric Flair: I guess I do. *He smiles* I told you he’d be here.

David Flair: And he is here. So let’s get this thing done. We’ve got an Ikedas ass to kick. We’re gonna teach that guy not to fuck with the Horsemen, right?

Triple H: You’re damn right we are. But first you need to get dressed. *He throws David’s gym bag at him and David catches it.*

David Flair: Relax, we’ve got a little bit of time left.

Ric Flair: I’m glad you’re here David. *he smiles.*

David Flair: In a strange unexpected way, so am I. It’s showtime guys. Time for us to prove ourselves to the world that we’re exactly what we say we are...the most elite four men in the EBWF, and not even Wes Ikeda can stand in our way. Tonight the Horsemen take over the EBWF, and Wes Ikeda is going down.

*The Scene Fades.*

Disclaimer: This Roleplay Is Made By Shev Lyons, Email: Please Do Not Recreate any part of this roleplay without permission. Please Do Not Steal, Take, Or Anything From This Layout Without Permission. Also, please bear in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this roleplay are not that of the author.

OOC: No OOC Message