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Dark Match:

’Superstar’ Colin Baird defeated Stunning Shane via pinfall after the Showstopper (F-5)

: Outside the arena :

The Manly Bus V.2 pulls up and runs up over the curb as it comes to a stop directly in front of the Arena. The doors open with a "whooooosh" and out stream the crew that can only be summed up in one word. Manly.

Dan steps out first and a horde of his man fans close in around him throwing rose petals on the ground as he walks to the entrance.

Dan: Ho ho ho, I love my man fans! They love me! Thor! Come feel this manly love drip on your face.

Thor steps out of the bus to a chorus of loud screams that sound like young girls at a Justin Timberlake concert. But of course the screams belong to man fans.

Thor: Yes, I am Thor. Kneel before the rock hard Rainbow Warrior.

The man fans drop to their knees in appreciation. Thor and Dan meet up and look lovingly at their man fans.

Dan: Ho ho, it's good to be the Tag Champion of the World. Come, let us make a fashionably late entrance.

Thor: Lets.

The two men walk off being trailed by Man Fans as Sonic steps off the bus and watches the man parade leave.

Sonic: (shaking his head) Christ almighty. The Federal Prison looks better by the day. Stupid Thor, just cause he's from Denmark or Canada or some French place people thinks he's the best. If they only knew he was a flaming....

A young boy with a piece of paper and a pen walks up to Sonic and tugs on his leather pants. Sonic looks down and smiles.

Kid: Can I get your autograph? You're my favorite.

Sonic: Really?'s, it's been so long since anyone said that to me. Sure I'll be happy to sign an autograph.

Sonic takes the sheet of paper and pen from the boy and starts to scrawl his name. Suddenly the child's parents rush up to the small boy and pull him away from Sonic.

Father: Come on now Tommy, we told you that you shouldn't be around people "like him."
Mother: Thank God we got him before "That Man" could do anything perverted to him. There should be a law against "You people" being around children.

The parents drag the small boy away and Sonic looks after them.

Sonic: Hey! It's not like that, I'd never...I'm not...(quietly) He didn't get his autograph.

Sonic looks at the piece of paper, folds it and slips in into his pocket.

Pyros exploe for over a minute as the 8,450 fans in attendance at the New Mayhem Arena in LA go crazy! We pan across the audiance and spt several signs. "Who farted?" "I came to see Thor!" "I'm with stupid"

JS: Welcome to Mayhem! We have some great matches in store for you tonight! I'm Joey Styles and this is Bobby Heenan the manager of well who cares?
BH: Haven’t heard that one before, except maybe a thousand times.
JS: Its Mad Dog and Chopper one on one in a grudge match, that may just tear the house down.
BH: Let’s go down to the ring already.

’I’m Back’ is playing over the speakers and Mad Dog is in the ring.
He receives a good amount of cheers and looks totally focused.
Method Man’s ‘Bring the Pain’ replaces it on the PA and a ripped looking Chopper comes out to some boos and some cheers.
Chopper doesn’t seem to care and enters as intense as Mad Dog.

JS: This arena may not be able to contain these two.

The bell sounds and both men tangle immediately in a fierce lock up.
Neither man can get the advantage and they both spill outside the ring, falling through the ropes.
Chopper lands on top and starts unloading with right hands.
After about eight shots, Mad Dog switches the momentum and gets on top of Chopper.
Mad Dog strikes Chopper with some punches of his own as the ringside fans are loving it.

JS: Right off the bat this is a dog fight!
BH: Good thing that mutt Mad Dog is in there then.

Still straddling Chopper, Mad Dog grabs a nearby chair and begins chokingChopper with it; the fans cheer.
Referee Dingus Flatoop warns Mad Dog, who isn’t paying a bit of attention.
Chopper manages to get Mad Dog off of him.
As Chopper gets up, Mad Dog throws the chair at him.
Chopper catches the chair, but just as he does, Mad Dog dropkicks the chair into Chopper’s face.

JS: What agility from the big Dog!
BH: Glenn Robinson is the only real big dog Joey.

Mad Dog barks at the crowd and they bark right back.
Chopper regains his senses and walks around the ring.
Mad Dog gives a steady chase. Chopper enters the ring.
Mad Dog follows in close behind but Chopper drops down with an authoritative elbow drop.
Chopper hits a pair of right hands and chokes Mad Dog on the second rope.

JS: Chopper’s fightin dirty.
BH: Its not 1956 anymore Joey. This is the SHWF, what do you expect!?

Chopper bounces off the ropes and drops his knee on Mad Dogs neck, choking him on the ropes.
Dingus Flatoop warns Chopper and gets shoved away for his troubles.
Chopper snap mares Mad Dog over and puts on a Buffalo Stranglehold.
Mad Dog tries to fight out of it. The crowd is behind Mad Dog.
Mad Dog gets to one leg. Chopper drops him back down and locks in the submission tighter.
Mad Dog tries to get to the ropes but just can’t reach them.
Mad Dog inches closer and closer, and is almost within reach.
With a burst of strength, Mad Dog turns his body and reverses the hold, applying his Dog Bite Submission! (Canadian crossface)

JS: Get him Mad Dog.
BH: What? You’re cheering for it?
JS: Oh shut up, Brain.

Chopper immediately gets into the ropes.
A crazed Mad Dog starts biting the arm of Chopper and the fans give a nice response.

BH: What!?
JS: You said it yourself, King. This is only for the super hardcore.
BH: That SOB really is a mutt! Ahhhh!

Dingus Flatoop counts 1,2,3,4,5. Mad Dog continues the biting.
Dingus Flatoop rips Mad Dog off Chopper.
Mad Dog argues with the referee while Chopper regains his senses.
Mad Dog turns around and is hit with a DDT-Chopper Style.

JS: That might be it.

Chopper goes for the cover. Flatoop counts 1,2, KICKOUT.

JS: Kickout!
BH: Big deal.

Chopper bodyslams Mad Dog down to the mat and signals for a high risk move.
Chopper goes to the top. Chopper signals for the Shot Heard Round the World.
Mad Dog gets up and climbs to the tope rope where Chopper is.

JS: This could be high impact Brain.

Mad Dog goes for a belly to belly superplex, but Chopper blocks it.
Chopper breaks the waistlock grip with a temple shot that stuns Mad Dog.
Mad Dog loses his balance and gets crotched on the top rope, and then falls down to the canvas.
Chopper points to his tattoo of 2 Aks and executes the Shot Heard Round the World (450 Splash)

JS: Good God!
BH: I’ve never seen anything like it JR! What a move!

Chopper goes for the cover.
Dingus Flatoop counts 1,2,3!!
The winner is Chopper!

Parking Lot:

A jet black Hemi Cuda pulls up to the curb of the arena and cuts it's engine. The door opens and out steps Gangsta White. He smiles as we hear the crowd pop big for "the white boy you love to hate." A SHWF official rushes up to Gangsta in a huff.

SHWF Official: You made it! Mr. Gebhardt was getting worried and...

Gangsta: Yeah yeah, here park this aiight? By the way, don't even THINK of stealing change out of my car, I counted all my pennies bitch.

Gangsta tosses his the set of keys and they thunk off the head of the chubby SHWF official. The man drops to his knees, one hand searching for the keys the other hand rubbing the swelling knot on his head.

Gangsta: God...I miss the public.

Cut to commercial:

Team Man - LOD / Tag Team Titles

The Lords of Doom, Pharaoh and Spyro, enter the ring with Black Death seconding them to the ring as Mass Destruction’s dark theme rattles over the PA.
They psyche one another up for the match as Black Death encourages them. Suddenly, “Macho Man” blares its ugly head over the airwaves as Team Man emerge to a mixed reaction.
Dan, as usual, carries both title belts while SMB stalks behind him. Dan stops midway and points to the back as Lance and Sven emerge with Thor Heine.
Lance and Sven are fawning over Thor as Lawler can be heard laughing from far away.

BH: Oh man hahaha, that’s too much.
JS: What’re you talking about? You sound crazier than a pet coon.
BH: Ahem, nevermind.
JS: Anyway, the LOD get a second chance if they don’t capitalize tonight. At Genocide they’re in the triple threat tag title match.

SMB rushes into the ring and tackles Spyro.
Referee Bob Rooney sends Dan and Pharaoh to their corners while Sven makes faces at Black Death from across the outside.
SMB takes Spyro down with a series of Japanese style armdrags then a drop kick to the chin.
SMB covers, but Spyro kicks out at 2.
SMB whips him into the corner and unleashes with a monkey flip that sends Spyro sprawling across the ring.
SMB tags in Dan who catches Spyro with a bearhug and drops him in a belly to belly suplex.
Dan covers, but Spyro kicks out at 2.

JS: The Tag Team Champs are fired up tonight.
BH: I think Dan is a tremendous Tag Team Champion, but I can’t bring myself to be called a “Man Fan”.
JS: I’d say you’re a Man Fan if I ever saw one.

Dan kisses his bicep lovingly before dropping it across the sternum of Spyro.
Dan sets up for a suplex, but Spyro blocks the move and gets a thumb to Dan’s manly eye.
Spyro hiptosses Dan over before tagging in the fresh Lord Pharaoh.
He unleashes on Dan with heavy clubbing blows and kicks.
He whips Dan into the corner and splashes him before dropping him in a snapmare and applying a surfboard stretch.

JS: Lord Pharaoh is one big hoss and he’s taking it to Mr. Man.
BH: I can’t bear to watch.

Dan uses his amazing pectoral and bicep strength to break out of the surfboard stretch and rams Pharaoh into the corner where he gut checks him with hard shoulders as Thor claps enthusiastically.
Dan gets the 250lb. Pharaoh up in a stalling vertical suplex for a full 8 seconds before dropping him hard and making the cover.
Spyro runs in and breaks the count with a dropkick.
SMB rushes in and hits a spinning heel kick to Spyro that sends him into the corner.
SMB locks up with Spyro as Bob Rooney tries to break them apart.
Inside the ring, Black Death rushes in and they begin attacking Dan from behind.
Thor rushes in and clotheslines Black Death I over the top before following him out.
Dan gets Black Death II in a military press and drops him outside the ring like a sack of doorknobs.
Dan turns and is kicked in the gut by Pharaoh who then drops him in a DDT.
Pharaoh covers, but Dan gets his shoulder up at 2.
SMB gets back to his corner and screams for the tag.
Pharaoh pounds on Dan with right hands before body slamming him and tagging in Spyro.

JS: What’re they doing now?

Spyro goes to the top rope and flies off with a leg drop.
Dan manages to roll away and Spyro hits hard.
Dan tags in SMB who hits a dropkick to Pharaoh that sends him tumbling to the outside.
Spyro misses with a clothesline as SMB hits a neckbreaker and covers.
Black Death I pulls SMB’s foot and saves the match for his comrade.
Outside the ring Thor hits a spear to Black Death I.
He then lifts him up and drops him with his modified piledriver.

JS: God Gawd.

BH: I know what that move was, Thor calls it the “Stockholm Syndrome”.

JS: Geez, I wonder how you found that out?
BH: I am NOT a Man Fan.

Inside the ring, SMB tags in Dan.
Pharaoh is getting to his feet outside as SMB leaps atop the ropes and lets fly with a Monkey Bomb that nails Pharaoh.
Inside the ring, Dan man handles Spyro before scooping him up and hitting him with The Man Eater.
Dan covers and Bob Rooney counts the 1,2,3.

JS: Team Man retains their titles this week, but what will happen at the wild Triple Threat at Genocide this Sunday?
BH: It could be the LOD gaining revenge, or it even could be Mex Tex Luchadoris with that sexy Si Howe.

Dan grabs the Tag Titles and slings one over his shoulder.
Thor and SMB stand next to one another and Dan acts like he’s going to put the other belt over SMB’s shoulder.

JS: About time he let his partner hold the other title.

Instead, Dan places the title over the shoulder of Thor. SMB looks horrified as Thor strokes the gold as if it were his own.
He and Dan leave arms over shoulders like best buddies.
SMB fumes, and smacks both Lance and Sven for good measure before exiting as well.

JS: What in the hell?
BH: Ha Ha, SMB is jealous of Thor.
JS: This is getting weirder and freakier by the day this Team Man saga.
BH: Isn’t it just great television?
JS: Well, it’s something alright.

Cut to commercial:

Parking Lot

A big long stretch limo pulls up into the arena and comes to a stop. The back door opens and out steps The President of SHWF Jeff Baker. He has a serious look on his face as he strides towards the entrance way. A cute black woman in a business suit rushes up to Mr. Baker.

President Jeff Baker: Are they here yet?

Assistant: Who sir?

President Jeff Baker: Those...Three. Ravage, Jason and most of all Aaron Gebhardt.

Assistant: Uh yes sir, they're about to sign the contracts for the match at Genocide.

President Jeff Baker: Really? Well, we'll see about that won't we?

He walks off leaving the woman with a confused look on her face.

Cut to commercial:

Mayhem booker Aaron Gebhardt is standing in the ring as we return from the commercial. In the middle of the ring sits a table and two metal folding chairs. Aaron has a house mic on one hand and a contract in another. He smiles out over the capacity audience and begins to speak.

Aaron: Now it's my privilege to sign the match that I personally will think will steal the show at Genocide, Ravage and Gangsta White! Without further wait I offer you the former two time World Heavyweight Champion, "The sexy beast of Garden Grove" Ravage!

The fans pop big as STP'S "Sex Type Thing" hits the PA system. Ravage comes out and the cheers turn instantly to a huge round of boos. A sign in the audience reads "Ravage is a sell out." Ravage makes his way down to the ring and rolls inside. He climbs to the second turnbuckle and flips off the crowd getting another huge chorus of boos. He smiles and climbs off the turnbuckles. He paces back and forth looking in the best shape of his life.

Aaron: And his opponent for the Genocide PPV, making his return to SHWF, "The white boy you love to hate" Gangsta White!

The lights in the arena black out and the moaning sounds of sex fill the arena. Pyros explode and the lights come up to Rob Zombie's "More Human Than Human." Gangsta makes his way to ringside as the fans actually seem happy to see him. He slides into the ring takes a house mic out of his back pocket and gives Ravage the once over.

Aaron: Now, hey easy guys, I just want this to go nice and easy okay?

Ravage snatches the mic out of Aaron's hand and points at Gangsta.

Ravage: Let me warn you Jason, you sign that contract and I will END your career for good. You should've never come back and you sure as Hell never should have fucked with me. So what's it's gonna be "gangster?"

The fans begin a chant of "asshole, asshole" but Ravage only ignores them.

Gangsta: Shit cuz, let's not beat around the bush. I say we go right now!

The crowd pops huge but Aaron quickly gets between the two men to break up any incidents.

Aaron: Whoa, no way guys. Save it until the PPV. In fact, to make sure this is gonna be a match people remember, let's make this a Last Man Standing Match!

The crowd pops huge again and Gangsta shakes his head in approval. Ravage only looks at him with contempt. Gangsta takes contract smiles at Ravage and starts to sign his name to the contract. Suddenly the music of the President of SHWF Jeff Baker hits and he strides out onto the entrance ramp with a mic.

President Jeff Baker: Whoa what the HELL is going on? Aaron, YOU work for ME! Jason YOU work for ME! Jason I told you that you are NOT cleared by any doctor to step into a SHWF ring. SHWF is not willing to allow this match to happen at Genocide I'm sorry.

The fans boo him like he's from Iraq as Aaron looks pissed. Gangsta however only smiles.

Gangsta: Jeffrey, I had a feeling you might try and come out here and crash my party. So you know what? I had myself looked at by a certified Doctor before I came to Mayhem tonight and I HAVE a Doctor's note saying I can wrestle!

President Jeff Baker is shaking his head.

President Jeff Baker: No way, no FREAKIN' way would any doctor in his right mind allow you to wrestle Jason.

Gangsta: (smiling) Hey, he is ANYTHING but in his right mind.

With that, "Do ya think I'm sexy?" hits the PA system and gets a huge POP as Dr. Tittylover comes out in his scrubs and rubber gloves. He hands Jeff the Doctor's release and before the President can even look at it, Dr. Tittylover starts freak dancing on Jeff. The President tries to back away but trips and falls on his ass as Dr. Tittylover starts in with the pelvic thrusts to Jeff's face. The crowd is going crazy as inside Gangsta is laughing and pointing.

Behind him Ravage picks up a metal chair and slams it across Gangsta's back dropping him to his knees. The music stops and Dr. Tittylover and Jeff Baker watch on as Ravage shoves Aaron to the mat and yells at Gangsta to get to his feet. Gangsta uses the ropes to pull himself up and turns around only to take a wicked chair shot to the skull that lays him out. Ravage tosses the chair aside, picks up the contract off the mat and signs it. He lays it on the table and pulls a semi conscious Gangsta to his feet nailing a "Ravage Indignation!" Security and officials rush out and break up the chaos as the fans pelt Ravage with boos and derbies. Aaron Gebhardt crawls across the ring and checks on a hurting Gangsta White.

Cutto commercial:

Devestation - Knight / SHWF Super Hardcore Title / Cage match

The steel cage lowers itself over the ring as the fans clamor in their seats for tonight’s main event.
Knight’s rap theme blasts across the arena and the 6’11” 350 pounder stalks his way to the ring minus his running buddy Triple X.
Knight looks all business as he shakes the cage to test it’s strength before hulking into the cage where he waits like a bird of prey.

BH: Oh man, Knight is such an impressive specimen, I should bet the farm on him tonight.
JS: You sound like Lawler now Brain.
BH: Don’t ever compare me to that blowhard gambling addict/statutory rapist pervert.
JS: Wow, some harsh words.

Knights theme dies down and is replaced by Devastation’s strobe lights and smoke/mirrors vibe as his metal theme scorches the PA.
The Super Hardcore Champion emerges with the title slung proudly over his shoulder as he walks briskly to the ring with an intense glare in his eye.

JS: Both men look hungry for this win, should be a regular Slobberknocker.
BH: Look who’s starting to sound like JR.
JS: Oh whatever. Still, one has to wonder how this will affect Devastation before his big Triple Threat match at Genocide for his Super Hardcore Title.
BH: A stupid move to accept a cage match this close to a major title defense.

Referee Calvin Broadus starts the match after showing off the title and gets out of the way as the two massive superstars collide in a collar and elbow tie up.
Knight muscles the slightly smaller Devastation into the corner and unleashes with closed fist punches and knife edge chops.
Devastation lifts a hard knee to the gut of Knight and responds with some chops of his own that send the fans into peals of “WOOOOOO”.
Devastation goes for a hip toss, but Knight lifts him off his feet with a chokehold.
Calvin Broadus counts to 4 and Knight slings the Super Hardcore champ across the ring.

JS: What power.
BH: Ha, his Reiki Specialist will have his work cut out for him.
JS: Do you even know what a Reiki Specialist does?
BH: Of course I do, he’s the guy who never loses numbers for you, kind of like in that Steely Dan song. You know “Riki don’t lose that number…”
JS: Please spare our ears Brain. No, a Reiki Specialist is does Japanese stone healing.
BH: Are you serious? What a crock. He’ll need healing after this match.

Knight lifts Devastation over his shoulder and rams his head into the steel mesh.
Knight covers, but Devastation kicks out at 2.
Knight slams Devastation before hitting the ropes and going for an elbow drop.
Devastation rolls away and Knight holds his elbow in pain.
Devastation gives the challenger a falling armbar that has Knight grimacing in pain as he holds his elbow.
Dev applies an elbow lock submission and applies the pressure as Knight refuses to give in.
Dev applies an arm wringer before hitting Knight in the mouth with a surprising crescent kick.
Dev makes the cover, but Knight kicks out at 2.
Dev goes for a snap suplex, but Knight blocks it and crotches his opponent across the ropes before hitting big boot that sends the Super Hardcore champ crashing into the steel head first.
Devastation is now bleeding from the forehead as Knight bellows in victory.
He exits the ring and charges at Devastation.
The champ responds with a drop toe hold that sends Knight himself face first into the steel mesh.
Dev kicks him in the gut before dropping him with a DDT to buy time.
Devastation unleashes with some vicious right hands before making his way to the door.
Knight sees this and explodes with a spear to the back of Devastation that sends him crashing into the ring post.

JS: What an explosive move.
BH: Not as easy as it seems to exit that steel prison.

Knight takes some time to wipe the blood from his face and regain his senses as Dev struggles to his feet.
Knight rolls Devastation back into the ring and slides in after him.
He covers, but Dev easily kicks out at 2.
Knight lifts Devastation up in a military press to showcase his strength.
He readies to drop him over the top rope, but Dev slips out of his grasp and explodes with a hard lariat that sends the big man stumbling into the corner.
Dev charges, but Knight catches him with a back elbow.
Knight gives him a hard kick to the gut before setting him up for a massive powerbomb.

BH: It’s over.

Devastation pounds away on Knight’s head as he reaches the pinnacle and shows off some agility for a man his size by tumbling behind Knight and catching him in a roll up.
Knight powers out at 2 and gets to his feet. Devastation jabs a thumb into his eye before hitting him with Total Annihilation.

JS: What power, Devastation just slammed the mammoth 350 pounder on his head.
BH: I can’t believe that.

Devastation slides out of the ring and bursts out of the door to retain his Super Hardcore Championship.
As he catches his breath, someone rushes from the crowd and nabs the Super Hardcore Title from the time keepers table.

JS: What in the?
BH: It’s “Superstar” Colin Baird.

Baird blindsides Devastation with the title in hand and brains him in the back of his head.
Superstar raises the title triumphantly to a mixed and confused reaction.
He frowns at this response and slams the door hard onto the head of Devastation before Duke Harris runs out to get at the 3rd wheel of the Super Hardcore Title match at Genocide.
Baird hightails it through the crowd as Duke Harris gives up the pursuit.
He looks down at Devastation, but doesn’t attack him.
Instead, he calls for some EMT’s who check on Devastation.
Knight emerges from the cage and kicks at the fallen champion, but pays for it when Duke Harris tackles him into the cage and gives him a belly to belly suplex on the concrete.
Duke gets a big pop from the fans and he soaks it up a bit.
He grabs the Super Hardcore Title from the floor and stares at it some.
After a moment, he lays the title on Devastation’s chest before taking his leave as EMT’s attend to both men outside the ring.

JS: What Mayhem we saw go down tonight. The Triple Threat Super Hardcore Title is on the line at Genocide and “Superstar” Colin Baird just improved his chances to win it this Sunday.
BH: Indeed he did, what a genius this new kid is.
JS: He has to be to garner himself a title shot in his debut match. However he must also worry about Big Duke Harris in that same match.
BH: What was the deal with that moron, he could have totally ended Devastation’s career tonight and secured himself the title at the PPV.
JS: Because the man has morals, unlike some people here.
BH: And proud to have never had any.
JS: We’re out of time folks, be sure to catch Genocide live on PPV from the Phillips Arena in Hotlanta this Sunday. I’m Joey Styles for Bobby the Brain saying goodnight!