Deadline: 7 EST Sunday February 2nd 2003
RP Limit:
2 Roleplays for each wrestler
February 2nd 2003 Sunday Week 4
Location: New Jersey
Arena: -----


[[Last week the Royal Rumble we had 2 co winners, Raven and Steiner after battling out in a huge Royal Rumble, it was awesome, and the 2 face off at Overdrive to see who goes to Wrestlemania 1 to face the World Champion, What an event the Royal Rumble was, not to forget the Main event at The Royal Rumble as Kurt Angle took on The Rock in a brutally match as Kurt Angle became the final winner as he is World Champion and the first ever PwA World Champion which will go to the record books.]]

[[The Pyros go off and fireworks blasts through out the whole arena, the crowd hold PwA signs, After last weeks Royal Rumble, what will happen tonight? The crowd goes crazy as the cameras go to Jim Ross and Jerry The King Lawler.]]

Jim Ross: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to SUNDAY NIGHT REVENGE!!!! We are live here in New Jersey as we have 2 ROYAL RUMBLE WINNERS! can you believe it, Because I CAN'T!!!!

Jerry Lawler: Oh Jim, It was an awesome Rumble, not only that, but WE GOT A NEW PwA WORLD CHAMPION! KURT ANGLE!!!!

Jim Ross: You damn right and what a match that was ladies and gentlemen, Kurt Angle beat The Rock for the World Title.

Jerry Lawler: I KNEW Kurt was going to win Jim

Jim Ross: OH PLEASE!!! don't give me that crap King...

Jerry Lawler: I AM SERIOUS! JR, How would you know!

[["NO CHANCE, THAT'S WHAT YA GOT" hits all over the PA system, what the hell does Vince McMahon have to say out here at this time? he then makes his way to the ring, as he is dressed up real nice, and then he gets a mic and begins speaking on it]] 

"The Owner of PwA" Vince McMahon: Now Ladies and gentlemen, I came out here to talk about something, and that something is, well non other then, BRET HART!!!!!!! Now Bret, you son of a #####! (uncensored)  you sharpshooter me not long ago and DAMN IT I AM VINCE MCMAHON! don't know body Sharphooter ME! And now because of this... I am going to have to suspend you!!! And your match is cancelled tonight, so Angle, don't worry about fighting Bret Hart, because he is SUSPENDED!!!!

Jim Ross: WHAT THE HELL!!! he can't do that!!!!


Jim Ross: My goodness.... that's just wrong damn it

[[Vince McMahon has a smile on his face, but not for long, Vince Russo's music hits and making there way to the ring is Russo, he comes in and takes the mic from Vince McMahon and he begins speaking on it.]]

"Big Poppa" Vince Russo: Since you interfered me last week in the Royal Rumble, which I really hated! da #### (uncensored)  you comin out here fo' tryin' and suspend peepz? well ya know I am the commish, and because of it, ya know something Vince, BRET HART IS REINSTATED!!!

"The Owner of PwA" Vince McMahon: DAMN IT!!!!!!!

"Big Poppa" Vince Russo: Have a nice day there Vinny! cause you ain't da only Vince around here!

[[Vince Russo music hits as we then come to the end of the 2 as Bret Hart is Re Instated after being suspended. The first match then begins between Test and Eric Angle]]

IC Title Match: 
VS Eric Angle

[["TEST TEST TEST TEST, THIS IS A TEST" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is TEST!!!! He steps into the ring with Stacy Keibler reaching down at those Testicles, but doesn't touch em'. Test then taunts in the ring as then the MUSIC hits again all over the PA system and this time making there way to the ring is ERIC ANGLE! the man that dominated SHAQ at the Royal Rumble!!! Eric has a smile on his face and steps into the ring. But then Test gets a mic and begins to speak on it]]

"I love My Testicles" Test: Before we get into the ring, and start the fight there Eric, all I got to say is that this IC title is not going to get out of my hands, I am better then you and YOU KNOW IT! the only reason why me and you didn't win the rumble is, well, YOU SUCK, and I cared less since I got the IC title, something YOU DON'T HAVE. So now tell me this, You want to take the Test? Because your going to FAIL!

[[Test then drops the mic and runs after Eric Angle and starts throwing rights and lefts at Eric Angle, the 2 begin the fight as the bell rings and Test knocks Eric Angle down the floor, Eric Angle pops back up and then gets knocked the hell out after Test does a hard clothesline, Test then with Stacy on his side, picks up Eric Angle and then whips him to the ropes as Test then clotheslines Angle again, Test picks up Eric Angle again and then whips him to the turnbuckle, he then follows him and elbows Eric Angle to the face. Eric Angle is out cold and then Test hurries and makes the first pin of the match, 1....2.... kick out! Test then was pissed off and then picked up Eric Angle but Eric Angle did a suplex to Test as Test hits the floor hard, Eric Angle then goes for the ankle but Test quickly crawled over to the ropes. Eric Angle picked up Test and did a body slam to him. Eric Angle does his taunt, and then all of a sudden he does a leg drop to Test, Eric Angle picks up Test and then slams him to the floor, then Eric Angle goes for a quick pin to get this match over with, 1...2... KICK OUT! some how Test kicked out, Test then goes to the outside of the ring next to Stacy as Stacy check on Test as Test holds his right eye, Then he gets back into the ring and Eric Angle takes advantage and he stomps away on Test, Test is hurt as then Eric Angle picks up Test again, then he does another suplex, Eric Angle is in control as then he goes over to Stacy, but Stacy gets away, Angle looking at Stacy gets back into the ring as he turns around and all of sudden Test clotheslines him, oh man that was a hard clothesline, Eric Angle is knocked out and Test is as well, the ref begins counting both man out, 1.....2......3.... Test doesn't move a muscle, but Eric Angle does, 4......5...... Eric Angle gets to the ropes to be helped up, 6....7..... Eric Angle finally gets up as then he walks over to Test and drops him self on it, 1.......2...... KICK OUT! my goodness, some how in hell Test kicked out, that is why he is the IC champ, Eric Angle can't believe it. Eric Angle then goes behind TEST AND DOES THE ANGLE LOCK!!! OH MY GOD!!! WE HAVE A NEW TV CHAMP AS TEST TAPPED OUT!!!]]


[[Video Segment (Colored clips from the Royal Rumble to the song "My Sacrifice" by Creed)  Undertaker and HBK are seen going at it with punches during their match. HBK bounces off the ropes and trys for a high cross body, but Taker catches him and turns it into a fall way slam. Taker gets angry and picks Shawn up... he dumps Shawn to the outside with a clothesline. HBK rolls back in the ring and suddenly he kicks up. Shawn runs against the ropes and does a jumping elbow to Takers face! Cover! 1,2, KICK OUT!! HBK goes up top, and hits an elbow! COVER! 1,2,2.9999 KICK OUT! Shawn gets up and goes to the corner. HBK tunes up the band, Taker slowly gets up, Taker is up, Shawn goes for Sweet Chin Music and.. (GLASS SHATTERS AND THE MUSIC ENDS AND THE COLOR GOES BLACK AND WHITE) TAKER DUCKS! Turns around and kicks Shawn in the gut, puts HBK's head between his legs and gives him THE LAST RIDE!!! Cover! 1,2,3!.. Taker celebrates in the ring standing over HBK. (SCREEN GOES BACK TO NORMAL AND THE MUSIC STARTS UP AGAIN) HBK makes his way into the Royal Rumble. HBK sweet chins Batista out of the Royal Rumble! HBK hits Taker with Sweet Chin Music and makes him fly over the top rope. Taker hangs on as only ONE foot touches the ground. (GLASS SHATTERS AND THE MUSIC ENDS AND THE COLOR GOES BLACK AND WHITE AGAIN). Taker grabs HBK by the neck and eliminates him!]]

Jim Ross: HBK never gave up as we saw. He is an amazing athlete. One of the best in the business. He hung on as long as he could against the Undertaker.. This is a man with heart. And were about to see Shawn Michaels for the first time since the Rumble in just a moment..

[[Moans fill the arena and HBK's music blasts over the PA. Fans go WILD! HBK is not seen. Moments later, the curtains open and HBK slowly comes out using a walker and has a neck brace. A hush falls over the crowd. Some of the biggest fans of HBK start to cry. HBK finally gets to the top of the ramp and looks at the fans. All of a sudden, HBK THROWS THE WALKER OFF THE RAMP! Fans start to go crazy! He rips off the neck brace and runs to the ring. He slides in and stands fast. He poses for the fans as pyros shoot off in back of him. He stands and takes the microphone from the ring announcer. His music cuts]]

"The Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels: Now, you actually thought that the Undertaker could ACTUALLY end my career? No way, Jack! The "Heartbreak Kid" is alive and healthy! Now, speaking of the Undertaker..... 'Taker, you might of won, but the war isn't over. I was beaten in MY yard! But, you know, even the Show Stoppa has bad nights. 'Taker, you didn't get the job done.. You said you were going to break my back, but I am still walking! You said you were going to end my career, but I am still here aren't I? Son, I am not even close to being done with you. You might have won the first battle, but I sure as hell aint done with you. Then, you eliminate me from the Royal Rumble by HANGING ON like I did in the WWF 1995 Royal Rumble.. You took a page out of my book. Well, the only thing I can do is congratulate you. 'Taker, I do have respect for you now. I do after our grueling match. But, it's not over yet. So, be ready. Now, last night, I stated that I had a bombshell to drop. And it's going to SHOCK the world! And you will see it real soon. Haha. I will be ready for action next week. And you can throw anyone at me! I will be ready for them. My doctors said I was not ready for tonight. He said I am about at 88%, and I will be in at top notch next week! So, be ready for the bombshell from yours truly, the "Heartbreak Kid"... Shawn Michaels.

[[HBK tosses down the microphone and his music hits as he leaves the ring.]]

#1 Contender for # 1 Contender Women's Title 
VS Gorgeous George

[[The #1 Contenders Match for the Women's Title is about to get underway.. "It Just Feel's Right" hit's and the crowd erupts.. Lita comes out from backstage and appears on the ramp.. The Crowd cheers.. She makes her way on down to the ring and stops to shake some hands at the ringside area before getting into the ring.. Then all of a sudden "Gorgeous George's" Theme hit's and the crowd goes wild once again.. GG, runs down the ramp and slides into the ring and goes right after Lita.. Wow this is going to be a Slobber knocker.. The Bell sounds and we are underway, GG takes Lita down and starts pummeling her in the face.. GG then gets up and set's Lita up for a Snap Suplex and takes her right down.. Randy Savage is down ringside now and this doesn't smell good for Lita.. GG picks Lita up and smiles as she takes her right back down with another Suplex.. GG walks over and high fives Savage.. GG then comes back and continues to beat Lita's Ass as she pummels her down into the ground.. GG is having her way here with Lita.. GG once again picks Lita up but this time GG is too cocky and she picks her up slow.. All of a sudden Lita score's her first Offense of the night by kicking her in the Stomach.. Lita proceeds by whipping her into the ropes and then comes off with a Clothesline.. Both women go down.. Lita is feeling the effects as well.. Lita gets to her feet first and starts to climb the turnbuckle.. Randy Savage comes over as Lita waits for George to get up.. The Ref checks on George while behind the ref's back Savage comes up and knocks Lita down off the ropes.. Both women are still down as they are struggling to get to their feet.. Already a lot has been taken out of Both women.. George hits her feet and then picks Lita up and whips her into the ropes, GG comes running after her and clotheslines her over the top.. GG climbs to the outside and gets a Chair.. WHAT THE HELL, This isn't a Hardcore Match.. WHAT IS SHE DOING?? She is walking towards Lita now and has the chair up in the air as to strike down upon Lita.. But Lita kicks her way out of this, The chair goes flying to the floor.. Lita rolls GG back into the ring and whips her back into the ropes, Lita catches GG and set's up for the TWIST OF FATE.. OH MY GOD, Is this it? TWIST OF FATE TIME COMING!! Yes SHE HITS THE TWIST OF FATE... 1.... 2....... NO WHAT THE HELL... Randy Savage just took GG's foot and set it up onto the ropes.. Lita gets up and is complaining.. The ref gets up and starts to shout words at Randy Savage as he does the same back.. Savage then says something wrong cause the Ref tells Randy Savage to go back to the locker room.. Randy starts to head up the ramp.. The ref goes out of the ring pushing Randy up the ramp and Lita is looking at Randy heading up to the backstage area.. She has her attention onto Randy and doesn't see what is going on behind her.. WHAM!!! Hit in the face with the steel chair.. NO THIS CAN'T BE THE WAY IT'S GONNA HAPPEN.. NO COME ON.. The Ref still looking at Randy finally turns around to see George pinning inside the middle of the ring.. He rushes back in... NO DON'T LET IT HAPPEN THIS WAY.. 1 .... 2 ...3... ITS OVER... Gorgeous George is going on next week to fight the Women's Champion WHOEVER That May BE]]


[[We come backstage after the women's match,  Michael Cole is backstage with the one and ONLY GOLDBERG!!! Goldberg has come to the PwA as the crowd goes nuts, and Michael Cole then begins turning to him and starting to talk]]

"The Interviewer" Michael Cole: GOLDBERG! oh man! it's great to see you signed to the PwA, now how do you feel about being here in the PwA? not to forget you have a big match as well...your thoughts?

"The One and Only" Goldberg: You see Michael, It feels good to be back in the ring, Cole.. It feels great to be grounding and pounding once again in front of the thousands of Goldberg fans. Billy Gunn, Kane and Rhyno are about to feel my wrath. They can beg for mercy, but I don't give a damn, I'm just gonna rip them a new ass! After I beat the hell out of my opponents tonight and make an example out of them, that title will be around my waist!.. These guys like to talk a lot of trash, but when you're in the ring with me...the trash talk is set aside and you have to deal with Bill Goldberg and the pain that's gonna come for you! Tonight is my comeback to wrestling, but this isn't the WWE, this is a whole new federation, and tonight...THE STREAK BEGINS!!! Get ready, boys... cause I'm back! GOLDBERG IS BACK! and about to raise some hell!!!

"The Interviewer" Michael Cole: Well thank you Goldberg for your time

"The One and Only" Goldberg: NO PROB MICHAEL!

[[The Revenge camera show Triple H and Shawn Michaels walking down a hallway.  Neither of them in their gear yet.  Shawn takes a sip from his water bottle and then leans up against the wall.]]

Shawn Michaels: Man Hunter, tonight is going to be great.

Triple H: I know it is Shawn.  This entire company is not going to know what hit them.

Shawn Michaels: It's a great idea.  I'm surprised we didn't think of it sooner.

Triple H: I know what you mean.  Two smart guys like us, you'd think we'd done it years ago.

Shawn Michaels: Yeah, I can't wait to see the looks on the fans' faces.

Triple H: The fans?  What about the owners?

Shawn Michaels: Oh yeah, their expressions will be priceless.

Triple H: This is one great idea, that will definitely change into the best idea ever.

[[Triple H and Shawn Michaels start laughing as they keep walking down the hall, We then come to the ring again with the next match that is coming up next]]

3 Way Match 
Chris Jericho
VS Stone Cold VS RVD

[[Jericho's theme blasts over the he walks down the ring and after Austin comes down and then we over the PA we hear ONE OF A KIND as RVD walks down. All men look focused as Earl Hebner Rings the bell (Ding Ding Ding) RVD Taunts for awhile waiting Then all of a sudden Austin and Y2J Start battling at it all we see is left right left right. RVD Sneaks up behind austin and does a spinning heel kick.. When RVD gets back up he gets clothes lined by Chris Jericho Goes for the Walls of Jericho but gets kicked by Austin as Austin goes for the stunner but Y2J pushes him out of it runs towards him and Dropkicks him causing Austin to fall out the ring. RVD Grabs Jericho and suplex's him he then sets up FOR THE ROLLING THUNDER He goes for the pin 1...2 KICKOUT!! Austin gets back in the ring and stunners the ref.. While we see the ref out, A Wrestle starts running through the crowd ITS THE BIG SHOW!! He Runs out of the crowd as all 3 of the superstars focus on Big show. Big Show just does a evil laugh as Austin gets out the ring again and grabs a chair Y2J and RVD still are staring at Big Show RVD turns around and gets hit by the chair right onto his head. While y2j turns around to focus on Austin big show enters the ring and waits for Y2J To turn around Austin punches him and makes him turn around Big Show Does the Chokeslam on Y2J and then Austin hits Big Show with the chair but it does no damage to him. Big Show gets furious and does a major clothesline he gets out the ring and he seems to be with.. PAUL HEYMAN THE SELF PROCLAIMED DEVIL HIMSELF!!..The ref gets back up and sees all the guys knocked out after about 3 minutes RVD gets up and goes on the top rope HERE IT GOES THE FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH!! But he misses. The Ref Starts Counting for them to get up 1....2...3...4....5..6{Austin Gets Up}..7 {Jericho Gets Up} 8..9. {RVD GETS back up all men are half unconscious. Stone Cold does a chokehold on Y2J as RVD kicks him on the back of his legs making him let go of Y2J after that RVD gets out the ring and grabs the chair that Austin was using throws it to him Austin catches it Austin is about to hit RVD with it but he doesn't do it quick enough and gets VAN DAMINATORED. RVD starts fighting Jericho Jericho grabs RVD and does a belly to belly suplex,Y2J seems to be really tired.. RVD Gets back up and does a heel kick to Y2J in the face Y2J Falls on the turnbuckle laying down RVD picks up the chair again and puts it near Y2J's face he goes on the other turnbuckle and DOES THE VAN TERMINATOR OH MY GOD!!... The match then continues with RVD and Stone Cold taking it on, Jericho some how gets up, and he then he nails RVD with that chair RVD hit Jericho with, Stone Cold then kicks Jericho in the stomach but Jericho gets out of the Stunnering situation, Stone Cold then tries it again but it wont work, Then RVD gets into the ring and tries hitting Jericho with the chair but Jericho ducks and the chair hits Stone Cold, RVD turns around with Jericho drop kicking him in the face, Jericho then locks the WALLS OF JERICHO ON!!! JERICHO!!! JERICHO!!! JERICHO!!!! WINS!!!!! RVD TAPS OUT!! JERICHO WINS THE MATCH!!!!!]]


[[We come again backstage in the locker room of Stephanie McMahon with a big smile on her face with Kurt Angle in the room, who has the World Title, then the 2 begin to talk..]]

"The Women's Champ" Stephanie McMahon: Well Well Well, KURT! you see me kick all those stupid girls a##es (uncensored)  out there? I am the champ Kurt I DID IT!!! Now the world knows just who the hell I am damn it!

"The World/Olympic Champ" Kurt Angle: Yea! It's true, ITS DAMN TRUE! because not just that Steph, But I won the World Title, and I beat Rock, Rock is nothing, I MADE HIM TAP!!

"The Women's Champ" Stephanie McMahon: Yeah you got that right!

"The World/Olympic Champ" Kurt Angle: Now that I am the Olympic/World champ, I am just too damn good for everyone

"The Women's Champ" Stephanie McMahon: I am starting to think your too good for me, BUT I AM WOMENS CHAMP!

"The World/Olympic Champ" Kurt Angle: Yeah that's right!

"The Women's Champ" Stephanie McMahon: I can't believe my own dad put me up against Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson for my Women's Title, I mean didn't dad see what I did at the Rumble, he should be proud, but nooo, instead he books me against these stupid hoes! I can't believe this Kurt, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!

"The World/Olympic Champ" Kurt Angle: okay okay okay, let's go to his office.

[[Then Kurt Angle and Stephanie McMahon make there way to the office as Vince McMahon is looking at some papers, then the 2 begin knocking on the door.]]

"The Owner of PwA" Vince McMahon: who is it damn it?

"The Women's Champ" Stephanie McMahon: Dad its me, your favorite child

"The Owner of PwA" Vince McMahon: come in... can I help you

"The Women's Champ" Stephanie McMahon: Dad why did you book me? I mean against Stacy and Torrie Wilson, why dad why?

"The Owner of PwA" Vince McMahon: look I am a very busy man can we talk some other time!?

"The Women's Champ" Stephanie McMahon: NO MY MATCH IS NEXT!

"The Owner of PwA" Vince McMahon: okay look, you win tonight then you don't have to defend your title for another 2 weeks, okay?

"The Women's Champ" Stephanie McMahon: Thank you....

[[Scene comes back to the ring as the match of Stephanie McMahon begins...]]

Women's Title
Stacy Keibler VS Stephanie McMahon VS Torrie Wilson
3 Way Bedroom Match

[[Jerry Lawler comes down to the ring and he is smiling.. Then Stacy Keibler's Music comes on and she comes out with Test.. They make their way to the ring with the crowd Cheering for them...  All of their Testicles are in the crowd tonight...They get into the ring and Torrie Wilson's theme comes over the Arena crowd as they cheer once again.. Torrie makes her way out of the back and stops at the top of the ramp as the crowd goes Wild... Both of the women have Robes on as Stacy sit's down on the bed.. Torrie makes her way down to the ring and gets in.. Torrie takes her robe off and reveals the little Lace Stockings and The rest of her Lingerie... Stacy reveals that she has her Bra and Panties on... The Two Women are looking at each other and Stacy slaps Torrie and she goes down... Test leaves and goes to the locker room area... All of a sudden Stephanie McMahon's theme comes over the arena.. Stephanie comes out and stands on the ramp as she watches Torrie Wilson getting beat down by Stacy.. Stacy goes and picks Torrie up and sends her flying onto the bed.. Stacy picks up a Pillow and starts to pound on Torrie with it... Stephanie comes into the ring and finds a Wepon.. She has a Chair in hand and the King doesn't know where she got it from.. Stephanie comes up from behind Stacy and BOOM... Hits her over the back, Stacy goes down and Stephanie pins... 1.... 2... Torrie comes down and breaks up the count... The King is having fun it looks like... Torrie comes and starts to kick Stephanie.. Torrie picks Stephanie up and whips her into the ropes... Torrie kicks her and gives Stephanie what looks to be a Suplex.. Torrie pins Steph and the King counts ....1... No Kurt Angle comes from no where and puts Steph's leg on the rope... The King tells Kurt to back away... Stacy is still down from that Chair shot.... Torrie gets up and starts kicking the S*IT out of Stephanie.. Torrie walks over and finds a Pillow, she walks over to Stacy who is starting to stir now and hits her for Payback... Kurt slides another chair into the ring and Stephanie looks at it.. Torrie is still hitting Stacy with the Pillow and has tooken her Attention off of Stephanie.. Stephanie gets up and gets the Chair... She then comes up behind Torrie and HITS her with the Chair.... She then goes over to Stacy who is still down and Hits her with the CHAIR ONCE AGAIN.. Stephanie smiles and then pins... NO Don't let this go down like this King... 1....2........3.... Oh No... STEPHANIE RETAINS.... STEPHANIE RETAINS HER TITLE!! WOMEN'S CHAMPION]]


[[Backstage we go as we see the locker room name being "THE HITMAN" as we go inside and Bret Hart looks at the camera and begins to speak on it]]

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Look, I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!!! now the excellence of execution is just going to show you VINCE MCMAHON who the hell I am, you screwed me in the WWF so yeah that's the reason I put the sharpshooter on you. So it was just pay back, Now, my match tonight, stupid Kurt Angle, this can be a sub-mission type match, do to the fact u got that week angle lock of yours, while I have the strong sharpshooter maneuver. So please, realize who the hell your messing with, THE EXCELLENCE OF EXECUTION, the best there is, and the best there ever will be Kurt, so get ready, and oh yea... America? please, its all about Canada you stupid punk, I'll show you an ass beating of your life! Now again Vince, I got something for ya, just wait until I come to the ring. 

[["The Hitmans" music blasts all over the PA system, and making there way to the ring is Bret "The Hitman" Hart, he then comes into the ring and then he gets a mic as the crowd has mixed cheers, Bret Hart with the mic then begins to speak on it]]

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Look, Vince, get your ass out here right now, So we can settle this once and for all, your just pissing the Hitman off!!!!

[[Bret Hart waits for 5 minutes, "NO CHANCE, THATS WHAT YA GOT" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Vince McMahon, Vince has a little nervous look on his face, then does that big gulp thing, he then enters the ring...]]

  Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Okay Vince, lets settle this...

"The Owner of PwA" Vince McMahon: Settle what!!???

 Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Oh you know, the sharpshooter I put on you, then way you wanted to suspend the Hitman, what's up with that?

"The Owner of PwA" Vince McMahon: first of all damn it, you SHARPSHOOTER ME! AND NO ONE DOES THAT TO THE OWNER!

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: If you wouldn't have screwed me in the WWF, then this would of never happened


Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Vince, calm down, These fans want to know exactly why you screwed me, and I am not leaving this ring, until you TELL ME, and THESE FANS! so go ahead and tell us Vince, tell us what you did at the WWF!

"The Owner of PwA" Vince McMahon: NO!!!!

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: Okay, in that case.....

[[Bret Hart looks to the floor, then drops the mic, looks at Vince, and attacks him!!! he then goes over to Vince and head butts him, Vince falls to the floor, and all of sudden Bret Hart gets the sharpshooter on him, Vince screams in pain as blood starts dripping down his face, Bret Hart has a huge smile on his face, the security then come out and try and break it up, Bret Hart wouldn't let go, but then all of the referees came as well, but they just couldn't get Bret Hart off of Vince McMahon, Vince still screams in pain, Bret hart finally lets go, and then he starts beating up the ref! he then smiles, and then heads back as his music hits all over the PA system, he looks back and has a mic before he leaves the ramp...]]

Bret "The Hitman" Hart: THAT's exactly what you will get, BECAUSE YOU DIDN't answer my questions!

[[Bret Hart then leaves the ramp with Vince McMahon taken out of the ring and to the backstage area. Vince is hurt real bad]]

Hardcore Tag Match: 
Rikishi and John Cena VS Perry Saturn and Raven

[[the music hits and making there way to the ring is Rikishi, Rikishi then begins making his way to the ring, and then right behind him is grand masta rapper John Cena, he makes his way to the ring and then Rikishi and him have a little chat, Then Raven's music hits and him and Saturn make there way to the ring, They come out all pumped up! Perry Saturn attacks John Cena as they begin this hardcore match, Raven has the stop sign and nails Rikishi with it, Then Rikishi is out cold after Raven whooping his ass real bad. Raven and Rikishi are outside whooping each other's ass. Then Perry Saturn and John Cena are in the ring. john Cena then gives Perry Saturn a power slam, he then goes over to Raven and hits him with a chair, then he sees Rikishi thanking him, but then John Cena laughs and nails RIKISHI! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? John cena then heads backstage not giving a shit about this match, Rikishi is left alone, Raven throws Rikishi in the ring and then Perry Saturn stomps on Rikishi, Rikishi is knocked out cold and Raven comes in the ring and does the Raven Effect, Rikishi is hurt as then Raven and Saturn double pin Rikishi, 1.....2....3!!!! WINNER RAVEN AND SATURN!!!!]]


[[The camera pans in the back as we go into Shane McMahon's office where he is sitting down at his desk and in a chair is sitting Molly Holly, the Camera men come in]]

Shane McMahon: Yes Molly, I am glad you signed your name on the dotted line.. It will be great to have you along with us...

Molly Holly: Yes I know, Shane thank you for this great opportunity to get back into the ring.. Just what a Good Hometown Country Girl can ask for..

Shane McMahon: Oh Yes.. Speaking of Country Girl.. Next Sunday Night we will be coming from Memphis Tennessee where right here we are going to have a good ol Haystack Cowgirl match.. Oh this won't be an Ordinary Match.. This Match will take place in a Field.. Not in the ring, In a field outside of the arena.. We will supply the area with a bunch of good ol' Farm Tool's.. You will get to use your weapons on your opponent which right here tonight you will find out who that very well is.. What do you think of that??

Molly Holly: Well sounds good to me.. I am more then ready to step in there with a Diva and make a name for myself..

Shane McMahon: Good that is what I want to here.. Thank you for coming by Molly.. Now if you'll excuse me, I got business to tend too..

Molly Holly: Ok no problem.. Thank you once again for this Oppurtnity..

Shane McMahon: No problem, just please don't let me down.

[[The camera pans away and rolls back towards the ring]]

3 Way European Title Match
Hollywood Hulk Hogan
VS Sting VS Booker T

[[Flames burst as Booker T's music plays and the fans go extatic.  He makes it to the ring followed by Sting.  The last man to make his entrance is Hogan. The bell rings and the match starts.  Booker immediatly lays Sting out with a right hand and begins to exchange right hands with Hogan.  Hogan gets the upper hand and starts to send Booker down in the corner.  Hogan backs Booker in the corner and then turns around just in time to hit an on-comming Sting with a big boot.  Hogan turns around and Booker grabs Hogan by the head, and slings him in the corner.  Booker opens up with chops and kicks on Hogan.  Booker whips Hogan to the other corner and charges in with a clothesline.  Hogan staggers out and Booker hits a standing clothesline.  Booker covers Hogan for the pin.  1, 2, Hogan kicks out.  Booker gets up and picks up Sting.  Booker lays in two chops to the chest and whips him into the ropes, Sting comes back and gets a jumping sidekick knocking him back over the top rope.  Booker turns around as Hogan greets him with two right hands.  Booker T is then whipped into the ropes and is hit by a big boot from Hogan.  Hogan starts to hulk up before backing up on the ropes.  He comes off the ropes and attempts a legdrop but Booker rolls out of the way.  Hogan gets on his knees as he holds his rear in pain.  Booker gets up and leans against the ropes just waiting for Hogan to get up.  Hogan gets up, leaning over and Booker raises the roof.  He goes to hit the scissors kick, but from the crowd jumps Scott Hall who trips Booker T up.  The bell rings as Booker wins by DQ.  Scott Hall slides in and picks Booker up.  He goes for a right hand, but Booker blocks it and hits one of his own.  He hits a knee to the gut and then bounces off the ropes.  As he comes back for a scissors kick Hogan knocks him down with a clothesline.  Hogan and Hall beat down on Booker as Sting rolls in the ring.  Kevin Nash then gets down to the ring, and then enters.  He starts beating down Sting before he can even get up... and then tosses Sting out of the ring.  Hall and Hogan hold Booker up as Nash grabs Booker by the head and places him between his legs.  Hall then exits the ring and looks under the ring, as Nash picks Booker up and hits a legdrop.  Nash holds his hands high as Hogan hits a legdrop on Booker T.  Hall comes back in the ring and Hogan rolls Booker on his stomach.  Hall then leans down and spray paints the letters n-W-o on Bookers back.  The nWo music plays as all three men celebrate there new alliance in the ring.]]


[[The Camera pans right onto Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler]]

Jim Ross: Wow, what a match...

Jerry Lawler: Wow what a match is right JR... Sting didn't look so good out there did he??

Jim Ross: Yeah that is tru.....

[[Jim Ross gets cut off as the sounds of "HERE COMES THE MONEY, here we go" Come over the PWA PA System.. The Crowd gets up to their feet...Shane O' Mac comes out onto the ramp.. The crowd errupts with Cheers... Shane stops and looks down into the ring where Sting is laying flat on his back]]

Shane McMahon: OH BOY... What a dilema I am sitting in here... See, I was in the back watching this match and I thought to myself... What the hell was I thinking Giving Sting a match.. Then I had an Idea... I wasn't all wrong with giving Sting a match... Then I had an IDEA come to my mind... Sting, gets a match next week.. No No HEAR ME OUT HERE... Sting, you aren't done here in the PWA.. But you have Obsticles to get through.. Like your match next week.. Right here, In this very ring that you are laying in.. You will have yourself a Triple THREAT MATCHUP!!! Oh this won't be your Ordinary Triple Threat that you are used to Sting... Oh No..

Jim Ross: Wow A Triple Threat Match..

Jerry Lawler: Yeah JR, but what kind??

Shane McMahon: Like I said it won't be match that you are familiar with... Sting I am going to start you out at the BOTTOM!!! Oh Yeah... You go into this match against... ONE OF OUR BEST DIVA'S!! Lita...

Jerry Lawler: HAHA You hear that JR?

Shane McMahon: Oh that isn't it You also go into the ring with Dawn Marie!!

Jim Ross: King, I hear it but I don't BELIEVE IT..

Shane McMahon: Oh don't think that is all... You are a man, so as a Man you will be in a BRA AND PANTIES MATCH for the #1 Contendership to that WOMEN'S TITLE!!!

Jerry Lawler: OH MY GOD JR... HAHA PUPPIES!!!


Shane McMahon: Oh yeah, STING.. One more thing, if you don't go through with this match you will be hearing these words... [[Shane takes a second]] YOUR FIRED!!! Have a nice DAY!!

[[The Camera Fades Out as Shane Smiles and leaves the arena]]

Singles Match
Chris Kanyon
VS Batista

[[Who Betta Than Kanyon blares over the speakers as Kanyone comes walking out to the rampway.  He takes alot of time as he poses to the crowd, taunting them.  He gets down to ringside and starts to argue with a fan at ringside.  Finally, Batista comes running down as he is tired of waiting.  He attacks Kanyon from behind by slamming him into the ring post, then into steel steps.  He picks Kanyon up and drops him over the baracades.  Batista slides in the ring and stands on the ropes as he releases his aggression through yelling.  Kanyon gets up on the outside and rolls in the ring.  As Kanyon gets up, Batista kicks him in the side and then slams a forarm in his back.  He whips him into the ropes and tries for a clothesline.  Kanyon ducks underneath it and bounces off the other ropes.  He comes back with a clothesline of his own.  Batista staggers, but doesnt fall.  Kanyon runs off the ropes again and hits another clothesline.  Batista again staggers, but does not fall.  Kanyon goes to run off the ropes again, but Batista grabs his hair and slams him down.  Batista then drops a big elbow but misses as Kanyon rolls out of the way.  Kanyon gets to his feet and starts to lay in big boots to the back of Batista as he attempts to get up.  Batista gets on all fours and Kanyon lays a field goal kick into the ribs of Batista.  Batista stumbles over on his back and Kanyon makes the pin.  1, 2, Batista kicks out with authority throwing Kanyon over his head.  Kanyon gets up and looks at Batista in amazement as he gets up.  Kanyon whips Batista in the corner and then charges in with a clothesline.  He then climbs the turnbuckle and starts the mandatory ten punch.  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7... Batista under hooks Kanyon's legs and walks out of the corner.  He nails a vicious sit down powerbomb and makes the pin.  1, 2, 3!  As the ref raises Batista's hand, Stone Cold Steve Austin and John Cena come down.  Batista looks at them as they enter the ring and then all men begin high fiving each other.  Stone Cold grabs a microphone.]]

Stone Cold Steve Austin: What you people see here is the beginning of a Revolution, WHAT!?  I said this right here is trouble for any sum bitches that wanna get on mine, John Cena or Batistas way.  And thats the bottom line... cuz Stone Cold said so.

[[Stone Cold drops the microphone as Kanyon starts to bring himself to his feet.  Stone Cold then gives Kanyon the finger salute and Stone Cold stuns him, before all three members of the brand new Revolution exit the ring.]]


[[The Camera swings to the back where we see Victoria standing there... The crowd starts booing as they see her... All of sudden she see's Stacy Keibler walking down the hall.. She gets in front of her]]

Victoria: Hey, looks like you got your ass kicked out there..

Stacy Keibler: Yeah whatever, shut your mouth.. I'll get Test to show you what is going to happen to you...

Victoria: (Laughing) What, do you need a guy to handle your business everytime somebody gets in your way??

Stacy Keibler: You know, I don't have to put up with you.. Get out of my way..

Victoria: You know what?? I know you can't beat me, YOU Never could, so I am going to put down this Challenge... You and Me, in a HARDCORE MATCH right here next week..

[[All of a sudden Test comes into the picture]]

Test: You know BITCH.. Your on... Stacy will kick your ass..

[[Stacy looks at Test as her Eyes get big and Victoria laughs and walks off Shaking her head]]

Stacy Keibler: You can't do that... I am not a wrestler Baby...

Test: Don't worry, I have a plan!!!

[[The duo smile as the camera fades out]]

Singles Match
Triple H
VS Scott Steiner

[["Time to play the Game" hits all over the pa system and making there way to the ring is TRIPLE H! he comes out and does his little walk, he comes to ring side, then he slows and does his taunt as all the water he drank he spits it out, the crowd goes nuts. "HOLLA IF YA HEAR ME" then blasts all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Scott Steiner, the crowd also goes nuts as Steiner poses his muscles and then kisses the left one, He then gets into the ring, Triple H and Scott Steiner look into each others eyes, eye to eye as then Triple H kicks Steiner in the stomach and clobbers him in the back, he then kicks Steiner and does a quick body slam. Triple H then yells for Steiner to get up, Steiner gets up and punches Triple H in the stomach, Triple H then whips Steiner to the ropes as Steiner bounces off and Triple H then does a clothesline. Triple H picks up Scott Steiner and he delivers a puddle slam. Triple H then goes for a quick pin to get this match over with, 1....2....KICK OUT! Some how Scott Steiner kicked out, Triple H was pissed! Scott Steiner then nailed Triple H with some rights and lefts, But then what the hell is this? HBK makes his way down to the ring with a CHAIR!!! HBK comes in and then BAM!!!! NAILS SCOTT STEINER WITH IT!!! what the hell is this!! HBK AND TRIPLE H THEN RAISE THERE ARMS TOGETHER!!! as then they continue kicking Scott Steiner's ass!]]


[[We Come backstage and we see Triple H celebrating with HBK as they run towards the parking lot area, BUT THEN a car, a red Porsche and we don't know who is in the car, NAILS HBK OUT!! he runs HBK over, MY GOODNESS!!!!! WHAT IS THIS!!!! Triple H is pissed off and then he checks on HBK, as we get back to the ring after terrible news]]

3 Way Match
Jeff Jarrett
VS Shelton Benjamin VS Randy Orton

[[Jarrett's music hits all over the PA system, and he makes his way to the ring, Shelton Benjamin's music blasts all over the PA system and he comes down the ring with Charlie Haas, But the ref's tell Charlie Haas that he has to leave the ring or Shelton Benjamin won't be able to fight. Charlie leaves and then making there way to the ring is randy Orton, Randy Orton then comes into the ring and he beats up on Jeff Jarrett, Shelton Benjamin and Randy Orton team up on Jeff Jarrett as they then kick his ass out of the ring, Shelton Benjamin Then kicks Randy Orton in the stomach and tries and do a neck breaker but Randy Orton reverses it, Randy Orton then does a neck breaker of his self, He then goes for a quick pin, 1...2.... KICK OUT! Shelton Benjamin kick out and then Randy Orton was pissed off as then he kicked Shelton Benjamin in the face, and did the ]]


4 Way Match / X-Division Title
VS Billy Gunn VS Rhyno VS Kane

[[Billy Gunn's music blares through the arena... The fans have mixed reactions towards Billy Gunn as they care nothing for him, but only care for Goldberg to make his return. Billy Gunn jumps into the ring and waits for his opponents. The fire blasts and The Big Red Machine's music hits..The fans stand up, electrified from the fire on the stage. Kane, with his big bad walk gets inside the ring. Kane paces into the middle of the ring and freezes, as he then lifts his arms up and quickly drops them down for the fire to shoot straight up from each ring post. Then Rhyno's music hits, and Rhyno walks out from behind the curtain and makes it down the aisle and into the ring. All three men stand in their corners and then they go at it, but as the referee is about to ring the bell...the MAN's music blares! The fans jump in excitement and here comes Goldberg running down the aisle and into the ring. Rhyno and Billy Gunn pound on Kane and then they run at Goldberg but Goldberg knocks them down with a double clothesline. Kane runs from the corner and tries to take down Goldberg but Goldberg knows him down with a huge shoulder block. Rhyno runs and knocks Goldberg down with a forearm punch, but Goldberg shakes it off and then punches Rhyno...Goldberg then lifts Rhyno and lands a gorilla press slam and goes for the cover but Billy Gunn kicks Goldberg in the temple. Goldberg tries to shake it off but Billy Gunn starts to stomp on Goldberg's stomache, but then here comes Kane with a big boot to Billy Gunn and knocks him out of the ring. Rhyno goes for the gore to Kane but Kane moves quickly and Rhyno falls through the ropes. Goldberg gets up and goes for the spear, but Kane grabs him by the throat. Kane lifts him up in the air but Goldberg kicks Kane in the chest and then Goldberg is let go. Goldberg kind of gasps for air, and then he kicks Kane in the stomache and lands a right hand to the face... By this time Billy Gunn and Rhyno are up and fighting on the outside. Rhyno throws some fists at Billy Gunn, and hits him a few times, but then Billy blocks one and throws Rhyno's head on to the guard rale as Rhyno falls, favoring his face. Goldberg whips Kane to the ropes, but Billy grabs Kane's legs and slides him out of the ring, but wait a minute! Goldberg runs and jumps through the ropes and double diving clotheslines both men as now all three of them are down. Billy Gunn slowly gets up, and so does Kane, Kane though looks back and gets FAME ASSERED!!!! BILLY GUNN GOES FOR A PIN..1....2....3!!!!!!!!!!! BILLY GUNN WINS THE MATCH!!!]]


[[The camera cuts to a scene in the back where The Camera goes back into the office of Shane McMahon... He smiles as a knock on the door is heard]]

Shane McMahon: Come on in..

[[The door opens and Shane's head drops]]


Matt Hardy: What?? Don't you know who you are talking to... I am Matt Hardy Version 1.0!! Founder of Mattitude!!

Shane McMahon: Uhh, Yeah buddy I know who you are, what the hell are you doing here??

Matt Hardy: Well I want to let you know that I plan to represent the Powers of Mattitude right here in the PWA!!

Shane McMahon: Would you get out of my office, I thought you were somebody else..

Matt Hardy: Come On... You don't want to suffer a suvere little twist of FATE do you??

Shane McMahon: You will get something, oh yea It will be a Ass Kicking.. If I know my Dad he has something in store for you...

-[[Just then a Knock at the door is heard]]-

Shane McMahon: Now this is who I have been waiting for... Come on in..

[[Harvey Wippleman comes in]]

Shane McMahon: God, what is this tonight... What do you want??

Matt Hardy: I want a Match..

Shane McMahon: NO NOT YOU MORON.. Harvey..

Harvey Wippleman: She isn't going to make it tonight Boss...

Shane McMahon: What do you mean she ISN'T GOING TO MAKE IT...

Matt Hardy: God are you deaf?? The Man said she wasn't going to make it..

Shane McMahon: Matt would you just SHUT UP... Ok WELL Molly Holly your opponent for next week will be NONE OTHER THEN... Trish STRATUS!!! Now everybody get out of my OFFICE..

[[The Men leave the room and look at each other]]

Matt Hardy: Man what is his problem?? Doesn't he know I am the Founder of Mattitude?? He can't talk to me like that..

[[The camera fades as Harvey shakes his head]]

Singles Match / Non Title
Kurt Angle VS Bret Hart

[[Kurt Angels own 'Medal' blasts all around the arena to the sweet chant of 'You Suck!' The the American Hero is seen walking out onto the ramp with a very serious face. He stops and throws both arms in the air while the huge deafening pyro's go off.. He looks focused then heads right down to the ring. The Canadian Wrestler himself Bret 'The Hitman' Hart's music plays. As soon as he is seen, he gets a definite reaction from the crowd. H e walks down the ramp and proceeds to take off his shades and place it on the face of some little youngster in the front row. He gets in the ring and the referee stands in between the two and signals for the bell. They both circle the ring staring at each other. Kurt goes for the lock up but Bret brings him down to his knees. Kurt jumps up and slaps on an arm bar to Hart which makes him rive in a bit of pain. Hart then takes his other arm and grabs Angle's leg with his free hand and pulls his leg right from underneath him which causes Angle to hit the mat hard. Hart goes for elbows to the chest and a few cheap kicks. Hart brings Kurt to his knees and tries to lock on a German Suplex hold.. then executes it. He goes for another but Kurt low blows Hart in a style the Referee could not witness with his own eyes. Kurt quickly regains his breath and knock Bret Hart down on his back with a Northern Lights suplex. Angle notices Brett favoring his lower back, he then adds insult so injury by standing him into a Surf Board Stretch which seems to be having major effect on Hart! Angle lets go and watches Hart drop to the floor. Angle seizes the moment and heads for the top rope. He keeps looking at Hart as he climbs. While on the second turnbuckle he yells out a loud 'Whooo' and the crowd follows him. He climbs to the third and proceeds to hit a moonsault but to his disadvantage Hart moves which made Angle realize he had waited to long. Kurt begins to favor his ribs, but Hart gets up and plants a nice large dent in the mat engraved with Angle's head as he delivered a thunderous DDT. He picks Angle up, throws him into the ropes with an Irish whip and nails him with a surprising Samoan drop. Angle lays on the canvas motionless which gives Bret Hart one idea. Bret Looks at the crowd and the crowd goes nuts. He looks left and right, they begin to scream. He crosses Angle's legs and begins to try and turn him over but Angle resists and catapults him right into the ropes. Angle hangs Hart on the second rope and begins to choke him. He stands in the middle of the ring, pulls down his straps and yells 'Whoo', and once again everyone follows. He goes to lock in the Angle Lock and it works! Angle has got it locked in. But Bret jumps to one foot, swiftly turns around and gives a modified super kick to Angle's jaw. Brett Locks Angle up in the Hart Attack and executes it but Brett gets the wind knocked out of him. Angle quickly recovers and locks up Brett for an Olympic Size Angle slam but at the same time the ref gets knocked out. Kurt then seems pissed. But with him not paying attention Brett claps Angle's head with a chair and Angle is out cold. Bret stands victorious but then down comes Team Angle and they smack Brett right in the back with the same chair Brett smacked Angle with. They then run back up the ramp as both men lay motionless on the mat. the ref counts, 1.....2.....3.....4.....5.....6.....7.... Bret Hart is trying to get up, Same with Kurt Angle, 8...9. THE 2 STAY DOWN!! 10!! ITS OVER, there is no winner, OH MY! these 2 have been battling it out, and there both knocked the hell out of this match!!!]]


3 Stages of Hell:
 Undertaker VS The Rock 
[1st-Street Fight, 2nd-flamming table, 3rd-Triple Cage (if necessary)

[[Deadman Walking Hits over the PA system he walks down the ramp and enters the ring waiting for the rock. IF YA SMELL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN hits over the PA system as Rock Comes Down with each men ready to go at it Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest when he rings the ball Taker gets the first punch on rock knocking him down. Rock gets back up pumping and show the "Just Bring It" Sign to Taker. Rock Grabs taker and picks him up for the suplex and does it, Taker slowly gets up but gets clothes lined back down. Rock Gets out the ring looking for weapons under the ring he grabs a trashcan as he looks for weapons taker gets out at the other side as picks up a chair from the floor they both start heading near the ramp, Rock talks trash causing both men to drop the weapons somehow rock does a few rock punches up the ramp and then connects with the spine buster right on the ramp. Rock picks taker back up and pulls his hair carrying him up the ramp he goes near the titan tron and at the edge Taker suddenly comes back with a punch kicks him in the mid sections lifts him up for the last ride and bam drops him down through two tables. He starts walking Down the ramp and heads near where he last ridded rock Rock still seems out cold. Rock all of a sudden starts struggling to get up with something in his hand when he gets up The thing in his hand IS A PIPE!.. Rock Gets up and hits taker in the stomach with the pipe The rock then does the DDT He picks him and does a rock bottom and pins him 1..2..3.Rock is the winner for the first match then the ref's set tables around but not yet on fire all of a sudden over the pa you hear IM BACK AND BETTER THEN EVER Eric Bischoff walks down the ramp and sits near the commentary table. Rock goes near the ring putting two tables in the ring that are not yet on fire when rock walks around taker gets up and picks up the pipe he got hit by and starts heading near the ring he slides in it as rock backs up taker starts laughing and rock slides out the ring Eric gets off the commentary table and pushes rock back in the ring Taker then aims to hit the rock but rock moves and he hits the floor with the pipe. Taker drops the pipe and picks rock up and starts punching him out He then picks him up again and sets him up for the chokeslam he chokeslam's him through a table but does not win since the table was not on fire yet, Taker looks pissed and threatens to hit the ref he picks up a pipe from the floor and hits earl over the head with it Then another Nick Patrick comes down to be ref. Eric throws in a 2 x 4 with barbed wires on top of it and then Taker gets a match form his pocket and lights it up on fire at the top of it he waits awhile for rock to get up. After about 3 minutes of waiting rock gets up and taker hits him over the head with it, Rock starts pouring blood and gets burned slightly on the face Taker takes another hit on rock on the stomach then throws the 2 x 4 out the ring and sets up a table he gets another match and lights the table on the fire he picks up the rock by the hair sets up for the last ride connects with it through the table he wins the second match. Then Three cages start lowering down one large one.. one medium one.. and one small one. Taker looks a little tired and rock just looks dead from all the pain he took. Taker picks rock up and does the pump handle slam he then opens the cages door and leaves it waiting for rock to get up.. After about 5 minutes rock gets up and ready to fight. Rock then catches up to Taker, and does a drop kick, Taker flies from the end of cage ring 1, to cage 2 ring 2. MY GODNESS!!! Both man then start punching lefts and rights again. BUT WHAT THE HELL!!! WAIT A DAMN MINUTE!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!!!!! SOME PERSON then comes in with a mask on, he then does a finisher move that no one heard off, To Taker, and then THE ROCK!!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, The man leaves as then Taker and Rock are knocked out cold as PwA REVENGE ENDS!!!!1]]


OOC Comments: Aight guys those are the Revenge Results, hoped you liked them, The Results came out great, and you guys continued rping well, I appreciate it, The results were all typed up by Hadj (me), Pat, and Craig helped too as well (did all the diva stuff), Brian (outsiderz), thanks for a segment, Mikey V1 thanks for writing one match. Scott, thanks for that HBK segment, and Joey, thanks for the Bret Hart VS Kurt match! James, thanks for one match! Please give us some feed back on the OOC board, it would be greatly appreciated.  Also the new card is up, hope you like it, and RP for it, and also, Vince Russo is going to do Edition 2 of The Bite, and James is going to do the Brutally F'n Honest show. Thanks guys and once again I hoped yall enjoyed the show, stay tuned for another kick ass show next week.


