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Roleplay Number 1
Current Match No Match Yet
Current Title XWA World Champ
Record 4-0
'The Great Ones' XWA Achievments
  • First XWA World Champion

  • Fastest Victory in XWA History {45 Seconds}

  • :::Scene:::

    As the beginning of RAW starts, the camera is in the backstage area. The camera then shows The Rock entering the building from a large bay door. There are many XWA staff members standing there conversing as The Rock makes his way into the building. As The Rock is making his way past the XWA crew, he stops and starts to talk with them.

    :::The Rock:::

    Hey Fellas. Listen...The Rock knows that you boys are very busy. And The Rock knows that you have things to do. But listen. The Rock has a very important announcement tonight...and The Rock wants you to witness it just as much as everyone else in this company is going to. And believe me when I tell you...This announcement is unconcievable. Now The Rock knows that you all work very hard. So when the time comes that The Rock makes his way to the ring for his big announcement...The Rock wants you to take a little break and listen to The Rock. And when it's all over...When The Rock has said his peace...and the shock has set in...The Rock is throwing one HELL of a party. So I suggest you boys make your way over to The Rock's hotel room tonight after the show.


    The Rock then walks away from the XWA crew members and makes his way down the hallway. The scene then cuts to the arena. The camera spans the arena with an aerial shot of the crowd and the pyros start to go off. After the pyros go off...the cameras then focus on J.R. and Jerry Lawler at the announce table.


    GOOD EVENING EVERYONE! AND WELCOME TO XWA RAW! We are live from Montreal, Canada. And we have a ton of action for you tonight. WrestleMania was just a few days ago! And boy what a night it was...Many new champions were crowned...including the new...And FIRST...XWA World Champion...The Rock!

    :::The King:::

    There were many great matches at WrestleMania, J.R. And many great happenings. And one of those great happenings was the return of The Boss! The man who revolutionized this industry...Came back at WrestleMania to take out The Evolution.


    It was an exciting night, King. WrestleMania was definately one of a kind...and I am looking forward to it again next year. But right now, I am getting word that Coach has caught up with The Rock. Let's take you there now...where Coach is standing by with The Rock, live.


    Well, Rock. First I would like to congratulate you on your win at WrestleMania and becoming the FIRST XWA World Champion. {The Rock is noding his head agreeing with Coach} And I guess, my first question would be...How do you feel now that you are the XWA Champion?

    :::The Rock:::

    Well, Coach, you know...The Rock told you...and everyone else that he was going to WreestleMania and becoming Champion. Never doubt The Rock when he tell you something. But to be honest...The Rock couldn't be happier to be champion. The Rock is very pleased with the way everything is going and The Rock is happy to be here tonight...


    I don't think anyone ever doubted you, Rock. But moving tonight. When you arrived, you said you had a huge announcement for everyone...Want to drop any hints?

    :::The Rock:::

    C'mon, Coach. You know better than that...YOU KNOW BETTER! The Rock isn't going to tell you first...The first to know...will be who always comes first...THE PEOPLE! The People are what is important here, Coach. But The Rock will tell you this much, Coach. The Rock is going to bring down the house tonight with what he has to say. And you of all people know that when The Rock has something to say, he wouldn't make a big deal about it unless it was a big deal. And, can bet your ass that what The Rock has to say is a BIG DEAL! Now get the hell out of here, Coach...The Rock has some business to attend to.


    The scene then fades and cuts back to J.R. and Lawler and the show continues as scheduled.



    The show comes back from it's final commercial break, as the show will be coming to an end soon. No sooner does the program come back, The Rock's music hits the PA System. The crowd erupts and get on their feet. The Rock appears at the top of the ramp and the crowd gets even louder. The Rock paces around for a moment at the top of the ramp before making his way down the ramp. As The Rock gets to the ring, he climbs on top of the apron and makes his way to the turn-buckle. The Rock climbs the turn-buckle and taunts the crowd with his usual "entrance" taunt. The Rock then gets into the ring and does the same in the opposite corner. As The Rock gets down from the turn-buckle on the opposing side of the ring, he asks for a mic. The Rock paces around the ring for a minute and lifts the mic to his face, but cannot speak just yet, as the crowd is, very loudly, chanting "ROCKY, ROCKY, ROCKY". After this goes on for another 30 seconds or so, The Rock motions for the crowd to quiet down. The crowd does so and The Rock lifts the mic to his mouth again and begins to speak.

    :::The Rock:::

    FINALLY...THE ROCK...HAS COME BACK...TO MONTREAL!!! {The crowd give The Rock another enormous "pop" for mentioning their home town.} And The Rock is very happy to be here tonight. Very happy. And before The Rock goes on...The Rock would just like to tell you...tell the World...THE ROCK...HAS DONE IT! The Rock went into WrestleMania and became the XWA's FIRST EVER...World Champion. And The Rock did it like only The Rock can...ELECTRIFYING LIKE NO OTHER! And speaking of WrestleMania...The Rock would like to take this time to address a particular man. The man that stood toe to toe with The Great One at WrestleMania. The man that brought it to The Rock like no one...AND THE ROCK MEANS NO ONE...In the XWA has as of late. That man...Chris Jericho. The Rock would just like to say, Chris...we had one hell of a match at WrestleMania. You brought it to The Rock...The Rock brought it to you...all in was an excellent match...and The Rock was honored to face you. So...The Rock would just like to say...THANK YOU!


    The crowd cheers for The Rock as he showed respect to his former opponent. The Rock paces around the ring for a moment and waits for the crowd to calm down. As the crowd finally does, The Rock starts to talk again.

    :::The Rock:::

    Now...moving on...past WrestleMania. Moving on to tonight. The Rock knows that he is not scheduled for a match The Rock wanted to make his presence known. Tonight...The Rock is not here to fight...The Rock is not here to mock...The Rock is here because The Rock has very big news...for each and everyone one of you here tonight. For the MILLIONS {"AND MILLIONS"} AND MILLIONS...of The Rock's fans at home. Even...for every single staff member and super star in the back. The Rock has something very, very important to say. But before The Rock gets into that...The Rock has a request. The Rock...would like for the man...The myth...The legend...There is not another man like this one on the face of this planet...The Rock would like for...THE BOSS...To come out here for a moment. The Rock has a couple things he wants to say to, please...Join The Rock.


    The Rock paces around the ring for a moment. Then, suddenly, The Boss's music hits the PA System and The Rock faces the top of the ramp. The Boss appears at the top of the ramp and the crowd goes crazy. The Boss makes his way down the ramp and into the ring and he paces around The Rock for a moment, giving him a stare. The Boss then motions for a mic. As The Boss lifts the mic to talk, The Rock stops him.

    :::The Rock:::

    WHOA! Before you say anything. The Rock asked you out here for one reason. One reason only. The Rock just wanted you out The Rock could tell you...face to face... {The Rock then gets right in The Boss's face} THANK YOU! And the reason The Rock thanks because The Rock has been waiting...waiting for finally be able to put some of these people around here in their place. The Rock also knows that you handled that group of BITCHES that knocked The Rock out at WrestleMania. And The Rock couldn't be happier to FINALLY get to see someone with a little bit of power around here. So...The Rock would just like to say...THANK YOU!


    The Rock paces around The Boss for a moment while the crowd is cheering frantically over The Rock's previous statements and show of sportsmanship toward The Boss. As the crowd quiets, The Rock starts to talk again.

    :::The Rock:::

    NOW...The Rock said earlier he had something very important he needed to say. NOW would be the time for The Rock's important news. EVERYONE...LISTEN TO WHAT THE ROCK HAS TO SAY. Because when it's all over...and The Rock has said his peace...believe will be the last thing you will expect! The Rock came here and did exactly what he said he was going to do...And that was become the FIRST XWA World Champion. The Rock did that. The Rock went to WrestleMania and showed THE WORLD...exactly what The Rock was made of. NOW...WRESTLEMANIA is over. The Rock is Champion...And The Rock just wants to tell everyone...The Rock...IS DONE! The Rock is giving up this title and leaving! That's all there is to it...The Rock came here to prove a point...That he is the best at what he does...and that is WHOOPIN' ASS! So to you boys that are in that Number One Contender's match tonight...Good LUCK! Because The Rock know...THE ROCK KNOWS...HE IS FUCKING YOU RIGHT HERE...RIGHT NOW...And The Rock could care less...The Rock has proven what he is capable of...and there is nothing left to prove...SO....BOSS...Here you go...This, my friend...Is no longer mine...Do what you need to with it...But let The Rock say this...He has enjoyed EVERY SINGLE MINUTE inside this ring...And one day...MAYBE...One day...You will see The Rock again...But for right now...The Rock has more important things to do...



    The Rock's music hits the PA System and The Rock drops the mic. The Rock then walks over to The Boss and drops the XWA World Title at The Boss's feet. He looks at The Boss one last time and makes his way out of the ring and up the ramp to the backstage area. The camera follows The Rock through the backstage until The Rock gets into his car and drives away.

    **~END ROLEPLAY~**
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