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Matt “The Destroyer“ Feller
Name: Matt “The Destroyer” Feller Height: 6'5" Weight: 295 lbs.  From: St. Louis, MO 




Role Play #:

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Current Titles Held:


3-Time Mischief Champion


Matt “The Destroyer“ Feller



::The downfall of the PMW legend, Matt "The Destroyer" Feller, is a sad story. Our journey begins on July 1, 2002. The Destroyer had just taken out a division of the chinese mafia. He had resuced his girlfriend and was the current PMW Mischief Champion. He was on top of the world. But then everything came to a crashing halt. He had just returned home after a house show. And what he returned to is something that no one should ever have to witness. The first thing that was obviously wrong when he returned home was that front gate to his mansion, was open. His gate was never open. The Destroyer pulled inside and up to the front door. As he cut his lights off, he thought he noticed some movement in the house. But that could be Lisa or Winston. The front door was also open and when Feller pushed it open, he flipped the lights on and nothing happened. As he stepped inside the house and shut the door, he reached for his cell phone. As he pulled it out of his pocket, he was struck in the back of the neck with a baseball bat, knocking him to the floor in a heap, unconscious. As The Destroyer wakes up, with blurry vision, he can see that Lisa is tied to a chair, and beside her is Winston. Both look to be roughed up a little bit and Lisa is crying. Out of the shadows, we see a short chinese man, which most people recognize from Mr. Woo San. He speaks::

Mr. Woo San: Ah, you see Mr. Feller. You always get what come to you. Now, your friends shall suffer for your intolerance.

The Destroyer: You and the rest of your little posse will pay.

::One of the goons that is standing behind Feller hits him in the back of the head with a pistol::

Mr. Woo San: Next, time, you will be not so lucky on which side of the gun hits you. Next time it will be the bullets. So, you think you can take on the entire Chinese Mafia by yourself. You might have had a chanced, but if you noticed something, Mr. Jackson, who was one of Mr. Balboa's top men, always seemed to know where and when our little organization was. Don't you think it was just a little obvious. I figured even a dumb wrestler like you would be able to figure it out. But you couldn't. And now, you, and your friends will pay. My son, the man standing directly behind you will show you how our family handles business.

::And with Mr. Woo San's final statement, his son pulls out a gun and fires. Killing Lisa. The Destroyer screams. Mr. Woo San laughs and The Destroyer strains against the ropes that are holding him in the chair. They give a little, but not enough for him to get out::

Mr. Woo San: You see, what happens when you fuck with me!

::The Destroyer screams again, and strains against the ropes. Some of the goons are now looking nervously as The Destroyer is starting to put a lot of pressure on the ropes. Mr. Woo San realizes to late that the ropes are starting to snap. First one, then another, then all of the ropes unravel. In an instant, The Destroyer is upright and he has pulled a knife out of a sheeth that is on his ankle. He throws it into the leg of one of the men, who screams in agony. The Destroyer grabs the mans gun and everyone stops::

The Destroyer: Now, you will see what its like. You said that this is your son. Not anymore.

::The Destroyer fires, splattering blood all over the floor and wall. The man falls to the ground. Mr. Woo San's eyes fill with tears of rage::

The Destroyer: Now, the rest of you, slowly lay down on your stomachs. Mr. Woo San, I want you to sit in that chair.

::All of the men lay on the ground and Mr. Woo San falls into the chair. The Destroyer unties Winston, and pulls a cell phone out of his pocket and hands it to Winston::

The Destroyer: Call the police.

::Winston takes the phone and walks out of the room. The Destroyer goes to each man and disarms them all and walks up to Mr. Woo San::

The Destroyer: Now, for you. You cost me so much. I lost one love of mine. Now I have lost a second. The way I see it, you are one behind, so I'll help you catch up.

::Before Mr. Woo San can speak, The Destroyer fires, killing him instantly. As Mr. Woo San's limp body falls out of the chair and onto the floor, The Destroyer hears sirens pulling up to the house. The scene fades out with The Destroyer sitting down on the couch as the police rush in. The scene opens back up with The Destroyer returning home in a suit. In his coatpocket their is a funeral card from Lisa's funeral. He was cleared of all charges and as he returns home, he has a brown paper bag with a a bottle in it. He gets out of his car and walks into the house. Winston is inside waiting. The house is completely clean::

Winston: Mr. Feller, welcome home.

The Destroyer: Winston, thank you. Now please, phone PMW and tell them the situation. I am sure they have heard, but fill them in on all the details. Please ask them for me if I may take the rest of the week off. Actually, wait till tomorow, its the 4th of July, and no one is probably their. I am going to my study.

Winston: Very good sir.

::The Destroyer walks past Winston and Winston pats him on the shoulder. The Destroyer goes into his study and locks the door behind him. He sits down in one of the large chairs and begins to drink from the bottle. He is in deep thought as he drains the bottle. He throws the empty bottle in the trash can beside him and opens a cabinet. He takes out an unopened bottle of Vodka and begins to drink it. He drinks the entire bottle and tosses it in the trash. He goes to the refrigerator and pulls out an unopened bottle of whiskey. He also grabs a shot glass ans sits back in his chair. After quite a few shots, he puts the bottle on the floor and simply goes to sleep. The scene fades out on a window, showing the moon. The scene opens back up on the same window, only the sun is now setting. The clock reads 6:35 PM. The Destroyer begins to stir and as he wakes up, he looks at the clock. He climbs out of his chair and opens the door. Winston is sitting in a chair in the hallway looking out a window. He looks up and stands::

Winston: Good morning sir. Actually it should be good evening. You slept all day.

The Destroyer: Morning. Did you call the office?

Winston: Yes sir. But, there was a recording. Sir, I would rather you hear the recording rather than have me tell you what it said.

The Destroyer picks up the phone and hits a speed dial button. A message begins to play:

Good morning, afternoon, evening. This message is to let everyone know that PMW will be taking a little vacation for a while. In time, PMW will reopen. Any questions can be direc-

The Destroyer slams down the phone and sits in down in a chair. Winston walks into another room. The Destroyer stands and walks up the stairs and grabs a bag of his wrestling gear. The Destroyer walks out of the house and gets in his silver Hummer as the scene fades out. The scene that follows is a basic highlight reel of The Destroyer wrestling in various arena's around the world. He is completely dominating his competition. The highlight reel cuts off and now, The Destroyer is talking on his phone. He smiles and pushes the end call button on his phone. He then dials another number and talks to that person::

The Destroyer: Hey...yeah, it's Feller...fine, how have you been?...Good. Hey listen, the reason I am calling is because I was wondering if the rumors are true...yeah about PMW...ok, good...Yeah of course I am going to re-enter...good, Im glad you are going to re-enter too...hey, take care of yourself, and I guess I'll see ya in a few days...Ok bye Graystone.

::The scene fades out and back in, this time on The Destroyer standing backstage in an arena. A logo on the wall says "PMW". The Destroyer opens the door to his dressing room, and someone comes up to him::

Man: Mr. Feller, a woman was just here looking for you.

The Destroyer: Well, where is she?

Man: She left, but she gave me a note to give you. Here it is.

::The man hands The Destroyer the note and walks off. The Destroyer opens the note and it reads:

I miss you. I will come to you when you need me the most. For now, think of me, because I will be thinking of you and when WE can be together again.


The Destroyer drops the note and his eyes begin to tear up. He picks up the note and walks away as the scene fades out::