'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor Here we go again, another volume of 100% ReAL. This week has been doom and gloom for AWA as it seems but hopefully it will all change in the near future. AWA is too good to good to go down and you all know it. Its just Malone running the show and he's doing a good job but if peeps keep leaving because Richy aint around no more that's just sad. All we need is another dedicated owner to keep it alive and hopefully we can keep the likes of Will and Brad. If anyone is interested in the job speak with Malone and try and keep AWA alive...

Anyway enough of the Oscar winning shit and lets get on with the show. This week we have an exclusive with the announcement of Jay Evans retiring from feds... yes that includes AWA too sadly. This is another blow to AWA but hopefully we can find a new Kurt Angle to replace him. Leading of this we in fact have Jay Evans this week on 100% ReAL! The man who is known and loved by many and surprisingly doesn't have one enemy. So is he newly retired Jay Evans in his purest.

Everyone who I know happens to like you, what’s your secret? Maybe you can give some advice to Simon 'Oman' Omant.

'mostly liked' Jay Evans Simon ... aww yes he's cool ... but my secret is that well ... you gotta have mojo lmao !  Nah I try and get along with others just as I want them to do to me :-) . But I don't know I just be myself .

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor How does it feel to be top of the ‘top people table’ which is exclusive to 100% ReAL?

'mostly liked' Jay Evans top ... Hey I gotta be somewhere , and who betta than Jay .. Whoops sorry gotta bit of an ego there .. nah I 'm glad that people like me .. and again just being myself got me there . Dunno how I got there but .. you Know !

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor The people love you Jay they fucking love you baby! The only critical thing I hear of you and I must agree is that your overcritical of yourself and lack confidence. I find this ridiculous. Why do you continue to do this?

'mostly liked' Jay Evans lol in my line of Business being Fat is not an Option .. WAIT ! oh yeah I don't have much Confidence cause The way people treat me in real Life I guess . And since this is 100 % Real I'm be real with Ya , Down in Ala ' Freakin ' Bama  You gotta stick out like a sore thumb .. I try and make people like me at my school .. and well I'm quite popular .. but I have not been confident since a while back . Just a habit I guess

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor I must admit Alabama is a shit hole *there's another insults to the viewers*You have been a champ in the past but I guess another one was maybe on the way with you and Angle but now your retiring that won’t happen. Won’t you be disappointed and you look back without having another world title?

'mostly liked' Jay Evans Well I won my Title back in W M Suck E .. yeah I held it there a while and Well I thought that was something special but people spit on me for winning that Title .. Something I'm Proud of but Hey ... Retiring ? Yeah I'm taking A Break My Angle is funny but I doubt I can Match with Steve or Will or nick or whoever else is better than me Here in the fed world . but nah I won't regret leaving give them Young - sters a chance to shine .

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor Yea I bet most young guns would kick your ass, although most young guns in the feds these days are 30+ I suppose its easier access for pedo's... I once thought you was related to Mike Evans, im sure other have too… would you be offended if I said you were related to the sheep lover Richy?

'mostly liked' Jay Evans Rich nah man I love Rich in a non gay Way ... I felt when He Left AWA I was too .. Me and Rich have been friends for some time now .. he got me into the big feds back in PWF v . 1 , and Mike Evans We are related You Ass Clown :-) . Mike is cool in my book but I hear bad things bout him but He's on the top of my friend List ..

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor Wait a second you and Mike are related?

'mostly liked' Jay Evans Hell No  but we are Some Sexy Beasts.

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor O right, what if I said you were related to the soccer bummer Hadjiro ‘the fadj’ Jones?

'mostly liked' Jay Evans Mmm Can't Say to Much for Him , I really Dunno the Guy just aint chatted  to him much .

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor How’s life?

'mostly liked' Jay Evans Life ... Life is good ... Working on Getting a New car at my Job ... and Yes I have had my Job for 6 ... count em ' 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6  Months ... And Yes I'm Getting a Promotion .

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor What about access to porn you got any?

'mostly liked' Jay Evans Well I go To Grand Fathers House on Weekends Oh Yes .. Nah I don't watch Porn .. Just Once in a Blue Moon I do .. I got a Girl friend .. so I keep the wanking to a Min .. :-)

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor I have a girlfriend but I always down porn just out of curiosity. What will you be aiming you to do now you’ve quit feds, to manage Hardees?

'mostly liked' Jay Evans HA HA Funny  ! but for real I am Moving To Manager spot Pretty soon .. I'll Be Back in feds soon Enough ... Hopefully I will Stay and  Win something I'm Proud of like the AWA World Title?

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor Good to hear you may be coming back. Now we look back at career what will you want to be remember for mostly? Your WME title or the fact you was a cool person?

'mostly liked' Jay Evans Well I Liked WM 2 K 1 When Rey and Charles was Running the Shiz but now I think It's gone WAY Down .  But All in all I want to be Remembered for being A cool guy I guess .. but hey you place me as what You want .

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor So what who is your top three friends from efeds or the top three people?

'mostly liked' Jay Evans 100 % Real ! .. 1 . Rich / Paul Romato . ... I met these guys Back in the day and they Showed me some Friendship when I didn’t have any cool Friends .  2 . Be Brad Becker / Kyle McKinney .. Both cool guys in my book and I will also Add Tek to this Slot cause he also is very cool . 3 . Be You Danny The Master Bater and Bryon - Edge of AWA .. Cool guys I met not too long ago and I want to continue to keep Being your Friends even though I'm Outta feds.

(1 . Paul R . 2 . Rich . 3 . Brad Becker .......so on and so on)

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor Now the top three dickheads and as usual don’t go easy, jus lay them bastards on Richy’s bed as a sheep and let him fuck them… It’s a metaphor.

'mostly liked' Jay Evans LMAO Damn Danny .. your one sick Mother .. well I'm not holding back :-) ... damn I know I got some guys but I'm short minded .. 1 .Scott Lyndon  he pisses me off so bad he's your friend to your face and when your doing things his wy but when your not he's a DICK Head .. And I hate him for that rot to pieces . 2 . Be W M E's Rikishi that Dan Dick fag muther fucker I hate his Ass so Bad cause he thinks he's such a good rper .. but really he blowns Balls .. and Last but not least is that guy Malone dunno him Personally but I have a deep Hatred for him and Tek lmao .. I know I said Tek was cool but I have a deep Hatred for him as Well Don't get me wrong but Hey It's 100 % Real

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor And finally the greatest rp’ers on the planet? In your view of course.

'mostly liked' Jay Evans Well... 1. Rich, 2. Paul R. 3. Gian 4. Steve McBride 

'aWa Peacekeeper' Danny Taylor Well thanks for being on the show Jay and good luck with the future

'mostly liked' Jay Evans Thanks for having me and Hey Don't Be a Fool Wrap Your Tool ... right that down  !

Jay Evans 6pt (s) Will Minor 8pt (s) Simon 'Oman' Omant 6pt(s)
Paul Romato 5 pt (s) Anthony Nowak 5pt (s) Scott 'Shit Second Name' Lyndon 5pt
Anthony Nowak 5pt (s) Paul Romato 5pt (s) Rob 'Dick Foil' Boyle 5 pt (s)
Mark Kemp 5pt (s) Chris Roberts 5pt (s) Ant 'Stink Of' BOham 5pt (s)
Richard Thomas 3 pt (s) Richy Thomas 3pt (s) Matt 'The Twat' Emerson 5pt (s)
Danny Taylor 3pt (s) Jay Evans 3pt(s) 'WME Rikishi' 3 pt (s)
Mark Johnston 3pt (s) Mark Kemp 3pt (s) Danny 'Queer' Quick 3pt (s)
Mike Negret 3pt(s) Brad Becker 1pt Tom 'Fanny Blister' Lister 1pt
Will Minor 1 pt Nick Nolan 1pt Jason 'Gay' King 1pt
Brad Becker 1 pt Mike Gian 1pt Jamie ' Smells of Baloney' Malone 1pt
Craig Johnston 1pt Dean 'Masked Like Jason' Mason 1pt


Brought To You By None Other Than Danny Taylor