<Bgsound src=" http://wrestletrons.com/themes/forceable-entry/track16.mp3" loop=infinite>


Hey everyone. I didn't actually make this layout myself, well it was an Undertaker layout first, but I suped it up after chaning the pics. The banners on the top and bottom are mine personally. I ain't going to say not to steal this, but if you do, just give me some credit. Say a kickass e-fedder did it. Use my banners if you want, but not in any feds I am in! And if you read this, I am surprised.

.::( End Disclaimer)::.

none yet

:Next Match:
TAZZ & Styne
The Hitman

:OOC message:
Its "Foreword" not "Forward" thanx

:People Used: Tazz
The King

:People Mentioned:
A bunch of people






You'll be




.:+( BEGIN ~ FOREWORD )+:.
Tazz has came to NRW from WWE. He was appointed to an announcer's job there while he had his neck surgery. Vince wanted to throw Tazz back into the Smackdown Middle card events, but Tazz declined and told Vinnie to take the job and shove it! Tazz now has the attitude of FTW again. And for those of you who don't know what FTW is its FUCK THE WORLD! He cares about no one, and no one cares about him! He has gone back to his roots and mixed it up with the new Tazz. He is the Thug Superstar, but also still the best submissionist ever! Tazz will make an impact in NRW. He plans to help Styne beat the living shit out of Bret "The Hitman" Hart! But what does Tazz plan to do after the match?

.:+( END ~ FOREWORD )+:.

}}~ SCENE 1 : Money's office and nearby area ~{{

~)-(~ The scene shoots to Money's office. Tazz and Money sit scross from another. Tazz is wearing his usual street wear, black pants, a Tazz shirt, a black leather jacket, and the cool orange Tazz shades. Tazz signs a paper and shakes Money's hand. ~)-(~

$-JP Money-$
Thank you Tazz. Now your officially in your first match in NRW. I know you have what it takes you give Hitman the beating of his lifetime!

Yeah no problem. Money, whenever you need someone taken care of you just come to Tazz. I will take out any Punk that needs to be handled.

$-JP Money-$
Well, there is doubt in my mind that Hitman needs to be tended to. You just do your job and help Styne beat the shit out of that old bastard!

Tazz doesn't need any help from Styne, but the more the merrier!

~)-(~ Tazz and JP laugh but Tazz suddenly stops and stares at JP. JP stops and turns his chair around. Tazz leaves and walks outside of the office. Kevin Kelly walks up to Tazz. ~)-(~

*Kevin Kelly*
Tazz, what were you and Mr. Money talking about in there?

About how Tazz will beat down anyone he wants! Now SCRAM!

~)-(~ Kevin runs away and Tazz starts laughing at him. Then Michael Cole approaches Tazz. ~)-(~

I have something to show you Tazz.

What? Your jock? I mean come one, you know even if you have grwon it takes like four of you to equal one of me! (laughs)

No, its not my jock, it is a tape.

~)-(~ Tazz grabs the tape and walks to his lockeroom. They watch the tape and Tazz starts laughing. ~)-(~

Why are you laughing?

This shit is funny! I mean Styne doesn't want my help? (laughs) Well then he won't get it!

Your not going to wrestle?

I will wrestle, just the match will be more like a triple threat. Actually more like a handicap match against me, because I will be beating both of their asses! Bret will go down as well as that cocky bitch Styne!


}}~ SCENE 2 : In-Ring ~{{

~)-(~ JR and KIng are ringside. The arena gets dark and "Just Another Victim" by Cypress Hill blasts on the P.A. system and Tazz walks out with a black towel over his head. He walks down the ramp and into the ring. Fans boo. He gets up on a turnbuckle and folds his arms. He tosses the towel out of the ring and grabs a mic from an official. He stands in the middle of the ring. ~)-(~

Styne, where do you get off saying you don't need my help? You said that even before you knew who was your partner. Styne, I will beat your ass and Bret's ass, there is no doubt in my mind. Styne, you can have your little friends come out to the ring, and if they do I will choke them out too! Hitman, if you have Jamie Jackson (loud cheers from fans) come out to help you, I will have to choke his ass out too! I don't give a shit if he is the World Champ, I will choke anything out, man or woman! Hitman, you are always complaining about how you lost your precious federation, and saying it was much better than NRW. Well, if it was better than it would be here instead of the NRW! Hitman, your too old to be wrestling guys like me, and Styne isn't talented enough to beat you alone, so JP put me in the equation. Now Styne if youn are just looking for another mark in the win column, then you better just let me do the work. But if you looking for an ass whooping,then you go ahead and try some shit on me, because if you do, then I will leave both of you overated bastards in the ring surrounded in your own blood! You two are.....


~)-(~ Tazz drops the mic and his music hits as he exits the ring. ~)-(~