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The Name Of Goldust Goldust
the Inovator Of Violence
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The scene opens up to JR and The King sitting at there announce table,

(JR) Welcome to this special segment of the RAW brand of entertainment

(King) Yeah! I cant wait, we have a very special night...We are going to find out who the #1 contender for the World Championship is!

Thats right King!

then the light in the areana start to flicker off and on, and then a large piro goes off at the top of the ramp and "Never Again" by "Nickleback" blasts over the PA system. As the smoke clears from the piro, The titon tron is showing video clips of Riots matches, then Riot can be seen standing at the top of the ramp. Riot stans at the top of the ramp getting a large resption of both boo's and cheers. He makes his way down the ramp, and walks up the steps to the ring, and stands on the apron, looking out to the crowd. He then steps threw the ropes and is handed the mic from Lilian Garcia.

They say if you want somthing done right, you have to do it yourself! So I took it upon myself to walk right into Steph's office last week, and I dememded my title shot. I have been with the company not nearly as long as some of the others here, but damn it, I have worked my ass off, and I deserve my title shot. Now with Steph being very busy with running this company and taking a buisness trip for a couple of weeks, she never got around to signing the match between myself and Poison, for the World Championship.

Riot vs. Poison? Riots the number one contender?

Man, what a match that would be!

But now that Steph is goen for a week or so, She left Terri in charge, and she must not have gotten the memo! So instead, It will be yours-truly against J.C. Baily for the RAW Harcore Championship

Hardcore Championship?

Thats right up Riots ally

Now you would this in a company this size, sombody would get somthing right atleast once, Because I know for a fact that Terri will be running the show for a while, and personaly....I think she is a little destracted at the moment, Take a look at the titon tron.

The screen turns to black and show the F-View logo, and then shows the camera back in the locker room, where Revolution and Terri had there romantic moment. The screen turns to black and comes back to Riot.

You all see what I mean? Revolution, a man I beat in this very ring one---two---three! Instead of going to the gym, and getting in shape, so he stops lossing, is in the back making out with Terri, who was out-cold at the time, and I know Terri is trying her breast...I mean, best to run RAW, but she needs to be thinking with her head, not Revo's!

Not that brings me all the way back around to JC Baily. Monday night is coming up fast, and I know you like holding that Harcore Championship...But you fail to relise, is you are stepping into the ring with the Innovator of Violance! And a hardcore match is my kinda match. So if you think you can beat me, bring all you got and try it, Just remember, You can never find your pleasure if your worried about your pain, and pain is the going to be the least of your worries come Monday Night. What am I talking about you ask? Well, if you remember back when Undertaker and I, had a match with The Hardyz? I took care of buisness befor the match, and it was not an attack on them, I took Lita out of the picture...I aim for the heart, And I know you and little Holly Wood, are very close...were ever you go, the other follows. So maybe...Just maybe, I should take a little walk to the locker room right now, and pay a little visit to Miss. Holly Wood.

He wouldn't dare!

Well, JR, he did attack Lita, and he would have done it again if it wasn't for Edge

So bottom line JC...Whats it gunna be? You and Me? or do you dare sweeten the pot and bring your lady freind into my game? The balls in your court...Don't drop it.

Riot the drops the mic and heads back up the ramp, and behind the curtian and his music plays. The camera turns back to JR, and Lawler as they break to a commercial.