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Sir Sinister!

Cruel Intentions - ( 1 )

:::: The scene opens up in a street filled with people, confetti flying, streamers soaring through the air and a car slowly making its way down the road to the up roaring parade theme. We move in closer to see Sinister sitting in the back of the convertible car, propped up high for the people to see him. Sinister is wearing a suit and is holding the HardCore Title high over his head. Care and a man holding a muffin sit in the front seat of the car, Care driving, as the random man is only used for talking purposes i.e praising Sinisiter and carrying the muffin with us, plus the muffin had a little bit too much to drink back at the pub. ::::

Care: There’s too many people, I’m going to have to run some over if they don’t get out of the way soon.

Random Muffin Man: I know offering free Kanich dolls will get people here, but you know, Sinister is great enough to draw a crowd on his own.

Care: Yeah well Muffy, we would never get anyone here to celebrate Sinister beating everyone’s beloved Judgy, so we had to make up something.

:::: Sinister is shouting to the people. ::::

Sinister: Yes, I beat the unbeatable! I did the impossible!

:::: Sinister leans in to his Evil Hobo buddies. ::::

Sinister: You know that if we have free Kanich dolls we’re going to have all Kanich fans.

Care: Yeah

Sinister: And when we give them no free Kanich doll?

Care: We offer them a “Sinister, better than LOW” t-shirt?

Sinister: Let’s drive a little faster.

:::: We pick up a little speed as Sinister starts to pose for people and wave again, showing off his HardCore Title. ::::

Random Muffin Man: So someone actually beat Judgement the unbeatable eh?. No one else but this guy here, the HardCore Champ Sinister.

Care: Wow, you’re really annoying and boring, is this all you do? I think I’ve seen this somewhere too… Oh and anyway, Manty and I beat Kanbitch last month for the Tag Team Titles.

Sinister: So wait, Judgement has a shot at the Tag Team Titles, then the next month has a shot at the HardCore Title, now this month gets a shot at the World Title? Did you say he was complaining?

Care: You know he was complaining, we all listened to it “backstage.”

Sinister: Yeah I just wanted you to say it again…. Kanbitch, hah, that’s good. He sure kan.

:::: Suddenly a tomato smacks Sinister right in the face. Care puts the breaks to the car and we come to a screeching halt, yeah when we were going at that speed we screech to a halt, the music stops playing and Sinister gets to his feet. ::::

Sinister: Alright! Where’s Judgement?! There’s only one person who could stop this parade.

:::: Voices start to come from all around the car, abusive, angry people’s voices. ::::

Voice1: You suck! Where’s Kanich and our free stuff!

Voice2: Yeah what is this crap.

:::: Sinister speaks up before the next voice gets a say ::::

Sinister: I believe it’s a tomato and I only asked who threw it… Wait, where’d you get these tomatoes!

Voice3: The tomato parade in the next street you idiot!

Voice4: Yeah moron!

:::: Sinister looks back toward his stable mate, muffin and muffin man friend, then back toward the voice he heard before. ::::

Sinister: Who’s running this tomato parade?

:::: Large boos now overwhelm the Hobos, they all start to look around frantically while people start to rock the car and more tomatoes start to fly. ::::

Sinister: Wait! Wait! People! We have free stuff!

:::: The people stop to hear Sinister out. Sinister wipes some tomato juice from out of his eyes and reaches into his pocket. ::::

Sinister: Alright good, you stopped.

:::: Sinister pulls his wallet out from his pocket and starts to rummage through notes that he makes sure the people see. He finally pulls out 20 cents. ::::

Sinister: Right, I have 20 cents here, now I know it’s Australian but that’s still like a few cents here or something. So point something cents divided by, how many people are hear, few thousand?

:::: Surprised to get that far through talking about giving thousands of people 20 cents to share, Sinister is walloped with tomatoes but manages to keep a big grin on his face as the tomatoes are once again hurled at him and the Evil Elemental “team” inside. Care doesn’t have to be asked as he steps on the accelerator, taking out plenty of civilians along the way as they speed off as fast as they can out of that street. ::::

Random Muffin Man: Aw, tomato is hard to get washed out, but I'll clean anything for you Sinister you tough S.O.B.

:::: The “Hobos” enter the next street. There is tomato cars, people dressed as giant tomatoes, tomato soup scooters, whatever that is. Care stops the car at the end of the street as the shock comes over all three faces at once though the muffin doesn’t give a reaction, it’s just not easily shocked. So they are all shocked when they see, riding on top of the main float, sitting in a tomato throne, is none other than… ::::

Care and Sinister: Manty!?

Random Muffin Man:…nty.

:::: Care and Sinister ignore the random muffin mans late reaction and decide to ask Manty what’s going on. ::::

Sinister: What’s going on?

Manty: I should ask you the same question.

Care: Yeah well, what’s with the tomatoes?

Manty: What’s with the muffin?

Sinister: You’re the muffin, so the tomatoes?

Manty: Oh, well.

Care: Wait, aren’t you supposed to be getting arrested or something? My promo happens after this and, well if you see what happens…

Manty: Yeah there’s some law about tomatoes in a street or something and plus later I kill someone….

Random Muffin Man: I don’t mean to interrupt but the crowd is getting angry and Sinister’s ravishingly good looks are just making people jealous and even angrier.

:::: Random Muffin Man is right, Sinister has ravishingly good looks and the crowd are getting crazy, because ever so suddenly, a fish smacks Sinister right in the face. ::::

Sinister: Okay! Why was I hit by a fish!

Voice5: Because Kanich should have beaten you, you cheated by using that steel chair!

Sinister: Um it was a HardCore match and where the hell are you getting fish from?

Voice6: The Phisch parade on the next street you numbskull!

Manty: Fish parade? I wonder if there will be chips?

Voice7: No the ICW wrestler Phisch! You goon!

Care: Whoa, these insults are getting worse.

Sinister: You there, I want more information, what is this “Phisch” celebrating?

Voice5: Well…

Sinister: Shut up, you’ve had your say Voice 5!

Voice8: He’s celebrating having a Title shot.

Sinister: Celebrating having a Title shot? While I’m over two streets away celebrating my second HardCore Title defense? How crap is this guy. I started around the same time as him and this is something for him to celebrate?

Voice9: Phisch isn’t actually there. It’s about three people with a crate of fish.

Sinister…. Oh. But still, how very, very sad.

Voice10: What are you going to do Sinister?

Sinister: I’ll tell you what I’m going to do Voice number 10. I’m going to do the only thing you can do at a time like this. Cut a promo and insult him.

Voice11: But he never….

Sinister: Shut up you! Did I ask for any extra voices over 10? No! You don’t want to end up like voice number 5 do you?

Voice5: I’m right here and nothing happened to me.

Sinister: Yes, well. I was talking about ending up, um, as fat as you. Fat boy!

Voice5: I’m a girl….

Sinister: Whatever, you’re all voices to me, I’m not wasting time on gender here. Now piss off all of you! This tomato parade is over!

:::: A loud disappointing “awww” from a few thousand people is heard, who all somehow heard Sinister, and they make there way off the streets and to their homes. Sinister turns to the camera. ::::

Sinister: You want to rain on my parade Phisch? I don’t care if you had nothing to do with this and I don’t care if you’re tired with the jokes about you not actually being a fish! Too bad, you chose the name. Do you want to know what I do care about? I care about keeping this HardCore Title and not losing to some second rate, midcarder, loser like yourself.

Remember I’m not The Avenger, or Joe’s newest no show. I’m the best thing going around ICW right now as the only singles Champion and that’s something no one else can claim or has been able to claim to be. Even though that will all end this week when a new World Champion is crowned, that’s not to say my Title reign and will to keep it ends. I am thriving to become a HardCore legend and I’m already most of the way there. I have already beaten 7 other people in one night, plus the almighty Judgement, even when Judgement was supposed to be some scary beast Kanich. I beat him, I beat half the roster already. I don’t know if you’re looking for a history lesson here but this all leads to my one simple point…

What is it that you think you have, that all these other people didn’t? What do you have that can beat me that all the others didn’t have? That’s what I thought, nothing. There is no one out there who can prove they are more HardCore than me right now. I am known to clench barbwire in my own hands to make myself bleed as I prepare a weapon for my opponents’ demise. I am known for wrapping barbwire around my own leg to deliver a devastating legdrop from the top rope. For tightening barbwire around another mans neck and forehead, to hold another weapon against his head. Is this something you want to deal with? Is this something you can deal with? Well Phisch, I doubt it. You’re about as HardCore as your name itself.

Random Muffin Man: Very well put Sir.

Sinister: Oh yeah Sir. I forgot.

:::: Sinister stands up in the back seat, with one foot rested on the seat in front of him as he points to the road in front of them yelling “Onward My Slaves! Mush!.” The scene fades out to black as Care drives the car off to wherever, leaving Manty behind. ::::