Deadline: 7 EST Sunday March 23rd 2003
RP Limit:
2 Roleplays for each wrestler
March 23rd 2003 Sunday Week 10
Location: Spokane, Washington
Arena: Spokane Arena


Dark Matches

David Batista VS Jeff Jarrett |   Winner- ???
Rey Mysterio
VS Triple H |   Winner- ???
Los Guerrero's
VS Nathan Jones & John Cena |   Winner- Jones/Cena

[[[PWA last week ended up strange for Scott Steiner, who won his match and when he was celebrating, the last thing he knew was that he was knocked out in the middle of the ring with a chair that The Undertaker BIG EVIL hit him with right in the forehead as he was bleeding like hell. The Undertaker got some of Scott Steiner, but will Steiner TONIGHT get some of The Undertaker? well we will find out tonight]]]

[[[PWA Revenge week 10 will be one hell of a show, we got 7 great matches including 2 divas. And the big main event as Scott Steiner takes on Rob Van Dam, Steiner who has a world title shot at Wrestlemania in a 3 way match with The Undertaker and The Rock, will be watching The Undertaker and The Rock's eye after a tragedy last week as Taker took out Scott Steiner real bad. In the other hand Rob Van Dam who faces Ric Flair in a singles match at Wrestlemania will be one hell of a match, but this is week 10 in Revenge, and what a great show we will have for you all!]]]

[[[PWA week 10 fireworks blasts all over the arena as the crowd hold signs and goes nuts, PWA is proudly represented with ESPN local network wold wide nation on television! ESPN's PWA Revenge will be one hell of a show. Tonight we got great matches, Stacy Keibler will take on Major Gunns, The Womens Champ Trish Stratus will take on Victoria, HBK VS X-Pac VS Kanyon will be a great triple threat match, The Undertaker and Brock Lesnar take on The Rock and Ric Flair, Edge and Stone Cold take on Christian and Jericho in a tags match, The Outsiders take on Team Angle in a tag team match up! And our main event of tonights show RVD takes on Scott Steiner! We then come live in the ringside area as Jim Ross is there with his co partner Jerry Lawler!]]]

"Best Announcer" Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen! welcome to PWA SUNDAY NIGHT REVENGE LIVE ON ESPN!!! what a great show we have for you tonight here in week 10!!! RVD VS STEINER IS OUR MAIN EVENT!! what a great main event that is! Not just that, but Scott Steiner has some un finished business with The Undertaker as Taker attacked him last week to end the show with a bang!!! Stay Tuned for tonights show! it will be one hell of a great show!! MORE ACTION!

"The King" Jerry Lawler: JR! last week Steiner got The Rock bad with bringing back the NWO! the NWO are back with Scott Hall and Kevin Nash! and tonight The Outsiders take on Team Angle in a great Tag Team match! I can't wait to see this. Best of yet, I can't wait until Stacy Keibler takes on Major Gunns!!! PUPPIES!! And Trish Stratus! my favorite of all time! taking on Victoria in a singles non title match up! WOOOOO JR!! PUPPIES!!!

"Best Announcer" Jim Ross: By god we will see puppies, and we will see great action! Wrestlemania is one week away! and we got our matches set! by god King there some great matches, and perhaps this is the biggest even of all time! I can't wait until we go into Wrestlemania! what a great show it will be!

"The King" Jerry Lawler: You damn right JR! We will see Trish Stratus take on Stacy Keibler for the Women's title! oh my god JR! what a great match that will be! I can't wait to see it! and I am sure you can't wait either! PUPPIES JR PUPPIES!! WOOOOOOOOOOO its going to be great!!!

[[[Then all of a sudden sounds of birds are made and about 5 birds fly over the arena getting the crowd confused. The birds and black but not known what type of birds they are. then they all of a sudden disappear]]]

"Best Announcer" Jim Ross: KING! what was that? How come 5 birds just flew past us? inside the arena? what the hell was that King? Do you know?

"The King" Jerry Lawler: JR! I wish I knew, but those birds were a bit scary!

"Best Announcer" Jim Ross: Well were not sure why they came into the arena...very odd...

[[["HOLLA! IF YA HEAR ME!!!" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is a pissed off Scott Steiner! He walks down the ring and he then enters the ring, he looks at the ring side area and asks for a mic, he then gets his mic and then goes into the middle of the ring and talks on the mic real pissed off]]]

"Big Pappa Pump" Scott Steiner: You know what! I am out here for one reason, and one reason only, and that is to talk business, and when talk business, it means that I am considering it to ONE person! and that one person is The Undertaker, Taker, you like to come out and attack me after my match when i beat the living hell out of Lance Storm, you like to come out and attack me with the chair? well how bout you bring your ass out here right now so we can finish some un finished business you stupid punk!

[[[Scott Steiner waits in the ring, he waits and waits, then he is about to speak again, but then Taker's "DEADMAN WALKING" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is The Undertaker, taker has a evil look on his face as then he comes into the ring and gets a mic from the ring side area, he then looks at Steiner and begins to talk to him as Steiner looks pissed and wanting to fight taker right as of now]]]

"Big Evil American Baddass" The Undertaker: BOY! you want to mess with Big Evil? well let me tell you something Steiner, you stepped into MY YARD! and when you step into my yard, and disrespect me, then I come and hunt you down like a dog steiner! so let me tell you this boy, I kicked your ass, because I want to show you an example of what I will do to you at Wrestlemania! So believe me, that is NOTHING compared to what I will do at Wrestlemania! I will kick your ass boy!

"Big Pappa Pump" Scott Steiner: You know something Taker, your nothing but a B###H! (uncensored) And I have my freaks to kick your ass! and since you like to attack me from last week, why not go at it one on one right here, right now! Because I am simply sick of the waiting!

"Big Evil American Baddass" The Undertaker: boy! its on!

[[[Taker drops the mic as him and Scott Steiner go at it, the crowd goes on there feet, but wait a damn minute, what the hell is this!!??? NWO!!! KEVIN NASH AND SCOTT HALL!! are out to there way to the ring!!! Scott Hall has a chair and nails Taker on the back with it, Kevin Nash then picks up taker and does the power bomb, Scott Steiner goes to the outside and he gets the black spray paint! Scott hall and Nash take care of The Undertaker inside the ring! Scott Steiner comes into the ring and spray paints "NWO" on undertakers stomach! NWO smiles in a evil way! as they then leave the ring with Taker in the middle of the ring laid on his back with the NWO spray paint on his stomach!]]]

Stacy Keibler VS Major Gunns

"SHE GOT LEGS" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Stacy Keibler! Stacy Keibler comes into the ring as then the music of major Gunns Tylene Buck hits all over the PA system as she comes down to the ring, Major Gunns and Stacy Keibler then go at it! as the 2 lock up! Stacy Keibler cheap kicks Major Gunns in the stomach! Stacy Keibler then whips Major Gunns to the ropes as Stacy Keibler then does a hurricanrana! Stacy Keibler then picks up Major Gunns but Major Gunns counters with a elbow to the face of Stacy Keibler, Major Gunns then whips Stacy Keibler to the ropes as Major Gunns then clotheslines Stacy Keibler, 1....2.... KICK OUT! Some how Major Gunns managed to kick out! Stacy Keibler then takes Major Gunns and pulls her hair and throws her down the middle of the ring! Major Gunns is hurt but Stacy Keibler is not finished, she picks up Major Gunns and does a body slam on her, Stacy Keibler then goes for a pin, 1....2.... KICK OUT! Stacy can't believe it as she argues with the referee, Stacy Keibler got caught up talking and complaining to the ref, as Major Gunns got up and did a suplex on Stacy Keibler, as Major Gunns then did a old school pin, 1.....2...... KICK OUT! Major Gunns can't believe it and then goes over to the ref and bitches at him, Stacy then comes from behind and knees Major Gunns in the back and then does a bulldog as Stacy Keibler then goes for a pin wanting the win, 1.........2.........3!!!!! STACY KEIBLER WINS THE MATCH!!!!

Winner- Stacy Keibler

[[[We come backstage live with Kurt Angle talking in his locker room with Team Angle, Pumping them up for there big match against the Outsiders, What a great match that will be, Kurt Angle speaks to both Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas in the Team Angle Locker room as Team Angle listens to Kurt Angle on what Kurt has to say to them.]]]

"Olympic Gold Medalist" Kurt Angle: Now guys, Tonight we have a huge match up! you two will face The Outsiders, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall, Now remember, you have a bit of an advantage against Scott Hall, Because he drinks! not milk! but Alcohol! that drunken bastard will probably be drunk before our match, so guys, you might really want to take advantage of that! because it would help us win! and we can go undefeated today! that would really kick ass guys, come on! I know we can do this! so lets show the PWA what where made of!

"Team Angle Member" Charlie Haas: Yes Captain Kurt, We will take care of that, We will show why where here in the PWA! and that is to kick ever other Tag Teams ass, and the Outsiders are next on our list! They will receive what we should call an ass beating! the biggest beating of there lifes!

"Other Team Angle Member" Shelton Benjamin: You got that right Charlie, and example of The Outsiders will be shown tonight when we beat them, simple as that captain Kurt! no way in hell wont we win! we will be undefeated after tonight! I will make sure of that!

[[[Then all of a sudden, Shawn Michaels comes into the locker room of Team Angle, Shawn Michaels goes in and he enters as he goes up to Kurt Angle, and looks him straight in the eyes, Team Angle then backs Kurt Angle up to make sure Shawn Michaels doesn't do anything, Shawn Michaels then begins to speak to Kurt Angle as Team Angle is trying to see what the hell is going on!]]]

"Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels: Woah! take it east fellows, I am just here for some news for my man Kurt Angle, you see Kurt, if you haven't known yet, I talked to Vince McMahon earlier, and to spice our match at Wrestlemania a little more up, for my IC title that is around your waste, I made our match a Ladder Match! So who ever grabs the title first from the air, which is 20 feet high, will win the match! simple as that Kurt, so you might want to get ready, because I sure as hell am!

"Olympic Gold Medalist" Kurt Angle: Well great, Because get ready for the biggest beating of your life, oh and telling me to get ready? no way! I was born ready, you and that idiot Kanyon, your both toasted after Mania, and I am sure your ankle wont be where its at the moment! if you know what I mean!

"Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels: Yeah what ever you say, speaking of Kanyon, I gotta go talk to him about the news, So anyways, good luck for Wrestlemania, because your going to need all the luck possible for this great IC title Ladder match!!

Trish Stratus VS Victoria

Victorias theme hits by Tatu and making there way to the ring is Victoria, she comes down to the ring! she gets in and then starts warming up for her match against Trish Stratus! her music then hits as she comes down to the ring, Trish enters the ring with that Women's title on her left shoulder, Today its not on the line, Trish comes in and then holds her title in the air high, but then from behind Victoria comes and kicks Trish as then she takes Trish and whips her to the ropes as then Trish bounces off and Victoria kicks Trish in the guts and then does a bulldog! Trish goes down, Victoria then picks Trish up! and does a quick neck breaker, Trish is hurt as she holds her neck, Victoria then goes for a pin, 1....2.... KICK OUT! Trish wont go away that quick! Victoria picks up Trish and then does a drop kick to her! Trish goes down again, Victoria then climbs the turnbuckle as then she flies off hitting a elbow drop on Trish Stratus who is knocked out! Victoria then goes for another pin, 1....2... KICK OUT! Somehow Trish Stratus the Women's Champ kicked out! Trish then rolls out of the ring hurt, Victoria stays in and gets up and tells Trish to get back in and bad mouthing her, Then Trish rolls in and Victoria starts stomping away on Trish, Trish then gets up slowly after being kicked, Trish then blocks a punch, she then punches Victoria as Victoria goes down but then right back up, Victoria is in Trish's face as Trish bitch slaps Victoria who then goes down, Trish then does some knee hits on Victoria, as she goes for a pin, 1....2...... KICK OUT! Some how Victoria kicked out, The match continues with Trish Stratus hitting rights and lefts at Victoria, but then Victoria reverses it to a suplex and Victoria goes for the pin, 1....2......3!! VICTORIA WINS THE MATCH!!!!

Winner- Victoria

[[[We come backstage after Trish's match, Trish looks at the new PWA Divas magazine with her on the front. She looks at it over and over, then Stacy Keibler with her long legs steps into the screen and takes the Diva magazine from Trish! She then looks at it, and then has a thinking look on her face]]]

"She Got Legz" Stacy Keibler: Oh my god! Why Trish Stratus on the front!?? making me look at her makes me sick! oh Trish, I didn't even see your here, well lucky you! your on the PWA Divas magazine cover, shouldn't you feel proud of yourself? hahahaha!

"The Women's Champ" Trish Stratus: Stacy, another B###H (uncensored) who is jealous of me, Why do girls like you and other have to be like this!? I can't believe it, can't you all be like me and appreciate others!? or do you all have to be the best and be jealous of other people!?

"She Got Legz" Stacy Keibler: UGH! That's so not true! just shut up Trish, I am sick of you! you think your so, HOT! but your nothing but UGLY! look at me! I AM THE PRINCESS!!!

"The Women's Champ" Trish Stratus: HAHAHAHA! great joke! you got to be kidding me, after all, its me on THE FRONT OF THE MAGAZINE! not you!

"She Got Legz" Stacy Keibler: uhhh! I don't even care, what I can about is taking that Women's Title off your waste! come Mania, I will show you what I am all about honey! and I will beat your ass, and take that title, and you see that nice picture of you on the main page!?

"The Women's Champ" Trish Stratus: yeah...

"She Got Legz" Stacy Keibler: Well seeing your looking so "Nice" I am going to make sure you wont look nice after Wrestlemania when I kick your ass B###H! (uncensored)

"The Women's Champ" Trish Stratus: Who are you to tell me that I am a b###h!!??? (uncensored)

"She Got Legz" Stacy Keibler: What are you going to do about it!?

"The Women's Champ" Trish Stratus: What am I going to do!?

[[[Then all of a sudden Trish attacks Stacy Keibler and pulls her hair, Stacy Keibler pulls Trish Stratus's hair as well! the 2 girls go at it but then making there way into the scene is Vince McMahon as he breaks it up! he then begins talking to both divas after breaking up the fight!]]]

"The Owner of PWA" Vince McMahon: Ladies please! enough of this! save it for Wrestlemania!

"She Got Legz" Stacy Keibler: That bitch started it!

"The Women's Champ" Trish Stratus: I AM NOT A B###H! (uncensored)

"The Owner of PWA" Vince McMahon: Enough, we already have you 2 fighting at mania, just save it! And lets spice this Women's Title match a bit up, how bout we make it a mud wrestling match!!

"AWW AWW AWWW SHAWN" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is THE HEART!! BREAK!!! KID!!! Shawn Michaels!!! he comes in doing his usual taunt as the crowd cheers very loud. His music cuts "WHO BETTER THEN KANYON" is said on Kanyon's theme as he then comes down slowly making his way to the ring, Kanyon looks real angry, it was 2 weeks ago that HBK defeated Kanyon for the IC title after Kanyon beating X-Pac and Sid Vicious for the title at overdrive. Kanyon gets in and starts with some rights and lefts, X-Pac's theme then hits as he comes down to the ring with his energy drink being finished up! He comes down to the ring and then attacks Kanyon, him and kanyon go back at Overdrive when they last meet! X-Pac takes Kanyon and whips him to the ropes as HBK and X-Pac team up and double clothesline kanyon. Kanyon falls to the floor, Then X-Pac and HBK pick him up! They then do a double suplex on kanyon, Kanyon wisely rolls out of the ring trying to get some rest, HBK then sees X-Pac going after Kanyon but he holds him back and throws rights and lefts at X-Pac. HBK then does a clothesline as X-Pac goes down, HBK then goes for a pin on X-Pac, 1....2..... KICK OUT! Kanyon comes back into the ring as he throws rights and lefts at HBK, Him and HBK go at it! they battle it out! Kanyon whips HBK to the ropes as then HBK bounces off and Kanyon does a drop kick to HBK! X-Pac gets up and attacks kanyon from behind and does a behind spinning heel kick! Kanyon goes down, HBK is down, X-Pac then pins Kanyon, 1...2.... KICK OUT! X-Pac can't believe it, HBK got up and stomped away on X-Pac, HBK whips X-Pac to the turnbuckles and then runs after him but X-Pac jumps on the top ropes and over HBK as he pushes HBK to the turn buckles as HBK hit the turnbuckle face first. X-Pac then from behind does a old school pin, 1....2... KANYON INTERRUPTS!! as he wont let X-Pac win the match! X-Pac then gets body slammed from Kanyon! kanyon picks up X-Pac and then does a belly to belly suplex! Kanyon goes over to HBK and pile drivers him! Kanyon uses the sleeper on HBK who is knocked out! X-Pac some how got up and attacks both Kanyon and HBK! X-Pac clotheslines Kanyon! but Kanyon ducks and then kicks X-Pac in the guts and does a bull dog to him! HBK is behind Kanyon and kicks Kanyon and does a neck breaker to Kanyon! HBK goes for a pin, 1....2..... KICK OUT! Kanyon gets up and X-pac comes over and does a spinning heel kick to HBK! HBK goes down as X-Pac gets up, Kanyon turns him around and does the Kanyon Kutter! OH MY GOD! Kanyon then goes for a pin, 1.....2.....3!!!!!!! KANYON WINS A HUGE MATCH!!!

Winner- Kanyon

[[[We come live backstage, X-Pac packing up his bags ready to leave his locker room and leaving the show. X-Pac steps out of his locker room with his bags, but then once he is about to leave, Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar step in front of X-Pac having something to say to X-Pac]]]

"Brock's Manager" Paul Heyman: Well well well, X-Punk! if it isn't the "T.V" Champions, hope your ready for next weeks Wrestlemania because I am sure Brock is, because when he kicks your ass next week and will take that strap of yours! it will be great! Get ready for a Brock beating X-Punk!

"T.V Champion" X-Pac: Oh is that so? We will see about that Paul, Because wasn't it me last week who kicked Brock's ass to retain MY T.V title? And how your wanting Brock to TRY and beat me for a second time? which of course wont happen at all! but your over exaturating!

"The Big Thing" Brock Lesnar: X-Punk! I am sick of you! why don't we settle this right now! So I can show you an example of what I will do at Wrestlemania to you! you stupid little prick! you think because beating me by luck last week will give you a win at Wrestlemania? well X-punk! THINK AGAIN!

"Brock's Manager" Paul Heyman: no no no, Brock!, calm down! And just wait until Wrestlemania to kick his ass, We don't want X-Punk not making it to Mania, that woud be a real shame, ahahaha, X-Punk must watch out, right punk? were cutting you some slack by not kicking your ass right now!

"The Big Thing" Brock Lesnar: Oh I guess your right Paul, well X-Punk, you might want to take your ass and leave and get ready for Wrestlemania when I F5 your ass, and cripple you and making sure for a fact that your going to be going to the hospital!

"T.V Champion" X-Pac: Brock, you sure have a big mouth, Just wait until Wrestlemania when I kick your ass once again in front of the millions of fans who are watching, I will still be T.V Champ after Wrestlemania, and definitely walk out as a winner! So get ready brock!

"Brock's Manager" Paul Heyman: Come on Brock. lets go, you got a big match coming up next! we don't want to waste our time talking to X-Punk! We got more important stuff on our minds! Lets go!

[[[John Cena and Nathan Jones the Aussie are seen backstage and there in there locker room as Vince McMahon comes up to them. And then he looks at them and then starts talking as Cena and Jones listen up.]]]

"The Owner of PWA" Vince McMahon: Jones.... Cena, I saw you earlier on the non T.V match where you guys beat the Los guerreros, and I am proud that we finally have a great tag team division like you guys, Now you guys also go in singles action, but in Tag Team action as well, and next week, On Wrestlemania, you get your biggest chance ever, TO WIN THE TAG TEAM TITLES! and so it will be The Outsiders VS Jones and cena for the Tag Team titles, it will be great!

"The Rapper" John Cena: Vince, this is great, Now The Outsiders are going to feel some hate. Because there going to get a ass beating from me and Nate.

"The New Aussie" Nathan Jones: We will show those stupid Outsiders what were made off!

[[[Then all of a sudden the outsiders Nash and Hall step into the locker room facing both Jones and Cena]]]

"The Bad Guy" Scott Hall: Ey yo, Jones, Cena, I hear you guys are trash talkin, I hear ya from the outsider hall way, and Scott hall don't like that chico, So guess what, since yo' guys are facin' me and Nash. We goin' give you the beating of your life time chico.

"Big Sexy" Kevin Nash: You hear my homie Hall say that. You 2 are going down!

"DEADMAN WALKING" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is The Undertaker, he comes in and gets ready for his big match against The Rock and Ric Flair as he teams up with Brock Lesnar, Brock Lesnar's theme hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Brock, he comes in and he looks into the eyes of The Undertaker as Taker speaks to him about who wanting a piece of The Rock first, "WOOOOOOOO" hits all over the PA system and Ric Flair comes down the ring, he then waits on the bottom of the ramp before entering the ring, "IF YA SMEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLL, WHAT THE ROCK!! IS COOKING" hits all ove rthe PA system and The Rock comes down to the ring as he enters with Ric Flair, Flair starts off the match as Taker then lets Brock have a piece of him, the 2 go at it and lock up as Brock throws Flair at the turnbuckle and elbows Flair to the face. Brock then whips Flair to the other side in Takers corner as Flair is hurt and Taker throws some punches at Flair while Flair is near Taker. Brock comes over and clothesline Flair, he then goes for a tag as taker comes in and he starts kicking Flair with stomps, then Flair rolls out of the ring, Taker goes after him as Flair goes back in and gets near Rock as he is JUST about to tag him but Taker pulled Flairs leg and dragged it back to the middle, Taker then chokes Flair as Flair is just dying to get to The Rock, Taker then tags in Brock, Brock comes in and stomps on Ric Flair, he then picks him up and does a body slam to him. Brock goes for a pin, 1...2.... KICK OUT! Flair then has a chance to get to the Rock and finally does, The Rock is pumped up as he steps into the ring and then punches brock once, then again, and then The Rock spits in his hand and nails Brock as brock falls to the floor, Rock goes over to Taker and he punches him as Taker goes to the outside as he is pissed, the 2 see each other at Wrestlemania! Rock then starts stomping on Brock Lesnar, Then he picks him up and does a body slam. then from no where HBK from the crowd comes and sweet chin's music THE ROCK!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!???? Rock is out cold, Taker comes in and then gets sweet chinned music as well by HBK!!! THE REF CALLS FOR THE BELL AND ITS A DOUBLE DQ!!!! HBK SMILES AND THEN LEAVES!!!

Winner- DRAW- DQ

[[[Backstage we go where Vince McMahon talks on his cellular phone, He talks and talks, as then all of a sudden a knock comes on his door as he wonders who it is, He finishes talking on his cell and then begins talking to the person knocking on the door.]]]

"The Owner of PWA" Vince McMahon: Who is it!?

"Version 1.0" Matt Hardy: it's Matt Hardy! let me in! we need to talk business wise!

"The Owner of PWA" Vince McMahon: Come in Matt, glad to see you, how are you today!?

"Version 1.0" Matt Hardy: Great Vince, lets get to the deal, I am here for some singles action to make the PWA look better, and to show everyone who the hell I am!

"The Owner of PWA" Vince McMahon: Ummm Matt, wait just a minute, your over doing yourself, The reason I hired you here in the PWA is for one reason, and one reason only, and that is FOR TAG TEAM ACTION!!!

"Version 1.0" Matt Hardy: What, are you serious?

[[[All of a sudden the brother of Matt Hardy steps into the office, and he looks into the face of Matt Hardy, and then looks at Vince McMahon, Jeff Hardy then begins talking to Vince McMahon who hired him not that long ago here in the PWA!]]]

"The Xtreme" Jeff Hardy: Vince, I am here because we talked business about me being here in the PWA! Well guess what! I am ready for some singles match actions!

[[[Jeff Hardy then notices Matt Hardy, the brothers look each other eye to eye, toe to toe, as then Vince McMahon looks at both of them, and comes up with a great idea, and then begins to talk to both Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy as he speaks!]]]

"The Owner of PWA" Vince McMahon: I GOT IT! since we need Tag Team Action! how bout you 2 team up once again! And make this Tag Team division Xtreme! what do you say boys!?

"The Xtreme" Jeff Hardy: That can work

"Version 1.0" Matt Hardy: We will give it a shot!

"The Owner of PWA" Vince McMahon: And to make it even more better! at Wrestlemania next week! your first match will be up against! Raven and Jamie Noble in a tag team match!!!!

[[[Backstage we go with RVD in the locker room of? RIC FLAIR! the Nature Boy! RVD starts talking to Ric Flair as there looking each other eye to eye.]]]

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam: Hey there Flair, whats going on dude?

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair: Oh RVD! Nothing, Is there something you need? your wasting my TIME on you, and quiet frankly the Naitch doesn't like that

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam: Oh so your going to be cruel about this?

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair: Look Rob, what is there you need?

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam: Fine, you wanna be a fool!? Well guess what, me and you are going to square of at Wrestlemania! did you know that Flair dude?

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair: oh really?

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam: No joke dude

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair: Well let me tell you something, I am going to show you how the natch does it at mania once again!

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam: dude, I am looking forward for this match

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair: looking forward to getting your ass kicked? like you will TONIGHT against Steiner?

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam: You see thats where your wrong dude

"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair: The Naitch is not wrong about any thing Rob!

"The Whole F'n Show" Rob Van Dam: Well we will see at Wrestlemania!

"YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Edge, he comes in and then Stone Cold's music hits and the glass shatters as he comes down to the ring teaming up with Edge, "BREAK THE WALLS DOWN" hits all over the PA system and jericho comes down to the ring, Christian follows him as the 2 get in and start brawling! Stone Cold and Christian start it off and Stone Cold throws some hard rights and lefts, Christian then falls to the floor but at the same time tagging in Jericho, Jericho comes in and body slams Stone Cold, he then does some stomps, Jericho taunts and looks back on Stone Cold, he looks at the crowd, Stone Cold gets up, then waits for Jericho to turn around, Jericho turns around and then Stone Cold flips him off! Jericho then gets stunnered!!!! Stone Cold goes for a pin, 1....2.... CHRISTIAN SAVES JERICHO's ASS!!! Jericho is out cold, Stone Cold then kicks Christian in the guts, tries to do the stunner on him too but Christian pushes him off as Stone Cold is near Edge who then turns on Stone Cold and does the Edge-O-Cution!! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH EDGE!!???? Edge then puts Jericho on Stone Cold as Christian is shcoked, then the ref makes the count, 1....2....3!!! JERICHO WINS!!

Winner- Chris Jericho & Christian

[[[we are live backstage at the PWA lobby, we see The Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin chillin with Spike Dudley as they talk and Stone Cold having a Steve Weiser beer and the same with Spike Dudley, the two chit chat and we hear there voices clearly as Spike Dudley talks to Stone Cold Steve Austin]]]

"Little Spike" Spike Dudley: So what about that Triple H huh!? Thinking he can beat you at Wrestlemania? hahahahahahah! he must be kidding all of us! We all know Austin, that your going to break his big nosed freak at Wrestlemania! quiet frankly to be honest, your just simply a better wrestler then him! he is trying to compare him with you!? god he can't get any dumber then that!

"The Rattlesnake" Stone Cold Steve Austin: What? Spike, you damn right, Triple H wants to play games? well Stone Cold is up with that and is also going to throw a can of whoop ass on that little sum-bitch! Triple H is nothing but flabbing his gums and talking a lot of trash, well Stone Cold is just going to go out there at Wrestlemania, and kick that nosed freak of his! because EH EH! Stone Cold aint going to tell that idiot beat the rattlesnake!

[[[All of a sudden, As Stone Cold is interrupted while he was speaking to Spike Dudley, Triple H appears on the PWA ESPN cameras, As Triple H begins to talk to both Spike Dudley and Stone Cold, Stone Cold and Spike Dudley listen and have a serious look on there face]]]

"That Damn Good" Triple H: Whats this? the jobber party? the crappy wrestlers party? because if it is, I must leave, but seeing that I face Stone Cold next week at Wrestlemania, I have a little something for him, that is basically....

[[[Then with the chair Triple H had on his right hand, he took it and smashed it over Stone Cold Steve Austin, he then took the chair and nailed Spike Dudley with it! Stone Cold is knocked out as Triple H continues hitting him, Stone Cold starts bleeding, Spike was bleeding at the first chair shot hit he got, Triple H has a big smile on his face, he then continues the beating on Stone Cold and Spike Dudley, then after about 3 more chair shots, Triple H stops and then begins talking to Stone Cold Steve Austin who is knocked out]]]

"That Damn Good" Triple H: AUSTIN!!! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WILL DO AT WRESTLEMANIA!!!! get ready for the biggest beating of your life! its time to play the game, and YOUR GOING TO LOSE THE GAME AT MANIA! You have no chance in Hell austin, This Wrestlemania will belong to me! and there is not a damn thing you can do about it Austin, get ready, because hell I WILL SURVIVE!!! and you wont!

"NEW NEW NEW WORLD ORDER!!" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Scott Steiner followed by Kevin Nash, The 2 make there way to the ring and then waiting for there opponents Team Angle, Olympic trumpets hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Team Angle, Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin. They make there way to the ring as Scott Hall and Charlie Haas start off the match! Charlie Haas and Scott Hall go at it as they lock up! Charlie Haas then cheap shots Scott Hall and whips him to the turnbuckles on Team Angles corner! Shelton Benjamin for the hell of it nails Hall on the back. Team Angle are in control as Charlie Haas tags in Shelton Benjamin who goes on the top ropes and then hits a elbow drop on Scott hall, Shelton Benjamin goes for a pin, 1....2.... KICK OUT! Scott hall kicks out of the pin, Shelton Benjamin then continues going to work on Scott Hall! Hall then rolls out of the ring, Shelton Benjamin comes after him but once Shelton Benjamin goes to the outside, Scott hall steps into the ring, and then rolls over to Kevin Nash as he tags Nash in, Nash comes in and first goes to Charlie Haas and throws a hard left sending Charlie Haas to the outside, Shelton Benjamin comes in and Nash big boots him! Nash then goes for a pin, 1....2.... KICK OUT! Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas go to the outside and plan something as Nash and Hall are in the ring telling Team Angle to bring it. Shelton Benjamin comes into the ring taking on Nash who then pushes him as Shelton Benjamin tags in Charlie Haas is not really wanting to fight Nash, then Haas kicks Nash as Nash laughs at Haas. Haas then does a wrestling move on Nash who then goes down as Hall is shocked and so is Nash as then Charlie Haas goes for a pin, 1....2...... Scott Hall interferes and stomps on Charlie Haas and then whips him to the ropes and does a clothesline to him, Scott Hall then is asked to back to the outside, Nash gets up and tags hall who comes in and does a Outsiders slam to Charlie haas, Shelton Benjamin comes but Nash big boots him before Shelton can do any damage. Scott hall picks up Charlie Haas and does the OUTSIDERS EDGE to him! Scott Hall goes for a pin 1,....2.......3!!! THE OUTSIDERS WIN THE MATCH!!!

Winner- The Outsiders

[[[Backstage we come again, HBK who fought earlier in a great match, is seen walking down the hall, He then sees Kanyon's locker room and then looks at it and stops at the door, he then knocks on the door, as no one answers, he knocks again.]]]

"Who Better Then" Kanyon: Who is it????

"Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels: Its Shawn, open the door, I got to tell you something

"Who Better Then" Kanyon: What the hell! we are not in good terms!

"Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels: Yeah yeah yea, I know, just let me will ya? I got something to tell you! its important, I talked to Kurt Angle about it earlier, and now I got to tell you the damn news, but if you wanna be a B###ch about it and not let me in, then ill be going now!

"Who Better Then" Kanyon: Wait! what the hell is it!

[[[Kanyon opens the door and then looks face to face with HBK with a big pissed off face on his look, Shawn Michaels then begins to speak]]]

"Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels: It's simple, since me and you and Kurt are going into Mania, I wanted to tell you that, This match is going to be a Ladder match! I talked to Vince earlier about it! and he agreed with it! so Kanyon, all I gotta say is! get your ass ready, because your going to feel the sweet chin music hit you so hard that you would be knocked the hell out!

"Who Better Then" Kanyon: There is NO ONE! better then kanyon!

[[[Backstage we come, the birds are inside the locker room, the crowd goes nuts on what the hell those birds are for, the camera comes down, and we see RAVEN!!! OH MY GOD!!!]]]

"What about me" Raven: Lies are told, people cant be trusted. Their is a greater truth waiting to unfold. People can't be trusted. Digging themselves deeper, untill they eventually get busted. The masses are delierious... So consumed in their own doom, untill they day they are sent into their tomb. They first step in enlightenment is realizing that you are no better than all the rest. You must realize first hand that you are certainly not the best. Do you think your capable of accepting such a task? Are you able to finally remove that hideous mask? I see you nod your head..., but you havent a clue...Are you one of the to far and too few? You come to me seeking guidance... is this true? From the shadows of this very locker room ; have I been watching you. You don't take your losses in stride... You bitch and moan, scream and cuss. But is it nessacary to make such a fuss? Explain to me why do you want to join us? Are we nothing more to you ; on your road to glory the last bus? You seek shelter, You seek to be taken under the Raven's wing. You seek for me to assistance for your quest to victory in the ring... Then you must prove yourself to me as have all my followers. There is something you must do... You must prove to me that you are one of the far and too few. Exactly What you ask? I haven't a clue... Now vanish from my sights. There is nothing more to say... So I think it is best that you be headed on your way. That's right, I am back in the PWA, and quothe the raven never more. because I heard earlier I am facing 2 washed up idiots Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy and Raven has to be with Jamie Noble, well that is okay with Raven, The hardys is no better than us. There nothing special and I've got no reason to fear them. If got no reason to be in doubt of my talent and skill. If got no reason to fear. The people are the same as us on the inside... Now with my newly restored faith I can show The Hardyz why I am so special... I will show the Hardyz that this is no joke even though to them that's the way it may seem. The Raven effect will be injected into the hardyz at Wrestlemania 1 and will flow through him like a epidemic and slowly take over the world. Not even the Hardyz can stop my dreams that I have dreamt the night before.... Quoth The Raven Never More!!!!!

[[[Raven then leaves the locker room as the camera's come back to the ring]]]

"Holla! if ya hear me!" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is NWO leader Scott Steiner! Steiner makes his way to the ring and he has a smile on his face, "ONE OF A KIND" hits all over the PA system and making there way to the ring is Rob Van Dam, RVD comes into the ring and him at Steiner look each other in the eyes as RVD's theme cuts. Then Rob Van Dam and Scott Steiner lock up as Steiner then cheap shots RVD in the guts with a kick, then he takes RVD and he pushes him towards the ropes as RVD bounces off and Steiner then does a hard clothesline! Steiner picks up RVD and then does a body slam! Steiner hurries and goes for a quick pin, 1....2... Kick out! Rvd wont let this one slip away like this! RVD gets up and so does Steiner, RVD then throws some hard rights and lefts at Steiner as RVD then does a spinning heel kick as Steiner goes down, RVD runs towards the ropes and then bounces off with a leg drop 3 times on Scott Steiner, RVD then goes for a pin, 1....2... kick out! Scott Steiner gets up and so does RVD, RVD does a drop kick! he then picks up Scott Steiner and does a power slam! RVD goes over to Scott Steiner and picks him up, Steiner then some how manages to hit RVD with some left punches! Steiner then takes RVD's arms and does a belly to belly suplex! Steiner then goes for a pin, 1.....2..... kick out! RVD wont go away, Steiner picks up RVD and he does a body slam to him. Steiner picks up RVD again and whips him to the turn buckles as RVD is knocked out on the turnbuckle, Steiner runs at him and then gives his elbow on RVD's face! RVD goes down, Steiner climbs to the second ropes of the turnbuckle and flies off hitting a elbow drop on RVD off the second rope. Steiner then again goes for a pin wanting the win, 1.....2..... kick out! Some how in hell RVD has the energy to kick out! Steiner takes RVD and pushes him to the ropes as he tries hitting a clothesline but RVD ducks and RVD bounces off the other ropes and then comes back hitting a clothesline on Scott Steiner! RVD then picks up Steiner and does a quick power slam again! RVD picks up Steiner again and he whips him to the ropes and as Steiner bounces off RVD jumps over Steiner as Steiner bounces off the other side and then RVD does a spinning wheel kick! RVD then goes for a pin on Steiner, 1.....2....... KICK OUT! Some how Steiner kicked out! RVD hurries and goes on the top ropes, Steiner slowly gets up! Steiner then is wondering what the hell is going on as RVD then jumps off the tope rope and hits a drop kick! Steiner immediately falls to the floor and RVD is hurt as well, RVD then some how puts his arm around Steiner for another pin, 1....2.....KICK OUT! Steiner gets up and is pissed off as he rolls out of the ring, RVD goes after him but Steiner rolls back in, RVD comes in and then Steiner stomps away on him, He then takes RVD and does a neck breaker to him, he then body slams him, Steiner goes for the Steiner Recliner and locks in onto RVD! RVD is in the middle of the ring screaming for pain, he then begins to tap! RVD GIVES UP!! STEINER WINS!!!!

Winner- Scott Steiner

[[[Steiner celebrates as then he doesn't see it coming, making there way to the ring is Taker, taker comes in and then takes Steiner by the neck and choke slams him!!! OH MY GOD!! TAKER TOOK OUT STEINER!!! Steiner then is knocked out and Taker celebrates, but then from no where making there way into the ring are the NWO! Taker waits for them as Hall and Nash attack Taker but Taker clotheslines both of them, The Rock makes his way down to the ring!!! he comes in an rock bottoms Hall!! Taker takes out Nash with a big boot in the face to Nash! who falls out of the ring, TAKER AND ROCK ARE IN THE RING ONCE AGAIN LIKE EARLIER!! THE 2 LOOK EACH OTHER IN THE EYE!!! they then attack each other with lefts and rights as the crowd goes crazy]]]



"The King" Jerry Lawler: JR! WE ARE OUT OF TIME!!



PWA Copyright Results 2002-2003

OOC: Hey guys, its me Vince McMahon, Great showing in Roleplay's, the main event was awesome, set more feuding up for Wrestlemania, speaking of Wrestlemania, its going to be our next event! so hope you Roleplay for it, and the RP limit is 3! not 2! but 3! remember that, Once again great performances by our members. first time ever, FIRST TIME EVER! I wrote all the results myself! even the diva stuff! I am really proud of what I did! Hope you guys enjoyed the results, because I loved writing them! to me they kicked major ass!

if you have not noticed, this Revenge Layout looks pretty sweet and will be our layout for a while now, Seeing that I like it a lot, I hope you like it as well.

Also, Chris, Pat, thanks for asking me about helping with results, but this week for some reason I wanted to do something that I haven't done before and that is writing all the results myself! So I hope you understand that!

Rules For Wrestlemania: The rules for Wrestlemania is simple, remember that we have 3 RP's for each wrestler, The Outsiders,  and Cena/Jones can RP 3 times each handler, for Cena and Jones since there 2 handlers, they get 1 RP each, and they can combine one RP to make it there 3rd if they want to do that! or have Cena post 2 and Jones 1, or Jones post 2 and Cena once, you get the point. The Outsiders are controlled by 1 handler, so Omar, you can RP 3 times. The same goes with the Hardyz and Noble/Raven match.

If you need anything about the rules of Wrestlemania, Please contact me, My email address is below so you can simply click on me and ask me, please don't ask me on AIM because I would be probably busy or forget on what you will tell me

BFH WINNER: Also, the BFH winner to be host with Corey is...............

-All results written by Hadjiro-