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Shocker Results 5/27/02

XPW Shocker comes on the air with a message to all viewers... "We here at Xtreme Professional Wrestling are sorry to inform you fans out there, that last Friday Triple H, X-Pac, Kevin Nash, Test, Chris Jericho and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and the XPW agreed to part ways. We wish them the best of luck in feds to come, now on to the show..."

The pyros hit and Shocker is on the air! The cameras pan around the arena showing a full capacity crowd on hand for this XPW Live Event. We can hear the sound of people Chanting "XPW XPW XPW!".We then head down to our commentating team, as usual, Tony Schavonie and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

Tony:Ladies and Gentalmen welcome to XPW Shocker! As you all just saw, Triple H, X-Pac, Kevin Nash, Chris Jericho and Stephanie McMahon are all gone from XPW. What does this mean for DX? What will happen with the US Title, the European Title, and the Hardcore Title?

Brain:I say good riddins to bad rubbish, we didnt need them anyways. Oh yea, what about the Main Event for the Final match in the Number One Contenders Tournament? Kevin Nash WAS set to face HBK tonight, will HBK get another free ride thru the Tournament like the other times? I hope not.

Tony:It wouldnt be right, but Shawn Michaels had better be prepared for facing Tazz at Breakdown next week if in fact he does get that free ride.

Then all of a sudden on the PA System we hear "Here Comes the Money!" and the fans cheer as XPW Owner Shane McMahon makes his way out to the ring.

Lillian:Please welcome the owner of XPW, Shane McMahon!

Shane struts down to the ring, and gets in. He grabs a mic from Lillian and begins to speak as his music dies down.

Shane McMahon:It sure is great to be here in Buffalo, New York! I would like to thank everyone that sent "get well" letters for my mom Linda, and she seems to be doing well at the hospital in Connecticut.
I have heard talk backstage that the loss of Kevin Nash, Triple H, X-Pac, Chris Jericho and Stephhanie McMahon is going to destroy the XPW and we will not survive without them. That is not the case, XPW will still deliver great shows and matches just like we always do! As for the Titles, well they will be decided on June 9th at Breakdown. You see, I have booked a few matches already for the Pay Per View to get a champion to all vacant titles now. Tommy Dreamer will take on Rhyno for the Vacant Hardcore Championship at Breakdown! Rob Van Dam will face the winner of Kurt Angle versus Booker T at Breakdown for the United States Championship. More matches will be signed soon.

Now onto the main event for tonight. Kevin Nash should be facing Shawn Michaels to decide the number one contender for Tazz's world Title, but Kevin Nash is no longer here. Don't think that HBK will just get a ticket to Breakdown to face Tazz like that easily hes gotten through the Tournament, no no, tonight, I think he deserves an opponent. His opponent will be a well deserving individual, someone who should have this chance, that someone is..Hollywood Hulk Hogan!

The fans cheer lowdly and begin to break out in a Hogan chant.


Shane McMahon: I have one more announcement to make, for the Pay Per View, there will be a debut of a new match in XPW. Its called the "Breakdown Brawl". Its like a Battle Royal in a way. All of the XPW Roster will start out in the ring at the same time, the last man in the ring is declared winner and faces the World Champion at the next Pay Per View which will be named Atrocity. How do you win? Well, you can throw the opponent over the ropes and their feet must touch the mat. You can score a win by pinfall or submission. That is how. So eveyrone, enjoy the show!

Shane makes his way out of the ring as we head backstage to the locker room of the Impact Players. Kurt says its Bullcrud that Test quit XPW. The Impact players havent been having such a good run lately and its making him frustrated. Rhyno says calm down and it will all work out, something good will happen. He tells Kurt to take the frustration out on Booker T tonight. Kurt says he will, and that he will give Booker an olympic size butt spanking, Rhyno looks on in confussion.


As we come back from a commercial break our cameras are backstage with Michael Cole.

Cole:Folks something really bizzare has happened, as 3 of our stagehands here backstage have been taken out completely. They look like they were brutally attacked, and well, we have to find out who did this. Tony, Bobby, that is the latest, and if any news surfaces I will inform you of it.

We go back to the ring.

Tony:What was that all about? Somebody attacked our backstage crew, who could had done that?

On the PA System we hear

The Hurricane makes his way out on the ramp and the crowd cheers.

Lillian:The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the XPW Cruiserweight Championship! Making his way to the ring weighing in at 191 pounds The Hurricane!

The Hurricane makes his way down to the ring,gets in and on the turnbuckle posing a heroic pose for the fans.

The music of Billy Kidman is then heard on the PA System and the fans get on their feet as he makes his way out.

Lillian:And his opponent, The XPW Cruiserweight Champion Billy Kidman!

Kidman makes his way down to the ring with Cruiserweight Title in hand and a smirk across his face as he enters the ring.

The referee signals for the bell and this match is under way. Hurricane extends a hand to Kidman, and they shake. The crowd cheers. Kidman and Hurricane lock up, and Kidman gains the advantage sending Hurricane into the ropes but Hurricane jumps on the second rope, jumps back towards Kidman and hits him with an armdrag. kidman rolls out of the ring and Hurricane bounces off the ropes then runs and jumps over the top rope flipping in midair and landing on Kidman at ringside! Hurricane picks Kidman up and rolls him into the ring. Hurricane gets up on the apron and climbs the turnbuckle. Hurricane climbs to the top turnbuckle and as Kidman gets up Hurricane jumps off for a flying bodypress but Kidman dropkicks hurricane in the stomach! Kidman and Hurricane slowly get to their feet and Kidman body slams hurricane down on the mat. He jumps up and hits a big leg drop to Hurricane and pins him 1..2..kick out. Kidman picks The Hurricane up and whips him against the ropes. Hurricane bounces off and Kidman extends his arm for a clothesline but Hurricane ducks it and tries for a backdrop now, Kidman counters and flips landing on his feet and dropkicks Hurricane over the top rope down onto ringside. Kidman grabs the top rope, and as Hurricane gets up Kidman slings himself over with a Cross Body landing on top of The Hurricane! The fans cheer. Kidman picks The hurricane up but Hurricane counters and hits a Hurricanrana on the protective mats. Hurricane gets up and poses for the crowd and they all cheer. He picks up Kidman and whips him into the ring. Kidman rolls in and is slowly getting to his feet as Hurricane gets on the apron and climbs the turnbuckle. Kidman gets up and stops Hurricane while on the top turnbuckle, Hurricane battles back though and pushes Kidman off. Kidman falls to the mat and then starts to get up as Hurricane flies off and hits a flying cross body block. Hurricane stays on Kidman for the cover 1..2..kick out. They both get to their feet and Hurricane whips Kidman across the ring, Kidman bounces off the ropes and hits a big spinning wheel kick to Hurricane knocking him down. Kidman picks Hurricane up but Hurricane instead whips Kidman into the turnbuckle. Kidman slowly bounces away from the turnbuckle and Hurricane goes for a standing sidekick but Kidman grabs his leg, spins him around and then nails a Sky High powerbomb! Kidman pulls Hurricane towards the corner and gets up on the turnbuckle. Kidman leaps off and hits the Shooting Star Press. Kidman stays on Hurricane and hooks the leg 1..2..3!

Lillian:Here is your winner and STILL XPW Cruiserweight Champion Billy Kidman!

We go backstage now to see Hulk Hogan walking down a hallway, is he making his way out to the ring???


As we come back from a commercial break we hear "Voodoo Child" playing over the PA System and Hulk Hogan entering the ring while the fans are screaming for him. He gets a mic and his music dies down but the fans dont as they continuousy chant his name.

Hogan:Ya know Maniacs, Shane McMahon really isnt such a bad guy. He made the right decision booking the Hulkster in place of Kevin Nash, and tonight I will prove that it was the right think to do by defeating Shawn Michaels.

The fans cheer.

Hogan:Yep, tonight Hulkamania will run wild all over Shawn Michaels and next week at Breakdown, Hulkamania will run wilder than ever and Tazz will lose his World Championship!

Hogan is then interupted by the familiar sound of our VP Eric Bischoff's theme and out he comes to a chorus of boos.

He stays on the ramp with a mic in hand.

Bischoff:Hogan hogan hogan. Well well, looks as if you will in fact take on Shawn Michaels tonight, and yea, if you ask me i think you will win. But there is one small problem, you would have to face Tazz next week for the World Title. There is no way in hell you can defeat him, you are just too old Hulk Hogan!

The fans boo Bischoff and start an "A$$hole" Chant.

Bischoff:Oh shut the hell up! But then again, now that i think about it, with the stipulation added to the main event tonight, you probably wont win the match.

Hogan:And what stipulation is that Brother?

Out of nowhere Tazz comes in the ring and locks in the Tazzmission on Hogan. Hogan falls to his knees and Tazz has the hold on tight. Hogan falls to the mat as Tazz still has the hold on.

Bischoff:Because tonight, Tazz is the Guest referee!

Tazz lets the hold off of Hogan and starts out of the ring, and up the ramp. He smiles at Bischoff in a sick way, and the fans boo loudly.


We come back from a commercial break and are in the back where Paramedics are loooking over Hulk Hogan and advising him not to compete tonight. Hogan says there is no way he is going to back out of the match, because all his Hulkamaniacs came to see Hulk Hogan, and Hulk Hogan is going to give them what they want.

We change to the office of Eric Bischoff with Tazz looking at a monitor with Bischoff and just saw what Hogan said. Tazz is irate that Hogan is still going to try and compete tonight, Bischoff says hold on a second he has an idea. He starts to whisper to Tazz as the scene fades to black and we go to the ring.

Lillian:The following match is a handicap match set for one fall!


Lillian:Making his way to the ring, weighing in at 275 pounds from Miami, florida, The Rock!

The Rock makes his way to the ring as the fans cheer and he gets up on the apron and raises his arm in the air. Then we hear the music of Kaientai as they make their way out. Taka has a mic in hand.

TAKA:--Tonight! Taka, Funaki, Rocky, Lay big SMACK DOWN on Silly Man Kronik!


Lillian:And his parteners from Japan, Taka and Funaki, Kaientai!

Kaientai make their way in the ring and bow down to the Rock, and the fans cheer as they taunt in the ring but soon the arena begins to boo as Kronik's music blares over the PA System and out comes Clark and Adams.

Lillian:Their opponents, Kronik!

Kronik rushes into the ring and attacks the 3 men, The rock whips Adams into the ropes but is nailed with a clothesline and The Rock goes down. Taka and Funaki try to stop Kronik but they toss them out of the ring and the bell sounds to begin this match. Kronik pick the Rock up and whip him against the ropes and hit a double shoulder block knocking the Brahma Bull Down. They pick The Rock up and whip him into the ropes again and go for a double clothesline but the Rock ducks it and DDTs Bryan Adams, Rock gets up quickly and ducks a clothesline from Clark and hits a DDT on him. The Rock pins Clark 1..2..kick out. Kaientai are on the apron now, and The Rock tags in Funaki. Funaki gets in the ring and goes to work on Clark kicking him while he is down. Funaki picks Brian Clark up to his feet and whips him against the ropes and hits a dropkick almost knocking him over the top rope. Taka runs in quick and hits a quick dropkick to the chin of Clark knocking him over the top rope down to ringside. Kaientai jump around celebrating but are soon met with a hard clothesline from Bryan Adams as he attacks them. The Rock trys to get in the ring but the referee holds him back as Adams hits a big gorilla press slam to Funaki and then a big powerbomb to Taka. Adams starts in the ring and Clark gets on the apron. Bryan Adams pins Funaki 1..2..kick out. Bryan Adams picks Funaki up and whips him into the turnbuckle. Adams runs but is met with a boot to the face and then Funaki quickly tags in The Rock. The Rock runs in and hits a jumping clothesline to Adams. Brian Clark gets in and The Rock hits another clothesline knocking him down. The Rock stalks Clark as he gets up, he turns around and The Rock hits a spinebuster! This could be the peoples Elbow! All of a sudden Brian Adams comes up from behind The Rock with a big boot knocking him down. Clark gets to his feet and they both pick The Rock up. They grab him by his throat and deliver HIGH TIME! Adams pins The Rock 1..2..3!

Lillian:Here are your winners, Kronik!

Kronik raise their arms in victory and then start to talk to each other as their music blasts and the crowd boos. They get out of the ring and grab 2 tables and push them under the bottom ropes into the ring. They grab Taka Michinoku and set him up for the High Time. They lift him up and SLAM! him down through the table! They then help Funaki up to his feet, and High Time him through the other table. The referee is telling them to stop but Kronik still stomps away at Kaientai. The ref. continues to say stop, but they dont listen. Finally they get mad enough, and grab the ref by the throat and HIGH TIME him on the mat!

Kronik's music starts over and they get out of the ring and walk up the ramp signalling that titles willl soon be around their waist as we go backstage to see a XPW Crew member layed out and paramedics helping him up. On the wall in green paint is "KAOS HAS BEGUN!".

The scene changes to Eric Bischoff approaching Shawn Michaels about his match tonight advising him to back out or be taken out by Tazz. HBK says hell no and that he is the show stoppa and the main event, and tonight he proves that he is each one of those up against the Immortal Hulk Hogan!


As we come back from a commercial break we hear on the PA System:


Out comes Booker T!

Lillian:The following match is set for one fall, the winner faces Rob Van Dam at Breakdown for the Vacant US Championship! Making his way to the ring from Houston, Texas Bookerrrr T!

After his pyros go off on ramp, Booker makes his way into the ring and gets up on the apron holding his arms up as the fans cheer.

Then the Olympic Music of Kurt Angle is heard and everyone boos.

Lillian:His opponent is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 220 pounds, Kurt Angle!

Kurts pyro shoots up in red white and blue colors. He makes his way into the ring and spins around as the fans boo. He takes off his gold medals and gives them to the referee. The ref takes them to the timekeeper. Kurt grabs Booker from behind, spins him around facing each other now, and lifts him up...Kurt nails a big Inverted Atomic drop, aka Manhatton Drop, aka nut cruncher on Booker T while the ref is outside the ring! The ref gets in and calls for the bell and the match begins. Kurt rolls Booker up for the pin 1..2..kick out! Kurt is surprised Booker kicked out of that count! Kurt lifts Booker T up and chops him across the chest pushing him into the corner. Kurt chops booker more and more, then whips him into the ropes and knocks booker down with a clothesline. Kurt pins Booker T 1..2..kick out. Angle locks in a reverse head lock on booker while they are on the mat. Booker T starts to call for the crowds support as they cheer for him. Booker gets to his feet and elbows Angle in the gut and sends him into the ropes. Booker T hits a big calf kick to the head of Angle and Angle goes down. Booker picks Angle up and chops him across the chest and then sends him into the ropes but Kurt dropkicks Booker T down to the mat. Angle lifts Booker up and hits a german suplex..then he hits another german suplex..and one more, this time holding the move in a pinning combo 1..2..kick out by Booker T! Angle lifts Booker up and trys for a Suplex but Booker hooks his leg to make sure it doesnt happen, and he punches Kurt in the gut. Booker sends Kurt into the ropes, and goes for a huge standing side kick but Kurt grabs Booker's leg and then counters into an Ankle Lock! Booker rolls out of it and gets back up, he kicks Angle in the gut and backs up against the ropes. Booker jumps up for the Scissors Kick but just as his right leg was about to connect with the neck of Angle, Kurt Angle moved out of the way and hits the Angle Slam! Kurt hooks booker T's leg for the win 1..2..3!

Lillian:Here is your winner Kurt Angle!

We go backstage to show Tommy Dreamer talking to somebody saying that we will both be champions soon enough. When I capture the Hardcore Title, and you (camera pans to show VAMPRIO!) capture the Cruiserweight Title. That is unless Kidman isnt too scared. (They both laugh)

We change scenes where Kaos is backstage wondering what the message was all about on the wall, and they say that everyone thinks it was them that have been attacking people lately. There is a knock on the door and Kidman opens it up and a guy gives them a note. They read it ::"THEY know your type, THEY have been watching you. Recruit whoever you can quickly, because THEY are coming after you..@ BREAKDOWN.::" RVD grabs the note and tosses it in the waste basket, and says that they are going to the ring, he has an idea on somebody to recruit.

The scene changes to Kronik in Eric Bischoff's office. Bischoff says that they were very impressive out there tonight, and he thinks they deserve a reward. So at Breakdown they get a Tag Team Title shot against Kaientai, and oh yea, its gonna be a Table Match! Kronik are hyped for their match and then we go to the ladies locker room.

Trish and Lita are talking about random things and Lita says that she would be honored to take on Trish at the Pay Per View. Trish says thats a great idea, then she can become a true Womens Champ, better than Lita can ever be. Lita says "is that right" and Trish says "yea". They start to fight but is soon broken up by some referees.

The scene fades to a hallway showing Hulk Hogan walking down it, and then the scene fades to another hallway showing HBK on his way to the ring as we go to a commercial break.


As we come back from a commercial break we are hearing "One Of a Kind" as Kidman and Rob Van Dam are arriving at the announce table for commentating.

RVD*:Hey guys hows it hangin. We are out here to scope out a man by the name of Shawn Michaels, after the loss of his DX Runnin' buddies, we think he would be a great addition to Kaos.

We then hear the music of Tazz as he makes his way out as the guest referee. He gets in the ring and the people boo. But then they all stand up on their feet as "Voodoo child" plays and Hulk Hogan comes out!

Lillian:The following match is a number one contenders match set for one fall, making his way to the ring from Venice Beach California, Hollywood Hulk Hogan!

Hogan makes his way down to the ring strumming his air guitar as the fans cheer. he gets to the ring and gets in and poses.

We then hear the Music of The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels.

Lillian:And his opponent from San Antonio, Texas Shawn Michaels.

HBK gets in the ring and spins around 3 times and does the lean as pyros shoot up from behind him and the fans cheer. Tazz signals for the bell and this match is underway.

Hogan and HBK lock up. Hogan sends HBK into the ropes and locks in a sleeper hold. HBk battles out of it and sends Hogan across the ring into the ring post. Shawn Michaels clothesline Hulk down and then picks him up and delivers a suplex. HBK pins Hogan and Tazz counts fast 1-2kick out. HBk picks Hogan up and slams him down on the mat. HBK climbs the second turnbuckle and leaps off connecting with an elbow drop. HBK pins Hogan and again Tazz counts very fast 1-2-kick out. Shawn Michaels looks on at Tazz in a peculiar way as he turns around Hogan hits him across the face and HBK is in trouble. Hogan hits HBK once again, and again and again, Hogan whips Shawn across the ring and as Micheals comes back Hogan lifts HBK over his head and presses him once in the air and drops him down face first on the mat. Hogan pins HBK and Tazz counts slow 1......kick out. Hogan gets in the face of Tazz and Tazz points at his white and black referee shirt telling hogan to back off.

RVD*:See now that aint right, Hogan is geting screwed, but after all it wont matter because The heartbreak kid is gonna soon be the World Champion, Kidman will remain the Cruiserweight Champion and I am gonna be the US Champion. Yea thats right.

Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels lock up in the center of the ring. Hogan whips Michaels across the ring into the ropes and Michaels comes back and is hit with a hard shoulder block. Hogan picks Michaels up and whips him across the ring again but HBk holds onto the ropes. Hogan runs towards Michaels but gets backdroped over the top rope down to ringside. HBK climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Hogan to get up. HBK flies off the turnbuckle but Hogan moves and HBK's head SLAMS off of the Announcers table.

Kidman^:Woah, that cant be good. Come on Shawn!

Hogan slams HBK's head off of the announcers table as Tazz yells at him to get back in the ring. Hogan doesnt listen and Tazz takes Hogan and rolls him in the ring himself. HBK starts to get in the ring and Tazz gets in now. Hogan seems to be really PO'd at Tazz. Hogan starts to hulk up and Tazz doesnt know what to think as Hogan starts to chase him across the ring. Then from behind HBK gets Hulks attention turning him around but Hogan delivers a hard right hand to Michaels, then another and another and another. Hogan whips Michaels into the ropes and goes for the big boot but Michaels slides between Hogans legs. Hogan turns around and Michaels grabs his arm and whips him into the turnbuckle. HBk climbs the turnbuckle and starts to punch Hogan as the crowd chants along: "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9"..HBK gives the 'Suck It' taunt and then..."10!" HBK gets down as Hogan falls from the buckle and lands on his feet struggling to stay up. HBK slams Hogan down to the mat and covers him as Tazz quickly counts 1-2-kick out by HOGAN! Shawn Michaels tells Tazz to stop counting so fast he wants this to be fair. Hogan is getting up now, and HBK signals for the Sweet Chin Music. Hogan is up on his feet now and HBK goes for the move but Hogan pulls Tazz in the way and Tazz is hit with the Sidekick! HBK is shocked that he accidently hit Tazz then Hogan grabs HBk and whips him into the ropes and then hits the big boot. Hogan bounces off the ropes and hits the Big Running Leg Drop but there is no referee around. Hogan doesnt know what to do when from the entrance someone big comes running with a referee shirt on. Hogan pins HBk and the other referee counts 1.2...3!

Lillian:Here is your winner and Number one contender, Hollywood Hulk Hogan!


It is infact Goldberg in the other referee shirt and Goldberg is going up the ramp back the way he came as the fans chant his name..


Goldberg has a microphone in hand as he speaks to Hogan from a distance.

Goldberg:HEY HOGAN! I may had helped you tonight! But after you defeat Tazz at Breakdown and become World Champion of XPW!..You are mine!

Goldberg's theme plays as the fans have a mixed cheer of Goldberg and Hogan.


RVD and Kidman get out of the ring and go help HBK up. They help him up back stage as the fans are still excited and now Goldberg goes backstage and is gone and Hogan is on his way out. Tazz is getting up from that Sweet Chin Music and doesnt look to be happy.

Tony:What an amazing show we had tonight and what an amazing end! We now know that Hogan will take on Tazz at Breakdown and GOLDBERG IS BACK! in XPW!!!

Brain:Goldberg is back, and now he wants that World Championship.

Tony:Folks, join us LIVE on Pay Per View from Detoit Michigan on June 9th as XPW debuts its Pay Per View Breakdown! Don't miss it! For Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, I am Tony Shavonie saying Goodnight!

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