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Rhyno rp 1
Sunday, 29 June 2003
Rp 1 for KOTR


None as of yet in the HCW.

1)The Man Beast



I got this Layout from a friend. Dont ask where but if you want a layout similar I might be able to get you one!


//.::[Rhyno and Victoria VS RVD and Stacy Kiebler (Match #1)]::.\\

Rhyno is walking down the hall way when he is met by Dreamer. They just look at eachother. Tommy then pulls out a bottle that looks like it contains some type of alchol.

Rhyno: Tommy you sure that’s bright drinking something alcholic when you have king of the ring coming up?

Tommy: Don't kid yourself beast its just dish soap and Windex. Needed a protein shake and what better then this.

Rhyno: Well hey man have you seen Michael Cole he told me yesterday that he wanted to have an interview with me. Now the little freak is no where to be found

Tommy: I never talk to Mike so I haven't seen him.

Rhyno: well then I better go look for him. Can you tell Victoria to meet me in the ring in about Ten minutes?

Tommy: Will do

Rhyno and Dreamer start walking away when Rhyno is met By Michael Cole.

Cole and Rhyno both begin to talk then Rhyno stops and says just to get on with the interview

Michael Cole: You and Victoria take on Rob Van dam and Stacy Kiebler in a very important match for both the NWO and the Pychward. Now how would this affect the War between the Pychward and NWO if you lost and how would it affect you if you won?

Rhyno: well hell it would be a huge Victory indeed if we won it would give us a huge edge over the New World Order. Hell if we win we are going to have so many bragging rights over those NOW basterds. If they win which if they do it will most likely be by cheating then they will have just made this war more intense because if they win this match we are going to have to focus on getting revenge on them. This War that everyone in HCW is witnessing will never end until someboyd surrenders and The Pychward Doesn't Know the Word Quit so you can bet your ass that its not going to be us surrendering. Not to say the New world order will surrender either because I am pretty sure they will keep fighting too.

Cole: Do you have Respect for RVD? If not did you respect him back in Extreme Championship Wrestling?

Rhyno: I had a lot of damn respect for the Whole f'n show back in ECW because every night he would bust his ass just like everyone else that was booked usually including me and Dreamer as well. But Then RVD came here and I had respect for him and then he joined the NWO and all respect that I had for him went down the drain and it went down the Drain with his career. RVD was destined for Greatness until Join the New World Order. Rob Van dam is a piece of crap now he is nothing. Before he could have won the HCW world title now he will walk the path of the people who have joined New World order. Everything He had before everything he worked so hard to get has left him because of one bad decision.

Cole: Would you consider Rob Van dam to be legend material

Rhyno: Hell No, I mean he was working up to be a legend and he was damn close but Now he isn't going to become a legend he will help people in the NOW become legends until one day he realizes that the NOW is killing him. RVD could have been in the Hall of fame but now we won't even be remembered. The Only thing RVD will be remembered for is getting his ass handed to him By the Pychward . You can run but you can't hide because anywhere you go you will eventually have to FEEL THE GORE

Rhyno then walks away leaving Cole talking to himself


Victoria has a mic

Victoria: its about time you got here. Stacy Kiebler the so called hottest Diva in the HCW. Do you think your good looks will help you out at king of the ring? hell no they won't because I sure as hell don't care what you look like all I care is what I am going to make you look Like and I am going to beat the hell out of you for what you did on Monday Night. You will pay with blood and Flesh and it will be painful I hope you are ready because I have been ready all week. It is almost time. You better be ready because if your not it will just make my job easier and I will have way more fun doing it.

Rhyno: Victoria over there means everything she says Stacy so you better watch out. RVD everything I have said so far I mean. but I have't said how when I step into the ring with you I am going to rip you limb from Limb I am going to beat you worse then when I beat Hogan. Rob You do your little frog splash on me and I will just get up and Laugh Recent events have brough on a new side to me its not always there but I will make sure its there in our match. This side Is not only Sadistic but also extremely Hardcore. i have this side when i go to bed and I think about all the ways to hurt you. But I don't keep Track and I picture you bleeding and it is so comforting to me. So Rvd you may be the whole f'n show But I am the Manbeast and I am Hardcore and when a beats that is hardcore comes together that can only mean trouble for whats in its way and you RVD are in my way. See you later RVD.

Victoria and Rhyno leave the ring area

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Posted by wrestling3/pychwardsrhyno at 11:45 AM EDT
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