One Man's Quest becomes a life style.. Quest for Glory is here to provide you with an in depth look at My quest to be a WWE Superstar.. I will provide you with Names I have thought of, people of whom I'd like to step into the ring with, Friends of mine who would also like to be professional wrestlers, a chat, and more.. I have yet to put up the finished site so Instead I have a board that you can post on whenever you like..

- Friday.. Finally it's friday, the school week is over and it's gone by way too fast.. I'm not complainin' though..

- Thursday.. Watchin' Tough Enough.. Felt like I was gonna pass out in last hour.. Gotta check that out.. We ran alot 4th hour, probably half the problem..

- Wednesday.. Nothing went on today, was kinda a slow day but got faster when I got home.. Got a tag-board up..

- Tuesday.. Stayed home today, don't like school much so I'm splittin' my days up when I go to school and when I don't..

- Monday.. Nothing at all.. School then home.. That's just about it.. Nothing exciting..

- Site Up most importantly, I'm workin' on it so, Leet Online Check it out.. It's with my boy Dustin.. He made it for his efed character..


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