Deadline: 7 EST Sunday January 4th 2003
RP Limit:
2 Roleplays for each wrestler
January 4th 2003 Sunday Week 1
Location: Pittsburg, Philadelphia
Arena: Mellon Arena


The scene opens up in Mellon Arena located in the steel city of Pittsburg, Philidelphia. The cameras pan in on the entrance to the the ramp and the pyros begin flying. First the ones nearest the entrance until they reach the ring and then a huge one goes off. The cameras then pan to show the steel cage bolted down located in the rafters of the arena then circles the packed crowd cheering to the top of their lungs. Then it swings to the spanish announcers table where the famous duet in the wrestling industry are seated.

Jim Ross: Here we are again. One more federation one more debuting night. And it's going to be one hell of a night! This company's got something that none of the other federations have and it's sure to make it a successful business.

Jerry Lawler: You got that right, puppies!

Jim Ross: No .. dedication.

Jerry Lawler: But that's not all, we got a huge problem!

Jim Ross: What?

Just then, Eric Bischoff's Mucis hits and he begins to walk down the ramp.

Jerry Lawler: Speaking of the devil!

Bischoff makes it to the ring and reaches for a microphone from the beautiful Lillian Garcia. He paces the ring back and forth as the crowd gives mixed reactions to seeing him.

Eric Bischoff: Well well well. What do we have here? A new business .. A new roster .. But who else to run things better than me? No one! Exactly! Now we have one hell of a card for the night but I know that you didn't want to come here for that. I know what you want to be here to see .. ME! But I've got news for you, who cares! (( The crowd sets in with a number of boos. )) Wow wow wow, enough with the disappointment. I did bring this to you and I can take it away. I did bring you a card tonight that is sure to knock each and every one of your socks off. Because considering I -

Kurt Angles music hits as he comes flaunting to the entrance with a microphone. The crowd goes wild as he stops and absorbs the cheering before he beings to speak.

Kurt Angle: This place has been in business for less than five minutes and I'm already sick of your crap! I this and I that! Well, let me tell you something right now, you don't know anything about the letter I. (( YOU SUCK! Chants begin as Kurt begins to speak. )) Cut the crap Bischoff. We all know that you're the reason for failure, perhaps you ARE failure. You know .. you people have to realize one thing. That I am an Olympic Gold Medalist .. NCAA Champion, I've held multiple wrestling titles as well. But you now, I guess you could be thankful for one thing. You could be thankful for the simple fact that you aren't like my opponent Eddie Guerrero. Eddie is also from the one country, who would not win a gold medal, if their life depended on it. To tell you the truth, I dont even think this country has won gold. Eddie can't even win the freakin' world title! And that is the shameful country of Mexico. Now just like back in the Olympics, there were no Mexican wrestlers that made it to my status, and why? They aren't as good as me. No one is. I mean, Nothing against Mexicans, they have a lot a good traits. I mean they can cut lawns like no other and their food is great. But when you have guys like Eddie Guerrero running the show for your home country, it just about sums things up that you are a complete loser, an stepping into the United States was like some sort of orgasmic trance. Then when you meet a superstar of my status, it's like .. well .. winning the freakin' Olympics! So Eddie, I hope you are listening when I tell you .. I'm going to make you tap.. Oh it's true essa .. It's DAMN True!

Eric Bischoff: Kurt .. easy pal. We've been here only .. well by my watch .. exactly three minutes and you've already gotten on my nerves. So i think that's my cue to make moves. I'm going to bring out our first guest of the night and he's going to sing the national anthem to open up what I see as a great future. And then Kurt .. it's your chance to back yourself up. You you're going to have the honors show your stuff to us first. So walk back in your little locker room, get ready and we'll see you in just a few. But for now, everyone turn to the titontron and stand as we honor our nation with a special guest singing the nation anthem .. R. KELLY!

The titontron comes on R. Kelly is standing along side a young female. He hands he a lollipop and she hugs him as he raises a nearby microphone. He sings the national anthem as the crowd goes from utter silence to a cheering after done. Then Bischoff thanks Kelly and the titontron flashes back to the PwA logo. He then climbs out of the ring awaiting the Flag match to go down.

Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero

The olympic music hits and Angle walks to the ring. He climbs in and paces a few steps and then Latio music rings through the PA system as everyone turns to the entrance. They wait, but no Guerrero. Then suddenly Guerrero is jumping the fan wall and hops into the ring as the bell rings. Angle and Eddie lock up to start off the match. Angle lays down a suplex on Eddie. Eddie puts Angle in a head lock. Angle battles out but is clotheslined by Eddie. Angle brags to the fans and Eddie hits him from behind. Angle hits Eddie with a German suplex. Angle knocks Eddie off the apron. Angle drags Eddie into the the ring. Angle hits a huge back body drop on Eddie. Angle hits a belly to belly throw on Eddie he covers .. 1 .. 2 .. Break Out. Angle gets on the top rope and hits the head butt. Angle covers but Eddie kicks out. Eddie suplexes Angle. Eddie gets on the top rope and attempts a frog splash. Angle hits an Angle slam on Eddie .. rope break! Angle rolls him over and locks in the ankle lock. Eddie taps out.

Winner | Kurt Angle

Rating: 7 / 10

RVD vs. Jeff Hardy

Tazz wins as Raven possibly ended Tazz's career with a concussion. Could be out .. but for how long?

Winner | Tazz

Rating: VOID / 10

The titontron flashes and then Eric Bischoff is shown on a leather sofa with a cell phone in his hand.

Eric Bischoff: I don't care! You tell them all, go tell them all. Kane, ole' Stone Cold, tell them all that if they no show just one more event, I have no problem firing their asses. I got talent that I can bring in that will be honored to work under my command. I'm not putting up with this shit, go tell them!

The titontron fades into a hall with Bret Hart walking down it. A small child walks up to him and he takes off his sunglasses and looks at the kid then he looks at the camera. Bret Hart takes the sunglasses and rips up the sunglasses and throws the ripped up sunglasses at the kid. The crowd starts to chant "asshole!" Bret Hart the turns and bumps into Micheal Cole with a microphone.

Micheal Cole: Bret, don-don't you think that was a little harsh? I mean, that was a lil' kid.

Bret Hart: Did you think I would actualy give a pathetic little brat a pair of my shades? You see, I have no respect at all for any of you fans. You people didnt show enough respect toward me. You all thought i had quit and givin up wrestling, but the truth of the matter is .. I got a little sick and tired of American Wrestling and the American people. The last time you people saw me I got screwed by America .. by each and every single one of you. You people say this is the land of the free? I call this land the land proverty. All your people on warefare can't support your own families while people like me work our ass's off and give to crap charities. Well I'm sick of the American Bullshit and giving to the American people. And I'm sick of this Kurt Angle wanna be American scum bag. Night after night I hear Angle claim to be the American Icon .. The American Hero .. Kurt Angle is nothing more then the American Joke just like the rest of you Americans. I'm gonna kick his all American ass out of America .. out of professional wrestling. We all know America has the lowest IQ But Angle has the lowest of all. Kurt Angle you try me and you will fall, just like this pathetic country .. U S Fade.

The titontron goes back to the PwA logo as the next match is set to go underway.

D'lo vs. Goldberg vs. Steiner vs. X-Pac

X-Pac comes out, followed by Steiner, then D'lo, then just as the match is about to start Goldbergs music hits and he comes out. Steiner and D'lo go to work on Goldberg. Goldberg gets up and attacks X-Pac. Goldberg takes Steiner and D'lo with back body drops. Steiner works on Goldbergs leg, the D'lo does. D'lo and Steiner double team Goldberg. X-Pac comes up from behind and attack D'lo. D'lo pummels X-Pac in the corner but then flips over the top rope. Steiner and Goldberg are left alone in the ring. Steiner attacks Goldberg's leg more. Goldberg face plants Steiner and covers for a close 2 count, X-Pac comes in and throws Goldberg out of the ring, then throws Steiner on top of him. D'lo and X-Pac are now in the ring. D'lo nails a suplex and covers X-Pac for 2. X-Pac rakes D'lo's eyes and starts to stomp on D'lo. X-Pac attacks with his forearm. X-Pac covers but D'lo kicks out. D'lo delivers a belly to belly to X-Pac. D'lo goes for the D'lo slam but X-Pac counters with a arm drag. X-Pac gets on the top rope and hits a frog splash. X-Pac covers but D'lo kicks out. Steiner gets in the ring and suplexes X-Pac then hits the head butt. Steiner covers X-Pac, but X-Pac kicks out. Goldberg gets on the top rope and takes Steiner down. Goldberg covers but Steiner kicks out. Steiner German suplexes X-Pac, once, twice, but then Goldberg spears X-Pac. D'lo hits two German suplexes on Steiner. Goldberg spears Steiner. Steiner is lying on the mat helpless. The ref checks on him and calls for help. More refs come running down, removing him from the ring. Goldberg battles D'lo in the corner with numerous punches to D'los body. D'lo hits a belly to belly throw. D'lo locks in a sleeper submission rear chin lock. The ref lifts Goldberg arm, once, twice, and of course Goldberg keeps it up for three. Goldberg battles out and delivers his own belly to belly to D'lo. Both men are lying on the mat. The ref begins the count. 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. 4 .. 5 .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 .. they both get up! D'lo and Goldberg trade punches then Goldberg clotheslines D'lo. Goldberg nails a back body drop to D'lo. Goldberg hits D'lo with a missile drop kick. He covers but D'lo kicks out. Goldberg sets up for the spear, he runs towards D'lo but D'lo kicks him in the face. D'lo returns with a slam. He covers 1 .. 2 .. Goldberg kicks out! D'lo drops Goldberg with a drop toe hold. D'lo hits a slam from the top rope. D'lo covers Goldberg 1 .. 2 .. 3!

Winner | D'lo

Rating: 8.5 / 10

The titontron once again opens up in the back. This time with Steiner being wheeled away on a stretcher and Kevin Kelly standing nearby.

Kevin Kelly: I'm standing here and just got word that Scott Steiner has severely damaged his quadracep. This could mean problems are in store for Steiners immediate future.

RVD vs. Jeff Hardy

Jeff and Van Dam square off in a long anticipated cage match. The bout doesn't officially start for several minutes, due to Van Dam beating on Jeff outside the ring. Both men climbed the cage and Van Dam slammed Jeff's head into the steel. The extreme ones head bounced off and he went flying 20 feet down through the Spanish announcer’s table! Ambulance crews quickly come out and attend to the Jeff, but Van Dam says he wasn’t done with Jeff yet! Van Dam chases away the EMT crews and rolled Hardy's stretcher into the cage! Jeff went flying into the steel, then Van Dam beat him with the backboard he had been strapped to. Finally both men entered the cage and the match officially got underway. Van Dam tosses Jeff over the ropes. Jeff pulls Van Dam out and rams him into the steps. Jeff stomps on Van Dam as he tries to recover. Jeff chokes Van Dam with the ring ropes. Van Dam gets up and smacks Jeff good. Van Dam covers Jeff but Jeff kicks out. Van Dam hits a spear on Jeff and covers, but Jeff kicks out at the last second. Van Dam grabs Jeff and throws him into the steel cage, but the cage gives way and Jeff goes flying to the outside and wins the match!

Winner | RVD

Rating: 6.5 / 10

The titontron once again opens up in the back. This time with Steiner being wheeled away on a stretcher and Kevin Kelly standing nearby.

Kevin Kelly: I'm standing here and just got word that Scott Steiner has severely damaged his quadracep. This could mean problems are in store for Steiners immediate future.

Lance Storm vs. Goldust vs. Vampiro

The match starts out with Lance Storm on top of his game. He starts with a series of multiple tpyes of suplexes. Lance Storm hit another back suplex. Goldust got up and hit the DDT on Lance Storm and then they battled to the outside. Lance Storm slammed Goldust into the guard barrier and then out of nowhere, Vampiro attacked Lance Storm and slammed him into the steel steps. Vampiro then went over and worked on Goldust. They got back in the ring and Goldust fought back with blows to Vampiro. Vampiro then countered the attack and went for a pin on Goldust, but he kicked out. Goldust then hit the Curtian Call on Vampiro in the middle of the ring and Lance Storm came in and interruped the count. Lance Storm then got up and worked on Goldust in the corner. Goldust tried to get Lance Storm in the half boston crab, but he broke free and then Lance Storm used the Curtian Call on the Goldust and went for the pin, but Vampiro stopped the count. Lance Storm then went for the Boston Crab on Vampiro, but Vampiro hit the move on him instead and went for the pin, but Goldust interrupted that count. Goldust then hit a clothesline on Vampiro and then tossed Lance Storm out of the ring. Goldust then hit the devistating driver on Undertaker in the middle of the ring. Lance Storm then pulled Goldust out of the ring and slammed him on the table and then went inside and tried to get the 3-count on Vampiro. Vampiro whipped Lance Storm into the ropes and he bounced back and went for a Spear in the corner, but missed and hit the ringpost. They fought to the outside and Vampiro had Lance Storm down. Goldust came up and spit in the face of Vampiro and then went to work on him. He countered the attack and then went back to work on Lance Storm. Vampiro hit the legdrop from the ring apron on Lance Storm and then nailed him with a headbutt. Vampiro got up on the outside and he did a weird dance into a big punch to the face of Goldust. Vampiro nailed Goldust with a DDT and went for the pin, but Goldust kicked out. Lance Storm grabbed a steel chair on the outside while Vampiro set up for a finisher in the ring. Goldust hit a low blow and Vampiro went down. Referee Jack Doan got hurt in the mix and the bloody Lance Storm nailed Vampiro in the face with a chair and then hit the Lance Storm slam on Goldust. He leaned over and tried to pin Vampiro, but he kicked out. Lance Storm then inched over and tried to pin Goldust, but he also kicked out. Goldust hit a leg lace takedown on Lance Storm and then got him in the Boston Crab. Vampiro nailed Goldust in the head before Lance Storm would tap out and Taker hit the Last Ride on Goldust. Lance Storm grabbed Vampiro and got him in the boston crab to stop the count. Storm hit a modified Unprettier on Vampiro and then got the Shattered Dream from Goldust. Goldust pinned Storm and Vampiro tried to make the save, but the ref counted 3.

Winner | Goldust

Rating: 6.5 / 10

The three exit the ring but then brawl as going up the ramp. They get into it as the next match sets to go underway.

Edge and Christian walk up the ramp celebrating and they walk into the backstage area.

Christian: Edgester I am so gonna cream that reakazoid Nash like The Browns should creamed The Steelers today!

Edge: So tottaly bro! That game was heinous! Sheesh!

Christian: You know what's even cooler than what I am gonna do to Nash tonight bro?

Christian: Besides that Edgester. The N Word!

Just then, D'lo walks past the two, overhearing "the N word."

D'lo: Yo dawg did I just hear right? The N word? Fool what you talking that crazy shit for. White boys been shot for much less. You can count on catchin ass whoopin tonight son. Now are u down wit DA BROWN?!?

Edge: What does he have against noggies?

Christian: Maybe it's why the reekazoid is bald! Let's go.

The two then walk towards the ring.

Rock vs. Booker T

Booker T got the upperhand to start off the match with repeated clotheslines. He then whipped The Rock into the turnbuckle and then nailed him with a FlapJack in the middle of the ring. The Rock got out of the ring and pulled Booker T out and then got back in the ring and kicked away at him. Booker T hit a spinning heel kick, but The Rock then nailed him with a Belly to Belly Throw. The Rock got Booker T in the corner and nailed repeated knife-edge chops. Booker T then turned it around and nailed him with a boot to the face and went for the cover, but Booker T quickly kicked out. Angle hit a few more suplexes and went for another pin, but Booker T kicked out and Angle then got him in a reverse headlock. Booker T whipped The Rock into the ropes and The Rock nailed him with a belly-to-belly throw once again and The Rock came back at him and Booker T hit the same move on him and both men were down. Booker T then hit a back body drop when they got up and then followed up with a face-first slam. Booker T slammed The Rock’s face into the mat yet again and then went up top for a big high-risk move, but The Rock ran up and countered into a superplex of his own. The Rock then went for the Sharpshooter, but Booker T kicked him away. Booker T nailed The Rock on the outside with a plancha off the top rope and then rolled him back into the ring. Booker T went for a back suplex, but The Rock countered and hit the spine buster, but Booker T kicked out of the pin. Booker T was down and The Rock locked in the Sharpshooter submission hold. Booker T then rolled through the hold and nearly pinned The Rock. The Rock then went to the outside while Booker T got up and grabbed a chair. He swung at Booker T but he movied. Booker T got a 2-count and The Rock got up and managed to nail the Rock Bottom and win the match.

Winner | Rock

Rating: 5 / 10

Kevin Nash vs. Christian

Kevin Nash went right after Christian and got him backed into the corner and nailed him with blows. Nash then celebrated to the crowd and Christian leveled him with a Spear. They then battled to the outside and Christian slammed Show into the steps and then got him back in the ring and then hit a side suplex, followed by a vertical suplex. Kevin Nash missed a big boot to the face and Christian then hit a suplex in the middle of the ring. Edge threw a steel chair in the ring and Christian went for it, but Nash stopped him. Christian then managed to nailed him with the chair and then miraculously hit the un-prettier in the middle of the ring. A new referee came down to make the count because the first one was out cold. He went for the count, 1 .. 2 .. Break Out! Christian hits a back body drop on Nash and then whipped him off the ropes. Nash returns with a spinning heel kick hit a belly-to-belly suplex. Christian went for the pinfall but Nash kicked out. Nash hits a side suplex on Christian .. 1 .. 2 .. Break Out! The two trade punches and Kevin Nash gets the best of it. Christian slings Nash to the ropes. The ropes returns him and Christian delivers the un-prettier. 1 .. 2 .. 3!

Winner | Christian

Rating: 8 / 10

Triple H & Y2j vs. HBK & Undertaker

The arena gets dark as the lights flicker when 'Time To Play The Game' hits the pa system. Triple H walks from behind the curtain holding his water in his hand. The fans rise to their feet as he slowly walks down the ramp spitting out water everywhere. He gets to the side of the ring and takes one last gulp on it before throwing it out to the fans. He climbs up on the apron and throws his head back and spits water out of his mouth. He slowly gets into the ring and goes to the top of every turnbuckle when his tag team partner, Chris Jerichos countdown begins. 5...4...3...2...1....Break Down The Walls of Jericho are heard as Jericho just slyingly walks down to the ring giving Triple H a mean stare. The two are in the ring together when 'Sexy Boy' hits the pa system. Shawn Michaels comes to the ramp and gets down while flexing to the crowd. He stands at the end of the ramp without getting in the ring. The Undertakers music hits and Taker runs to the ring and slides in with Shawn Michaels right behind him. All four men are in the ring at the same time with Triple H and Shawn fighting in one corner while Undertaker and Jericho exchange hits in the other corner. Jericho and Taker get out of the ring and seperate as the bell rings and the match is officially underway. Triple H and Shawn Michaels lock up and Triple H gets a knee to the chest and quickly goes for a Pedigree. Shawn flips him over his back and runs against the rope and bounces back trying to hit Triple H with a elbow, but Triple H gets up to quick and just begins to hit Shawn Michaels. Triple H gets Shawn into the corner and with Shawn stunned, Triple H goes to the second rope and hits Shawn Michaels some more in the face. Hits him once, twice, three times and the fans begin to count....4...5...6...7...8...9, but Triple H taunts Shawn and Shawn takes the advantage and pushes Triple H onto his back. Shawn is in the corner tapping his foot on the ground waiting for Triple H to get up. Triple H finally stummbles up to his feet and Shawn goes for the Sweet Chin Music, but Triple H throws Shawns leg over him and Shawn hits Chris Jericho with the heel of his boot instead. Shawn turns around towards Triple H and gets pedigreed. Triple H goes for the pin .. 1 .. 2 .. Undertaker jumps onto Triple H to stop the count as them two begin to fight. Chris Jericho is getting up off the ground from the kick and gets into the ring. He begins to kick and yell at Shawn Michaels while the ref is trying to break up Triple H and Undertakers fight. Then, Ric Flair comes running down to the ring with a chair and up to behind Jericho and nails him in the head. Jericho goes down and The Undertaker takes notice to Flair and runs after him. Flair jumps out of the ring and Taker continues to chase Flair up the ramp and out of site. Jericho and Michaels are still on the ground when Triple H picks up Shawn Michaels again and connects with the Pedigree. Triple H pins him as the ref counts again .. 1 .. 2 .. 3 .. Ding ding ding! The ref calls for the bell, but another referee comes down to the ring and tells the other ref what had just happened and on the titantron it shows Flair hitting Jericho with the steel chair and the ref calls the match to be a Double DQ. Triple H gets up yelling at the refs and he beats the hell out of them as Revenge goes off the air.

Winner | Double Disqualification

Rating: 8.5 / 10

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