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Inferno vs Jamie Madrox (No DQ)

"I Stand Alone" by Godsmack plays on the p.a and the JCW World Champion comes out from the back being followed by Trish. Infenro slowly makes his way down the ring as the fans are chanting his name. He rolls in the ring as Trish stays outside. Inferno holds onto his World Title belt before handing it to the ref as he waits for Jamie Madrox.

"Through You Eyes" plays on the P.A and Jamie comes out but stays at the rampway looking down at Inferno. Jamie jumps up once before running down to the ring. he slides in the ring, gets up and runs at Inferno but Inferno lays him out with a stiff Big Boot to the face!the ref calls for teh bell and this match is underway.

Inferno lifts Jamie off the mat by teh throat before throwing him into teh ropes. Jamie comes urnning back as Inferno catches him and lays him out with a belly to belly suplex. Jamie gets up but Inferno kicsk Jamie between the legs and pust hsi head between his thighs. Infenro lifts Jamie up and sends him crahsing down to the mat with a Powerbomb. Inferno is still holding onto Jamie as he lifts him up and slams him down with another powerbomb! Trish watches on kinda scared from Inferno as he is still holding onto Jamie and slams him down with a 3rd powerbomb! Jamie is down and out as he slowly coughs up blood. The ref goes over to check on Jamie but Inferno pushes the ref out of the way. Infenro grabs Jamie and slams him face first into teh turnbuckle post. Inferno climbs up onto the turnbuckle and pulls Jamie up. Inferno manages to get Jamie on his shoulders as he jumps off teh turnbuckle laying Jamie out with The FIRESTORM(F-5)! Inferno gets up and puts his foot on Jamie as teh ref counts. 1...2...Inferno take shis foot off Jamie as he shakes his head no. Infenro gets out of the ring and reaches under the ring and pulls out a table. He slides it in the ring and sets it up near the Turnbuckle. Infenro puts a lifeless Jamie on the turnbuckle. Infenro grabs Jamies neck before jumping off the turnbuckle through the tabel with Jamie with a MELTDOWN! Inferno covers Jamie as the ref make sthe count. 1...2...3

Inferno slowly stands up but the heavy guitar sturmmins of Metallica's "St.Anger" is heard as Raven emerges from the back. He slowly walks down the ring staring at Inferno and Trish who as just entered the ring. Inferno is begging Raven to come into the ring as Raven stares at Him. Inferno is getting pissed off as he stares at Raven. Raven grins as he Points to the ring. Inferno turns around to see TaZ who ran in from the crowd. Standing there. TaZ quickly lays Infenro out with the World Title as the crowd is heard booing loudly at TaZ and Raven. Raven gets in the ring as He looks at Taz, Raven and TaZ embrace as both men begin to beat down and stomp away at Inferno. TaZ picsk Infenro up and gets him in a standing Tazzmission as Raven goes out to get a chair. Trish watches on in the ring in horro as she is yelling for them to stop. Raven slides back into the ring and stares at Inferno with a chair in hand. Raven grins before slamming the chair into Infenros ribs Raven continues to do this until after about 3 more shots. Infenro falls to his knee's coughing up blood as Raven drops teh chair. Raven pulls Infenro up who's hlding his rib. Raven locks Infenros head and is about to lay him out but stops. Raven drops Inferno as Inferno looks at Raven confused. Raven then turns around adn quickly Kicks Trish in the gut and lays her out with the RAVEN EFFECT! Infenro shoot sup quickly in pain but Raven slides out of the ring with TaZ as both men are laughing. Inferno crawls over to Trish as the camera shows Raven and Taz laughing on the rampway as Inferno is holding Trish and staring at Raven as the show goes to a commercial break

--Commercial (Will's Super Condom's, Avaliable online @

Dane Hayward vs Ronald(writen by EJ Stunner)

--The show comes back from the commercial and shows Dane Hayward walking backstage. He heads towards the ramp as "All My Friend Crush You" plays by Neurotica. Dane walks out onto the ramp as the fans have a mixed reaction towards Dane. A big smile comes across his face, knowing that atleast, one, maybe two people actually like him. He walks slowly to the ring and climbs in. Then the lights in the arena dim, the fans climb to their feet, the popcorn guy falls, and "SuperStar" by Saliva hits the pa system. Ronald walks out, acting like he owns the place, soaking up all of the crowds energy. Then all of a sudden Ronald runs towards the ring and slides in as the bell rings and fists start flying.--

--With the action in the ring heating up, Dane quickly takes control of the match. Right to left, Dane pounds away on Ron's face. Ronald quickly falls to his knees and delivers a low-blow to Dane which brings him down. Now face to face on their knees like two lil midgits, Ronald gives a one hit upside Dane's head and he falls over. Ron gets to his feet and helps Dane back up, but only to pull him into the Turnbuckle. Ron elbows Dane in the ribs a few times and then he stops. Ron goes to the center of the ring and flexes, allowing Dane to get a quick rest in. Then from behind Dane delivers an Impact DDT. Ron, now one on one with the hard canvas, Dane rolls him over and goes for the cover. 1...2..2 1/2... But no! Ron surprising kicks out. With Dane just there dazed and stunned at Ronald's kickout, he doesnt realize that Ron is up and right behind him. Ronald pulls Dane up with the little hair he has and starts to punch away Dane. After a few minutes of the poundings, Ron finally hits Dane with something that wasnt expected just yet. Ron delivers his famous Ronald-ache move! Dane hits the mat and Ron goes for the cover.. 1...2...3...--

--Announcer: Here is your winner, RONALD! !--

--The fans go crazy again as Ron begins to celebrate. Dane still laid out by Ron's finisher, doesnt move an inch. After a few seconds of celebrating, Ronald leaves the ring and heads backstage. The scene fades to black.--

TLC Match
Krazy vs The Krow

"Thugwilln" blasts throughout the areana as Krazy comes out to Cheer's of the fans. He walks down teh rampway and eneters the ring as he looks at the two chairs, ladder's and tables in teh ring.

The Krow's theme plays on the P.A as The Krow slowly emerges from the back as teh fans begin to boo loudly. The krow walks down the ramp and slowly enters the ring. Krow looks at Krazy and both men begin to stare each other down as the bell rings.

The match starts off with Krazy taking the Krow out from under his feet with leg sweep. Krazy grabs one of the chairs and as soon as Krow turns around *CRACK* Krow falsl over holding his head as teh chair caved in as Krazy raises hsi arms in the air. Krazy walks over to Krow but Krow kicks up and takes Krazy down with a spear. when Krazy gets up Krow hooks Krazy and lasy him out with a Spinebuster. Krow gets up and grabs one of the ladder's and sets it up. Krow climbs the ladder and turns around looking at Krazy. Krown leaps off with a splash but Krazy rolls over and Krow gets nothing but mat as the crowd groans with him. Krazy gets up and grabs another chair. When Krow turns around Krazy thrwos teh chair at Krow crackin the side of his head. Krown holds his head but gets knocked down with a clothsline by Krazy. Krazy grabs one of the tables and sets it of on the turnbuckle as he throws the Krow against it. Krazy goes to teh opposite side and runs at Krow crashing through him and the tabel with a corner splash! Krazy goes for teh cover. 1...2...Krow manages to put his foot on the rope as Krazy gets up slowly as the Krow is still layed out. Krazy goes to pick Krow up but Krow pulls Krazy in for a small package! 1...2...Kick out by Krazy! Krazy and Krow get up quickly and lock up. Krow manages to send Krazy into the corner and begins to kick at Krazy. Krow lets Krazy fall to the mat as Krow begins to climb the ladder again. Krazy gets up and starts to climb on teh otehr side of the ladder suprising Krow as he grabs Krows head and begins to hit it on top of the ladder. Krow turns around to go jump off but Krazy manages to gets him in a full nelson. Krazy leaps off with Krow in his grasp and both men crash into the mat as Krazy lays Krow out with a Krazy Bomb. Krazy manages to grab Krow and covers him.

1..2..3! Winner: Krazy

thanks t those who RPed for their matches, and thanks to the Real Will for helping me out with writing a match. good luck to all at Juggaslam...if it still happens, hopefully TaZ adn Vamp will be bakc by then, if not, guess im writing Juggaslam.