Deadline: 7 EST Sunday March 9th 2003
RP Limit:
2 Roleplays for each wrestler
March 9th 2003 Sunday Week 8
Location: Anaheim, California
Arena: Arrowhead Pond Arena


[[[Sunday Night Overdrive ends in a miracle, Why does Raven take the title from his former Flock member Sabu? Is he jealous the fact Sabu is the new World Heavyweight Champion? Raven taking the title was simply the mistake of his life! Sabu is pissed, and that is not a surprise. Wrestlemania, will be live March 30th, the time Sabu can get his hands on Raven, when its the biggest Main event of it all, Sabu VS Raven VS The Undertaker in a World Title 3 way match, what are the stipulation going to be? Wait and find out tonight on SUNDAY NIGHT REVENGE!!!!]]]

[[[Sunday Night Revenge Marc 9th 2003 will be a thriller, great matches, What will Sabu talk about when he comes to the ring? we will find out tonight! is Raven going to hang on to Sabu's title? What about Steiner, is he pissed about Sabu? about losing? Undertaker is in the house as well! what does he have to say? STAY TUNED AND FIND OUT AT SUNDAY NIGHT REVENGE!!]]]

[[[Sunday Night Revenge KICKS OFF LIVE IN ANAHEIM IN THE ARROWHEAD POND ARENA!!!!! fireworks blast all over the arena! The Crowd goes wild as another great event of PWA is about to start!!!! The fans go nuts as there holding PWA Signs, We then go ringside with Jerry The King Lawler and Jim Ross!!!!!]]]


"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: BUT Sabu doesn't have the title with him JR! Raven took it from him! his OWN FLOCK MEMBER!!!

"Good Ol" Jim Ross: Well ladies and gentlemen, I am JR alongside with my buddy The King, King, what a great show were going to have tonight!

"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: You bet cha'. It's going to be one hell of a show!!

[[[Then Sabu's music hits all over the PA system and the crowd begins to go crazy. Sabu then looks pissed off, he then makes his way to the ring accompanied by Bill Alfonso who also looks pissed but is trying to calm Sabu down, the 2 step into the ring, Sabu is angry, then he gets a mic form ringside arena, and he begins speaking on the mic in the ring]]]


"Sabu's Manager" Bill Alfonso: Sabu, CALM down man, its okay

"The World Champ" Sabu: No its not, Raven, you piece of s##t (uncensored) You think your smart taking my title? my world heavyweight title? you idiot! that was the worst mistake of your life! Now, you get your ass in the middle of the ring, so we can take this out for once and all, you little B##CH (uncensored) you think you can get away with it? HELL NO! GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!

[[[Then Sabu and Bill Alfonso wait as nothing happens. Then Sabu talks on the mic again]]]

"The World Champ" Sabu: THATS WHAT I THOUGHT!!! your scared, YOU HAD TO TAKE MY TITLE cause you can't get your own! what are you going to do? go to your family and tell them you took it from me? you little B##CH! (uncensored). You know, let me tell you something Raven.....

[[[Then Sabu can't finish as Raven's music hits all over the PA system and Sabu looks up at the top of the ramp! then heading down the ring is Raven! with the World Title on his waist laughing, he then comes down the ring, but stops, as then he looks back to the top of the ramp, and then the rest of the flock heads down, Tommy Dreamer, kanyon, and Perry Saturn, they all head down and smile. Then Raven steps into the ring, With the Flock right behind them, Raven then takes a mic from the ringside area, and begins to speak on the mic.]]]

"Flock Leader" Raven: Sabu sabu sabu!!! Don't you get it! I am the WORLD CHAMPION! I AM GOING TO BE THE WORLD CHAMPION AT WRESTLEMANIA!! so there is NO NEED FOR YOU TO HAVE THE TITLE!

"The World Champ" Sabu: What The Hell are you talking about! you little...

"Flock Leader" Raven: SHUT UP! Let me tell you something pal, I am sick of you! I am sick of the people! and i am sick of that MAN NEXT TO YOU! (Pointing at Bill Alfonso)

"The World Champ" Sabu: Look, you taking my title was the biggest mistake of your life! I am going to whoop your @$$ (uncensored) all over the arena, right here, right now, if you DONT HAND ME BACK MY TITLE!

"Flock Leader" Raven: Why don't you try....

[[[Then everyone in the ring stops as "DEADMAN WALKING" Hits all over The PA system, and making there way to the ring is The Undertaker coming down with his bike. He comes down and he then steps into the ring as he takes the mic from Raven and speaks on it as he has something to tell]]]

"American Badass" The Undertaker: First of all, I am out here to tell both of you TO SHUT THE HELL UP! Because Raven, first of all, I kicked your ass boy! so don't think your going to win at Wrestlemania, Because at Wrestlemania I am just going to do what I just did last week boy! so Raven, SHUT THE HELL UP! Now for Sabu, you think your so good being the World Champion, crying about getting your title back? QUIT THE B##CH#NG (uncensored) And just take it from him! Your just going to stand here next to Raven asking for the title? boy, haven't you learned that we GET OUR STUFF BY EARNING IT! and NOT ASKING FOR IT!

"The World Champ" Sabu: SHUT UP!

"American Badass" The Undertaker: What!? That's it....

[[[Then Taker is pissed and takes Sabu by the neck! OH MY!! Taker then chokeslams him to the floor then he turns around and takes Raven by the neck, but then The flock all attack The Undertaker, Taker doesn't stop fighting and then hits Saturn in the back, he takes Kanyon by the neck and also Dreamer by the neck as he DOUBLE CHOKESLAMS THEM!!! oh my!! Then Raven comes over and nails Taker in the guts! Raven then does the Raven EFFECT!! oh my god!!! BUT WAIT A MINUTE!! what the hell is this!!??? "NO ChANCE, THATS WHAT YA GOTS" hits all over the PA system and on the top of the ramp is Vince McMahon, he then looks in the ring seeing Raven looking at him. Vince McMahon then speaks on the mic]]]

"PWA Owner" Vince McMahon: RAVEN!!! TAKER!!! AND SABU!!! Since you guys are goign at it right now! to make it more interesting! at Wrestlemania, in the interence of fairness!!! THE MATCH WILL BE A LADDER MATCH!!! The World Title will be held in the air! and who ever grabs it first, WILL BE THE WORLD CHAMPION!!!!

[[[Vince then has that mean look on his face, then he heads backstage as the crowd goes nuts and Raven smiles as him and the flock leave, Taker and Sabu are in the ring and then they get up and look each other in the ring, they then both leave as well, Then the camera goes to JR and King as they speak again]]]


"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: OH MY GOD JR!! A ladder match! this will be one hell of a wrestlemania!!!

"Good Ol" Jim Ross: You damn right!!! by god its going to be great!

- The Rock VS Chris Jericho -
Submission Match

"IF YA SMELLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK!! IS COOKING!" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is The Great One THE ROCK! he comes into the ring raising his eye brown high in the air as the crowd goes nuts, "BREAK THE WALLS DOWN!!!" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Y 2 J CHRIS JERICHO!!! he comes to the ring and has a smile on his face. That evil smile of his. he comes in and looks into the eyes of The Rock! Then the 2 go at it! Rock and Jericho lock up! Jericho then nails him in the guts with a cheap kick to the stomach. Then Jericho starts off with some hard rights and lefts, Rock goes down but then gets back up and starts some Rock punches, the 3rd punch he spits in his hand and then nails Jericho with it as Jericho falls to the floor but gets right back up but then Rock clotheslines him real hard as Jericho goes to the floor, Rock then gets down and then tries to go for the sharpshooter but Jericho quickly rolled out of the ring holding his right eye. Then he gets back in and Rock starts stomping on him! Rock then picks up Jericho and whips him to the ropes as Jericho bounces off and Rock does a spine buster. He then gets Jericho in the middle of the ring, starts right in front of him, and then looks up, Rock then smiles as he takes his elbow pad off and then throws it to the crowd, he then runs to the left and over Jericho and then to the right as he comes back to the middle and does the Peoples ELBOW! as the crowd goes nuts!!! Jericho is knocked out cold! and then The Rock takes Jericho and picks him up. The Rock body slams Jericho, Rock then picks Jericho back up, and kicks him in the mid section and then clotheslines him. Rock Then waits for Jericho to get up, Jericho slowly gets up, Rock then runs after him but Jericho takes him by the head and throws him to the outside as Jericho then falls on his knees and holds his right eye, He then shakes it off as Rock came back into the ring as Jericho hits him with a knee in the mid section, then he whips Rock to the ropes as Rock bounces of Jericho clotheslines him. Jericho then picks up Rock and does a body slam. Jericho runs towards the ropes and then does the Lion Tamer.  Rock gets out of the way!!! Rock then gets to Jericho and gets the Sharpshooter!!! OH MY!!! THATS HIS SUB MISSION FINISHER!! JERICHO TAPS!!!!! OH MY GOD!! ROCK WINS!!!!

Winner- The Rock

[[[The scene opens back up backstage where are the superstars are when Michael Cole walks up to Steve Austins door.  Cole starts shaking as he gently knocks on the door.  As Cole knocks, the door cracks open and Cole goes on in.  Cole sees Austin laying on the couch drinking a beer.  Austin notices Coles and immediately jumps up and start hollaring.]]]

"The Rattesnake" Stone Cold: What the hell are you doing Cole? Don't you know how to knock before going into someone's dressing room?  I could have been in here naked or something.

"The Interviewer" Michael Cole:  Well Mr. Austin sir...I did knock.

"The Rattesnake" Stone Cold: Whatever Cole, I would have heard you.  Anyways, what the hell do you want?

"The Interviewer" Michael Cole:  We...we...well sir, I was sent here to get a word with you about a few things.

"The Rattesnake" Stone Cold: Oh you were sent here huh?

"The Interviewer" Michael Cole: Yes sir, I was, and to get a few words with you.

"The Rattesnake" Stone Cold: I assume that sum bitch Vince McMahon sent you right?

"The Interviewer" Michael Cole: As a matter of fact sir Austin, he didnt. 

"The Rattesnake" Stone Cold: Are you calling Stone Cold a liar?  WHAT!?

"The Interviewer" Michael Cole: No sir I am most certainly not.

"The Rattesnake" Stone Cold: So McMahon did send you?

"The Interviewer" Michael Cole: No he didnt.

"The Rattesnake" Stone Cold: So you ARE calling Steve Austin a liar.

"The Interviewer" Michael Cole: Well...I dont...what?

"The Rattesnake" Stone Cold: take a breath boy, I am just messing with you.  What can ol' Stone Cold do for you?

"The Interviewer" Michael Cole: Well, I was wondering how you felt about The Rock, Undertaker and Scott Steiner.  Yall have had some history in the past few weeks.

"The Rattesnake" Stone Cold: WHAT!?  What do I think of them bastards?  WHAT!?  You, me and all those people out there know Stone Cold dont give a damn about Rock, Steiner, Taker or anyone.  WHAT!?  I dont give a ratsass what any of them or what they think of me.  WHAT!?  In my match tonight, I ask them, no I tell them to come to the ring and jump into my match and get what they deserve.  WHAT!?  I will beat a mudhole in them.  AND THATS THE BOTTOM LINE!  WHAT!? 'Cause Stone Cold Said So!

[[[Austin pushes Cole out of his dressingroom and Cole just stand in the hallways looking around as the scene cuts to something else.]]]

- Rob Van Dam & Kane VS Brock Lesnar & Tommy Dreamer -
Tag Team Match - Tag Team Titles

"ONE OF A KIND" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is rob van dam! he gets into the ring and runs towards the ropes and bounces off and holds himself. Then kane's music hits all over the PA system and the lights go pitch black! then they go back on as fire explodes throughout the arena. Then making there way to the ring is Kane! he comes into the ring ready to take on Brock Lesnar & Tommy Dreamer. He then waits as Brock Lesnar's music hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring accompanied by Paul Heyman is BROCK! LESNAR! Brock comes into the ring and then waits as Tommy Dreamer's theme hits and he comes down the ring with a tendo stick, The refs then tell him to put it away, as he throws it out of the ring afterwards. The match starts with the 2 big man in the ring, Brock Lesnar and Kane, the 2 competed at Overdrive in a arm wrestling match and kane won! Kane then locks up with Brock Lesnar and then pushes him to the turnbuckles as Lesnar gets back to the middle of the ring and locks up with Kane. Then he nails Kane in the mid section with his knee and then throws hard rights and lefts on Kane's back. Then Brock Lesnar picks up Kane and does a body slam to him. he then goes over to Tommy Dreamer and tags Dreamer in. Dreamer comes in and starts with hard rights and lefts, then he whips Kane to the ropes as kane bounces off and Tommy Dreamer tries doing a clothesline but Kane ducks as Kane bounces off the other rope and then jumps on Tommy Dreamer who falls real hard on the floor. Kane then gets up and goes over to Tag RVD, Then he tags RVD as RVD comes in and Dreamer is up, RVD then does a spinning heel kick! Tommy Dreamer goes down hard. RVD then goes for the first pin, 1......2......KICK OUT! RVD picks up Tommy Dreamer and whips him to the turnbuckle, RVD then runs after Dreamer and he does a elbow to the face, Dreamer is caught up in the turnbuckle as RVD then tangles him up on it. And does about 3 kicks to the face. He then takes Dreamer and does a drop kick to him in the middle of the ring. RVD then tags Kane back in. Kane comes in, and then takes Dreamer by the neck, He then is about to do the chokeslam. But Brock from behind comes in and takes out Kane with the elbow. Brock then picks up Kane and does a body slam to him. The ref tells him to go back to the outside of the ring and he does. Tommy Dreamer then tags Brock Lesnar who comes in and then man handles RVD. He takes RVD and does a suplex to him. Then Kane comes over and big boots Brock Lesnar. Tommy Dreamer goes on the top ropes and does a drop kick off the top ropes to Kane. but Kane gets out of the way, Dreamer is hurt and then Kane gets Dreamer and takes him by the neck, Then choke slams him!!! Kane then goes for the pin as RVD takes care of Brock, then kane pins Dreamer, 1.....2........3!!!!

Winner- Kane & RVD

[[We come backstage after a great fight, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas part of Team Angle are backstage chatting, Shelton Benjamin speaks to Charlie Haas.]]

"Team Angle" Shelton Benjamin: You know Charlie, me and you, are going to go the top, we are going to be the tag team champs in no time at all!!!

"Team Angle" Charlie Haas: Exactly! With the best wrestler in the PWA, Kurt Angle with us, Kurt will be the PWA champ and we will be the tag team champs!!!

"Team Angle" Shelton Benjamin: There is no-one stopping us!!!

[[Suddenly The Dudley Boyz come up behind Team Angle and put a Bin over their heads, they start attacking them with chairs, when they have the bin over the head. They continue and then run away... Kurt Angle then comes in and find both Shelton and Benjamin on the floor unconscious with bins over their heads. Angle takes them off and looks very pissed off. We then come back to the ring side area as Jerry The King Lawler and The King talk.]]

"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: OH MY GOD JR!!! that attack!!! it was the Dudleys!!!

"Good Ol" Jim Ross: You damn right it was! And I am glad! i am sick of team Angle!

"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: JR! Team Angle is going to the best tag team champs soon!

"Good Ol" Jim Ross: yea right, we will see about that!

"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: I AM SERIOUS!

"Good Ol" Jim Ross: They can't even take care of there selves king! how are they going to be champs?

[[[The scene fades in and we see the Undertaker practicing his punches as the fans boo, Eric Bischoff walks in and by accident walks into the Undertakers pouches, as Undertaker pouches Bischoff in the eye.]]]

"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: Hahahha, poor Eric JR!!!

"American Baddass" The Undertaker: Boy watch were you are going...

"E z E" Eric Bischoff: Godamnit, ow, I gotta get ice.

[[[Bischoff runs off as Undertaker shrugs and continues practicing his punches...]]]

[[[Here Comes the Money" blasts over the PA. Shane gets a mixed reaction from the fans as he walks out and walks down to the ring. He gets into the ring and takes the microphone from the ring announcer. His music cuts]]]
"Diva Owner" Shane McMahon: Here I am.. The OWNER of the diva division... Shane McMahon! Now, I have a couple things to patch up. One, I asked Trish Stratus to come out here and I was welcomed with some sweet chin music by Trish's friend, the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. But, Shawn, if that's how you want it, that's how you will get it. Your little friend, Trish, will just get it hard on her. And that is a promise from Shane O'Mac! Now, second, the diva division will get on it's way next week HERE ON REVENGE! And I have two matches in mind here. One, Lita will be taking on Stacy Keibler! And the other match.. Trish, you need to pay attention to this.. It will be a triple threat match! We will have Torrie Wilson going against Stephanie McMahon going against Victoria! And the winner will go on to WrestleMania to take on Trish Stratus! Now, thank you.
[[[Here Comes the Money" hits again. Shane walks to backstage as the camera fades]]]

- Sabu VS Kurt Angle -
Singles Match - Non Title

The fireworks blast and the Kurt Angle theme plays as Kurt comes walking out on the stage.  He walks to the ring and gets into the ring.  Sabus music hits and he walks out to the ring with Bill Alfonso at his side.  He runs down to the ring and slides in as the bell rings.  Sabu gets up and ducks under a clothesline.  He bounces off the ropes and comes back with a spinning wheel kick.  Sabu gets up and drops a big leg drop to Kurt Angle.  He picks Kurt up and whips him into the corner.  Sabu runs in, but Kurt gets a foot up.  Sabu turns around holding his jaw, and Kurt hits a high angle back drop.  Kurt lets out a woo and then picks up Sabu.  He hits two right hands and then a gut wrench suplex followed by a pin for only a two count.  Kurt gets up and stomps Sabu a few times before picking him up and throwing him in the corner.  Kurt Angle runs in, but this time Sabu gets the foot up.  Kurt turns around and Sabu gets on the top rope.  Kurt turns around and runs up on the ropes with Sabu.  Kurt tries for a suplex, but Sabu pushes Kurt down and Kurt knocks the ref down.  Sabu then leaps off and connects with a body drop.  Sabu then picks Kurt up and throws him over the top rope.  He exits to the outside of the ring and grabs a chair.  He walks over to Kurt and smacks him over the head with the chair.  Sabu then gets up on the apron and holds the chair in the air.  As he does this, Raven comes running down the ramp.  Sabu hits the Arabian Face Buster to Kurt on the outside just as Raven reaches ringside.  As Sabu is getting up, Raven comes over and delivers the Evenflow DDT.  Raven then picks up Kurt Angle and slides him into the ring as the ref starts to get up.  Raven walks to the back as the ref counts to ten, giving Kurt Angle the victory by countout!!!!

Winner- Kurt Angle

[[Team Angles music hits and Kurt Angle, Shelton and Benjamin come out looking very annoyed. They walk down the ramp with a mic in their hand and walk into the ring as the fans give a mixture of boos and cheers, as Angle beings to speak]]

"Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle: Now I don't know who attacked my friends, my allies, Shelton and Benjamin, but let me tell you something, they are going to pay, it's true, oh it's DAMN true!!! Whoever has the guts to come down and face us and own up, we promise we won't hurt you.

[[Angle passes the mic to Shelton]]

"Team Angle" Shelton Benjamin: Whoever attacks someone from behind, and puts bins over their heads, are cowards, and whoever did that to us early tonight, are cowards. All we ask is for you to come out, and show yourself and be a man.. Because if you want a match, a match is what you are going to get!!!

[[Benjamin passes the mic to Haas and Haas starts to speak]]

"Team Angle" Charlie Haas: As Shelton and Kurt said, we will not hurt you if you own up. If you want a match, or want something from us, that's fine, because if you guys want a match, we promise you we will kick your asses!!!

[[Haas then passes the mic back to Angle]]

"Olympic Hero" Kurt Angle: OH ITS TRUE!!!! ITS DAMN TRUE!!!!!

[[Suddenly from behind, the Dudley Boyz come out, and give Haas a 3D, Kurt and Benjamin looked shocked and try to attack the Dudleyz. The Dudley Boyz then give Benjamin a 3D, Kurt Angle looks furious and starts pounding on Bubba and D-Von, swings D-von to the ropes and gives him the Angle Slam!!! The fans go nuts as Angle starts working on Bubba. Angle then knocks Bubba to the ground and gives him the ankle lock!!! Bubba starts tapping as Angle starts yelling at Bubba, then suddenly from behind, is little Spike dudely with a steel chair! WHAM, right to the head of The Olympic Hero. D-von and Bubba slowly get up, and then give Kurt Angle the 3D!!! Spike then starts hitting Kurt with the chair constantly!! As the Dudley Boyz then leave the ring leaving Team Angle on the ground....]]

[[[RNN! Randy News Network bulletin! Vince McMahon is sitting in his office when Randy Orton walks in.]]]

"The Owner" Vince McMahon: Oh hello Randy! My secretary said you'd be in soon, and I'm glad to see you. I see you've got your father's physical traits, let's just hope you don't have his bone traits.

"The Rising Star" Randy Orton: Yeah, I hope I don't get hurt as often as my family normally does. A weird bug that we have.

"The Owner" Vince McMahon: Well whatever, we needed somebody, and you're the perfect guy.

"The Rising Star" Randy Orton: Of course I am, I'm Randy F'n Orton! I'll be World Champion in no time!

Randy signs the contract that Vince hands him.]]]

"The Owner" Vince McMahon: Well there's an idea… although there's NO CHANCE IN HELL of it happening!

"The Rising Star" Randy Orton: Wha?

Vince scurries Orton out of the locker room as he has an angered facial expression.]]]

"The Owner" Vince McMahon: When are they going to learn? You can't just walk in here and get a title shot, you have to EARN it.

- X-Pac (c) VS Sid Vicious VS Nathan Jones -
3 Way Match - T.V Title

X Pac music blasts over the PA he comes out with his TV title around his waist..He gets a mixed reaction he poses while he walks down the ramp and then slides into the ring waiting for his opponets..then Sid Vicious's music hits over the PA he walks down the ramp with his regular sadistic smile..Nathan Jones runnes down the ramp in back of him and gives Sid Vicious a clothsline to the back of the head..X-Pac Jumps over the rope with a flying bodysplash into both Sid and Nathan..All men fall down..X Pac gets back up and waits for sid vicious to get up x pac is about to do a spinning heel kick..but sid blocks it and x pac falls..sid grabs x pac by his shirt picks him up and puts him in a chokehold..BUt nathan breaks it up and gives a few punches to Sid..then gives him a kick to the mid-section and does a huge powerbomb and goes for a pin he only gets a one count then x pac goes for a roll-up onto nathan jones but still only gets a two count..sid waits for x pac to turn around..when x pac does he gets a chokeslam from sid..sid goes for a pin but x pac's foot touches the rope..nathan and sid goe at with left and right punches once again sid clothslines nathan out the ring and then sid vicious gets out the ring and starts battling up the ramp..Nathan gives him a huge punch to the face and kicks him in the mid-section and does a HUGE powerbomb on top of the ramp sid immediately gets knocked out..then Nathan starts heading back into the ring stalking down X-pac..x pac looks a little scared but still stayes in the ring x pac runs toward nathan jones and gives him a spinning heel kick but doesnt knock nathan off his feet..he goes for a roll up and also puts his feet on the rope to get a faster win he gets a 3 count X PAC HAS WON IT and retains his TV Title once again

Winner- X-Pac Still T.V Champ

[[[Scott Steiner's music hits after his match with Raven…]]]

"Big Pappa Pump" Scott Steiner: Cut the damn music! It seems that there alotta guys out there… that want a piece of Big Poppa Pump. But, as I proved tonight, with that performance, against Raven, the NO1 Contender. I deserve to headline Mania this year. Now, Vince McMahon, last Sunday, I was beaten by Sabu. But it seems that I, Scott Steiner, deserve to go to Wrestlemania! So, Vince, if your listening, I recommend you walk your butt out here and gimme my damn rematch. I am NO1 round here and I deserve to be headlining, main-eventing, strutting the stuff out there in Seattle… I'm like a sex pistol, I just keep on firing. So Vince, walk out here and tell me when my rematch is… NOW!

[[[Deadly silence… There is no sign of Vince McMahon.]]]

"Big Pappa Pump" Scott Steiner: Vince, get your ass out here and gimme my damn rematch, NOW!

[[[IF YOU SMELL… What The Rock… Is Cooking? The fans just pop, as the People's Champion walks down the ramp… what an atmosphere and ovation for The Great One! The Rock climbs up the steps, walks along the side of the ring and mounts the turnbuckle, sampling the electricity of the fans. The Rock's head turns to Steiner, The Rock gets down, stares at Steiner, Steiner stares back. The Rock brushes past and mounts the turnbuckle. The fans go nuts. The Rock stares at Steiner, The Roxck gets off the turnbuckle and takes microphone. Scott Steiner stands centre stage in the ring, as The Rock walks around him with a microphone]]]

"The Great One" The Rock: FINALLY… THE ROCK HASD COME BACK… TO ??? Scott Steiner, The Rock heard you out here, demanding a rematch, demanding a rematch with Sabu, demanding a chance to headline Wrestlemania. You know Steiner, The Rock is THE MOST ELECTRIFYING MAN IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT but still, The Brahma Bull, The People's Champion, The Great One is not even given a chance to go to Wrestlemania, let alone a rematch. The Rock was banned, stopped, prohibited from wrestling in the NO1 Contendership match. The Rock was stopped from headlining Wrestlemania…

[[[The fans jeer, followed by chants "Vince sucks, Vince suck, Vince sucks".]]]

"Big Pappa Pump" Scott Steiner: I didn't come out here to hear no sob story from you BITCH, I came out here to get my rematch…

"The Great One" The Rock: Wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, wo, WO! The Rock is still speaking… just knoweth you role and shutteth your mouth, you know how it goes… Look Steiner, The Rock doesn't give a monkey's crap whether you don't headline Wrestlemania, or whether you get a rematch or not… The Rock wanted to headline Wrestlemania, just as much as you wanted to. The Rock never had an opportunity to go to Wrestlemania… So what does The Rock do next. The Rock has no title shot, The Rock can't walk into Wrestlemania and electrify THE MILLIONS, The Rock says… THE MILLIONS, of The Rock's fans… in the main-event!

"Big Pappa Pump" Scott Steiner: The difference between me and you Rocky, is that at Wrestlemania… I deserve to headline, in fact I should be headlining Wrestlemania, PERIOD! I deserve to be in the biggest match, I deserve the chance to make a name for myself at Wrestlemania, gimme me 1 last chance to prove, just how good Scott Steiner really is…

"The Great One" The Rock: You want to headline Wrestlemania, you want to be in the biggest match in PWA history, you want to have 1 last chance to prove how good Freakzilla is… to coin a phrase Steiner, you want to be in "The Big One"… The Rock says forget the PWA Title, HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEADLINE WRESTLEMANIA… WITH THE ROCK?

[[[The Rock and Scott Steiner go eyeball-to-eyeball for 10 seconds… Scott Steiner backs off and raises a microphone to his lips…]]]

"Big Pappa Pump" Scott Steiner: You want an answer Rocky boy… he's my answer BITCH!

[[[BAM! Scott Steiner nearly clotheslines the head off The Rock… The Great One struggles up and Steiner T-Bone Suplexes The people's Champion across the ring… The Rock struggles up and Steiner looks for a Belly-to-Belly but The Rock fights back with the elbows. Steiner falls onto the ropes, bounces back… ROCK BOTTOM, ROCK BOTTOM, The Rock just Rock Bottomed Scott Steiner… The Rock looks at Steiner and picks up a microphone…]]]

"The Great One" The Rock: If You S-UH-MEEEEEEELLLLLLLLALALALALALAH! What The Rock… Is Cooking?!?

[[[The Rock stands on the ramp, as his music blasts out of the speakers. Steiner leans over the ropes and points at The Great One and calls him back to the ring… The Rock stands on the ramp and does a "Just Bring It". The camera flashes from Steiner to The Rock and both men stare each other down…]]]

The Rock and Scott Steiner
"The Big One"

- Scott Steiner VS Raven -
Singles Match

Scott Steiners music hits and he starts to make his entrance to the ring.  Halfway down the ramp, Raven comes through the crowd and attacks Steiner from behind.  He knocks Steiner down and kicks away at him as he rolls down to the ring.  Raven then picks up Steiner and whips him to the steps, but Steiner reverses.  Raven slams against the stairs hard as they fall over.  Raven sits there howling in pain as Steiner comes over and picks him up.  Steiner rolls Raven in the ring and rolls in right behind him.  The ref picks up the Sabus belt that Raven had around his waist and hands it to Dave Penzer.  The bell rings and Steiner starts the official match by kicking away at Raven.  Steiner picks Raven up and throws him into the corner.  Steiner comes in and clotheslines Ravens head off as Raven comes off his feet and then falls to his ass in the corner.  Steiner unleashes with right hands to Raven until the ref comes in and pulls him away.  Steiner moves the ref and comes back in at Raven, but Raven leans forward and hits a blatant low blow to Steiner, knocking him to his knees.  Raven gets up and slaps the back of Steiners head, before running against the ropes behind Steiner and comming back with a kick to the back of the head.  Steiners neck straddles over the bottom rope and Raven gets on his back.  Raven starts to bounce up and down on Steiners back, choking him with the bottom rope in the process.  Raven then gets off of him and picks him up.  Raven whips Steiner in the ropes and on his way back, Raven misses a clothesline.  Raven turns around to Steiner who nails a belly to belly suplex.  Steiner then does a few push ups before getting up and taunting the fans.  He then kisses his bicep before dropping the elbo over Ravens chest and making the pin.  Raven kicks out at two and immediatley rolls to the outside.  Steiner goes to go after him, but the referee gets in his way and stops him.  As Steiner argues with the ref, Sabu comes down from the back with a chair in hand.  He slams it over the back of Raven and then starts yelling down at him.  Sabu rolls Raven in the ring and then walks over to the table and grabs the World Belt.  He holds it up in the air as he walks back around the ring.  Steiner moves the ref out of the way and goes to the outside after Raven.  Steiner rolls Raven in the ring and then gets back in the ring.  Steiner taunts the fans somemore as he whips Raven in the corner.  Steiner comes in for another clothesline, but Raven gets the foot up and Steiner falls right to the mat.  Raven then drops an elbow over the chest of Steiner.  Raven gets up and picks Steiner up with him.  Raven buries three knees to the gut of Steiner and goes for the Evenflow. But then Sabu comes back and takes Raven and throws him to the outside, he does the same to Scott Steiner, the 2 are in the outside as the ref count, 1...2....3...4....5...6...7...8..9....10!!! NO WINNNER!!!

Winner- No winner, Draw

Sabu is now at the top of the stage as Raven lays on the mat, beaten and tired from the match looking at Sabu with the title.  As Sabu turns around, the Undertaker is waiting for him.  Undertaker nails a right hand to Sabu sending him down.  Undertaker then picks Sabu up and hits another right hand sending him backwards to the side of the stage.  Sabu throws a right hand of his own, but Undertaker blocks it and then hits a knee to the gut of Sabu.  Undertaker then holds his hand up before wrapping it around the throat of Sabu.  Undertaker lifts Sabu up and chokeslams him off the stage through the tables below.  He smirks as Sabu is broken in half down below.  Undertaker walks back over to center stage and picks up the belt.  Undertaker picks it up, looks down at Raven and then walks backstage.

[[[We come backstage as we see Undertaker happy and smiling, he then walks into the bathroom with the World Title that is on his shoulder that he took away from Raven just past these minutes. Taker then steps into the bathroom and takes a piss. A minute later a saturn steps into the bathroom and sees Takers title on the top of the washing sink and grabs the title!]]

"Flock Member" Perry Saturn: hahahha! your welcome!!!

"American Baddass" The Undertaker: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING BOY!!!

[[[Perry Saturn runs and runs and then Taker starts chasing him, Perry Saturn looks back and is scared of taker who is about to knock him out if he don't give taker the World title, as Perry Saturn looks back to the front, he runs into a wall!!! and is on the ground knocked the hell out as Taker laughs and then takes the title from him and begins to speak to him]]]

"American Baddass" The Undertaker: hahahahaha, You idiot! watch where your going boy! Now that you step on the yard, I am going to kick your ass if you ever try and pull something like this! THIS IS MY TITLE! its going to be MINE after Wrestlemania when I beat that idiot Sabu, and Raven!

[[[Taker then has a smile on his face, and then takes the title and puts it on his shoulder as he walks away looking at a stupid Perry Saturn who is crazy enough to pull something like that]]]

[[[Rob Van Dam is walking down the corridor… he gets to his locker room door. He's about to go inside but The Coach stops him…]]]

"The Interviewer" The Coach: RVD! Can I have 2 minutes of your time?

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam: Dude, I'd really like to stop and chat but I need to sit down… I need to relax cos that was one hell of a match dude!

"The Interviewer" The Coach: That's what I wanted to ask you about… but first, congratulations on your victory! New Tag Team Champion!

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam: Thanks dude… It was a great match, Dreamer and Brocky put up a good fight but Kane and R-V-D, well we were totally focussed on this thing and that's why we are the new Tag Team Champions!

"The Interviewer" The Coach: You deserved it! I'd like to ask…

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam: Look man, I gotta go wind down, can we do this another time?

"The Interviewer" The Coach: Sure, I'll come back later!

Rob Van Dam walks into his locker room…]]]

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam: Dude, what are you doin' here?

A huge sound of crashing and thumping is made, as the sound of grunting of effort is heard and the sound of Rob Van dam yelping in pain… something is knocked over. The door slams open and Kane charges in… there is no-one in the room but the window is wide open. Kane walks to the window, there is no-one there. Kane goes to see RVD and there is a table turned over a lamp smashed on the floor, as well as a ruffled rug. Rob Van Dam is busted wide open by a mystery attacker! But who did it?]]]

- The Undertaker VS Stone Cold -
Singles Match

"DEADMAN WALKING" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is The Undertaker, Taker comes in and is ready for his match, Then the glasses shatter and making there way to the ring is STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!!! The bell rings and the two men start off by locking up.  Undertaker gets a knee up to the gut and then a forarm to the back, knocking Stone Cold down.  Stone Cold gets right back up and throws a right.  Undertaker throws one of his own.  Stone Cold throws another, as well as Undertaker.  Stone Cold gets a kick to the gut and goes for the Stunner early, but Undertaker pushes Stone Cold away into the ropes.  Stone Cold comes back into a big boot from The Undertaker.  Undertaker then picks Stone Cold up and whips him into the corner.  Undertaker comes in with a hard clothesline.  Undertaker then unleashes with back elbows and right hands to the body of Austin.  Undertaker whips Austin to the opposite corner, no Austin reverses.  Undertaker hits the corner hard, and Austin comes over.  He starts to stomp Undertaker down.  Undertaker falls down to his ass, Austin flips him the birds and then drops one final boot to the chest of Undertaker.  Austin starts to celebrate with the fans, allowing Undertaker to pull himself up.  Austin turns to Undertaker who grabs him by the neck.  Undertaker lifts Stone Cold up and chokeslams him to the mat.  Undertaker then makes the pin, but at the count of two Austin gets his foot on the bottom rope.  Undertaker cant believe it and gets up to argue with the ref.  He then goes back to Austin and picks him up.  Undertaker throws a right hand, but Austin blocks it and delivers one of his own.  He delivers two more, and then throws Undertaker in the ropes.  Undertaker comes back and ducks under a clothesline.  Undertaker bounces off the other ropes and Austin turns around right into a flying lariat.  Undertaker then immediatley goes over Austin and unleashes with a bombard of right hands.  The ref pulls Undertaker off and Undertaker backs the ref into the corner, intimidating him.  Austin has now gotten up, very woozy.  Undertaker turns around and walks right into a stunner from Austin.  Undertaker bounces up and falls back on the ropes, using the top rope to hold himself up.  Austin then starts to unleash with right hands.  As he does, Sabu comes down the ramp... holding his side from earlier.  He walks over and grabs his World Title as Austin whips Undertaker in the ropes and hits a Lou Thesz Press, but wait Undertaker catches him in midair.  He then brings Austin up into the Last Ride! BUT WAIT A MINUTE! Austin falls through! taker can't believe it, Austin pushes Taker around, KICK! STUNNER!!! Austin Stunnered TAKER!!! Austin goes for the pin, 1....2.....3!!! WHAT A UPSET!!!!!!!!

Winner- Stone Cold

As Sabu reaches the top ramp, Raven knocks him over the head with a chair shot and then takes the World Title.  He walks backstage.

[[[The Coach looks nervous, and walks up to The Rocks locker room, he gulps and then knocks on the Great Ones locker room. The Rock comes out in his wrestling attire.]]]

"Interview" The Coach: Hey rock, I just wanted to ask you tonight about your match tonight that you had at Revenge, and of course about your match at Wrestlemania with Scott Steiner...

[[[The rock looks at Coach for a few seconds and then...]]]

"The Great One" The Rock: Who in the blue hell are you?

"Interview" The Coach: Well Rock...

"The Great One" The Rock: Nah Coach I am just messing with ya, I know exactly who you are Johnathan Coachman, you are the coach. You are hear to interview The Rock? You are hear to talk to the Rock about his match? With Chris Jericho that The Rock had? With Scott Steiner? Before we start chatting with the Rock, Coach let me ask YOU a question!

"Interview" The Coach: Well sure...

"The Great One" The Rock: The boys in the back Coach, have been talking, and they feel that you don't have a girlfriend, oh no no no, they feel that you may play for the other team. They feel that you arn't exactly Coach, the man you say you are.

"Interview" The Coach: Well Rock it was just that one time, and I did have alot to drink...

"The Great One" The Rock: What? Oh no no, the Rock was just messing with you, get out of here you siiiiiiiiiickk freak.

[[[The Rock then pushes Coach out of the way and grabs his mic..]]]

"The Great One" The Rock: Now let the Rock says this, Scott Steiner, you and me at Wrestlemania, you are going one on one with the great one. The Rock will lay the smackdown on you, and I will stick your teeth right down your throat, you will have to brush your teeth, up your ass!! If you smellllllllalalalalalala.......WHAT THE ROCK!!! IS COOKING!!!!

[[[The Rock looks at the camera as we head into the ring!!!]]]

- Shawn Michaels VS Kanyon (c) -
Singles Match - IC Title

"AW AWW SHAWN!!" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is SHAWN! MICHAELS!!! he comes in accompanied by Trish Stratus, Shawn Michaels taunts as then "WHO BETTER THEN KANYON" blasts all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Kanyon! He comes into the ring with his IC title around his waist. He then gets in and him and Shawn Michaels go at it. Kanyon throws hard rights and lefts, then he takes hBK and whips him to the ropes as HBK bounces off and then Kanyon clotheslines him. Kanyon picks up HBK and then does a quick body slam on him. Kanyon then goes for a pin, 1.....2.....KICK OUT! HBK then gets up and he then raises hell as he punches kanyon hard with rights and lefts he locks up with him and then nails him with a suplex. Kanyon jumps up favouring his back, as HBK drop kicks him out of the ring. HBK gets up, and taunts to the crowd. HBK then jumps on the turnbuckle, and lands a cross body to Kanyon. They both look hurt. HBK jumps to his feet out of nowhere, and surprises the crowd. HBK nails a right foot to Kanyon's body. HBK lifts him up to his feet, throws a few left hands and then slams him against the steel ring steps as Kanyon favours his back. HBK runs to nail Kanyon in the face with his knee, but Kanyon moves and HBK hits the steps flipping over them. The crowd cannot believe it. Kanyon slowly gets up, but then he is speared by HBK. This is brutal! HBK is on Kanyon beating the hell out of him. The referee's count gets to 9. HBK slides into the ring quickly as the count stops. Kanyon gets up, but then HBK runs and dives through the ropes onto Kanyon. HBK seems to have hit his head on the security fence. HBK seems to be unconcious. Kanyon gets up, slides HBK into the ring and goes for the pin fall. 1...2.... KICK OUT!! What a kick out by HBK! Nobody expected it! Kanyon can't believe it!!! HBK gets up! and he then is ready, kanyon is still shocked, HBK then gets ready for the Sweet Chin Music, Kanyon turns around shocked!! BOOM! Kanyon is OUT COLD AFTER GETTING HIT WITH THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC!!!! HBK PINS KANYON!!! 1.......2.......3!!!! WE HAVE A NEW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION!! Oh my god!!! what a great match!!!!

Winner- Shawn Michaels (new IC champ)

[[[Ravens music hits the PA system, Raven comes down to the ring with his fellow flock members behind him, Raven has a mic in his hand and begins to speak..]]]

"Good Ol" Jim Ross: I wonder what Raven has to say King..

"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: Well JR if you shut up we may listen!! hhaahah!!!

"The Flock Leader" Raven: This Wrestlemania, I will be facing Sabu and Undertaker for the PWA championship!!! Sabu is now out of my flock, but I want to reverse that decision!! I think I made a mistake, Sabu come on out here!!!

"Good Ol" Jim Ross: WHAT!?

[[[Sabu the PWA champ comes down the ramp and gets in the ring, as Sabu gets handed the mic..]]]

"Former Flock" Sabu: Thanks Raven, and I am glad to come back to the flock!!!

[[[Sabu and Raven shake hands as then Vinces music hits the PA system, Vince walks down the ramp with a mixture of boos and cheers...]]]

"The Owner" Vince McMahon: Now I am glad Sabu and Raven have became friends again, if Sabu and Raven are friends again, the WrestleMania event is most likely now going to be a 2 vs 1!! But you two screwed with me backstage, so I will now have to screw with you two!! YOUR BOTH FIRED!!!!!!

"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: What!?


[[[Raven and Sabu and the rest of the flock start yelling at Vince...]]]

"The Owner" Vince McMahon: But, in the interest of fairness, if you two both join the Kiss my ass club!! You can have your jobs back, and Sabu, you will obviously again be the PWA champ...

"Good Ol" Jim Ross: The Kiss my ass club is back King!!!

[[[Vince pulls down his pants, bends over wanting to be kisssed as the fans go nuts, Raven and Sabu start whispering and then Raven does it first..]]]

"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: OH MY GOD JR!!!

"The Owner" Vince McMahon: Still one more needs to do it!!!

[[[The fans are cheering as the PWA champ also bends down and kisses Vinces ass, Vince pulls his pants up as Sabu and Raven are both spitting everywhere as the other flock members look in disgust..]]]

"The Owner" Vince McMahon: Now, in the interest of unfairness, your still BOTH FIRED!!!

[[[No Chance hits as Raven and Sabu run and hit Vince in the back, then suddenly all the other flock members come in and attack Raven and Sabu!!!!]]]


"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: Those traitors JR!!!

[[[Then suddenly nearly every PWA superstar comes in the ring and joins in the action, half the roster teaming on Sabu, and the other half on Raven.. Even wrestlers who are usually eneimes are working together just to attack Raven and Sabu!!]]]

"Good Ol" Jim Ross: Well King I know for a fact what Raven and Sabu did, and now frankly, I think they deserve it..

"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: What did they do JR!?

[[[JR then whispers something into Kings ear]]]

"Puppy Lover" Jerry Lawler: Oh My God!!

[[[The King leaves his position, and starts attacking Raven!! Raven and Sabu are bleeding and look very injured!!! Chair shots to both men, pipes, cement..]]]

"Good Ol" Jim Ross: Well folks, these are going to be injured for quite awhile!!!

[[[Vince gets up, takes Sabus title and holds it up into the air!!! Some wrestlers then tie up both Raven and Sabu who are both nearly unconcious, and two wrestlers on each take them up the ramp pushing them around and kicking them out of the arena...]]]

"The Owner" Vince McMahon: Nah Nah Nah Nah! Nah Nah Nah Nah!!! Goodbye!

[[[Vince starts singing the song, along with the rest of the fans and all the wrestlers, for once the fans are getting along with Vince McMahon, and enemies are singing along together for once, and probably for the last time. Only doing this just to get rid of Sabu and Raven...]]]

"The Owner" Vince McMahon: Now, who will replace Raven and Sabu in the main event at Wrestlemania to face Undertaker for the PWA title!!! Who thinks they have the guts!!!! I'll tell you who deserves it!! This Wrestlemania, the biggest PPV of the year, the main event will be The Undertaker vs The Rock vs Scott Steiner for the PWA title!!!


Copyright PWA!!! 2002-2003

