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Now I lay me down to sleep .. I pray the lord my soul to keep .. If I should die before I wake .. I pray the lord my soul to take ..


The Lord of Darkness is enraged with power and hate. From his gathering at the Safeco Field to the enraged hatred for his disciple Test as he has seen to stayed from the evil doings the Lord of Darkness has been working into him these past couple months. The Lord of Darkness is too happy with the outcome so far going into Wrestlemaina, will he and Kane be able to retain there Tag Team Gold, only time can tell us..

Nathan Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid:

As the PWF Logo flash upon the screen and then fades to black and reopens upon a Hotel in Australia. The Undertaker along with Paul Bearer look upon the Hotel. A smile comes across the face of thee Undertaker as he walks inside. A Clerk at the door grates them, but they walk right pass him and into he lobby where a bunch of town folks are walking around buying stuff and getting rooms. They walk to the front desk and talk to the lady who's behind the counter.

'Aussie Clerk ' Linda Cherry: G'Day, how may I help you gentlemen tonight?

'Lord of Darkness' The Undertaker: You can tell me where Nathan Jones is and I might leave this hotel intact.

'Aussie Clerk ' Linda Cherry: Nathan Jones, I don't believe we have anyone staying at this hotel by that name. Do you want me to get a manager?

'Minster of Evil' Paul Bearer: I suggest you do my dear lady. Won't want you to be the one suffer the rage and anger of my dear deadman here now would you.

The Lady steps back slowly and picks up the phone and begins to chat with the person on the other line. After a couple minutes of words exchanging she hangs up the phone and returns to the man in cloak.

'Aussie Clerk ' Linda Cherry: If you wait over there my manager will be there and you can discuss your problems with him, other then that. I can take Next in Line Please.

'Lord of Darkness' The Undertaker: A wise decision my young aussie lady.

As Taker and Paul wait over in the corner. It seems as thirty minutes pass by before the manager finally arrives. Taker with the unpleasant look upon his face grabs the manager and heads for the elevator. Paul in a little shock follows his master into the elevator. Taker presses the level for the Roof as they wait for it to arrive on top of the hotel.

'Aussie Manager ' Tom Sly: Excuse me People, may I ask why where going to the roof. My office is on the main floor.

'Lord of Darkness' The Undertaker: Your time upon this earth is at an end. For you have pissed off thee Lord of Darkness and for that I shall take your beating heart and give it to my Lord for your body shall become a tool of the devil and may your nightmares become real.

'Aussie Manager ' Tom Sly: Oh no, anything but that. Please I can give you anything you want or even my hotel. Just please don't kill me sir darkness.

'Minster of Evil' Paul Bearer: I suggest you keep quiet until you are given the chance to speak my young man. Thee Undertake shall give you a chance to prove yourself on top of the world and when your time is fall it's either hell or you live to see the daylight once again.

As the man takes a deep sallow he looks up at they undertaker how is motionless. The bell rings for the roof time as he looks down at the manager and they walk out of the elevator and over to on of the edges. Taker picks up the Aussie and lifts him over the edge.

'Aussie Manager ' Tom Sly: Please Mr. Darkness, I'll do anything. Just please don't steal my soul.

'Lord of Darkness' The Undertaker: Oh I bet you will boy. You see I'm looking for one person only and his name happens to be Nathan Jones. You see ever since my debut in PWF I have been stealing souls, getting screwed and clamming my gold, but the worst thing to happen is when Rob Van Dam and his no name partner Nathan Jones get a shot at Kane’s Tag Team Titles and mine.

'Aussie Manager ' Tom Sly:Nathan Jones, I'm sorry but I've never heard of him. How about this you let me go and I'll get you some information on him and we can all become great friends.

'Lord of Darkness' The Undertaker: Friends, how dare you ask me of such a mortal thing. The only friends I trust are the things you see in nightmares, creatures of the night and evildoers such as Paul Bearer and my younger Brother Kane. So far your life is coming to an end, do you really want to leave this world in such a hurry or would you rather let the age of time do it's work.

'Minster of Evil' Paul Bearer: The choice you make now, shall be remembered inside your mind for the remember of your life here on this mortal world of earth. If you choose to live my dear mortal.

'Aussie Manager ' Tom Sly: I want to let the age of time decide my death. So I will do anything you want in return of the death of Nathan Jones.

As Taker smiles and Paul puts his head down. The manger thinks his time is up. At the last second taker swings the guy back onto the roof and throws him to the ground the guy looks up and runs to press the elevator button. Taker rolls his eyes into the back of his head. The manager freaks out even more before jumping into the elevator and taking it down.

'Lord of Darkness' The Undertaker: Nathan Jones, come Wrestlemaina you and Rob Van Dam shall be the victims of my and Kane’s victory. We shall retain our Tag Team Titles and steal the very souls that are inside your body and add them to my collection. The time has begun and the question your mind is just what can thee lord of darkness do and my reply is everything. May you souls

'Minster of Evil' Paul Bearer: As my deadman would say Rob and Nathan be Afraid, BE VERY AFARID. [Laugher]

The scene fades to black on the rooftop of the hotel. Wrestlemaina is around the corner who will survive?