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TCW Mayham
Current TCW United States Champion (1), TCW World Champion (1)
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Match vs SCSA
I Dunno Just Read It
I Dunno Just Read It

.:[Friday Night Fury ended with Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner throwing The Rock over the turnbuckle off of his ring post recieving a match against X - Pac live tonight on Monday Night Mayham. The Rock thought he had the match won but Scott Steiner held on the ropes and pulled himself back into the ring to the surprise of The Rock. He then tosses Rocky over the rope and that was that. Scott Steiner number 1 contender for the TCW World Heavyweight Championship. As well Stone Cold Steve Austin signed a contract with TCW, and it looks as though he is out to get The Rock, does The Rock and the Nation of DOmination have anything to say to Stone Cold Steve Austin tonight?! Who will be Stone Cold's mystery partner for this evening? What does The ROck have to say to Rodney Mack and Theodore Long's offer to joing The Rock's Nation of Domination. Will The Rock agree? What impact will the new TCW commisioner have on Monday Night Mayham tonight? Tune it up next to find out!]:.



.:[The Rock appears underneath the carnagatron. The expression on The Rock's face is not a good one, as he did lose the number one contendership of the tope battle royal to Scott Steiner on Friday Night Fury]:.

.:[The Rock climbs into the ring and climbs the People's turnbuckle to salute his millions and millions of fans]:.

.:[The Rock looks around, all the excitement is building up inside of him. The Millions and millions are supplying him with the electricity that he needs]:.

.:[The Rock gets off of the turnbuckle, and has a rather serious look on his face that hes not really satisfied with what happened at Friday Night Fury]:.

.:[The Rock gets in his usual stance as he does everytime before his in ring promo, the millions and millions of fans have not heard this in awhile and are highly anxious to hear it again]:.

.:[The Rock]:. FINALLY! The Rock has come back to N E W O R L E A N S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

.:[The Rock his building all of his electricity up within in him. He sees a fan wearing a Big Poppa Pump shirt. He looks at it and laughs. He grows a huge smile on his face and grabs a mic to begin talking]:.

.:[The Rock]:. Big Poppa No Erection Jabroni. You want to hang on the People's rope, and pull yourself back into the People's ring, and then come from behing and push The Bharama Bull off of the People's Turnbuckle. Well Jabroni, you are one tough son of a bitch. You see The Rock is surprised that you had the guts to do this Steiner. The Rock knows you are a cheap playa, and The Rock has something cheap that he can offer you. He can offer you a first class ticket, 9: 00 am sharp, right on the dot, check in to the Smackdown Hotelalalalalala! The millions and MILLIONS of The Rock's fanz didn't want to see Scott Steiner win the Battle Royal. They came to watch The Rock boot your fat candy ass over the top rope. The Rock knows you are going one on one with X - Pac tonight, and quite frankly, The Rock doesn't care who wins the match tonight. Whoever ever it may be, X Pac with Dawn Marie, a two dollar no, a fifty cent no, buy two get one free does any one have change for a nickel skank ass slut? or a monkey went into the ring, took a crap, and out came Scott Steiner, The Rock will take you for a walk down Know Your Role BLVD, take a left on Jabroni Drive, and the check you right into the famous Smackdown Hotelalalalal! Now on to a pair of jabroni's who just debuted here in TCW, Mack and Long? Who in the BLUE HELL are you?!?! You don't come into the People's Ring and announce that you are apart of The Rock's nation, NO! no! NO! no! Show The Rock a little respect here. To be a member of The Rock's nation, youve got to be an ass kickin, jabroni beating, pie eatin, son of a bitch, People's Champ The Rock! You better belie dat Playa. As far as The Rock is concerned, you can turn that offer up side down, right site up for that matter, shine it up real nice, extra shiny, and stick it straight up your candy ass! You have proved monkey crap to The Rock. He's not going to allow you to walk into the Nation just like that. The Rock says, you and that jabroni you got with you, Theodore Long, come on out here. Rodney Mack, you bend over, and the Rock will take the entire Theodore Long, turn that sumbitch sideways, and stick it straight up your candy ass!" SCSA when do you decide who's in and who's not, in The Rock's nation? Who ever said Kurt Angle, Rodney Mack and Theodore Long are apart of The Rock's Nation. Show The Rock a little respect here. As for The Rock's match tonight against SCSA, SCSA you are going one on one with the Great One. Stone Cold Steve Austin... The Rock knows how much you like to drink. So The Rock is offering you a couple of drinks tonight. The drinks are on The Great One. But here's a stipulation, Austin: The Rock says don't get drunk and pass out, or else you'll wake up with The Rock's fist in your mouth, and his foot up your ass! The Rock says, Stone Cold Steve Austin, tonight is the night that you go one-on-one with The Great One. And your monkey ass is going to be made famous, compliments of The Rock. You run your mouth about how The Rock comes out here and recites his little nursery rhymes? Well, The Rock has prepared a little nursery rhyme specifically for you and it goes like this: Mary had a little lamb... Then again, piss on the lamb, piss on Mary, and piss on YOU! The Rock is going to go out there tonight and do what he does best, and that's lay the smackdown on your... roody-poo candyass! No! No! No! Don't do that. Stone Cold Steve Austin, after all is and and done, the millions..." **The crowd finishes the sentence for him** The millions and the millions of The Rock's fans are going to realize that The Rock is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most electrifying man in sports-entertainment, and the best damn TCW United States Champion there ever was! Austin, tonight, the Rock says, he's gonna take your little rattlesnake... He's gonna tie that little sumbitch up in a knot. And give you The People's Stunner!! IIIIFFFF YYYYYAAAAAHHHHH SSSSMMMMMEEELLLLLLLLALALALALALAL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN!?

.:[The Rock looks as though he is determined to beat down Stone Cold Steve Austin! Will the rattlesnake join The Nation of Domination?! What will Rodney Mack and Theodore Long have to say about the Rock's declination of them into the Nation, its only moments away folks, tune into Monday Night Mayham for your answers!]:.

***thanks to for some of The Rock's quotes!***