"Master of Old school" Judith Reno
Ironman Champ
Highest Ranked
230 Lb's, 6ft5
Las Vegas, Nevada
This is the OCC box. So here's the scoop, outline made by Jarratt(Judith Reno), rp is made by Jarrat(Judith Reno) adn this out of character comment was made by Jarratt(Judith Reno)> See I'm multi-talented. Okay for the rp WHITE is description. YELLOW is characters. Email me at jarratt6@hotmail.com for feedback or a good chocolate chip recipe.
PT.1 "Thinking Oldschool" *** The scene goes to Reno and the Camera-guy pulling up to the border as a Mountie waves them to a stop. The Mountie slowly makes his way to the car as Judith rolls down the window and looks out with a grin on his face. The camera-guy sits in the car nervously, chewing at his fingernails and sweating. Reno hands the Mountie his passport. ***
Mountie: What is your business in Canada?
Judith Reno: Well I’m a huge wrestler in the GWE, I mean I am pretty well an icon there. So I have a pretty huge base down in the States, but I think I owe it to my fan base in Canada to talk about my highly anticipated match with Cage, a lousy wrestler in the GWE, no one likes him and frankly I think he has problems with me.
Mountie: Why would a man be so mad at you? You seem like a nice guy.
Judith Reno: I am a nice guy. I think that’s why he hates me. Sure I don’t look like I was beaten with the ugly stick when I was young like him. Or maybe I have the thing some people have and some people don’t, you know, charisma. Maybe it is I’m actually a skilled wrestler, unlike him. I guess that’s why I guess he threw me into a car window.
*** The Mountie looks at Reno’s car, with smashed window, dents and blood. And looks back at Reno and the camera-guy, who is sweating badly now. ***
Mountie: Why is there so much damage to your car? It looks like you hit a moose. There is even blood on the hood.
*** The Camera-guy finally breaks down and blurts something out of nowhere. ***
Camera-guy: We didn’t hit a hitchhiker, that’s for sure.
Judith Reno: He’s just worried about us not getting into Canada. Gets kind of annoying really. So did Cage, why did I even waste two months of my career with him. But anyways we just hit a dog by accident. But replace dog with pedestrian and accidentally with repeatedly.
Mountie: I don’t think I can let you in Canada now Mr. Reno, even if you’re a nice guy everyone seems to like.
Judith Reno: It’s just a joke. Cage threw me into my car, to get back at me. I don’t know what that proved. I think he just pissed me off.
Moutnie: I don’t know why someone would try to piss you off. But have a good stay in Canada.
Judith Reno: Oh I will.
*** Judith Reno waves bye and drives off into the Canadian sunset. The Mountie goes back to his booth and smiles to himself. ***
Mountie: What a nice guy.

*** The scene goes to a hotel room. The camera-guy is sprawled out on one bed, as he is reading the bible. You can hear a toilet flush and a sink running, just before Judith Reno walks into the room. Reno looks at the phone and sighs as he starts to pace the floor. A long-distance phone call commercial starts to play on the TV talking about phoning a loved one. Reno shakes his head and shuts off the TV. This catches the attention of the camera-guy, who lowers the bible and looks at the distressed Reno. ***
Camera-Guy: You really should call her. She’s got to be worried sick. I won’t tell any of the boys in the back that you are lonely.
*** Reno nods his head as he grabs the phone and starts to dial. He puts the phone receiver and looks at the camera-guy. ***
Judith Reno: Thanks for looking out for me. She got to be worried sick, but I’m more worried. But it’s going to be great to here her voice.
*** The camera-guy smiles as he goes back to reading the bible. Reno waits as the phone rings. Finally the person he is calling picks up the phone. ***
Gwen Reno: Hello?
Judith Reno: Hey, Gwen it’s me. I’m just calling to see how you’re doing, because I’m probably going to be on the road for a while.
***After Reno finishes talking, there is a long awkward silence. Gwen Reno weeping on the other end of the phone breaks the silence. ***
Gwen Reno: You bastard, you wouldn’t think we would find out about what you are up to? How could you put Magnus and me through this again?
Judith Reno: Gwen, I was going to tell you about my match. I have no choice, I don’t really know why I demanded the match, I was angry. I couldn’t think straight. Believe me Gwen, I hate doing this to you two too, but it’s my job, and I got do what I have to do.
Gwen Reno: That’s what you said before Raging Minds, you have to do what you have to do. Well I’m getting tired of the whole game your in. You know I’m worried sick every time you go out there.
Judith Reno: I know, and I’m sorry for doing this to you, but I really got to do it. I can’t really explain it. It’ll turn out just like Raging Minds, I’ll just get a few bruises and I’ll be ok and home in few weeks. Don’t worry.
Gwen Reno: It’s kind of hard after what happened to you.
Judith Reno: It is hard after what that son of a bitch Cage did to me. But it’s what he put you and Magnus through. That’s why I am doing what I am doing. It’s my job to. I wouldn’t be a man if I just let it go away. I got to make him hurt for making us hurt. Don’t worry, after High Voltage it’s all going to be better.
*** Judith Reno is cut off by his wife crying even harder now. Judith goes quiet as Gwen starts to sniffle. ***
Gwen Reno: That’s what you don’t get Judith, you say after everything you get into it’s going to be better. I always believed you too. But things won’t get better, they’ll just get worse. There is thousands of people like Cage in the world and you can’t go and piss them all off. Judith, your not the type of guy to have many friends, but you have many enemies.
Judith Reno: What has gotten into you Gwen.
Gwen Reno: Did you hear what Cage said.
Judith Reno: I did, and it’s just like what I said about him to you before Raging Minds. He’s just a stupid boy, only caring about the future, and what will start his way to that future. Well it’s not the end or the beginning that is important Gwen, it’s the space between there. I’ve done all that before. I’ve seen it all, hell I’ve been had this goddamn belt since the start. Cage is just trying to be bigger then I, and he’s trying to hard. He says I have a huge ego, it’s not my ego, and it’s just having the balls to do half the stuff I have done.
Gwen Reno: But those (sniffle) barb wire matches, hurt people.
Judith Reno: I know that, I’ve been hurt lots of times. I am an Ironman, I’m used to the game Cage wants to play with me. Cage wants to see this match as just wins and losses, but it is way more to me. If he suffers I win, if he screams in pain, it’s victory for what he did to me that one night at Loaded. He hit me from behind and threw me into a windshield, not once, not twice but three times. I’m going to make sure he feels all the pain I felt that night and more. I want him to feel the blood trickle down his forehead, I want his eye to swell shut and I want him to be in pain to move.
Gwen Reno: What happens if he does that again to you.
*** Judith Reno pauses for a second, and sighs into the phone as he starts to speak slowly and quietly. ***
Judith Reno: That’s why I want you to do one thing for me that night, don’t watch. I want you and Magnus to watch something else. I don’t want to put you through what will happen that night, and I don’t want Magnus to see what I am going to do to Cage. It’s not going to be something a boy needs to see. Just tell him I’m working. Can you do that for me?
Gwen Reno: I don’t think I can.
Judith Reno: It’s not if you can, CAUSE YOU WILL DO IT!
*** The crying on the other end of the phone starts to get louder, as Reno calms down and starts to apologize to his wife. ***
Judith Reno: I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to you to yell at you…
Gwen Reno: Have you told the doctor that you are doing this?
Judith Reno: No, and this keep it that way. I’ll phone you after my match ok. Bye.
*** Judith Reno hangs up, and sits there quietly. The camera-guy lowers the bible he is reading and looks at Reno. ***
Camera-Guy: You ok Iroman?
Judith Reno: You know, I wish none of what happened in the last month had happened. I wish I could go back in time and change it all. I would have never trusted Cage for one second. Then I wouldn’t be in this situation were I have to do so much punishment to one man.
Camera-Guy: But it is Cage though, he did start this.
Judith Reno: Still it’s Cage, I invited him to my house. He was a family friend. I had put all my trust in him. But that was before Cage changed, before he was a crazed egomaniac. That’s before he had to be the best by attacking his friends. Sometimes I feel I caused this whole thing to begin with, I pushed Cage to hard. I just wanted him to be the best he could be, but he already thought he was the best he could be. I guess we’ll see if that is true at High Voltage.
*** Reno’s phone rings again and he picks it up. He is greeted to screaming boys and girls on the other end.***
Boy: You are awesome man! You’re going to kick Cage’s bald headed ass!
Girl: Your such a hunk. I wish you would show me why you are called the “Master of Old school”
Judith Reno: Thanks for the support, and remember to be like the original high roller himself, and less like the so-called “Chosen One” Cage!
*** Judith Reno hangs up the phone and goes and gets his jacket. ***
Camera-guy: Where you going?
Judith Reno: I got my fans to greet, on the radio. Wish me luck.