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Next Match:

Shane McMahon VS. Scott Hall

People Mentioned:

Vince McMahon, Scott Hall, Stephanie McMahon, Linda McMahon, Triple H

WWE Record:

None So Far


None So Far

Disclaimer: Get off my ass, I'm not Shane McMahon. This is an RP. Don't like it? There's an X on the corner, hit it and be amazed! If not click here and be relocated. Point is you don't have to read this if you don't want to.

( Shane walks into the WWE arena the day after Living Dangerously. Michael Cole as usual is waiting for any interview he can score with anyone. Seeing Shane, he walks up to him followed by his crew. )

Cole: Mr. McMahon, Mr. McMahon! May we have a few words with you?

Shane: I don't see why not?

Cole: How does it feel to be back here in the WWE after the incident with your father and all the other happenings?

Shane: Cole, I've realized that it sucks just being a backstage sort of person. And just because I'm a McMahon doesn't mean I can't wrestle. For God's sakes look at my father he's ancient and he still mixes it up every once in a blue moon. I won't say anything about Stephanie just because she's never been the hands on type of person. But I figured, I'm a McMahon damn it! I can do whatever the hell I want.

Cole: And what about your mother?

Shane: What about her? She's the damn CEO she can do as she pleases... Sure this is turning into Days Of Our McMahons again, but hey, the more the merrier right? Besides, there's nothing wrong with a little... "fun". Now is there?

Cole: What do you mean by that?

Shane: You'll find out soon enough. My dad can have his goons beat me up as much as he wants. In fact what he did yesterday was just that. Send his goons because he's too busy to do anything himself.

Cole: When you made your debut the other day, you talked to Triple H. You seemed to have a somewhat decent relationship. How has that relationship changed since the Pedigree he gave you at Living Dangerously?

Shane: The moment I find him, he and I will have some words about that. But I don't think I can blame him too much. He wants to be near my sister and if being my father's bitch is what it takes to do that then that's what he'll do. Love is a strange thing Cole, and it makes you do crazy and stupid things.

Cole: Well Have you heard of the match that you have been put in for next week's Living Dangerously?

Shane: Actually I haven't. What match did those leeches put me in?

Cole: It's a singles match against Scott Hall.

Shane: Are you serious? Scott Hall? There's no catch?

Cole: Not that I'm aware of. I've been told it's just a singles match. You against Scott Hall.

Shane: See what I mean Cole? My father sends his goons out to do his dirty work.

Cole: Do you think you can win against him?

Shane: Against who? Hall?

Cole: Yes.

Shane: Please Cole, Scott Hall's a recovering alcoholic. I'd be surprised if he actually caught me or was able to hold me long enough to do anything. Then again, knowing him, he'll probably see tons of pink elephants and try to fight them instead of me. I predict this will be a fairly simple match. I'm younger, faster, and hell, I'm a McMahon. That right there just says a shitload about me.

( Shane sees Triple H turning a corner. )

Shane: Listen Cole, I have to go talk to someone.

Cole: Thank you!

Shane: You're welcome!

( Shane goes after Triple H. )

Shane: Hunter!

( To be continued...)