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The Twiztid ass RP
[TWIZTID is spoted in the back just walking into the back of the bilding.

As they pregess further to the back they stop to take a picture with a Jugglett.

As the camrea goes toward The Monoxide Child he begins to speek.]

The Monoxide Child: Well Juggalos you are just going to have to go to the ring to catch this one cus we are going down to the ring to start some shit.

[Twiztid then walks off as the camrea cuts off.]

[The camrea cuts on as the lights cut off and then back on to the color of blue as "FREAK SHOW" hits the PA system and TWIZTID walks from the back.

Twizted then walks to the ring. Before geting into the ring Monoxide gets a chair and then throws it into the ring. After geting into the ring Monoxide sits down and Jamie Madrox begins to speek.]

Jamie Madrox: What up Juggalos. Well this will be the last time you will see us before the big match so we are going to lay it strait out. As the Pay Per View is called Gotlent for the gold, that is what this is going to be. Twiztid is not going to that ring and going to give it up like we did neither. We are going make are way to that ring prepared. We dont think that the odds are agianst us but then again we dont think that the odds are with us ether. This is a Tag Team Title match. This is a match that is going to be one of the most inavative table matches you have ever seen. Like I said, we are not going to walk out to the ring and just stand there and get our ass kick. This time we are going out there with a purpose. Me and Monoxboogie are going to make TWIZTID a world wide name. Hell after it is all over and said and done TWIZTID will be a househould name. Now you all are out there saying that TWIZTID is going to fucking lose this match on Febuary 2 at the PPV but TWIZTID is going to prove you so fucking wrong. Twiztid is going to make Natural Disasters and Palmer and Walker wish they were never in the fed at all. This match means more than just the two belts that are up for grabs to Twiztid. This match is going to be about the Juggalos and Juggletts. Now all you people out there are are saying what the fuck ever can just come down this ramp and suck my fucking dick. This is 3WA. This is a fed that Twiztid is making a goal. That goal is to win the World Tag Team Titles on Febuwery 2 at the PPV. Twiztid is going to make this a match that you all will never forget. This is what it is all about. This is What Twiztid trans for every day. This is what it is all about. This is the match for the best damn thing in wrestling for a tag team. These are the Tag Team Titles. Natral Disastors..... Palmer and Walker..... If you are watching let this be said, you are going to get you asses kick. You are going to get so fucked up that you are going to get TWIZTID tatooed on your ass so you will remimber who not to fuck with. Juggalos, it is time. Time for what you ask? Well it is time to take the 3WA to a new level. It is time for Twiztid to get the belts and make them go all over the place. This is just a porstion of what TWIZTID is going to do in 3WA. This is neither compared to what TWIZTID is going to do in the near future. Twiztid s not here for just one thing, but Twiztid is here with there minds set on one thing at the moment. Twiztid's minds are sat on wining the World Wide Wrestling Aliens Tag Team Titles and makeing all the Juggalos and Juggletts happy. Now Twiztid is not going to do this forever but will do it for a long ass time. Twiztid loves Wrestling for moments like this. Now how long Twiztid will go with this? Who knows. All I know is we will be doing it for a long ass time. Me and Monoxide have ben wrestling for who knows how long in our back yards. Now when we went to JCW to wrestle we were not thinking we would do any good but look at what all we did. If that dont tell you anything then I dont know what will. TWIZTID have been trying to acopmlish this fore a long time. Now that Twiztid has a chance to wrestle for the 3WA Tag Titles at there first show is just a privlage. This is what we are going to do. We are going out to the ring and just fuck Natrual Desasters up. Hell we will make as I said in the back TWIZTID Desasters out of them Twiztid is here and if you dont like that then you are just out of fucking luck. This is it. This is Twiztid. The Freak Show will be a big factor in the match tommoro. Now you all may think I am bullshiting but I am not. That is just somthing I dont do at the moment. Now knowing that Twiztid is going to the first ever PPV let alone their first ever show for 3WA is just fucking incretable. It is trully time Juggalos. It is time for us all.

[The Monoxide Child then gets up from his chair. He grabned and puts a mic to his mouth and begins to talk.]

The Monoxide Child: Well, well, well. It looks like this house is packed with Juggalos and Jugglets. Now as Madrox said, this is what it is about for all us Juggalos that are out there wrestling. Now as Jamie says in Juggalo Homies by ICP freatureing us Twiztid and Anybody Killa, if you step to one of us you better step to the whole crew. Now what I mean by that is this is not going to be no easy match to win for any of us. This is going to be a match that is going to be hell to win. The only way you can come out on the top of this match is you have the true heart for it. Now me and Madrox have been in and out of Tag Title matches but got screwed over. This time that is not going to happen. This time me and Monoxide are going to win. This time we are going to have a really hellish plan. This time we make Twiztid something it has never been. This is Twiztid at their finest. Now any Juggalo out there would love to have ether me or Jamie's spot in this match. We know that the Juggalos and Juggletts are going to be behind us all the way. This is a Tag Title match. If you are a big follower of Twiztid you know that we have been busting our asses off for a match like this. This is it. This is the match that you all know you want. This is the match that is going to tell you right off that Twiztid is the best. All three of the 3WA tag teams are in this match. I am sorry to say that I have not been in the ring with Palmer and Walker to see how it is to face them but, Twiztid has been in the ring with Natrual Disasters in WWO. I am not afraid to say it but Twiztid was beat. Yes that is right. Twiztid is beat in that match. Now this time it is going to be totally difrent. WWO is in the past right now. Now Twiztid is 3WA. Now Twiztid is going to be in the ring every night doing something. Now for you who dont know who I was a long time ago, I was under the name JeBuS. For those of you that dont know who Jamie was a long time ago, he was under the name Obituary. We were not the best in the wrestling world but we have been makeing a name for ourselfs. We didnt start going by Jamie Madrox and The Monoxide Child til we enterd WWO and a breif time before that in JCW. Now as far as the match goes right now to me it is everything. This match will make Twiztid biger or it will make Twiztid worse. All I know is if you are going to watch that match you know that you are going to see the best ever Table match in your life. Now A frind onces said to me, you have to put it all on the line. You have to go out there and sacrfice your body, you have to do it all for the fans and most of all you have to be yourself in the match no matter what kind of match it is. That is what Twiztid is going out there to do tomaro night. Twiztid is not going to get pussy slaped around that ring. Twiztid is going to fuck everyone up. That is the way it is and that is the way it fucking goes. If you dont got that then you are just shit out of luck buddy. This is what Twiztid is about. This is just a nuther way to say FUCK YOU to everyone who has ever doubted us as wrestlers. The Juggalos famlly is going to be in LA tomaro to witness a match that will test the limits of death. Now when people say that they got to go see Twiztid win the 3WA Tag Team Titles in LA to all there friends.... Well lets just move on. Twiztid is just going to go out there to win the belts and move on with life. This match means more than anything or anybody you can minchin to Twiztid. Now as we said before, if you aint down with all that then your just SHIT OUT OF LUCK. Now to rap all this shit up I have to say a few more things. First off, when Twiztid enters that ring tomaro night it is going to be a hell of a match, and second thing is that onces Twiztid wins the match and Alone hits the PA then you can bet that it is comeing. You will know that Twiztid is the new 3WA Tag Team Champs are Jamie Madrox and The Monoxide Child also known as TWIZTID. So either get with it or just get way from it. That is all there is to say about all this shit. That is all that we are going to say so you all know what is going down and you know what is going to happen so just get it right matha fuck-o. [Monoxide then drops the mic as "Alone" by Twiztid hits the PA and Twiztid makes there way up the ramp and back to the back. The camreas then cut off.]


The Monoxide Child

Jamie Madrox