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Shocker Results 06/13/02

There is a recap of what went down last week on Shocker, first off showing the debut of Tajiri, Eddie Guerrero, and Lance Storm all having their sites set on the team of Kaos. It then shows Hulk Hogan becoming the new World Champion, and saying that HBK would get a title shot...

The show comes on the air panning allaround the audience as they wave their signs in the air, most with support for Hulk Hogan our new world champion! We head down to ringside to join Tony Shavonie and Bobby Heenan for Commentary.

Tony:Welcome to XPW Shocker, tonight we will have lots of great matches for you and...

He is interupted by the sound of Breaking Point's "Bodies" as it plays through the PA System. Out steps Eddie Guerrero, Tajiri, Lance Storm and...PAUL HEYMAN!

They make their way down the ramp as the fans boo. They step in the ring and snag a microphone.

Heyman:OH!!! How wonderful it is to be back! You See...I have once again used my brain power to bring together three of the most lethal men in WRESTLING! They may not seem like lethal men, but lets take a look back to Sunday at what they did...

Footage shows of Tajiri attacking Kidman, Guerrero attacking RVD,and Storm attacking HBK.

Heyman:YOU SEE??? We are going to rule supreme over XPW! And we have set our sites on Rob Van Dam...a man I MADE in ECW! Billy Kidman, a worthless excuse of a wrestler who doesnt deserve that Cruiserweight Title, and Shawn Michaels, who's time has passed along time ago, and we are here to make sure he doesnt stick around much longer!

The fans boo Heyman. They chant "Hey-man-Sucks!" "Hey-man-SUCKS!"

Heyman:Oh give it a rest! Sunday, was just the begining of Kaos's pain! You can call us, Shin Ryu!...Now..Tonight, since Shawn Michaels has been handed a world title shot from Hogan, wussing out of a challenge from Lance Storm, we have our sites set on someone else tonight. Lance Storm, will face off against... The Rock!


The Rock makes his way down the ramp, and slides in up on the apron now and gest on the turnbuckle.

He gets down as the fans are chanting "ROCKY!" and his music dies down.

ROCK:FINALLY...THE ROCK..HAS COME BACK!!! HARTFORD! Paul Heyman, Lance Storm, you want some of..The Rock? Well then I say..just..BRING IT!

Lance: Rock, if I coould be serious for a minute, I think its a joke that you hold that European Championship, and that you actually think you can defeat someone of my caliber. It almost makes me fact, how about you put that title on the line tonight, so it can go to someone with Class, someone from Calgary..Alberta..Canada.

ROCK: Hmm, well you want to face The Rock tonight?

Heyman:yea.,, come on get a referee down here! C'mon lets go! C'mon! We are going to do this NOW ROCK!

A Referee makes his way down into the ring.

Lance:With all do respect Paul, Tajiri, Eddie, I'd like to do this on my if you would please..

Heyman, Tajiri and Guerrero step out of the ring down to ringside.

Lance:So Rock, are you up for it?

ROCK:Is the Rock up for it? All The Rock has to say is, WATCH OUt...your candy nexT!

The Rock drops the microphone and Rock bottoms LANCE STORM! He pins him and the ref counts 1-2-3!!!

Lillian:Here is your winner and STILL European Champion, THE ROCK!


Tony:The Rock has just pulled a big win over Shin Ryu's Lance Storm, he had no idea what he was getting into Brain!

Brain:NO! When did the match even start???!!

The Rock gets up on the turnbuckle holding his European Title up as his music hits, but just then Tajiri and Eddie Guerrero attack him from behind! Guerrero and Tajiri whip The Rock against the ropes and knock him down with a double dropkick. Paul Heyman slides a steel chair in to Lance Storm. Guerrero and Tajiri pick The Rock up and hold him, as Storm SMACKS the Chair over The Rock's head! The Rock falls to the mat. He is busted open.

Lance Storm applies the Maple Leaf to The Rock, and he is in pain. Tajiri then looks down at the Rock and clips Rock's head with the tip of his shoe, Tajiri backs up bounces off the ropes and comes back...Tajiri baseball slides his feet into The Rocks Head! Eddie Guerrero climbs the turnbuckle as Storm gets off of The Rock, and Guerrero jumps off the turnbuckle and Frog Splashes The Rock!

All of a sudden Shawn Michaels, Rob Van Dam and Billy Kidman make their way to the ring with steel chairs in hand.

Brain:RVD and Kidman are not scheduled to be here tonight!!! They aer supposed to be at home!

The Kaos members get in the ring quick with the chairs and Shin Ryu split. They go through the crowd, but before its all over Heyman grabs a mic.

Paul Heyman:This is far from over! And keep this one last thing in mind...CHAOS HAS BEGUN!

"Bodies" by Breaking Point hits the PA System as Kaos stands in the ring. Kidman and RVD are favoring certain parts of their bodies from the beating at we head backstage.

We head backstage to see Michael Cole standing by with Hollywood Hulk Hogan who has his World title over his shoulder.

Cole:Hulk Hogan, congratulations on your big win last Sunday at Breakdown...

Hulk Hogan:Ya know somethin brotha, last Sunday, I proved something, I proved that I still got it! And ya know what brother...Im gonna give Shawn Michaels the same chance tonight, Im gonna give him the chance to prove if he still has it or not, when he steps into the ring with the Immortal Hulk Hogan! Hulkamania is runnin' wild..AGAIN! in the XPW..and It couldnt without all my Hulkamaniacs. They made me the ICON that I am today!

Just then Goldberg comes from the side and SPEARS Hulk Hogan down! He stares down at Hogan, and looks at cole, snatching the mic from him.

Goldberg:You might be an Icon Hogan, But Goldberg is..DA MAN! And I am hoping you keep that Title tonight, haha, so I can show you that I am the man at ATROCITY!

Goldberg walks off as Michael Cole bends down to check on Hogan as we go to commercial break.


We come back and are in Eric Bischoffs office. Heyman is in there along with the restof Shin Ryu, claiming that was a screw job! Heyman says that Storm deservesa re-match! Bischoff says fine, that is good. Nxt week its The Rock vs Lance Storm.

As we change scenes we see a recap of what just went down when Goldberg attacked Hulk Hogan, we then head to the ring...


Lillian:The following match is set for one fall, making his way to the ring..THE HURRICANE!

Hurricane makes his way down to the ring, and on the X-Tron we see the Breakdown moment when Hurricane helped Goldberg out, but then Test boots Hurricane out of the ring eliminating him.


Lillian:And his opponent, Test!

Test makes his way down the ramp with a mean look on his face. The Hurricane looks on at Test as Test enters the ring. Hurricane extends a hand, but Test slaps it away and starts in on Hurricane pounding on his head. test knees Hurricane twice and now they are in the corner, Test hitting rights and lefts on the super hero. Test whips Hurricane across to the opposite turnbuckle, Test runs but Hurricane moves. Test bounces off fave first from te turnbuclke and is holding his fave but then from nowhere the Hurricane jumps up and nails Test with a neckbreaker! The Hurricane goes for the win 1-2-kick out with authority as Hurricane 'flies' up and lands in the middle of the ring. He stands up and poses to Test, and Test looks on in confusion. Hurricane spins around and runs towards the ropes, he comes back and Test tries for a clothesline but The Hurricane ducks it and then Test turns around and Hurricane knocks him down with a Standing sidekick! Hurricane leans down posing, then spins around and runs to the ropes and bounces off. He comes back towards Test and hits a big elbow to his ribs. Hurricane picks Test up, kicks him in the gut and places him in position for a powerbomb! Hurricane gives the thumbs up and tries to lift Test but he is too heavy, Hurricane tries to lift him again but Test is just too much weight and Test backddrops Hurricane but Hurricane lands on his feet! Test turns around and Hurricane grabs him by the throat! Test elbows Hurricane in the side of the head though, and sets him up for the pump handle slam. Test brings Hurricane up, but Hurricane shakes out of it and lands on his feet on the mat, Hurricane dropkicks Test and Test falls.

Hurricane goes through the middle and top ropes, and walks along the apron. He climbs the turnbuckle and awaits Test to rise. Test is up, and Hurricane flies through the air connecting with a Cross Body! Hurricane doesnt pin Test though, just poses for the crowd as they cheer. Hurricane sees Test starting to get up. Hurricane goes over to the corner and steps up on the second turnbuckle. Test gets to his feet and stumbles towards Hurricane and Hurricane jumps off and connects with the Overcast! Hurricane pins Test 1-2-3! Tets is irate! He cannot beleive he lost! Hurricane gets out of the ring quickly and Test starts to yell at the referee. He grabs the ref's shirt, and punches him down! He starts to stomp the ref while more referees come down to the ring. Test sees one on the apron and he boots them off! Security get in the ring and handcuff Test, as he is completely going crazy.

We go backstage as Shane is in bischoff's office. Shane says he dont care what he told Heyman, Storm was beat 1-2-3 by the Rock, fairly they wwanted the match then and there and they got it. So if you willput the Rock vs Storm in a rematch, how about you add..Shawn Michaels to the mix. Bischoff says whatever youre the boss.Shane leaves the room.


As we come back from the commercal break we see Test getting taken to a cop car, and Shane McMahon confronting Test. Test spits in Shane's face, Shane says dont bother coming around here for a while, cause YOUR SUSPENDED! Test gets put in the cop car, and the scene fades.

We see a recap of Breakdown when Justin Credible attacked Rhyno and the rest of the Impact players disguised as a Nun. We go back to the arena, and see Justin Credible in the ring insidde the steel cage ready for his Hardcore Title match with Rhyno.

Then Rhyno's music hits and the crowd boos as the Hardcore Champ comes out.

Lillian:The Following STEEL CAGE match is set for one fall,and is for the Hardcore Championship! Making his way to the ring from Detroit,Michigan the Hardcore Champion, RHYNO!

Tony:Well it seems as if Test has been taken away, and is now..SUSPENDED? Wow.

Brain:Well right now, lets get ready for a blockbuster as Rhyno is about to rip a new one, for Justin Credible!

Rhyno makes his way down to the ring as Justin Credible looks on as Rhyno gets up the steps and walks into the ring through the door.

The bell sounds. Rhyno and Justin Credible look on at each other from each sides of the ring. They both run towards each other and tie up, Rhyno gets the advantage and pushes Credible down. Justin gets up looking on shocked at Rhyno's strength, but just dusts it off and they tie up again. Rhyno again pushes JustinCredible away and he falls down backwards. Credible gets up again still cant beleive it. They tie up again but this time Credible low blows Rhyno and starts punching him. Credible kicks Rhyno until he falls to the mat, and continues to stomp a mudhole in him. Justin Credible taunts to the crowd and they cheer, but just then Rhyno grabs onto Credible's shorts and pulls him to where his face hits the cage!

Tony:That looked like it really hurt!

Rhyno gets up and starts punching Credible, and bangs his head off of the turnbuckle. Rhyno whips Credible across the ring, against the ropes and Rhyno knocks Credible down with a shoulder block. Rhyno hits an elbow drop to Credible. The Man Beast Rhyno then takes Credible and picks him up. Rhyno suplexes Justin down to the mat and goes for the win 1-2kick out. Rhyno gets mad he didnt get the win, so he just starts climbing the cage trying to escape. Justin Credible starts to get to his feet and sees Rhyno climbing,,climbing. Credible runs to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle quick, and reaches to grab onto Rhyno's left leg. He pulls as hard as he can to get Rhyno down, and finally Rhyno loses his balance and falls to the mat from half way up the cage.

Brain:OH! That shouldnt had happened! Cheater..Justin a cheater!

Credible jumps off and nails Rhyno with a body splash and stays on him 1-2 kick out. Credible picks Rhyno up to his feet and whips him against the ropes, and as Rhyno comes back Credible drop toe holds Rhyno onto the ropes and Rhyno gets choked out by the bottom rope. Credible picks Rhyno's legs up, and pushes in so rhyno's head hits the cage every time he pushes as the fans laugh sort of at this peculiar position. Justin drops the legs as Rhyno starts holding his head, and Justin gets Rhyno and takes him to the corner. Credible jumps up on the top buckle sitting down with a hand on Rhyno's head. Credible then goes for a Tornado DDT but Rhyno pushes Credible away down to the mat. As Credible gets up Rhyno charges and hits the GORE GORE GORE!!! Rhyno pins Credible 1-2-3!

Rhyno immediately tells the referee on the outside to open the cage door and he does so. Rhyno grabs his Hardcore Title and takes off towards the way he came out as Credible lie on the mat in the ring. He starts to hold his stomach and get up slowly as he looks around to see Rhyno has left. Justin Credible gets out of the ring and starts up the ramp as the fans start to chant for him...all of a sudden up on the X-Tron we see the parking lot outisde the arena and it is getting dark out. The camera pans left a bit to see Rhyno coming out of the building with his Hardcore Title. He walks towards a black car that is running and he goes in and pops the hood. He goes to the back and looks in, and we can hear screaming. Back in the arena Justin Credible is looking on wondering what is going on. We see up on the X-Tron a Woman tied up, in the trunk! She is screaming!

Tony:What the hell?

Rhyno takes some duck tape and puts it on her mouth as back in the arena we see Justin Credible grab onto his head and run his fingers along it and seems to be in shock. Credible even looks to have a tear from his eyes, as Rhyno gives an evil smile towards the camera, and slams the car door as we can hear the sound of the woman in the car screaming for help. Rhyno looks at the camera again, and says:

Rhyno: You should've stayed away, you should've just minded your own business"

In the arena Credible is shaking his head back and forth in disbeleif.

Rhyno:"Now , momma has to pay..for your stupidity! Its time I took her for a little, ride."

Tony:MOMMA? Is that Justin Credible's mother?!

Rhyno smiles again and goes to the drivers side of the car and gets in. He speeds off as we go back into the arena and see Justin Credible still shaking his head, and starts to run towards the curtain to go after Rhyno.


Tony:Well just to update you now, we are told that that WAS Justin Credible's mother, and Credible has set out to look for Rhyno, this is just sick Brain.

Brain:Oh please..what was sick was when Rhyno stapled Tommy Dreamer in the head at Breakdown! Then piledrove him through two tables from the Breakdown Set! That was sick! Tommy Dreamer will now be out of action for quite some time.

Lillian:The Following Contest is for one fall..Making his way to the ring..he weighs in at a 287 pounds.....GOLDBERG!   The Fans explode in cheers as Goldberg's music hits the PA and sparks fly up on the entrance way. The sparks are still goin as Goldberg steps into them, he puts his head up..blows out smoke and starts taunting with his arms. He then walks down the aisle.

Goldberg then gets in the ring as "Medals" hits the PA and Kurt Angle walks out. The fans get in a chorus of "You Suck" chants and Kurt walks to the bottom of the stage and raises his arms as Pyros shoot out behind him. He then starts walking down.   Lillian: His Opponent...weighing 220 pounds from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania...KURT ANGLE!! (**Fans Boo**)

  Kurt rolls in the ring as the bell sounds as Kurt runs at Goldberg but just gets knocked down with a shoulder block. Angle falls to the matt but he soon gets up and starts to savage kick Goldberg. Goldberg then grabs his foot  and dragon screws Angle making him rolling to the other side of the ring. Goldberg picks up Angle, but angle shoots Goldberg with a huge chop, angle then hits him with another chop. Goldberg screams and pushes angle away. He runs at Angle and angle runs at him and they double clothesline each other. They both lay on the matt as Angle and Goldberg get up at the same time. Angle rolls to the outside..and walks over to the announce table. He pulls a monitor out and slides in the ring.


Goldberg gets to his feet and angle runs at him with the monitor in hand. Goldberg then lets a sidekick go into Angles head making him fall down with IMPACT. Angle lays on the matt as goldberg takes the monitor and runs at the ropes but he hits the referee down. Goldberg then comes back  and swings...Angle ducks and spears goldberg down and starts punching the head of him. Angle gets up and pulls him up as well as angle nails right hands in. Angle then grabs Goldberg by the stomache and tosses goldberg over his head with a huge belly to belly suplex. Angle gets up and starts stompin all over goldberg. Goldberg gets to one knee and kurt starts to slam his fists on Goldbergs back and head. Angle then picks his head up and goldberg clotheslines him down to the matt. Goldberg then stomps him and Angle falls to the outside.

Tony:Oh boy here they come.

The ref gets up in the ring and sees them fighting on the outside. Kurt gets up and goldberg runs him down with a clothesline. Goldberg picks kurt up and smacks his head against the announce table.

Tony:Look out!

He then throws kurt onto the announcers laps. WOAH!

Kurt gets up and the ref has already started the 10 count. 1.....Goldbergs runs and nails a clothesline as Kurt falls into the first row of the crowd.

Tony:Are youalright Brain?

Brain:Shut up Tony of course Im alright!

2...................3...Goldberg then stands on the barricade and falls off with an elbow onto angle but angle rolls out of the way and goldberg crashes into the concrete. 4.......Kurt gets up and picks Goldberg up. He throws him over the barricade and goldberg gets up. 5... Goldberg gets whipped into the ring post. 6....... Angle starts to stomp him. Goldberg pushes him away and gets up and goes crazy hitting a knee to the gut 7....Goldberg then runs at Angle and spears him into the matt!! 8....Goldberg nails right hands....9..........Goldberg picks him up and punches him in the face...he looks in the ring seeing its about to be a double count out. Goldberg starts to roll in.....10!!!! Goldberg never made it!! Goldberg goes absoulouely crazy and grabs Nick Patrick and belly-to-belly suplex's him. Goldberg then sees Angle getting up. Goldberg rolls out and grabs the ring bell hammer. He turns to kurt and nails him over the forehead with it!!

Tony:OH MY GOD! Did you see that blow!

Angle lays on the outside almost knocked out as Angle's head starts to bleed. Blood drips down and goldberg picks him up. Goldberg nails him in the back with the hammer. Angle stumbles and goldberg picks him up. He takes him to the announce-table and he hooks angles head under his arm and picks him up in a vertical suplec possition.

Tony:Im outta here!

Brain:Same Here!

Goldberg then slams him down with a JACKHAMMER thru the announce table!! Goldberg looks down at Angle, and looks at the camera. He says "HOGAN! YOURE NEXT!"


As we come back from a commercial we see the smiling face of DDP.

**Diamond Dallas Page**

I know what youve been thinking! Youve been wondering, how can me? Well Im gonna show you. You see im gonna get in your head, and you are gonna get in mine! Youre gonna see why DDP has NEEVER had a bad day in his entire life! A few sore ones, but thats not a bad thing, its a GOOD THING! Why? Because, that means i did the very best I could in the ring that look at the positive side of EEEEEVERY Situation and youll see..just like me..DDP that..I LIKE ME :-) like ME! :-) ..and Im going to help! :-)

Tony:Ya dont say...

The scene changes backstage to see the Hardy Boys and Lita discussing what went down at Breakdown. Then all of a sudden Kronik walk up with their tag Team belts, and with Stacy Keibler at their side. Hardys get in Kroniks face, while Lita and Stacy are in each others. Two referees see this and hold the men back, Shane McMahon starts to walk by, and sees that they are having a bit of a problem with each other...Shane says that since Kronik likes tables so about they put those Tag Team belts on the line tonight, against THE HARDY BOYS!

Eric Bischoff walks up from behind Kronik and states that they dont have to defend the titles now if they dont want to..Kronik shake their heads, and Bischoff says that how about next week the match takes place? Shane says no, how about next week we have ourselves a good ol' fashion 6 person Tag Team match..Kronik and Stacy versus Team eXtreme...Kronik look to Bischoff, and he shakes his head to Shane, sure he says, their up for it.

Lillian: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the XPW Championship! First, introducing the challenger, from San Antonio, Texas, weighing in at 227 pounds, "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels!

HBK's music plays on the PA as he dances his way out to the ring as the women in the audience scream his name. When he's in the ring, he does his leaning pose as pyros go off behind him.

Lillian: And his opponent, from Venice Beach, California, weighing in at 275 pounds, he is the XPW World Champion, Hollywood Hulk Hogan!

"Voodoo Child" hits as Hogan comes out pretending to play a guitar. Once he gets to the ring, he poses for the crowd and rips off his red and yellow shirt as the fans go wild. Finally, the bell sounds to start the match.

The two wrestling legends eye each other down at first trying to intimidate their opponent.

Brain Then the two lock up in the centre of the ring each trying to get leverage over the other. Michaels pushes Hogan into the coner where the referee tells him to lay off. The two lock up again in the centre of the ring but this time Hogan outmuscles Michaels into the corner. Hogan begins going to work on Michaels in the corner with forearm shots to the head of Michaels. Hogan attempts an Irish Whip but Michaels reverses it sending Hogan into the corner. Michaels charges but Hogan moves and Flapjacks Michael's face into the corner of the turnbuckle. Hogan then Clotheslines Michaels over the top rope and to the outside.

Hogan steps out of the ring and walks over to where Michaels is trying to get up just in front the announce table. But Michaels is up and lands a couple of shots to the stomach of Hogan and then sends Hogan into the steel steps. Hogan screams in pain after the impact of the steel. Michaels then attempts to smash Hogan's face into the ring post but Hogan blocks it and smashes Michael's face into instead. Hogan slides Michaels into the ring as the referee stops his count at 8.

Hogan attempts to pin Michaels..1..2..and Michaels kicks out at 2. Hogan applies a Sleeper hold to Micaels. The referee goes over to check on Shawn. The ref holds up Michaels' arm once, then twice and then on the third time Michaels starts to regain life. Michaels elbows Hogan in the gut a sends him off the ropes and nails him with a Spinning Heel kick to the face of Hogan. He goes for a cover..1..2..and Hogan barely kicks out. Michaels lands a Dropkick to the face of Hogan and then climbs the turnbuckle. He leaps off attempting a Flying Elbow but Hogan moves out of the way sending Michaels crashing to the mat. Hogan picks Michaels up and Suplexes him to the mat. Hogan picks Michaels up again but Michaels rakes the eyes of Hogan and then takes him down with a Clothesline. Michaels picks up Hogan and sends him off the ropes and nails him with a Cross Body Block into a cover..1..2.. and Hogan just kicks out! Michaels grabs Hogan and drags him over to the turnbuckle where he climbs up and goes for an attempted Moonsault. He leaps and he hits it and the cover..1..2..and somehow Hogan just kicks out at the very last minute.

Tony:WOAH! HBK was inches from winning the World Championship.

Michaels takes Hogan's legs and twists them around and locks in a version of the Figure Four Leg Lock. Hogan is screaming in pain. The referee askes Hoga if he submits but Hogan keeps trying to shake off the pain. The fans begin to get on Hogan's side chanting his name. That gets Hogan motivated as he manages to reverse the hold and now it is locked in on Michaels who is now screaming in pain. Sweat is running down the face of Michaels who keeps trying to make it to the ropes. Finally, he makes it as the referee makes Hogan break it. Hogan lands more punches to the face of Hogan. But as Hogan goes for a Clothesline, Michaels counters it and lands a DDT to the mat. Hogan grabs Michaels' foot but Michaels lets loose an Enziguiri to the back of the skull of Hogan. Both men are down in pain as the referee administers the 10 count. When he gets to about 6, both men start to get back up. Michaels punches Hogan but Hogan begins to hulk up. Michaels punches again but again Hogan is hulking up. Michaels tries one more punch but Hogan continues shaking his head and when Michaels tries one more, Hogan points at Michaels and motions that he's next. Hogan punches Michaels three times. Then he sends Michaels off the ropes and hits the Boot. Hogan bounces off the ropes and goes for the Leg Drop but Michaels counters and Hogan hits the mat hard. Michaels stands behind Hogan motioning for the Sweet Chin Music. Hogan gets up and Michaels goes for the big Superkick but Hogan blocks it, spins Michaels around and Clotheslines Michaels to the mat. Hogan rebounds off the ropes and hits the Leg Drop. He covers him..1..2..3! Hogan has retained the Championship!

Lillian: Here is your winner and still XPW World Champion, Hulk Hogan!

Hogan's music plays as he picks up his title and poses for the crowd. Shawn michaels rolls out of the ring. The fans are on their feet cheering for Hogan but wait a minute...Golberg has entered thering from out of nowhere. Hogan turns around and Spear to Hogan!! Lance Storm runs from the entrance way and attacks Shawn Michaels with a steel chair! But now Goldberg isn't done. He picks Hogan up and Jackhammer to Hogan. Goldberg grabs a mic from the ring announcer.

Goldberg: Hogan, at the pay-per view Atrocity, I've got two words for you, YOU'RE NEXT!

Goldberg's music plays as he steps out of the ring leaving Hogan lying in the ring and Michaels in pain on the outside from Lance Storm's attack.

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