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~Break out the Sombreros.…as Mexicans invade the IWF!!! Now the ex-SWF wrestler Kyle Broadway comes to the IWF to wrestle. This is the same guy that has quit and got fire more times in the SWF and IWF than Joey Johnson has joined feds. This is the guy who says fuck the world right? So in other words we have a pissed off Mexican who can’t keep a job. So he thinks he can handle the 80s? He thinks he can actually do something against the Rubik’s Cube? He must be empting out his stash to ever think that is someway possible. Though I do bet he likes the 80s for one reason….his El Camino that he pulls up in every week at each show. I don’t know what I am talking about this, I guess the same reason Kyle Broadway talked about nothing in his opening. Kyle Broadway you are going to bare witness to the new wave of wrestling from the past and there is one man that can achieve it and that man is…..”RAD” TAD ROCKWELL!!!!~

{{{ Camera opens up }}}

{{{ We see a bachelor pad with a 80s type flare. We see a Miami Vice type setter as the 84 Camero pulls up to the drive way and the door opens as “Rad“ Tad Rockwell steps out of the car with his grey suit with purple cotton tee shirt. He takes off his sunglasses and hangs them on the edge of his collar as he notices the camera man standing there. }}}

|“Rad” Tad Rockwell: | So……you finally decide to have some words with the Rad one?

| Camera man: | Ummm you told us not to come till the end of the week

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Uhh….Right umm well would you like a view of the raddest pad in the land..

| Camera Man: | Not if you are going to do that?

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Do what tot? It’s hot.

| Camera Man: | Damn that wasn’t a good line

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Ugh…whatever.

| Camera Man: | I guess we could get a tour.

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!

| Camera Man: | Yeah, well uh.

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | What are we waiting on?

| Camera Man: | Uh you.

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Uh okay?

| Camera Man: | So…

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Come on

{{{ “Rad“ Tad Rockwell walks toward the house and makes a left, then he proceeds behind the house. They then proceed to the pool house. They enter the little house and the whole thing is from the 80s }}}

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | This is where the raddest, baddest, illest, dude comes to unwind

| Camera Man: | You live in a pool house.

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | A GUEST HOUSE!.

| Camera Man: | Uh I know this is definitely a pool house.

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Why do you say that?

| Camera Man: | Oh I don’t know maybe cause of the pool about five feet away and the pool cleaning stuff hanging on the wall.

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | They said that didn’t have any other place to put it.

{{{ “Rad“ Tad Rockwell grabs the net and stuff and moves it outside. }}}

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Though look at it doesn’t it look just TOTALLY RAD!

{{{ The camera pans around as you see posters of WHAM!, The Scorpions, Stud On Board sign, the camera then pans back to our 80s Hero.. }}}

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Yeah I know you don’t have to say anything.

| Camera Man: | We don’t?

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | I know you are going to say, I bet you have to beat down women with a stick to stay out of the bed

| Camera Man: | We were?

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Oh yeah women just love this pad, they stumble in…

| Camera Man: | Stumble in?

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Yeah, most women that go back here with me are drunk.

| Camera Man: | That isn’t surprising

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | What is that suppose to mean?

| Camera Man: | Nothing

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Okay? Anyway this place rocks.

| Camera Man: | Right..

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | I mean I have the very new NINTENDO!!! SUPER MARIO BITCH!!!

{{{ “Rad“ Tad Rockwell nods his head in agreement . }}}

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | I fucked up King Cooper’s world

| Camera Man: | Really.

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Yeah, and Duck Hunt…I am a damn sniper on it.

| Camera Man: | Uh huh.

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | You don‘t sound like you believe me..

| Camera Man: | Oh we do…

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | You want me to show you?

| Camera Man: | NO!!!

{{{ “Rad“ Tad Rockwell drops the Nintendo gun. }}}

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Your lose

{{{ “Rad“ Tad Rockwell takes a seat on his bean bag. }}}

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | It’s official, RTV hit the airwaves last week. Though do admit the Scorpion fiasco was a little embarrassing. Let’s admit it though, it still rocked Keller Cable Access world. They can’t draw the star power that I can. I can have Men Without Hats, Devo, even Quiet Riot on a IWF show just like that. What can you do Jayson? What kind of names does your Keller Cable Access draw? Sister Mary Church time? Nah, it basically consistent of you talking and talking. Rad Television is the new network that will shake the world. They will be able to see the greatest movies any time of the week. They will see live performances from Big Country or Warrant. Jayson Keller face it your show is nothing but a waste of space. So come this pay per view Rise Of The Empire, you will put up your show against my show. The winner gets to have his show stay on in the IWF. Jayson, you are fixing to be cancelled. You could have saved it. You could have shown something entertaining ,but you chose to show yourself 24/7 and for that RTV ratings are going to be through the roof this month and for now on. Face I got the upper hand on this competition. I am going to put you out of business.

Now on to this week’s match as I face Kyle “FIRE ME” Broadway. Yeah I seen you in the SWF. I even saw your previous stint in the IWF. You always quit when the times got tough. You never hand any guts to actually bare through the tough times. You would bitch and complain then quit. Now you are back in the IWF. You are going to turn over a new leaf right? I don’t think so. Kyle Broadway you are a quitter. You won a lot of titles in the SWF, though that was the SWF and even a loser could win the Television title in that federation. This is the IWF. This is where things are different. They reward people who actually are worth something. The SWF gives titles away like they are nothing. Kyle Broadway, tonight you are going to see that the body slam and vertical suplex can still win you a match. Yeah Kyle I am telling you my game plan. I am going to body slam you and suplex you till you are down and out. I am going to show the world that the new wave of old wrestling is back and I am the one bringing it to the main spotlight. You are just another guy standing in my way. You are just another person that has bought into the idea that the body slam and vertical suplex has gone to waste side. You think that high flying is the way to go. Well is it going to be hard to do that when you are laying on your back in the middle of ring. Kyle Broadway you have ignored me the whole week. Your only promo you mention not one word about your match. You must not be concerned. You must not be worried. You must think that you have this match in the bag right? You couldn’t be more wrong if you were the center square of Hollywood Squares. You are going to see why no one can figure out my Rubik’s cube.

Jayson Keller, last Sunday Night you cost me my match with the World Champion “Sick” Nick Jackson. You thought that was cute didn’t you. You thought that you were going to get revenge on me from a couple weeks ago. Kudos on that for that is the last time you ever cost me a match. See Jayson Keller, you or your company doesn’t have much time left in the IWF. I am going to make you look worse than Boy George on crack. I am going to show the world that Keller Cable Access is about as worthy as a peso in Canada. Jayson Keller, this week you are lucky that my surprise couldn’t make it to the show. Though next…NEXT WEEK MY SURPRISE IS GOING TO SHOCK THE WORLD AND ROCK YOUR WORLD!!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

{{{ “Rad“ Tad Rockwell stands back up.. }}}

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Well look at the time.

| Cameraman: | It’s three o’clock in the afternoon

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | I know.

| Cameraman: | Usually people say that meaning it is late.

|”Rad” Tad Rockwell: | Oh well the get out….Alf is coming on..

{{{ “Rad“ Tad Rockwell ushers the camera man out of the pool house.. }}}