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Shocker Results 06/20/02

Shocker comes on the air showing a recap of last weeks Shocker. Goldberg attacking Hulk Hogan in the back, then later that night in the ring delivering a Jackhammer to him. Also we see shots of the brutal attack from Shin Ryu towards The Rock and the whole Kaos coming down to the ring running the men out. We then see Rhyno slamming the hood of the black car where Justin Credible's mother was inside the car tied up...

Backstage a white limo pulls up. Out steps Paul Heyman, Lance Storm, Tajiri, and Eddie Guerrero.

Inside the arena we go next to see a full capacity crowd on hand here in Tulsa,Oklahoma!

We head down to ringside with Tony Shavonie and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan for commentary.

Tony Shavonie:Welcome wrestling fans to XPW Shocker live on TNT from Tulsa, Oklahoma! Siting beside be is my colegue, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

Bobby Heenan:Tony tonight is set to be action packed when we will see in our main event Kaos battle Shin Ryu for the first official time. Rob Van Dam and Billy Kidman have heeled from their injuries and are ready for a fight, they take on Eddie Guerrero and Tajiri.

Tony Shavonie:Last week on Shocker Lance Storm and The Rock went one on one, and well you might say it was a 'limited match' when The Rock finished the match and retained the European Title so fast we didnt even realize the match had begun. Paul Heyman complained, and he got what he wanted so tonight we will see The Rock vs Lance Storm again for the European title but this time its not just those two, its going to be a Triple Threat with Shawn Michaels of Kaos involved as well. Can he capture the European Title that he was cheated out of by Lance Storm at Breakdown? We will find out tonight!

Lillian Garcia:The following is a six person tag team match scheduled for one fall!

The music of Kronik hits the PA System as they make their way out from the curtain along with Stacy Keibler at their side and the fans boo.

Lillian:Making their way to the ring, Tag Team Champions Kronik and Stacy Keibler!

Kronik make their way down and enter the ring, Stacy slowly goes up the steps and through the middle and top ropes giving the fans a glimps of her backside.

"Live for the Moment" hits the PA System and out comes Team eXtreme, The Hardys and Lita. Lillian:And their opponents, XPW Womens Champion Lita along with Matt and Jeff..The Hardy Boys!

Team eXtreme make their way down and slide into the ring. Lita climbs the turnbuckle posing for the crowd with her Womens Title.

Tony:Lita and the Hardy Boys formed a pact sort of two weeks ago at Breakdown, and last week on Shocker they had a bit of a confrontation with Kronik..thus making this match we have tonight.

Bobby:Yeah but dont forget, Kronik was attacked..if you can even call it an Matt and Jeff at Breakdown, but the Hardys got a beating, and were both put thru tables at the hands of Kronik, they will learn their lesson tonight.

The bell rings and Jeff and Brian Adams lock up, so do Matt and Bryan Clark. Stacey and Lita exchange blows and the referee is trying to get the wrestlers into their corners. It is an all out rumble in the ring and Brian Adams clotheslines Jeff over the top rope. Matt throws Bryan against the ropes and follows it up with a big back body drop. Lita suplexes Stacey then flies off the top rope to deliver a Hurricarana to Stacey. Jeff and Brian are fighting outside the ring as Matt is controlling Bryan hitting him with some quick kicks into the stomach and face. Jeff now rolls Brian back into the ring and with Bryan on the mat The Hardyz double team him. Matt hits a twist of fate and Jeff goes for the Swanton Bomb.....DING DING DING!! The referee has had enough.

Lillian:The result of this match is a Double Disqualification!

Jeff,Matt and Lita seem angry that the match was called the way it was, although it was out of control... We go backstage to see RVD,Kidman and Shawn Michaels strategising for their matches tonight.

RVD says to Kidman that they will get their revenge on Shin Ryu, but this wont be over by a long shot. Shawn Michaels says he will gain that European Title, he says he should've won it at Breakdown but Lance Storm had to stick his nose in other people's business kicking a chair in his face. HBK says tonight, Storm is gonna feel the impact of HBK's sidekick, tonight Storm feels a little Sweet Chin Music!

COMMERCIAL BREAK~~ Mid-Continent Wrestling Academy has opened! Reach it under the OTHER section of the XPW Homepage. It is a Developmental Territory for XPW located in Wichita,Kansas, with Vince Russo as the owner.

We come back from a commercial break seeing Diamond Dallas Page on the screen with a huge smile on his face.

**Diamond Dallas Page**


"Have you done your yoga today? I bet your feeling pretty damn good about yourself, I know Im feeling pretty damn good about myself. Cause you see me helping you feel good, is a positive thing. Take my friend Tony for example, last week, Tony's cat got run over by a car! But wait :-), thats not a bad thing, ITS..a good thing! :-) You see Tony's wife was illergic to the cat and that cat's death actually saved, their, marriage! When I explained to Tony the positive side of that cat's death, he IMMEDIATELY understood that that cats death..was a good thing! :-) so look at the positive side of..."

All of a sudden the lights go on in the room and DDP looks like he is going to go nuts! He looks around and the camera pans to the door where we see Scott Steiner had just came in and turned on the light switch.

Steiner appoligizes and says hes new here just looking for the ring, he says obviously this isnt the right way. Diamond Dallas Page starts to get angry but soon realizes, its not such a bad thing after all..

"Dont worry, Im ok with it, cause its..a good thing. :-) Here let me show you the way to the ring....

DDP tells Steiner to follow him and they walk out of the room, DDP turning off the lights first.

We go to the ring for our next match.

Tony:Well that was quite interesting, lets send it up to Lillian to introduce the match.

"Real American" hits the PA System and the fans cheer on their feet for Hulk hogan!

Lillian:The following match is set for one fall, making his way to the ring he is the XPW World Heavyweight Champion, from Venice Beach, California Hollywood..Hulk...Hooooogaaaaan!

Hogan makes his way out playing his air guitar with the World title around his waist as the fans cheer. He makes his way slowly down to the ring and poses inside of it ripping apart his shirt. Hogan does all his posing then his music stops, a minute more passes and finally, we hear the Sirens blare over the PA System and out walks Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner accompanied by Diamond Dallas Page.

Lillian:And his opponent from Detroit,Michigan, being accompanied by Diamond Dallas Page, "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner!

DDP seems to be explaining to Steiner the direction towards the ring, and Steiner continues saying that he sees the ring its right in front of him. DDP continues to say that he is just making sure Steiner doesnt get lost again, not that it bothered DDP that Steiner interupted his promo and all but...Steiner tells DDP to shut his mouth, and Steiner storms up the ramp into the ring as Hogan laughs in the ring.

The referee calls for the bell as both men are in the ring now.

Hogan and Steiner stare each other down from opposite sides of the ring. The both move in and lock up. Steiner gets around to the back of Hogan. Hogan reaches back with his elbow and nails Steiner between the eyes. Steiner breaks the hold, Hogan runs to the ropes and bounces off. Hogan comes back with a clothesline, he connects. Steiner hits the cavas. He was rocked by that clotesline. As Hogan taunts to the crowd he waits for Steiner to get up. Steiner does and Hogan takes a run at him. Hogan goes for a clothesline, but steiner drop to holds Hogan. Hogan falls face first to the mat. Steiner gets up. He grabs Hogan and picks him up. He throws Hogan to the corner. Hogan hits hard and stammers to the middle of the ring. Steiner grabs him and connects with a huge Belly to Belly suplex.

Hogan gets up, and steiner grabs him for a suplex. Hogan stops it by hooking Steiners leg. Hogan picks up Steiner for a suplex. Steiner and Hogan are both out of breath as the match goes on. The ref starts the manditory ten count. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8!

Both men take there time to get up. Steiner runs after Hogan, Hogan sucks a clothesline then hits one of his own. Steiner is down. Hogan taunts Steiner, flexing in front of him. Steiner gets mad and sprints across the ring torward Hogan. Hogan hits the Big Boot! Steiner is hot soi hard that he actually flips. Hogan holds his ear to the crowd. The crowd goes crazy. Hogan points down at Steiner and then runs to the ropes. He comes back, jumps, and nails Steiner with the Hogan Leg Drop!!! Hogan goes for the pin. The ref slides to the mat to count   1...2...3! Hogan wins by pin.

Lillian:Here is your winner, Hollywood Hulk Hoooogaaannn!!!

DDP walks up to Steiner and smiles, Steiner shoves him out of the ring and DDP goes back to Steiner and says he will help him find his way backstage these arenas can be confusing.

We head backstage in the locker room of Shin Ryu. Paul Heyman is giving a speech to the group. He says that nobody is safe while Shin Ryu is around, especially not Kaos! He says they have set their sites on that team who seemed to be going somewhere in XPW so they are here to make sure they don't go anywhere and their success stops now! We will be the most powerful group of all in XPW, and as time goes by, he says to the group to keep their eyes open for worthy talent, destructive talent, intelligent talent, that would make a great addition to Shin Ryu, because the Chaos continues tonight!

Outside the arena a long white limo is pulling up. The chaufer gets out of the car after stopping it, and he opens the door. Out steps XPW VP Eric Bischoff, and behind him steps out of the car..Goldberg! They both look overly confident, with their heads high as they walk into the arena.

COMMERCIAL BREAK~Tickets go on sale for the following XPW events Saturday Morning: Shocker in San Antonio, Atrocity from Columbus Ohio and Shocker from Cleveland Ohio!!!

The show comes back on the air in Shane McMahon's office where we see Hulk Hogan standing by Shane. Hogan tells Shane that there is no way he will let Goldberg get away with attacking him like he did on Shocker last week! Shane says right now there is nothing he can do, even if Goldberg has arrived in the arena...:Hogan storms out of the ring after hearing that.

The scene changes in Eric Bischoff's office where Goldberg is with him. Goldberg asks if Bischoff heard if Hogan would be here or not tonight, Bischoff says he was scheduled for a match, and he says he beleives its already taken place. Bischoff says that Hogan probably wont be here much longer though, cause once he hears you are in the building he will flee the town! Goldberg (seeming releived) says great, but he wishes Hogan was here right now so he could bust his face wide open. Goldberg says for now, he has a match to compete in. Bischoff asks Goldberg if something is wrong, he asks if Goldberg is scared of Hogan? Goldberg (hesitating) says that no he has been thinking long and hard about his match tonight, its really stressing him. He has to fight..The Hurricane. They both start to laugh as Goldberg was merely joking, but Goldberg says he will be back..if he can survive the beating he may get. They laugh again as Goldberg exits the room.

Backstage: The Rock is putting his elbow pads on when all of a sudden..WOOOOSH! The Hurricane flies in camera view. He says he cannot understand how the People's Elbow is so effective when all it is is The Rock driving his elbow into the opponent. it is nothing compared to the Hurri-Chokeslam!!! The rock says dont worry about it to Hurricane/ However Helms continues speaking saying he could understand if The Rock was a superhero like himself, but he is only a mere mortal. Wassup wit dat?!?! The Rock tells Hurricane maybe he'd like to find out just how effective the peoples elbow really is! Hurricane tells Citizen Rock to calm down, he was only currious. And with a WOOOOOSH!!! the Hurricane flies off out of the camera view as we head to a commercial break.


We come back on the air to see Justin Credible walking down the hallway. A Man walks up to him and hands him a note, and walks off. Credible looks on confused, then looks down at the note. He opens the flap and reads it.
"You will learn not ro mess with the MAN BEAST! Nobody is safe now, not even...your WIFE and KID!" -Rhyno

!!Justin Credible cannot beleive it! He runs down the hallway in a hurry as the scene fades.

Hulk Hogan is seen walking the hallways, he finds a bottle on the concrete, and picks it up and breaks it against the wall where now he holds part of it and seems to be angry. Hogan shouts "GOLDBERG!" and then again shouts "GOLDBERG! WHERE ARE YOU!!!" He sees Eric Bischoff's locker room, and smiles. Hogan storms in and sees Bischoff and jumps on him asking and demanding to know where Goldberg is! Bischoff says he hasn't seen Goldberg, he has nothing to do with him! Hogan says oh is that right and Bischoff says that he wouldn't have anything to do with that crazy person, honest. Hogan stares Bischoff in his eyes, but then we hear the drums begin to play over the PA System,and Hogan gets off Bischoff and storms out of the ring!

Lillian:The following contest is set for one fall, making his way to the ring from Tulsa, Oklahoma! (Fans cheer) Gooooldberrrrrg!

Goldberg makes his way out and gets blasted with sparks as he soaks it all in. He makes his way down to the ring as the fans are cheering their native. The whole arena goes dark, as we hear the music....


Lillian:And his opponent, weighing in at 191 pounds, the Hurricane!!!

The crowd cheers loudly as the hurricane makes his way down to the ring in his super hero fashion. He slides in the ring, and climbs the turnbuckle and does a Hurri-Pose but is attacked from behind by goldberg and the bell rings.

Goldberg then laughs at Hurricane as Goldberg kicks him around a little bit. Goldberg picks him up and nails a right hand making Hurricane almost fly to the matt. Hurricane lays on the matt and Goldberg falls down going for an elbow drop but Hurricane rolls out of the way and goldberg crashes on his elbow. Goldberg gets a little mad and gets up and gets dropkicked by hurricane making goldberg stumble. Goldberg then runs at him and helms jumps in the air hitting a clothesline making goldberg tip back onto the matt. "AHHHH" goldberg yells then sits up as hurricane hits a dropkick to the back of goldbergs head. Goldberg gets really mad and gets up. Goldberg walks over to him and punches him in the head. Helms tries to fight back hitting another punch but it makes goldberg even madder. Goldberg then knees him in the gut, then nails another knee to the gut. Goldberg then throws hurricane at the corner as hurricane runs and flips over the turnbuckles. Hurricane lays on the outside and goldberg goes to the outside and sees helms getting up. Helms gets to his feet and gets nailed with a clothesline over the barricade. The ref starts counting. 1....goldberg then picks helms up and drops him on the barricade chest first. Hurricane bounces off into the front row. 2...........Goldberg then starts stomping the hurricane's chest. Goldberg then picks him up and tosses him over the barricade by ringside. 3.....Goldberg then steps over the barricade and gets in the ring....4!.......Hurricane starts to move and finally gets to one knee....5!.....

  Tony: Uh Oh! The half way point, can Hurricane make it?!  

Hurricane starts to get his other knee...6!.......Goldberg gets out of the ring and knees him back down....7!!...Goldberg rolls in...Hurricane gets to his knees...8!!...Hurricane stands up and stumbles into the apron....9!!.....Hurricane then starts to get in TE..Hurricane gets in! Hurricane made it!! Goldberg cant beleive it. Goldberg then waits for hurricane. Goldberg runs at hurricane and hurricane grips him by the throat and picks him up and slams him down for a HURRI-CHOKESLAM! Hurricane covers..One..Two..Thr..KICKOUT! Hurricane cant beleive that goldberg kicked out.  

Bobby: Can You beleive it Tony? Goldberg kicked out. Comon get em' Goldberg! Tony: Yes Brain, Goldberg did kick out. Can he capitalize or can Hurricane get goldberg and get an upset here?!  

Hurricane then pins him again and hooks the leg. One..Two..Kickout again! Hurricane goes to the second rope and waits. Goldberg gets up and Hurricane leaps...goldberg catches him and slams him with a fall-a-way slam! Hurricane lays on the matt as goldberg covers him. One...two..kickout! Goldberg then picks him up and slams him down with a body slam. Goldberg covers him again 1..2...kickout! Goldberg then yells at the ref for awhile which gives hurricane time to get up. Hurricane then gets to the top rope and Goldberg looks at him and runs to go at him but Hurricane flys off with a OVERCAST! Hurricane then covers him..1...2...3!!!!! Hurricane wins it!!  

Lillian:Here is your winner, the Hurricane!!!

Goldberg gets up and stumbles around shocked that he lost, but looks up on the X-tron to see that Hogan is on his way to the ring, Goldberg hops out of the ring and through the crowd. Hogan chases after him. The camera man cathes up when goldberg is running backstage, as he sees a taxi cab, Goldberg tosses the driver out and drives off as Hogan gets there. Hogan tosses the bottle part at the car breaking the rear window!

Backstage Paul Heyman is talking to Shin Ryu, saying that they will continue to cause chaos tonight on KAOS! There is a knock at the door, Tajiri opens it and Rhyno is standing there. Rhyno comes in and says that he heard about the opening in the team. Rhyno says that he can be extreme enough, and has masterminded this whole terrorization over Justin Credible, what he doesnt know is that his Wife and Kid have already been captured. Rhyno says but just incase you don't beleive me, let me remind you that I single handly took out Brock lesnar and Credible on the first show of XPW and became the Hardcore Champion, and just last Sunday he beat the hell out of Tommy Dreamer leaving him without a wrestling career for quiet some time!!! Heyman says that he sees great things in Rhyno, but..but...Rhyno must prove himself..TONIGHT!

COMMERCIAL BREAK-XPW rewind: The Rock Rock bottoming Lance Storm and getting the win over him in record breaking time last week on Shocker!

Lillian:The following Triple Threat match is set for one fall and is for the XPW European Championship, making his way to the ring, from Calgary alberta Canada, Lance Storm!

Storm makes his way down to the ring , he slides in the ring as the fans boo and he grabs a microphone as his music dies down he begins to speak.

Storm:If I can be serious for a minute..last week on Shocker was a travesty, something that I am very ashamed of, losing to an american..especially The Rock. Rock, you pulled off a fluke win last week, well this week you lose to the better man, you lose to the better man that is from Calgary, Alberta , Canada. Now show your support for Canada, and rise for the playing of the Canadian national Anthem.

The anthem begins to play as Storm puts his arms behind his back but...


Lillian:Making his way to the ring fron San antonio texas, HBK Shawn Michaels!

HBK makes his way down to the ring and slides in as the fans cheer, he spins around and does the lean as pyro shooots up.

The music changes to ..


Lillian:And their opponent, From miami Florida he is the XPW European Champion THE ROCK!!!

Rock makes his way towards the ring and looks up at the two in the ring. Before the bell sounds HBK and Lance storm look uneasily towards each other. They don't know who will strike first. The Rock is standing outside the ring. Suddenly Eddie Gurrero blindsides the rock knocking him to the floor, and Tajiri comes in the ring behind Shawn and Spits the Green mist into his eyes.

Tony: My God, this is a gang attack and the match hasn't even started yet!!! Brain: Shin ryu are smart Tony, they saw an oppurtunity to beat the crap out of the opposition and they took it.

Lance and Tajiri Double team HBK in the ring while Eddie gets up on the apron and Frog splashes the Rock!!!

Eddie rolls the Rock's almost limp body into the ring and the referee rings the bell to start the match. Lance Storm is standing tall over Shawn Michaels and The Rock , stomping away at both men. Suddenly RVD and KIdman sprint down to Ringside and pounce on Tajiri and Eddie. Several referees run down to ringside to separate them leaving no official in the ring!

Lance storm picks up the Rock, he whips Rocky off the ropes, attempts the superkick but the Rock ducks it and delivers a spine tingling DDT. He goes for the cover but there's no referee!!!

Tony: The rock's got it won here, damn those Shin Ryu!

The Rock gets up and walks to the ropes signalling for the Ref to get back in the ring. The Rock turns around but Lance nails him with a low blow. Storm then turns his attention to HBK. Shawn slowly rises to his feet but Lance nails a superkick, unfortunately sending him to the outside. Meanwhile the Rock is again back up but is the worse for wear and he runs right into a float-over half crab! Lance tightens the hold as Rocky tries in great pain to get to the ropes. With another sudden rush of energy, the Rock reaches out and grabs the bottom rope.

The two men get to their feet and start to fist fight but the rock gets the better of the exchange and battles back. Rocky whips the canadian hero off the ropes but is reversed. The rock rebounds of the other side with a thunderous clothesline. Rock whips lance into the turnbuckle but lance catches him running in and hits a boot to the face of the rock. Rocky stumbles out of the corner an Lance runs toward him but is caught with Spinebuster.

Tony: Its the peoples Elbow!!

Brain : This could be bad for Lance!!!!

The Rock motions for the peoples elbow and throws his elbow pad into the crowd. He bounces off one rope then HBK catches his leg on the other side and pulls the rock out of the ring. Shawn attempts a right hand but the rock puts it over his shoulder and delivers a rock bottom Right onto the Floor!!!!!

Brain: I think its safe to say HBK is outa' the Equation. The Ref is distracted by the rock outside but Kidman is on the ring apron. He delivers a hangman on the ropes to Lance. The Rock rushes back in the ring and lance turns into a Rock Bottom!!!! 1...2....3!!!!!!!!!!

Lillian:Here is your winner and STILL XPW Champion, The Rock!!!

We head backstage to see Hulk Hogan irate that he didn't get a peice of Goldberg. All of a sudden we hear a WOOOOOSH! and The Hurricane flies in. He mentions to Hogan that Goldberg lost to a superhero tonight,and hurricane proved that he was a REAL LIFE SUPERHERO!! Wassup Wit Dat?!?! Hogan says brother you really showed him, and I wish I couldve done the same but Ill get him eventually. Hurricane says, how bout next week..ON SHOCKER!!! The two biggest names in XPW, the Hurricane...and Hollywood Hulk Hogan, we could call ourselves, H-5! Hurricane Hollywood Hulk Hogan Heroes! Hogan responds with a "Whats up with that brother?"..but Hogan says that he and Hurricane will take care of Goldberg next week, Shane will let me have the match, he knows I want some of Goldberg. Hurricane says its HURRI-SWEET that they will team up, but Goldberg has to answer..What'cha gonna do VILLAIN goldberg, when Hurricane and Hogan run wild on YOU??? Hogan says "Dude you are soo cool, lets go". They walk off as we go to commercial.


Lillian: The following Tag Team Contest is scheduled for one fall. First, making their way to the ring representing KAOS, accompanied by "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, the team of Billy Kidman and Rob Van Dam!

Team KAOS's music hits as the three of them make their way to the ring. RVD does his double thumb pose as Lillan says his name while Billy poses on the turnbuckle and HBK does his leaning pose as fireworks go off behind him. The crowd is going crazy for these three superstars.

Llllian: And their opponents, representing Shin Ryu, accompanied by Lance Storm and Paul Heyman, the team of Tajiri and Eddie Guerrero!

Shin Ryu's music plays as the four of them make their way out to a series of boos. Guerrero has a cocky look on his face and Tajiri has a twisted look as they get into the ring. Heyman is taunting RVD shouting, "I made you!!" but RVD just looks at him and points at himself as the crowd chants R-V-D! The bell sounds to kick off the match.

RVD starts things off with Eddie Guerrero. They lock up with Guerrero sending RVD off the ropes and Guerrero takes him down with a Shoulder Block. Guerrero bounces off the ropes but gets met by a Spinning Heel Kick from RVD which knocks Guerrero down for some time. RVD picks Guerrero up and goes for a form of a Suplex but Guerrero changes direction in mid-air and somehow takes RVD down with a Hurrancaranna. He goes for a quck cover..1..2.. and RVD gets his shoulder up. Guerrero tags in Tajiri who starts to kick RVD in the ribs with the side of his foot. Tajiri attempts to Irish Whip RVD but he reverses and Tajiri is send off the ropes but Tajiri takes him down with a Shoulder Block. Tajiri attempts to send RVD into the turnbuckle but RVD again counters and sends Tajriri into the corner and then he Sunset Flips Tajiri almost halfway across the ring. RVD then hits a Standing Moonsault and goes for a cover..1..2..and a kickout by Tajiri. RVD walks over to his corner and tags in Billy Kidman who comes off the corner and hits a Flying Crossbody on Tajiri into the cover..1..2..and Tajiri just kicks out of that one.

Kidman picks Tajiri up and attempts to send him against the turnbuckle but Tajiri reverses it and Kidman bounces off the corner and Tajiri nails a Superkick to the head of Kidman and both men are down. Both are trying desperately to tag their partners in which they do and RVD and Guerrero come in on fire. RVD punches Guerrero down and then down again. RVD waits and hits Guerrero with a Superkick to the face and now goes to the top rope. He waits for Guerrero to get up and attempts a Missile Dropkick which he hits and he covers him..1..2..and Tajiri is in to break the count up. Kidman comes in to help his partner and he clotheslines Tajiri out of the ring. Wait...Kidman bounces off the ropes and does a Flip over the ropes and takes Tajiri down to the mat. Both men are in a heap at ringside. Guerrero gets to his feet and picks RVD up and places him on the top turnbuckle. Guerrero climbs to the top and is going for a Superplex but RVD counters and pushes Guerrero down to the mat hard. And RVD leaps off for a Five Star Frog Splash but Guerrero moves out of the way and RVD hits the mad hard. Guerrero tags in Tajiri who manages to stop RVD from tagging in his partner. Tajiri stomps away at RVD and punches him in the head. Tajiri bounces off the ropes and hits a Baseball Kick to the face of RVD. He goes for a cover..1..2..and RVD just barely kicks out. Tajiri sends RVD off the ropes and hits him with a Spinning Heel Kick and covers him again..1..2..and another kick out by RVD! Tajiri waits for RVD to sit up, then he measures him and goes for the sharp kick to the head but RVD ducks and hits a Spinning Heel Kick to Tajiri. RVD bounces off he ropes and hits the Rolling Thunder into the cover..1..2..and Guerrero breaks it up. RVD tags Kidman in who throws Guerero over the top rope. Kidman takes Tajiri down with a Dropkick and then bounces off the roes and hits a Diving Forearm. Kidman picks Tajiri up and goes for a Suplex but Tajiri counters and rolls up Kidman..1..2..and Kidman just kicks out. Tajiri tags in Guerrero who picks Kidman up and hits him with a Brainbuster and then gives him another one. He covers him..1..2..and Kidman just kicks out at the last moment. Guerrero grabs Kidman and is setting him up for a unique submission hold where he puts Kidman's back on his knees and lifts him in the air. Somehow, Kidman rolls out of it and gets Guerrero in a pinning combination..1..2..and Guerrero just kicks out. Tajiri makes a blind tag to Guerrero and he comes in and lands a few knife edge chops to the chest of Kidman. Tajiri attempts to send Kidman into the corner but it is reversed and Tajiri goes against the corner but Tajiri locks Kidman in a Tarantula. The referee forces Tajri to break the hold before he counts to 5. And wait...Paul Heyman has gotten up on the ring apron and is distracting the referee and now Lance Storm is in the ring an Superkick to the face of Kidman! But now HBK is in the ring and he delivers a Sweet Chin Music to Storm. HBK pulls Storm out of the ring and grabs a steel chair from the outside. He takes a swing at Tajiri but he misses and Tajiri hits a hard kick to Michaels through the chair knocking him out. Now Tajiri has the chair but RVD out of nowhere and VAN DAMINATOR to Tajiri. RVD has the cover and the referee sees this and makesthe count..1..2..and someone just pulled the referee out of the ring. It's Rhyno! Rhyno's inthe ring now and GORE to Billy Kidman. The referee calls for a Disqualification.

Lllian: Here are your winners by DQ, Billy Kidman and Rob Van Dam!

But Rhyno's not done. He grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up in the corner. Storm has gotten to his feet and has Superkicked RVD and now has him set up against the table. Rhyno lines him up and GORE through the table! Now the only KAOS member left is HBK. Tajiri has thown him into the ring and is holding him down as Guerrero leaps off and hits the Frog Splash to the chest of HBK. Now, Paul Heyman is in the ring.

Heyman: Ladies and Gentleman...take a look at the newest member to Shin Ryu...RHYNO!

Heyman hands Rhyno a shirt and he puts it on as he celebrates with Tajiri, Guerrero and Storm. Shin Ryu's music plays as team KAOS is laid out in the middle of the ring. Heyman laughs sadistically as Shocker comes to an end.