Deadline: 7 EST Sunday February 9th 2003
RP Limit:
2 Roleplays for each wrestler
February 9th 2003 Sunday Week 5
Location: Miami, Florida
Arena: -----


[[Last week we saw Revenge as it came to an end with Vince McMahon being pissed at Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels being hit with a red Porsche car. We all wonder who the hell did it, Will we find out tonight? Will Vince be in da house? Vince Russo? Shane O Mac? What will happen tonight on Revenge?]]

[[We are in a dark Hotel room. In the middle of the room, there is a shadow of a man sitting in a chair using a voice scrambler as he talks]]

Man: Last Sunday on Revenge, I saw the RIGHT moment.. I saw the little "Heartbreak Kid" outside in that parking lot. Then, as I got into my car to take off, I saw the perfect opportunity. I RAN HIS ASS OVER! That little bastard deserved it! He deserves to be put up on the shelf! He struts out every week saying how he is the Show Stoppa.. The Main Event.. He is nothing but a piece of SH-BLEEP-T! I ran that Show Stoppa wannabe over damnit! Now, he is going to have to step face to face with me.. I will now be known as the guy that put Shawn Michaels out of action! But, the wait to reveal my identity is coming close.. At Overdrive, I will show the entire world who I actually am. And I will finish my job of putting HBK out of action!

[[The screen scrambles]] 

[[Triple H's music blasts over the PA. Fans get to their feet and cheer as HHH walks out with a bottle of water in his hands. He pours water onto his head and continues to walk down the ramp. Triple H gets onto the apron and faces the fans. He pours water into his mouth and spits mist towards the crowd. He also chucks the bottle into the crowd. He gets into the ring and grabs the microphone as his music stops]]

Triple H: Now, last week on this very show Revenge, my friend, Shawn Michaels, was run down by a car. And SOMEBODY is going to pay for this! You see, you don't run over my friend and put him out of action like that! I'm going to give the attacker 10 seconds to come out here and face me like a man!..................... 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1! OK, some people are going to get their ass kicked..

[[Before Triple H can leave the ring, "No Chance" blasts. Vince McMahon comes out to boo's from the fans. He walks to the ring and gets in. He takes another microphone and the music cuts]]

Vince McMahon: Now, Triple H, there is no need for that. Whoa, wait, just to let you know, I am NOT the attacker, but I got someone who MIGHT just MIGHT have an answer.

[[Vince points to the Titan Tron and Shawn Michaels is seen via satellite from San Antonio, Texas]]

Triple H: Shawn! Shawn, umm, how's it going?

Shawn Michaels: Hey Hunter, it's going alright. I appreciate your concern for me. I have been having a rough month. 

Triple H: Have you talked to your doctors yet?

Shawn Michaels: Yeah, well, after the Royal Rumble, I was around 88% they would say, well, now I am down to 60%. Which, this is not good.

Vince McMahon: Look, can we get down to business?! This is not part of the budget! If you don't hurry this will be coming out of your guys' check! 

Triple H: Shut the hell up, Vince! Don't get your panties in a knot.. Now, Shawn, I know we were both there, but you got the better look at the car. Do you think you might know who it was?

Shawn Michaels: I couldn't really tell at all, Hunter. I mean, the car came from behind and I turned at the last minute. So, I didn't really see much. But, the security there gave me a hint. You see, they got those cameras outside the arena in the parking lot, and they took some close up photos of the license plate. And I had them sent to the arena today to make sure they fall in your hands.

[[Someone from backstage comes out with a briefcase. He opens it and takes out 3 photos and gives them to Triple H]]

Triple H: Well, there is at least one close up of the number..

Shawn Michaels: Yeah, if I remember right, P12WRK2..?

Triple H: Yeah, who the hell could that be?

Shawn Michaels: I have no clue. I won't really be able to find out either since me being here in San Antonio.

Triple H: Shawn, I will find out for you! I will find out by Overdrive! This attacker will pay for what he did to you, Shawn. His life is going to be hell now. So, Shawn, fly in for Overdrive buddy. We'll show this guy who is in charge here!

Haystack Cow Girl Match: 
Molly Holly VS Trish Stratus

WINNER- Molly Holly

[["HOLLA!!! IF!!! YA!! HEAR ME!" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Scott Steiner! he then gets into the ring with a Mic]]

"Royal Rumble Winner" Scott Steiner: LOOK! I am out here for a damn reason, and that damn reason is RAVEN! Now Raven, I know your punk ass is back there, and I know your watching this right now, I have some news for ya, I talked to Vince, and since Vince Russo isn't in the house, the match at OverDrive is set up. ME VS YOU! THE ROYAL RUMBLE WINNERS. Scott Steiner VS Raven!!! SO look Raven, you want a piece of Scott Steiner? Well come get some!!!

[[Raven's music hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Raven. he then grabs a mic and begins to speak]]

"Royal Rumble Winner" Raven: Woah Woah Woah Woah, calm down there pal, I sure as hell want a piece of you, but not now, I can wait until Overdrive, when I kick your ass. Something you can't do.

"Royal Rumble Winner" Scott Steiner: If you think you can kick my ass, then WHY NOT GO AT IT RIGHT NOW!

"Royal Rumble Winner" Raven: I would, But once again, I can wait, and I am going to, Because I am going to make Overdrive interesting

"Royal Rumble Winner" Scott Steiner: ARE YOU SCARED!!!???

[["MONEY MONEY MONEY" hits and making there way to the ring with a curious look on there face is SHANE O MAC! He comes into the ring and takes a mic and then begins to speak on the mic to both Royal Rumble Winners]]

"Co Owner" Shane O Mac: wait a minute guys, don't be going at it now, you both HAVE TO WAIT! Because if you guys fight each other before OverDrive, then your BOTH FIRED! you can touch each other, you can talk to each other, you can trash talk, but you lay a hand on each other, a fight, then your both gone

"Royal Rumble Winner" Scott Steiner: Well then, RAVEN! GET READY FOR AN ASS BEATING AT OVERDRIVE!!!!!  

Women's Hardcore Match
Victoria VS Stacy Keibler

WINNER- Victoria

Women's Title
Gorgeous George VS Stephanie McMahon

WINNER- Gorgeous George

[["NO CHANCE IN HELL" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Vince McMahon, he comes into the ring with a mic and then he begins to speak on the mic in the ring]]

Vince McMahon: Last week, Bret Hart put me in the Sharpshooter infront of the entire world! And now, that son of a bitch is going to pay! Bret, you don't cross the boss damnit! I own your ass! Bret, I only have to say two words to you... Those words are.. You're Fired! And you will be on Un-Employment with the 1000 other Canadians!

[[BRET HART's music hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Bret Hart, right next to Vince with a mic ready to talk]]

Bret Hart: Whoa, your calling Canadians pathetic and worthless? I think you Americans are pathetic and worthless! Atleast we don't have bums on our streets sitting outside courts asking for chump change every single damn morning! Vince, I was glad I had you in that Sharpshooter last week. You deserved everyone DAMN bit of it! Vince, I challenge you to a match at Overdrive.. Not just any kind of match Vince. A FLAG MATCH! In one corner, we will have the beautiful, Canadian flag, in the other, the ugly, worthless, American flag! So, Vince, how about it?

Vince McMahon: You're on! The genetic jackhammer is going to kick your ass!

[[Vince SLAPS the taste out of Bret's mouth then hurries out of the ring as Bret looks on pissed]]

Singles Match
The Undertaker VS Eric Angle

"DEAD MAN WALKING" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is The Undertaker. Taker walks into the ring raising one arm high as the crowd goes crazy as Bischoff follows him into the ring. Then Bischoff asks for a mic, and then he begins speaking on the mic.

E z E Bischoff: Before we get this match started. I would like to tell all of you guys something! Now Undertaker is about to face a punk like Eric Angle, so how bout this! this match is a #1 CONTENDER FOR THE WORLD TITLE AT OVERDRIVE!!!!!!!

Eric Angle's music hits and making there way to the ring is Eric Angle lookin all happy, He comes in and then Bischoff leaves the ring, as Taker and Eric Angle go at it. Taker starts whoopin Eric Angles ass. Taker then starts pushing him, then he takes him to the corner. and does more rights and lefts punches. Taker then whips him to the other turnbuckle. he then runs towards Eric Angle and clotheslines him. Eric Angle was out cold and dropped to the floor. Taker picked him up and tossed him to the ropes as Eric Angle bounced off and then Taker wanted to hit a big boot but missed as Eric Angle punches Taker, he then bounces of the ropes and clotheslines taker, Taker wont go down. Eric Angle does it again, but again Taker wont go down. Eric Angle gets pissed and then bounces off the ropes and drop kicks taker as taker falls to the floor this time. Eric Angle then goes for a pin, 1.....2...... KICK OUT!!! Taker then stombles to his feet. As Eric Angle drop kicks him low to the legs as Taker falls again. Eric Angle picks up taker by the hair, and then Eric Angle pushes him to the ropes as Taker bounces off and then BIG BOOTS ERIC ANGLE!!!! Taker then picks up Eric Angle and he does his taunt. As he picks him up and then DOES THE LAST RIDE!!!!!!!!! LAST RIDE!!!!!!! Taker then after hitting it on Eric Angle pins him!!!! 1......2......3!!!!!!!!! But what the hell? Now making there way to the ring is KURT ANGLE! he looks pissed off!! as then he comes into the ring and he brings a chair in, He takes the chair and nails Undertaker with it bad!!! Taker is bleeding!!!! oh boy!! Eric Angle and Kurt Angle then attack on The Undertaker. BUT OH MY GOD! taker is fighting back!! taker takes both by the neck!!!!! OH MY!!! but what THE HELL IS THIS!! MY GOD!!! TEAM ANGLE!!!! FROM BEHIND!!!! they kick and punch taker as Taker is out cold. Eric Bischoff can't believe it. Team Angle, Eric Angle, and Kurt Angle all gang up on Taker. THIS IS NON SENSE!!!!! the refs come out!!! the refs take them away!! it took 10 of them to take them away!!!!!

WINNER- The Undertaker

[[We are in the locker room. Triple H is seen barging into it as PWA Superstars look up at him surprised]]

Triple H: OK, I am here to address you all right here, right now! My good friend, Shawn Michaels, as you all know, was run down a couple weeks ago.. And there is ONE man who did this! And I want to know who! Hulk...

Hulk Hogan: Brother, it was not me.

Triple H: How the hell am I supposed to know that?! I mean, Shawn did kick your ass

Hulk Hogan: Hunter, he might have beat me in a match, but I wouldn't stoop down to that low and run him over. Believe me dude..

Triple H: UNDERTAKER! I should beat your ass! It was YOU! You and Shawn had matches during last month! He gave you some Chin Music and you said you would get payback! It was you 'Taker!

Undertaker: Yo! You need to calm down boy! I said I would get revenge on his ass, but I already did. I kicked his ass twice at the Rumble.. So, don't go a point a finger at me.

Triple H: Alright.. But, one of you WILL speak out during Overdrive.. Then suffer the consequences..


Singles Match
Sabu VS Goldberg

Sabu makes his entrance as Bill Alfonso follows him to the ring, blowing his whistle like a maniac.  Sabu gets to the ring and jumps on the apron then over the ropes.  He starts to stretch the top rope as Goldberg starts to make his entrance.  Goldberg gets to ringside and stands next to the ring snapping his neck back and forth.  Alfonso blows his whistle loud, catching Goldbergs attention.  As Goldberg looks at Alfonso, Sabu comes in with a suicide dive through the ropes.  Sabu picks Goldberg up and slams his head on the apron a few times before rolling him in the ring.  Sabu gets on the apron as Goldberg stands up.  Goldberg turns to face Sabu, and Sabu uses the top rope as leverage as he flies over and hits a dropkick on Goldberg.  Sabu makes the quick pin. 1, 2, Kick out by Goldberg.  Sabu runs against the ropes and as he comes back he is knocked down with a shoulder block by Goldberg.  Goldberg then runs against the ropes and as he comes back, Sabu rolls over, Goldberg jumps over him and hits the other ropes.  On his way back, Sabu leaps to his feet and tries for a hip toss, blocked by Goldberg who then clotheslines the hell out of Sabu.  Goldberg then picks Sabu up and hits a gorilla press slam.  Alfonso jumps on the ropes and starts blowing his whistle.  Goldberg walks over and grabs Alfonso by the collar.  He rears back to hit him, but Sabu leg trips Goldberg down.  Sabu then jumps up and sits on the top rope, bounces off and hits a leg drop on Goldberg followed by another pin.  1, 2, Goldberg kicks out with authority.  Sabu stands in the corner breathing hard as Goldberg gets up slowly, using the ropes.  Sabu runs at Goldberg, but Goldberg side steps him and Sabu runs face first into the corner.  He stumbles out and turns and Goldberg is about to hit the spear!!!! but Sabu moves, and then he takes Goldberg and does The Arabian Facebuster. Sabu goes for a pin, 1....2...3!!!!! WINNER IS SABU!!!!!!!


Singles Match
Brock Lesnar VS RVD

The bell rings as RVD and Lesnar stare each other down. They circle around the ring seeing if anything happens...Brock collapses on one knee for some obscure reason as RVD goes to hit him Lesnar catches him with a clothesline. He was faking it and RVD went for the bait! Brock capitalizes with some vicious forearms. RVD is getting pounded on as Lesnar belly-2-belly suplexes him. He continues assaulting RVD as he whips him to the ropes, Brock is waiting for him as RVD bounces back then jumps over lesnar. Brock turns around and meets up with RVD's drop kick. RVD then kicks him a few times in the ribs and picks up Brock. RVD then takes Brocks legs out from under him as he is on his knees. Rob runs to the ropes and kicks him in the back of the head. Brock then sits down in the middle of the ring dazed as Rob runs to the ropes again and this time jumps over him and does a snapmare. What a outrageous move! Brock is flat on the Rob goes to finish it...he gets the crowd into it as they chant with him "R....V...D" he jumps on the top turnbuckle goes for the 5-Star as he jumps...wait a minute! Brock gets up catches him in mid air...holds him on his chest and connects with a back breaker...picks him up...does another...then lets him go. Brock is one big mean he picks up Rob by the hair and whips him to the turnbuckle as he goes to the other turnbuckle charges at rob then rob swings his legs up over him brock meets the post with his shoulder as rob jumps over him and pins him...1...2...kick out! Rob then goes the ropes as Brock gets up, Brock catches him then goes to whip him to the ropes but holds on to his hands and brings him back with force then hits a tremendous clothesline that looks like he took off Robs head. He pins him...1...2...kick out...kick out! how can Rob kick out outta that! Brock is pretty pissed off as he picks him up...sets him up for the f5 but Rob flips over and pushes him to the ropes...then runs to the side ropes...jumps off and connects right square on Brocks face with a big kick! How did he fly like that? Both men are down as the ref starts counting...1...2.3..4...5...6, RVD and Brock make it to there feet he runs at Brock then Brock flings him over his head as he lands on the turnbuckle brock wonders where he went as he turns around and meets RVD's missile top rope drop kick!

WINNER- Brock Lesnar

[[Making there way to the ring then is Sid Vicious, talking to Brock Lesnar with the mic]]

Sid Vicious: HEY BROCK!!! you think your tough? you think your going to be the next big thing? well how bout you prove it to me at Overdrive?

[[Paul Heyman takes a mic from the ringside table]]

Paul Heyman: Since you have a big mouth, OKAY! you got it, BROCK LESNAR VS SID VICIOUS!!!!!

Sid Vicious: Yeah, exactly what I wanted. get ready, Because I am going to stomp a mudhole in your ass!!!!

Singles Match
Scott Steiner VS Stone Cold

Scott Steiner's music hits as pyro goes off and out comes Scott Steiner and walks down the entrance ramp as the crowd cheers for him. Steiner rolls Into the ring as he gets up and goes over to the turnbuckle and climbs it. Then he raises his hands as the crowd cheers loudly for him. Then Steiner goes to the other corner and does the same as Steiner's music fades out. The Glasses shatter as Stone Cold's music hits as Stone Cold comes out as he walks a little bit past the entrance ramp way and Stone Cold raises his hands as loud pyro goes off. Stone Cold then walks down the ramp way as he looks straight at Steiner. Then Stone Cold goes up the steel steps and goes Into the ring. Stone Cold climbs the corner turnbuckle and raises his hands as the crowd cheer for him. Stone Cold gets down as he looks over at Scott Steiner as the bell rings and the match Is officially started. Both men lock up as Stone Cold has Scott Steiner In a headlock, but Scott Steiner slips out of it and kicks Stone Cold. to his mid section and then runs at the ropes, then Scott Steiner bounces off the ropes, Stone Cold clotheslines Scott Steiner down with a hard clothesline. Austin goes on top of Steiner and starts punching his head, then Stone Cold picks up Steiner and kicks Steiner to the stomach and then Stone Cold looks at the crowd as Stone Cold Is looking for his kick, Stone Cold then goes for it but Scott Steiner moves out of the way. Steiner jumps onto Stone Colds shoulders, Stone Cold tries to throw him off but Steiner holds onto his head as he goes down, forcing Stone Cold's head to hit the mat. Scott Steiner goes for a quick cover. 1, 2, kick out by Stone Cold! Scott Steiner picks up Stone Cold but Stone Cold starts punching Scott Steiner's stomach, then Austin goes for a hard kick!. Austin now goes for a cover but only gets a 2 count!. Austin picks Scott Steiner up as he throws him to the outside. Austin goes after Steiner as he starts kicking Steiner to the stomach, then Austin picks Steiner up over his shoulders as he drops Steiner on the barricade. Steiner holds his stomach as he falls to the floor. Austin then picks him up by his tights and throws him inside the ring. Austin goes Into the ring as he goes for a cover, but as he goes for cover on Steiner, Steiner kicks Austin to his head and then gets up. As Steiner gets up he runs to the ropes and then comes over and clothesline Stone Cold out of the ring. Stone Cold stumbles to his feet as Steiner runs and does a flying elbow to Austin to the outside!!!! The ref starts the 10 count as Steiner slowly goes back Into the ring and raises his hands as the crowd cheers loudly. Stone Cold finally rolls Into the ring slowly and Steiner picks Austin up and pushes him to the corner. Steiner then climbs the second turnbuckle, where Austin is, as he starts punching Stone Cold repeatedly until 9, when Austin pushes Steiner off. Steiner then holds his mouth, but he then gets back and is about to punch Austin, Austin though goes for a clothesline but Steiner ducks, as Austin turns around, Steiner drop kicks Austin, but that's not enough to get Stone Cold off his feet. Steiner then goes for a running Bulldog and knocks Austin down as Austin crawls over to the second ring rope and tries to pull himself up. But Austin Is having trouble as Steiner yells the STEINER RECLEINER!!! Steiner gets Austin in the Steiner Recleiner but Austin some how got to the ropes. Steiner let go, But he does a arm drag takedown, and this time he doesn't release the hold, he gets Austin Into a arm bar on the ground, as Austin Is screaming In pain. But Austin Is fighting his way up as he throws a couple of rights at Steiner, Austin pushes Steiner towards the ropes as he Irish whips Steiner to the other side of the ropes. Then Austin turns around as he hits his forearm Into Steiners head. Austin gets up again as he goes to the top turnbuckle, I think Austin Is looking for a big clothesline off the topr rope. but Steiner gets up quickly as he runs at the ropes and Austin slips and hits his groin on the turnbuckle. Austin holds his groin as he falls onto the mat In pain. Both men start to get up slowly as Steiner charges at Austin but Austin Is looking to throw Steiner out but Steiner jumps onto the top turnbuckle. Austin turns around quickly and nails Steomer with his hard. Steiner falls to the mat. Austin picks him up, kick in the guts!!!! Stone Cold goes for the STUNNER!!! but Scott Steiner pushes him off!!!! 

WINNER- Scott Steiner

[[The Rock and The Coach are standing in a corridor, The Rock flexes and snaps his head… the fans go wild for the People’s Champion.]]

The Coach: Now Rocky, you are going into a match with the former Inter-Continental Champion Test and the current PWA World Champion, the man who beat you, Kurt Angle in a condition that can only be described as well below-strength. How confident you feel?

“The Great One” The Rock: You know Coach, you’d expect The Rock to be standing here and doing a Kurt Angle… ‘ooh my back hurts, I don’t think I can wrestle tonight, doctor will you write me a note so that I can’t wrestle’. But you see The Rock isn’t Kurt Angle, The Rock isn’t a whinging, whining crybaby with an Olympic Gold medal stuck up his ass. The Rock is The People’s Champion. The Rock is expected to walk down that ramp and compete, not just for The Rock’s pride… but for the MILLIONS ‘The Millions’, one more time, THE MILLIONS, ‘The Millions’ of The Rock’s fans… The Rock walks out, the People chant The Rock’s name and The Rock electrifies them, like no-one else. No-one can electrify the crowd like The Rock! And tonight, the show will go on. Cuts, bruises, broken necks, the arena is flooded, The rock would still be out there to compete! Because tonight, The Great One will set the record straight. Kurt Angle has The Rock’s title, Kurt Angle has The People’s Title and tonight, Kurt Angle will get his ass whipped. As for Test, well The Rock hasn’t got any bad words for you… you’ve got talent, you’ve got potential, you have a chance to be great but tonight, is The Rock’s night and nobody is going to stop The Rock from WHIPPING KURT ANGLE’S CANDY ASS!

Vince McMahon: Oh really! Wow, Rocky, you made it! You know, you deliberately defied my authority and if I were you, I wouldn’t cross me again! So this is your final warning, you walk down that ramp and I will be forced to…

“The Great One” The Rock: SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND KNOW YOUR ROLE! The Rock doesn’t give a monkey’s crap whether you’re the PWA owner, the janitor, The Rock’s boot cleaner! What In The Blue Hell Do You Think You’re Saying? Tonight, The Rock will compete against Kurt Angle and whether you suspend The Rock, fire The Rock, nothing is going to stop The Rock from competing. Godammit nothing

Vince McMahon: If you walk down to the ring tonight, Rocky… I will not help EVER help you again!

“The Great One” The Rock: You know what you can do with your help jabroni… you can get your help, offer it to The Rock, The Rock will take it, spit on it, turn it sideways an stick it STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDY ASS! Just like you’ve found out already tonight, Kurt Angle will come to realise that at Revenge, YOU JUST CAN’T STOP, CAN’T STOP THE ROCK! IF YOU S-UH-MELLLLLLLLLALALALAH, What The Rock Is Cooking?

[[The Rock walks away, as Vince McMahon just stares in disbelief… The Coach shrugs his shoulders and moves towards Vince McMahon with the microphone!]]

The Coach: Do you have anything to say to that Vince?

Vince Russo: No but I do… Vince McMahon, you may be the powerful man in the Pee-Dubbya-Eh. And The Rock may not listen to you… but tonight, let The Rock compete, go on, let him compete and Kurt Angle and Test will give him the beating that he deserves…

Vince McMahon: You know Vince Russo, for once, you may actually be right…

Singles Match
Batista VS Rikishi

Batista's Theme Hits over the PA He walks down the ramp slides into the ring and then waits for Rikishi..Rikishi's Theme hits over the PA.They both stare each other down batista starts walking around the ring he sneaks about behind rikishi and picks him up for a backdrop and does it..Rikishi gets back up and superkicks Batista in the face causing batista immediately to fall down..rikishi goes on the top rope and does a banzai Drop he goes for the pin 1..Kick out.Batista gets up again and falls into another Superkick but this time he doesnt move instead he gets an angered look He Gets pissed and does a clothsline causing rikishi to do a backflip.He pins him but only gets a 2 count....All of a sudden the lights go out..when the lights go back on Batista and Rikishi Are Full of blood..Then The Brood's mUsic hits but the brood doesnt come out..Rikishi and Batista just recieved a blood bath.Rikishi knocks batista down picks him back up and in return batista gives him a few punches to the stomach picks him up in the air and throws him out the ring..Batista gets out the ring and they both start fighting through the crowd the ref starts counting..1...2...3...4..5....6...7...8..9..10 COUNTOUT!


Singles #1 For IC title Shot
Big Show VS Randy Orton

Randy Ortons music suddenly hits the P.A. System and the 3rd Generation Superstar comes walking out with a smirk. He walks down the ramp and slides into the ring and taunts. Than 1 minute later Big Shows Music hits the P.A. System and the 7 foot 500 pound monster walks out from behind the curtains with a pissed off look on his face. Big Show walks down the ramp and makes a quick left and walks up the steel steps and puts his leg over the top rope and gets into the ring and looks Randy Orton dead square in the eye. Than he stands in the center of the ring and puts his right hand up in the air doing a chokeslam pose. While he is doing so Randy Orton runs up on behind him and gives him a kick to the lower region and Show falls quickly. The ref rings the bell to start the match and Randy Orton covers Big Show. The Ref counts 1...Kick. Show kicks out and throws Orton half way across the ring and Orton doesnt get up to quickly. Big Show walks over to Orton and whips him into the ropes and Orton comes back and gets clotheslined to the mat. Big Show than gets down on the mat and starts choking the living hell out of Orton. The ref counts to 4 in order for Big Show to break the hold. Orton holds his neck as the ref tries to push Big Show back into the corner but he pushes the ref back out of the way and begins choking him again this time stopping on his own. Big Show then hits Randy Orton with lefts and rights but Randy Orton then falls to the floor and Big Show is wondering what the hell is going on, Randy Orton then falls to the outside of the ring, as Big Show fallows him out. Randy Orton is limping and took a sledge hammer and nails Big show with it, Randy Orton also falls to the floor so does Big Show. The ref makes a 10 count and the match is over!!!!


[[Backstage Booker is getting ready for his 3 way match tonight with Billy Gunn and Jeff Hardy. Booker is punching the air trying to get loosened up when Goldust walks into the room. He is dressed like Jeff Hardy, trying to mock him. But he has done a very poor job.]]

Goldust: Yo Booker! You gotta live for the Moment man!!!

Booker T: What da hell are you doin you gold freak!

Goldust: Jeff Hardy.....Version 2!!!

Booker T: Man, Matt Hardy is Version 1 you stupid ass Gold Freak!

[[Goldust takes off the Jeff Hardy wig and stares down at the ground.]]

Goldust: Would you please stop calling me that! Sssssssss, It gets me........horny!

Booker T: UGH! You are just sick! Don't be tellin me this kinda shit man, especially just before I'm about to go out there and get me the X-Division Title. Man, this is gonna be a piece of cake.

Goldust: Strawberry Cake???

Booker T: What the hell man! It don't matter what kind of cake. I am gonna go out there and just do what I always do. I'm gonna drop Billy and Jeff in under 5 minutes, once again proving to Vince McMahon and every PwA fan that I am the real deal sucka. Now I don't care if Jeff Hardy can do the Swanton Bomb, cause I'll just get out of the way. And I don't care if Billy Gunn pretty much copied my move and gave it a new name, because he doesn't know how to do it right. So I'll have to do it on him to show him how. And then, Imma set em both up and hit the 1st ever DOUBLE Book End! Then....right before I pin them for the 1....2...3...I am gonna execute the best ever Spinarooni sucka!! Now Can You Dig Tha...

[[Goldust is staring off into the sky blanklisly]]

Booker T: What the hell are you thinkin about Goldy!?

Goldust: Ssssssss...Cheese Cake!

[[Booker T looks very pissed off as a ringing sound is heard from his coat that is lying on the chair beside him. Booker picks up his coat and pulls out a cell phone. He opens it up and begins to speak.]]

Booker T: Hello

[[Mumbling is heard on the end of the phone.]]

Booker T: Ya, hes here. So We can't talk business now. Actually...Hold on.

[[Booker puts the phone against his chest and turns to Goldust.]]

Booker T: Yo Man, could you leave? I gotta finish up my training. I'll meet you on stage.

[[Goldust looks kind of sad as he leaves the room and Booker goes back to his phone conversation.]]

Booker T: Ya he's gone. Lets talk business........Give me a couple more weeks though...then we'll unleash the fury on the PwA...muahahahahhahaha

[[they continue their conversation as the camera fades out.]]

3 Way Match X-Division Title
Billy Gunn VS Jeff Hardy VS Booker T

Billy Gunn starts it off assaulting Hardy.. Booker is just in the corner watching.. Gunn connects 3 straight punches to the face of Jeff. Jeff is looking dazed for a second as Gunn then suplexes him. Booker now feels ready as he runs and knee's Gunn in the face. Booker starts the assault with some forearms to the back of Gunns head. Booker powerslams Gunn, he goes to hit a leg drop but right in mid air he meets Hardy's drop kick. T and Gunn are down as hardy starts taking over. Hardy picks up Billy, whips him to the ropes, goes for the clothesline but Gunn ducks Hardy turns around to get smacked with Gunn's own drop kick. Booker is pretty hurt as he rolls out of the ring to catch his breath. Gunn then hits more punches as the ref doesn't notice booker t. Gunn slings Hardy in the turnbuckle Gunn then runs and splashes him. Hardy holds his chest as Gunn taunts. Booker T is seen in the outside regaining his strength as he gets up Gunn throws Hardy to the ropes.. Oh wait a minute...Hardy slides down instead kicking Booker in the face. Can booker rebound? Hardy then is getting up as Gunn goes for the Fame-Asser... no hardy moves and Gunn eats the canvas. Gunn lands sitting up so Hardy runs to the ropes jumps over gunn and hits a snap neck breaker.. Gunn is then down as Hardy signals for the Swanton...Hardy is on the top turnbuckle but then Booker T then pushes up off as he lands in the ring. Booker then climbs the turnbuckle as Gunn gets up...Booker then hits a double axe-hand hammer from the top rope. Booker then grabs Hardy and throws him overboard, he then goes over to Gunn....hits him with a big kick to the face as Gunn stumbles around after the kick...ohhhh wait a tic...booker T kicks Billy in the gut can it be? Yes! Scissors Kick to the back of Gunn's head...can T capitalize? What is he doing? Gunn runs out of the ring as Booker T is signaling the Spinerooni! He does it as Hardy runs to the top turnbuckle and waits. Booker T then spins up as he stands up after completing the spinerooni Hardy jumps in mid air.. turn around booker! To late.. Hardy connects with a missile drop kick. Booker is flat on the canvas as Hardy is prancing around...Gunn comes in goes for a clothesline misses...both men go to the ropes and hit a double clothes line...oh my god all three men are down!! The ref starts the count 1...2...3..4...5...6...7...8 Gunn, Booker and Hardy barely make it to their feet. Gunn goes for booker as booker hauls him over the top rope...then hardy runs at booker as Booker gets down in the nick of time, hardy soars over the top rope hitting a suicide dive on Gunn. The action has spread out of the ring as Booker T is looking at Gunn and Hardy. Hardy gets up...and waits for gunn on the black security thing.. Hardy runs off of it as Gunn stumbles up only to catch Hardy in mid air.. He then rams Hardy into the ring post. He holds onto Hardy for another...then throws him back in the ring. Booker T then starts the kicking of Jeff as Gunn comes in and helps it out. Booker then notices he is double teaming as he blind sides Gunn... he then belly-2-belly suplexes Gunn to the middle of the ring. Hardy gets up as Booker T sends Gunn to the turnbuckles...Booker gets down and Hardy runs off of him and splashes Gunn. This looks like a team here but then Booker wants to win this one so he hits a kick to the mid section of hardy...quickly throws gunn over the ring post and hits the scissors kick to the back of Hardy's head. He then goes for a cover to Jeff Hardy. 1....2......3!!!! ITS ALL OVER!!!!!

WINNER- Booker T

[[We come backstage with Billy Gunn and Michael Cole]]

Michael Cole: Welcome, I am here with Billy Gunn

Billy Gunn: SHUT IT MICHAEL! Booker t, you son of a bitch, how bout me and YOU! at overdrive, let me kick your ass, you got big time lucky today!!

Michael Cole: So you want to challenge Booker T?

Billy Gunn: You damn right Cole, that punk better accept, or let me guess, is he scared?

3 Way Paddle On A Pole Match
Lizzy Borden VS Torrie Wilson VS Sable

WINNER- Lizzy Borden

3 Way Match
Test VS Kurt Angle VS The Rock

Kurt Angle comes out with a huge pop holding his world title around his waist and then test and rock appear in back of him and punch him down the ramp together. Rock then turns to test and gives him a punch to the face he gives him three rock punches looks back and punches him one more time causing him to fall down when rock turns around he gets a belly to belly suplex on the ramp Kurt angle then slides into the ring and does a pose.. Test Follows and kicks him in the midsection and does a powerbomb.. rock slides in and waits for test to turn around...when test turns around he falls right into a spinebuster.. he then waits for angle to get up and after about 2 minutes Kurt gets up and turns around and falls into a rockbottom.. Rock gets back up and turns around a gets a huge boot to the face...Kurt angles gets up test grabs him pushes him to the rope and does an Irish whip making angle falls out the ring test gets out. .Picks him up and pushes him into the steel apron.. He picks him up again and slams him into the the metal steps. Rock slides out the ring pushes test out the way kicks him in the midsection ddt to the floor.. Rock gets ready to attack angle but angle runs and does a heel kick making rock fall into the crowd.. Angle pushes him back near to the ring area Kurt pushes him in the ring and does the ankle lock.. test comes back in and pulls angle off rock...Rock screams in pain while test and angle go at it..After a few minutes rock gets up and see's test out cold he waits for angle to turn around when he does he gives him a rock bottom...He then goes for the people's elbow.. and pins 1..2...3

WINNER- The Rock

[[Triple's Theme hits over the pa he starts walking down the ramp with the mic he pauses and begins to speak]]

"The Game" Triple H: Haha.. Rocky you think your all tough now...Well why dont you try the game.

"People's Champion" The Rock: Woah.. Woah.. Woah.. Woah.. WOAH! Did the rock ever say he thinks he's tough Jabronie?.. The Fact and the matter is THE ROCK WILL ALWAYS BE THE GREATEST..

"The Game" Triple H: Wanna Prove That rocky.. Overdrive you and me GET READY TO PLAY THE GAME!

"People's Champion" The Rock: Jabroni, The Rock is down with that, But lets make this a little more interesting, how bout....lets say a CAGE MATCH!!!!???

"The Game" Triple H: YOU GOT IT ROCK!!! 

Special Bra and Panties Match #1 Contender
Sting VS Dawn Marie VS Lita

Winner- Lita

5 Way Match
Kanyon VS Chris Benoit VS Eddie Guerrero VS Rhyno VS John Cena

All of the men make there entrances and the bell rings, all hell breaks lose!  Kanyon immediatly goes for John Cena as Benoit and Guerrero double team on Rhyno.  Kanyon slams Cena in the corner and opens up with some boots to the gut and chops to the chest.  Benoit whips Cena in the ropes and hits a monstrous clothesline followed by a sunset flip by Guerrero.  Benoit picks Cena up and Eddie helps out Benoit as they hit a double suplex.  Kanyon whips Cena out of the corner, but then sends him right back into the one he just came out of.  Cena stumbles out and Kanyon hits a clothesline.  Benoit then comes over and grabs Kanyon from behind.  He tries for a German suplex but Kanyon grabs the top rope.  Benoit attempts twice more before Kanyon mule kicks him between the legs.  Benoit falls to the ground holding his crotch region as Kanyon begins stomping away at both Cena and Benoit now.  Eddie picks up Rhyno, but Rhyno grabs Eddie and picks him up on his shoulder.  He then rams Eddie into the corner, then hits three shoulder thrusts.  Kanyon picks up Chris Benoit and throws him out of the ring allowing John Cena to get up.  Kanyon picks up Cena, but Cena hits a thumb to the eye followed by a dropkick sending Kanyon over the top rope.  John Cena then stands there waiting for Rhyno to turn around from the beating he is giving Eddie Guerrero.  Rhyno turns around and John Cena tries to run, but Kanyon holds his leg.  Cena looks down at Kanyon and then wiggles free but as he turns around Rhyno hits the Gore!  Gore by Rhyno!  He makes the cover on Cena.  1, 2, 3!

John Cena is Eliminated

Kanyon then rolls in the ring but Rhyno begins kicking away on him.  Eddie comes out and hits a dropkick to the back of Rhyno.  Rhyno falls on the top ropes and Benoit comes over.  He starts to choke Rhyno over the top rope as Eddie runs over and hits a sit down bomb on Rhynos back.  Rhyno falls back into the ring and Benoit slides back in.  Eddie picks up Kanyon and holds him as Benoit hits two chops.  Benoit swings for the third one but Kanyon ducks down and chops Eddie.  Eddie holds his chest in pain, and Kanyon pushes Benoit into Eddie causing a head on collision.  Benoit falls on Eddie and the ref counts.  1, 2, Kick out by Eddie Guerrero, but just barely!  Rhyno gets up and turns right into a Flatliner from Kanyon who then makes the cover.  1, 2, 3!

Rhyno is Eliminated

Kanyon then grabs Benoit by the hair and picks him up, but Benoit hits a knee to the gut and whips Kanyon in the ropes.  Kanyon comes back and ducks a clothesline.  Kanyon hits the other ropes and tries for a clothesline of his own but Benoit reverses it into the Crippler Crossface!  Kanyon starts screaming in pain as Benoit rips back on the Crossface.  Eddie gets up and goes to the top rope as Benoit tries to make Kanyon tap out.  Then, Eddie flies through the air and hits a Frog Splash on the back of Benoit!  Benoit releases the hold and then lays there holding his back.  Eddie then laces Benoits legs up and puts him in the Lasso from El Pase causing Benoit to tap out. 

Chris Benoit is Eliminated

As Eddie gets up, leaning over to catch his breath, Kanyon runs and hits a swinging neck breaker.  Kanyon then puts a sleeper hold on Eddie, causing Eddie to swing his hands frantically through the air.  Eddie grabs Kanyon by the top of the head and then slowly gets to his feet with Kanyon.  Eddie then drops down and hits a chin buster on Kanyon.  Kanyon falls back and staggers back against the ropes and then he goes to Guerrero and he does a clothesline. Kanyon then does the FLATLINER!!!! OH MY GOD!!! KANYON THEN GOES FOR A PIN!!!! 1....2.....3 !! its over!!!! Kayon wins!!!!

Winner- Kanyon

[[We come backstage Kanyon celebrating his victory. Him and Sabu, and Raven are seen backstage]]

Raven: Great match there KANYON!!!!


Sabu: Ha ha, you know man, I was thinking, WE SHOULD MAKE THE FLOCK!!!!!

Raven: Oh damn!!! good idea...


Raven: NO ONE!!!!

Sabu: You damn right!!!!

[[Then stepping into the locker room is Vince Russo]]

Vince Russo: Hey there, Kanyon!!!

Kanyon: Hey...

Vince Russo: Since you won your match out there....and you beat Eddie Guerrero....

Kanyon: .....

Vince Russo: How bout an lets say. TV TITLE SHOT AT Eddie Guerrero? the title is vacant, how bout make it good, Ladder match?

Kanyon: That sounds great!!!!

Vince Russo: Good, get ready for your ladder match VS Eddie Guerrero next week!

6 Man Tag Match
NWO- Hulk Hogan/Jeff Jarrett/Kevin Nash VS The Brood- E n C, and Gangrel

nWo music hits and they make there entrance, followed by The Brood.  The bell rings as Jarrett and Hogan stand on the corner leaving Nash up against Gangrel to get things started.  Gangrel runs in with a kick to the gut and then a irish whip into the ropes.  Gangrel tries for a dropkick but Nash holds the top rope and Gangrel falls on his back.  Nash hits a right hand to Edge and an elbo to Christian before comming back and hitting an elbo drop on Gangrel.  Nash then stands up and drags Gangrel over to corner nWo to tag in Jeff Jarrett.  Jarrett comes in as Nash holds Gangrel by the arm.  Jarrett hits an arm breaker on Gangrel and then locks in an arm bar.  Gangrel grabs the ropes and Jarrett gets up from the hold, but immediately stomps the arm of Gangrel.  Jarrett picks up Gangrel and and whips him in the ropes.  Edge makes a blind tag and Gangrel hits a leap frog on Jarrett.  Jarrett turns around.  Jarrett goes for a hip toss, but Gangrel blocks it.  Jarrett goes for a clothesline but Gangrel ducks it.  Jarrett then turns around to Edge and Gangrel who hit a double suplex on Jarrett.  Gangrel goes to his corner as Edge makes the pin.  1, 2, kick out by Jarrett.  Edge picks Jarrett up and drags him to corner Brood.  Edge tags in Christian who goes to the top rope.  Edge wraps Jarretts arm up and Christian double axe handles Jarrett on the head knocking him down.  Christian then drops a legdrop followed by a pin attempt.  1, 2, kick out by Jarrett.  Christian picks Jarrett up and whips him into corner Brood.  Christian begins to stomp down Jarrett, before tagging back in Edge.  Edge comes in and both men stomp down Jarrett.  Christian picks Jarrett up and whips him into the ropes and picks him up for a flapjack.  Edge comes up and hits a face buster as Christian nails the flapjack as Jarrett is hit with the double team move.  Edge makes the pin as Christian goes back to his corner.  1, 2, Hogan comes in and kicks Edges head to break up the count.  The ref takes Hogan back to his corner as Edge claps his hands to make a tag noise and Gangrel comes in.  Gangrel and Edge whips Jarrett in the rope and as Jarrett comes back he ducks underneath the clothesline attempt by both men and then stops.  He turns around and clotheslines Gangrel down.  He then hits a kick to the gut and a jumping DDT to Edge.  Gangrel rolls out of the ring as the ref starts the mandatory 10 Count as Edge and Jarrett lay there.  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... both men make a tag.  Edge to Christian, Jarrett to Hogan.  Jarrett falls to the outside as the ref checks on him.  Hogan hits a right hand knocking Christian down.  Hogan hits a right hand knocking Edge down.  Hogan hits a scoop slam on Christian and a scoop slam on Edge.  Gangrel comes in and jumps Hogan from the back.  Nash comes in as Jarrett re groups on the outside.  Nash beats down Gangrel allowing Hogan to go back to work on Edge.  Nash big boots Gangrel knocking him out of the ring.  Nash then goes on the outside to go back to work on Gangrel.  Hogan big boots Edge and then hulks up as he is about to go for the legdrop.  As Hulk is hulking up, Christian low blows Hogan from behind and then hits the Un-Prettier.  Edge crawls on Hogan as Christian exits the ring as the ref makes the count.  1, 2, Kick out by Hogan!  Christian cant believe it as Edge rolls off Hogan.  Christian comes back in but the ref stops him.  Hogan then picks Edge up and hits a back breaker.  He bounces off the ropes but there is Gangrel to trip him up.  Gangrel slides in but is met by Jarrett with a clothesline knocking both men out of the ring.  The ref checks on Jarrett and Gangrel as Christian throws a fit on the outside.  Nash slides in the ring and stalks Edge as he attempts to get to his feet.  Edge staggers up and falls right into the hands of Edge who sets him up for the Jacknife.  He brings him up, but Christian comes in and grabs Edge's feet.  He slams Edge down on top of Nash.  Christian exits the ring and holds Edge's hands for extra leverage as the ref doesnt see it and makes the count.  1..... 2.... 3!  No, nWo has been robbed!!!

Winner- The Brood

[[Backstage we go with The Brood celebrating there victory. Vince McMahon then comes into there locker room. Announcing something]]

Vince McMahon: Seeing that you guys won!! Edge, Christian, how bout a Tag Team title shot next week?

Christian: dude thats awesome!!!

Edge: ya! we will take it!

Vince McMahon: Great, it will be Edge and Christian VS TEAM ANGLE!!! VS RHYNO AND TAZZ!!!!

Gangrel: Wait just a minute, Who the hell am I going to face?

Vince McMahon: Well you did kick ass out there. So how bout you STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!!!! FOR THE #1 Conterndership for the IC TITLE!!!!!!

Gangrel: Great, Austin is next to be blood bathed. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

3 Stages of Hell:
Matt Hardy VS Raven

Matt Hardy comes down to the ring knowing that his fate and body will go on the line tonight. Shortly after his entrance Raven comes down to the ring as the men begin to battle it out. The first stage is a plain ol' singles match.. nothing to special. Matt Hardy starts it off with a couple of right hand punches but Raven countered with his own set of punches. Back and Forth so far but then Raven breaks the chain and ddt's Matt. Raven then kicks him some more times and then sets in a half-Boston crab...Matt breaks the submission after a short period, Raven then picks him up throws him to the ropes and Matt slides under Raven and comes up. Raven has not turned around yet and meets up with a neck breaker from Matt. Matt then has the advantage as he puts a old school camel clutch on Raven. Rare to see a wrestler do it these days but Matt is pulling it off on Raven.. Will raven tap? No as Raven grabs the ropes. Raven is flat on his stomach on the canvas as Matt goes to the ropes and drops a leg drop on Raven. Matt is pretty much on the upper hand on this one as he then whips Raven to the turnbuckle.. raven stops in the nick of time as Matt grabs him.. Raven connects with a elbow to his face and shoves him off.. Raven goes to the 2nd turnbuckle and jumps off with a clothesline.. He then proceeds to throw Hardy out of the ring. Raven then drops in at the corner and taunts as the fans go crazy. Perry is talking to Raven as Raven is taking a breather. Matt gets in and runs at Raven...Raven moves out of the way as Matt meets the bottom turnbuckle with his foot. Raven hits a reversed ddt and pins him..1..2 KICK OUT! Not going to happen that easy Raven...Matt is laid out as Saturn is signaled to distract the ref as Saturn distracts him whichever way he can leading to Raven going to the outside getting a chair and slamming it on Hardy's head!! Oh my god what a cheater!! He pins Matt as it goes a 1...2...3!! Raven has won the first stage...What's next for these two men? 

[["No Chance" plays as people with tall ladders come out and lay them next to the Vince McMahon comes out with a mic]]

"Owner of PWA" Vince McMahon: Matt Hardy...Raven and fans. As you can see the next stage is not a throwing contest or anything of that matter...its a brutal, LADDER MATCH! Good day gentlemen..

[[Vince walks back out but then comes back with some guards]]

"Owner of PWA" Vince McMahon: What kind of owner would I be if I let ruthless cheating commence? Hereby I ban Perry Saturn or any other superstar for that matter in this match! Come along Saturn..

[["No Chance" hits the PA once more as the guards escort Saturn out of the ring...After a brief comment two different lines are lowered each with something for Matt and something for Raven, the winner will have to grab there own pouch dangling 20 feet above! Wait a minute the ref rings the new bell as Raven is now up 1-0]]

Raven goes to pin Hardy as it goes for a Matt kicks out barely at around 2.6! Close count there. Raven is pretty pissed but then picks up Matt and hits a right hand. He then goes for another right but Matt ducks and drop toe holds him making Raven fall. Matt then picks him up and hurls him out of the ring. Matt quickly makes it to the outside and brings in a ladder. Also goes under the ring and brings out a chair and 2 by 4. He throws them in the ring as he sets up the ladder. Raven then comes in grabs the chair while sliding in and connects with it bending it over Matt's back. Matt falls from the ladders 3rd step. Raven continues the assault with severe chair shot blows to the head. Raven then moves the ladder to his side and climbs up the ladder. Somehow knowing the match is on the line Matt moves with all the energy he has and tips the ladder over. Raven falls in the ring as both men are down and the ref counts.. Raven and Matt stumble and I really mean stumble to their feet. What a match! Matt grabs the 2 by 4 when he gets up and Raven does the same but with the chair. Raven swings the chair misses and matt hits him with the 2x4!! Both men are bloody messes! As Raven is down and Matt is hanging on by the ropes. He then goes for the ladder and sets it up under his winning side. Raven before Matt can climb gets up and goes for the Raven Effect on the chair...he goes to do it but Matt counters it somehow and now him in the Twist of Fate! Can he do it? Yes Matt hits the Twist of Fate on Raven!! Matt then prances around...not really prances but tries to regain his stepping ability. As he slowly inches his way to the bag. He is barely there...come on...come on...yes Matt Hardy grabs it and brings it down! It is now tied!...Tied!! But what is the next stage? 

[[The titan tron then shows a black screen as something is like a roulette or something. But then now Eric Bischoff's theme plays loudly on the PA! He comes out with a mic and speaks]]

"E z E" Bischoff: Wow what a entertaining match isn't it?! Well you know that Eric has the best ideas around here in PWA so what's next...Elimination Chamber? Buried Alive? Casket Match!! Yes Casket Match...

[[Fans go crazy as Bisch nods]]

"E z E" Bischoff: No I don't think so...not with Taker not in the match...I brought a surprise for you all tonight to decide the fate of these two men.

[[Eric signals to bring out a roulette...He then spins it as it lands on something that he can only seen cause he has a curtain on it...he reveals it as its a Hell in the Cell]]

"E z E" Bischoff: Well Matt and Raven...Vince you want to talk about ladder matches being brutal? Well I have just decided the most brutal, ruthless, psychotic stage is going to be a HELL IN A CELL!! Have fun boys.. WoW Baby...isn't E z E a genius?

[[Eric goes to the back as the cell is lowered both men are really out of it!]]

Wait a minute did they forget there is weapons under the ring...and also ladders in the ring? Matt is still on his feet as he throws Raven out of the ring to catch a breath. Matt catches a much needed breath as he goes to the outside and finally begins the assault. He grinds Ravens head on the cell busting him up more open. It looks like both of these men have red hair from all of the blood flowing threw them. Matt then kicks him in the gut, grabs him by the head and slings him into the steel steps. Matt barely being able to see through the blood grabs the 2x4. He goes to swing it at Raven but Raven dodges it (not meaning to but just falls) as Matt hits the post reflecting it to him himself in the head with it. Matt stumbles back as he leans on the cell. Raven then pulls up enough energy to get up and hit Matt. He then throws Matt in the ring and follows by sliding in. Wait...What is Raven doing...he is pushing Matt to climb the ladder...He then follows...what is Raven doing? He reaches as far as he can go then grabs Matt's head, is he doing what I think he is doing? YES! He is going for the Raven Effect...he connects! oh my god he hit the Raven Effect off the ladder as both men have put every single thing they have to win this match. After a while both men are stumbling...and I actually mean stumbling to get to their feet. 
Raven though gets to his feet!! he then goes over to Matt Hardy, and takes him by the neck!!! RAVEN EFFECT!!! MY GODNESS!!!! Raven falls and Matt Hardy is out cold. 1.....2.....3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WINNER!!! WINNER!!! RAVEN!!!!!


OOC: I hope you all liked the results, some segments were written by Scott aka HBK, Thanks man for it, The Results were written by Hadjiro aka Vince McMahon, Pat aka Vince Russo wrote about 4 matches. Jesus aka Eric Bischoff wrote about 3-4 matches as well. Also, thanks for James aka Eric Angle for writing 3 matches. Thanks man! PwA is looking great, and the new card is up by now. We have some PPV matches so be ready to rp for it. The PPV is ONE WEEK after WWE's No Way Out. Our PPV is OVERDRIVE. So make sure you know that. 



