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#1 [One]
" Flame, I Must Take What Is Rightfully Mine!"
01 - 01 - 00
Vampiro ; Ian Hodgekinson ; MGR ; The Flame
Jack Dominick; The Flame[2?]; MGR?

[start] Think You Know St. Macabre...

.|[demented intro]|. EWA SuicideJust this past week, we witnessed EWA Suicide. Alot went down at Suicide, a few upsets, but one thing we were focused on, was the hard match between Vampiro and MGR. MGR got Vampiro down for the three count. Vampiro could barely take the loss, but he has a chance to regain respect this coming week at Journey Of The Kings, when he goes into a match for the World Title, with The Flame, MGR and a mystery opponent. As said, Vampiro will get the chance to prove himself again, when he tries to gain the World Title this Sunday for the first time in his career in the EWA. Can Vampiro come in, and pull it off, and win it for the first time? Be sure to buy Journey Of The Kings on Pay Per View to find out!

"Flame, I Must Take What Is Rightfully Mine!"

Scene: Unknown | Thunder Bay
06.07.04 | Time: 2:32 am
Next Match: @ Suicide! Vs. The Flame Vs. MGR Vs. ??? [World Title]

|2| The scene begins as we are taken to somewhere in Thunder Bay, which is the home of the former International Champion, Vampiro. We are inside of a field, where there is a slight wind, blowing the weeds all over the place, and there is some lightning in the distance, this is not a good night for people around the area. We then begin walking through the field as we begin to wonder why the hell we are going through the field. After a minute, we find out just exactly why we were there, as we see Vampiro sitting in the middle of the field, he looks in deep thought. After a second, we decide to go in, to see just exactly what is going through the minds of this madman.  |2|

.|["Inside The Mind" -/- Ian Hodgekinson]|. : Here we go Vampiro, this is the time to gain  something that you have tried to gain a number of times but have failed, this is the time to finally gain.

.|["St. Macabre" -/- Vampiro]|. : Ian, you must be talking about the World Title? Yeah, I have a chance at the World title this week, but you know something Ian? I am going up against the current World Champion The Flame, and I have already put him out of his misery, I deserve to be the World Champion, because Ian, if I have beaten the champion before, then I have the potential to do the same thing again. And he had better be ready, because I have a Final Nail waiting to go into their coffin.

.|["Inside The Mind" -/- Ian Hodgekinson]|. : Yeah, you got that one right Vampiro, you've already defeated The Flame, so that must give you a good shot at the title. But you have to remember that he isn't the only one in this match.

|2| Vampiro looks off into the distance with a smile on his face. As he gazes at the lightning he takes a deep breath  |2|

.|["St. Macabre" -/- Vampiro]|. : Ian, I will get what is rightfully mine, that being the World Title, I will gain that, it is like getting what I own. People say that I am not deserving of the title, but there are doubters, and there are followers, and they the doubters, who know nothing about the talent in which I perceive, and they have no say, in just how good I can be, and how good I am. I may be growing older, but the older I am getting Ian, the better I am getting, and the more blood that I want to take, from the world champion, The Flame.

|2| Vampiro pulls out a Polaroid picture, and it is a picture of The Flame winning the World Title. Vampiro begins laughing, as he speaks once again.  |2|

.|["St. Macabre" -/- Vampiro]|. : Flame, I hope you cherished that moment, and I hope you took the alternative to shine the belt up, to set it on your shelf, because just a mere few months after winning the title, you are going to find out that your fate with that title, is no more, and that I am going to be the one taking that title from you in a mere six days, right inside of the ring, and right in front of the whole crowd. Flame, when the match is over, when all of the crowd is sitting there laughing at you, because they don't think that I am worth anything, and then I win the title, they are not going to be laughing at me Flame, they are going to be laughing at you, for the simple known fact, that you aren't how you used to be, you have since lost your talent for the business. You don't have what it takes anymore, and I do. I strive to do the best, and I give everything, for every dying second of being in the ring. You know as well as I do that I will do anything for gold, and I will do anything to win a title that is rightfully mine, and the World Title, is rightfully mine.

|2| Vampiro has a smirk on his face as he takes the picture, rips it into pieces, and throws it into the field. He sits there gazing at the sky.  |2|

.|["Inside The Mind" -/- Ian Hodgekinson]|. : You see Vampiro, I know as well as you do, that The Flame is capable of cheating his way to win a match, and if he has to, he will do that. He will cheat over you to win Vampiro. But I will guide you from inside the mind, to help you if something like that would happen.

|2| Vampiro laughs before he begins speaking again.  |2|

.|["St. Macabre" -/- Vampiro]|. : Trying to cheat against me? Ian, I believe he has tried something like that before, and it never did work, because I am smarter than that. Flame, no cheating is going to work when you get into the ring with me, and you know the reason why? Because I know that you are capable of cheating your way to a win, therefore I will know to watch my back, for you at any place and time. And you know what, as I said, you have tried it before, and I took you out, and laid you to the ground and out, and this time, if you try it again, it will be twice as hard, because I am not taking anymore from you, because I am going in there, and I am taking my title, and bringing it to its rightful owner, and putting it over my shoulder, and that is where it will stay. Now, I understand that the World title means alot to you but Flame, as I pointed out earlier, your talent has shrunk since you won the title, and it is only a matter of time before you drop the title, and drop to the bottom ranks of the federation. I am rising Flame, and anyone that gets into my way, is going to get the Final Nail Put In Their Coffin, and right about now Flame, you are getting in my way.

.|["Inside The Mind" -/- Ian Hodgekinson]|. : Your destiny is almost reached Vampiro, you just need to get past this obstacle, and your final stretch to destiny, will be sitting right in front of your eyes, jut waiting for you to reach out and grasp it. Let's get this done, and let's get you a win here, and you will be on your way.

|2| Vampiro smirks then, before speaking for the very last time.  |2|

.|["St. Macabre" -/- Vampiro]|. : Ian, you are exactly right. I am through being in the bottom ranks of the federation, I am done being everyone's lackey, it is time that I continue to step up, and make a difference. Sure, I have been International Champion, and I have also been Lord Of The Mat, but that just proves that I have the skill, and I have what it takes, to make it big here, and that is my next step. By defeating The Flame two weeks ago, it shows me that I am ready to take the next step, and it shows the management that I am ready to take the next step, and you bet I will take every opportunity to go that extra step, and to get where I want to be, and it's only a matter of time before that happens, and we are both shining in the spotlight of being the world champion. Only a matter of time Ian, only a matter of time. So Flame, I am giving you a final warning, be ready for it, because a storm is coming your way, and not meaning by tornados and hurricanes, I am meaning in the way of pain, and suffering, due to the Final Nail In Your Coffin! This Sunday Flame...Come...Come join me Flame, It shall be fun...I will show you...


|2| The camera then fades out towards the sky, as the camera then slowly fades away to static, and we are taken to a commercial break. |2|

Think Again...[/end]
EWA - Signed With The EWA!; #1Contender For World Title; Won First Match Back; International Champion [1x]; Tag Team Champion [1x]; Lord Of The Mat [1x]