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Shocker Results 5/17/02

XPW Shocker comes on the air with a video package of what went down in the main event last week showing the reForming of Degeneration X as they stand tall in the ring, Triple H, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley...

The pyros hit and Shocker is on the air! The cameras pan around the arena showing a full capacity crowd on hand for this XPW Live Event. We can hear the sound of people Chanting "XPW XPW XPW!".We then head down to our commentating team, as usual, Tony Schavonie and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

Tony:Ladies and Gentalmen welcome to XPW Shocker on a special day and very special time. Tonight we will see some fantastic matches. The United States And European titles will both be on the line when Triple H takes on Test.

Brain:Obviously thats a mismatch right there, Test of the Impact players will definetly come out on top over The Shame Triple H of DX. But a favorite of mine is going to have to be when we crown new Tag Team Champions, Big Show and Scott Hall team up to take on Kaientai, and they will blow those two Japanese punk away. Indeed.

Tony:Well (laughs) if you say so Brain. But who can over look the Main event, Scott Steiner is set to be in action tonight up against Tazz for the World Title and it should be a fantastic Match.

Just then on the PA System we hear the music of our Vice President Eric Bischoff as he makes his way out to the ring with a mixed reaction.

Lillian:Please welcome to the ring, the VP Of XPW, Eric Bischoff!

He makes his way up the ramp and into the ring and grabs a microphone as his music dies down. He begins to speak.

Eric Bischoff: Well it sure is good to be here in Baltimore! I just love to finally go somewhere that is as good as This place. I would like to congratulate the Teripans for winning the NCAA Basketball Title, that is a great accomplishment and you should all be proud! But then again, your Football team sucks big time.

The crowd boos!

Eric Bischoff: But Im not here to talk about how much this place sucks or dont suck, Im here to talk about XPW business. Now, nobody knows this, but the other day Linda McMahon had what doctors thought was a heart attack. Now it has been confirmed that it was not a heart attack, but she is still being watched over by a hospital. Now Shane McMahon has taken the night off, and is spending the night with his mother and Sister Stephanie in the local hospital over in Connecticut. So that means Im runnin' the show!

Eric Bischoff:Now tonight, since I have complete control over Shocker, and all XPW doings, I will be calling all the shots around here tonight. And last week at the end of Shocker Degeneration X was once again formed.

Crowd cheers.

Eric Bischoff: Well tonight they are going to have to pay for their wrong doings from last week. Shawn Michaels had no meaning in the ring and now he must be punished. Shawn, tonight you are suspended! You are going to have to learn to not do the wrong things any longer boy, and now it looks like you are finished. But your probably back there pissed off now at me, wondering what happens to your Tournament Match? Well i say to hell with it! As for your opponent the Undertaker, HE IS FIRED!

Tony:WHAT? Fired? Oh my god! What is going on with Bischoff???

Eric Bischoff: Yea thats right! FIRED! He put his hands on me two weeks ago and chokeslamed me down to this very mat! I almost had a broken neck because of him. So Shawn too bad because it looks like now, you are out of the World Title Number one contender tournament. Oh yea, if your not down with that, i Got two Words For ya...

Then on the PA System We Hear..
And on the X-Tron we see the Video of Degeneration X!

Out comes Triple H, Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels! The crowd cheers as they make their way into the ring. The music slowly dies down as HBK is on the mic.

HBK:Look Mr. Bischoff, why dont you take your little suspension, and SHOVE IT! Because i didnt get a damn match last week because Stone Cold couldnt make it, and I got a free ride to the next level. Are you telling me that tonight, I cant wrestle, and Im out of the tournament? I say to hell with that! I think you had better rethink that suspension or we will make you, DX Style!

The crowd goes wild with cheers as Bischoff looks at Triple H who is holding his US title and then at Chris Jericho. Bischoff looks back at HBK, then lifts the mic up and begins to speak.

Eric Bischoff: Fine! You got your way, just get the hell out of this ring. You still dont get a match, but you arent suspended. You go on in the tournament, and you keep this in mind. All of you. If you ever come near me and threaten me again, so help me I will see to it that your contracts are no more!

Triple H grabs a microphone.

Triple H:No more heh? Well we could care less what you say Bitchoff..(smiles)..because we are the ones that will run the place after you get demolished by someone you piss of! Just make sure it aint us, because we will!

Triple H hands the mic to Jericho.

Y2J:Thats right Jerky, and oh yea. If your not down wit that, we got two Words for ya...

They all say it at the same time on the mic..*SUCK IT!!!*

BREAK IT DOWN hits the PA System as Degeneration X leaves Bischoff in the ring angrey as we head to a commercial break.


As we come back froma commercial break we head to the ring for some action.

Lillian Garcia:The following match is set for one fall and is for the XPW Hardcore Championship...

Rhyno's music hits the PA System as he heads to the ring with his Hardcore Title.

Lillian:Making his way to the ring being accompanied by Test, from Detroit, Michigan he is the Hardcore Champion and member of the Impact Players..Rhyno!

Everyone boos as he is up on the turnbuckle doing his taunt but then the countdown on the X-Tron begins..5..4...3..2..1...BOOM! Chris Jericho has arrived!

Lillian:And the challenger from Winnepeg Manitoba, weighing in at 231 pounds, he is a member of Degeneration X, Chris Jericho!

Y2J makes his way down the aisle and into the ring as the fans cheer. He stops on the ring apron holding onto the top rope looking out at the fans smiling as they cheer! He gets into the ring and is quickly attacked by Rhyno with the bell sounding and this match is under way!

The impact from Rhyno just sent Jericho thru the ropes and he fell to ringside. Test comes over To Jericho and stands him up and rams him into the ring post. The refere tells him to knock it off. Rhyno gets out of the ring and quickly goes to work on Jericho hitting him over the head. Rhyno takes Jericho and whips him into the baracade Jerichos back slamming against it! Rhyno takes Jericho and slams his head off of the ring steps then picks the top layer up and rams it into Jerichos head knocking him down! Rhyno throws the steps down and taunts at the crowd as they boo him in reply! Rhyno pins Jericho and the referee counts 1..2..kick out. Rhyno argues with the ref but then goes back to work on Jericho. he picks him up and slams Jericho down on the protective mats. Rhyno rolls Jericho then into the ring. Rhyno grabs a chair and tosses it into the ring. He reaches under the ring and grabs a trash can and lid and tosses them in the ring as well. He grabs a table and sets it up at ringside. Meanwhile Chris Jericho is struggling to his feet in the ring and Rhyno is climbing the apron. Jericho runs and gets on the top buckle then dropkicks Rhyno off of the ring apron down on top of the table! Chris Jericho goes out to ringside and pins Rhyno 1..2..kick out.

Test runs over and clotheslines Jericho down. Test picks him up and rolls him into the ring. Test gets in the ring as the referee is telling him to get out but its Hardcore rules anything Goes. As Jericho gets to his Feet Test hits a Test Big Boot to Jericho and he falls to the mat! Test pins Jericho and tells the referee to count. HE does and then ..1..2...3! Test has become the Hardcore Champion! Just then Triple H runs in the ring and catches Test from behind hitting his hard rights and lefts. Triple H whips Test into the ropes then hits his big knee lift to the gut of Test. Triple H picks Test up and hits the pedigree! Triple h rolls Jericho onto Test and the referee counts 1..2..3! Chris Jericho is Hardcore champion! Rhyno is getting in the ring and Triple H goes to stop him but Rhyno ducks a punch while on the apron. Rhyno quickly gets in the ring and clotheslines Triple H out of the ring. Rhyno sees Jericho geting up and slams a trashcan lid over his head! Rhyno sets the trash can between the second and top turnbuckles then picks Jericho up and whips him into it. Jericho stumbles away from the major impact and Rhyno runs for the Gore but Jericho moves and Rhyno GORES the Trashcan! OUCH!

Chris Jericho bounces off the ropes and hits a bulldog. Rhyno is down and Jericho goes for a Lionsault...RHYNO MOVES! As Jericho gets to his feet. GORE GORE GORE! from Rhyno! Triple H and Test are battling it out at ringside as Rhyno pins Jericho 1..2..3! Rhyno has recaptured the Hardcore Title! Rhyno gets out of the ring to assist his friend Test attack Triple H. Test and Rhyno are double teaming Hunter as they battle up the ramp. Test and Rhyno and Triple H make it to the X-Tron location and Triple H is getting a beating. HBK tries to help his friend but obviously The Impact Players were a step ahead because out from behind the curtain runs Kurt Angle making sure Michaels Doesnt get to Triple H's assist! Kurt and Michaels are fighting. Angle lifts HBK up for an Angle slam but he reverses it and then hits Sweet Chin Music! Test and Rhyno are putting a beating to Triple H just then Shawn Michaels comes to help and he takes out Test for Triple H. DX is battling back now holding off Rhyno and Test. Test though takes out Shawn Michaels with a big pump handle slam and then goes back to work on Triple H. Then out of nowhere comes Chris Jericho with a chair shot to both Rhyno and Test! Jericho helps his fried Triple H up to his feet to catch his breath and Jericho smacks both Rhyno and Test over the head again with the chairs. Jericho locks in the walls of Jericho on Rhyno and the referee is there to see he is tapping out. The bell sounds as Jericho wins the Hardcore Title! We head to a pre-recorded scene in Connecticut.

Shane and Stephanie McMahon are in the local hospital in their hometown of Greenwich Connecticut holding their mom's hand as Linda is in a bed.


Shocker comes back on the air showing Shane and Stephanie holding Linda McMahons hand and the doctor comes in the room asking for Shane and says he has a phone call. Shane tells his mom he loves her and will be right back. Shane goes in the lobby and picks up the phone to find out its Stacy Keibler on the other end! She is asking for a Match sometime soon and Shane says this really isnt the time to ask he is a bit busy. How rude of Stacy to call he says. Shane tells her he has to run goodbye. Shane hangs up the phone and then Stacy is a little mad as we head to ringside for commentary.

Tony:Whats that all about? If you ask me Stacy shouldve known better than to call Shane while he was at the hospital with his mother. We just want to wish Linda the best of luck to get well soon!

Brain: Thats right, but lets not talk about that, lets talk about what I just learned! My sources are telling me that Eric Bischoff has just fired Scott Steiner!

Tony:Your kidding right?

Brain:I am not Tony. He is now gone from XPW. So the question is what we will do about our main event?

Tony:Well Brain and fans, I am being told that Tazz has something to say about the firing of Steiner, lets go backstage.

Tazz is standing there in front of the camera and says that he is tired of not having a worthy opponent. Steiner chickened out last week, and this week he gets fired. Well tonight, Tazz says he wants to fight, and he will do it against whoever is drawn out of this hat. Tazz lifts up a Tazz hat. He says it has all names of XPW Superstars, and he pulls out a name it is,.. Booker T. Booker T will face Tazz tonight!

In the ring...

Lillian:The following match is set for one fall and is for the XPW Tag Team Championships! Making their way to the ring from Japan they are the XPW Tag Team Champions, Taka Michinoku and Funaki...Kaientai!

Kaientai make their way out to the ring while the fans cheer for the team

Brain:Last week they were at home resting from the vicious attack made by Kronik after losing to Kaientai two weeks ago but now Kaietai are back,.. and ready to have the same done to them. (laughs)

Lillian:And their opponents, The Big Show and Scott Hall!

Razor hits as Big Show and Scott Hall make their way out to the ring to a chorus of boos. They get in the ring and do the Razor Ramon taunt as pyros shoot up behind them!

Taka and Funaki run in the ring and try to get the upper advantage on the two larger men and the bell sounds. big Show tosses Taka out of the ring and gets on the ring apron wihle Funaki and Scott Hall become the legal men. They tie up, and Scott Hall over powers Funaki and hits a backdrop. He goes for a non shalont pin attempt but only gets a 1 count. Hall whips Funaki against the ropes and then misses a clothesline and Funaki hits him with a dropkick knocking him down. funaki jumps around and picks Hall up. Funaki sends hall into the corner but Hall counters and Funaki goes into it. Hall runs and pancakes Funaki with a Clothesline. Scott Hall calls for his finisher already and goes for it. He sticks Funaki in place and lifts him up into the air for the Razors Edge. Funaki slips out from it and climbs the ropes. He jumps off but Hall catches him then delivers a fall away slam. Here's the cover from Hall.1..2. kick out. Scott Hall Drags Funaki over to his corner and tags in the big 500 pound Giant, the big Show. Hall holds Funaki up and Show gets in a cheap shot slap to Funaki's chest. Funaki is screaming in pain as Taka begs for a Tag. Big Show makes a mean face and yells towards Taka and he gets down off of the apron frightened. Big Show laughs to himself then turns around and Funaki hits a knee clip knocking the big man down to a knee. Funaki starts kicking Big Shows knee over and over so he cannot get up. Funaki quickly tags in Taka and they both start kicking Big Show in his right knee as Hall gets in to stop them. Scott Hall misses with a clothesline and Taka hits the Michinoku Driver on Scott Hall! Meanwhile Big Show is gaining strength and pushes Funaki away from him. Taka sees this and climbs the turnbuckle. As Big Show turns around Taka jumps off hitting a Missle Dropkick knocking the Big Show down again. The whole ring shakes and you can make out of what Taka and Funaki just screamed. It was "GODZILLA!!! HAHAHA!!!" Then Taka goes for the pin.1..2..but Scott Hall breaks up the 3 count. Funaki and Taka whip Hall into the ropes as Show is slowly rising and Funaki hits a drop toe hold on Hall. He puts him in the camel clutch position as Taka walks around the ring clapping. He backs up against th ropes then back towards Hall and dropkicks Scott Hall in his face! The Big Show is to his feet as Funaki gets off of Hall and tries to hold the big man back. Show headbutts Funaki and he falls. Taka tries to stop him but Big Show lifts him up over his head and drops him down to the mat! Big Show lifts both members of Kaientai up and grabs them by the throats. He lifts them up and at the same time they both kick Show in his knees and he drops them. They both lock hands and try for a double clothesline but it has no effect on Big Show. Scott Hall is now rising and Kaientai see this.

Brain:Who is this referee? He cant keep control over this match he shouldnt even be a referee!

Taka hits a DDT to Scott Hall. Big Show grabs both members of Kaientai again by the hair and pulls them back. They jump up high as they can and poke Big Show in his eyes! The referee tells Kaientai not to do it again. Show cannot see! He is holding his eyes and swinging his arms around. Hall starts getting up and as he turns around the current-blinded Big Show grabs Hall by the throat! OH NO! He just hit Hall with the Showstopper!

Tony:Uh oh, (laughs) that wasnt supposed to happen. Big Show just chokeslamed his own partner! Oh but whats this!?

Kaientai double dropkick Big Show out of the ring and both one by one jump on Scott Hall. The referee counts 1..2..3!

Tony:Well ill be damned. They did it!

Brain:Oh please, its another Kronik moment, they cheated to win!

Then out of nowhere...

Tony:Speaking of Kronik..

Kronik come up from behind Kaientai and attack them while they were celebrating. Adams and Clark both powerbomb Taka and Funaki and the crowd boos as Kroniks music hits. They grab the Tag Team Titles and hold them up above their heads as the crowd boos more. We head backstage...

The scene opens backstage while Test, Rhyno and Kurt Angle are talking. They seem to be a bit angry that Rhyno lost the match. Test says dont worry guys because we may had lost a title, but im going to bring one back to us next when i Take out Triple H. Kurt replies with a lively "Oh Its True".

The scene changes over to the locker room of Big Show and Scott Hall where Eric Bischoff is sitting down on the couch aparrently waiting for them to arrive. Why?


We come back from a commercial and go to ringside with Tony and Bobby.

Tony:Welcome back to XPW Shocker live on TNT! We have been given word that Big Show and Scott Hall arrived at their locker room and nobody has left from it at this time. So we are to beleive Eric Bischoff our VP is in there with them.

Brain:You know it makes you wonder what is going on in the head of Bischoff tonight? He has been acting very differently now that Shane McMahon isnt here. But I am betting things will go a little bit differently when Shane does get back here. He will make things right.

We go backstage showing Rob Van Dam, Kidman with his Cruiserweight Title, and Lita with her Womens Title. They are talking about who would be the best person to join up with KAOS. RVD says we will just have to keep an eye out. He says his mind is more set on the big 7footer Kevin Nash tonight. RVD says that he has to win this, because then the team will be undefeated still. But it will be a tough thing to do. Kidman says hey at least you have a match, Lita agrees. Kidman says that he and Lita are Cruiserweight and Womens Champion, yet they dont have any matches. RVD says to just be cool, hes sure that youll figure something out. Just pull a name out of thin air, and challenge them, thats what id do. Then all of a sudden there is a WOOOOSH!!! sound and from the "sky" comes The Hurricane! Hurricane says that Kidman's prayers have been answered, from the sky out of thin air. He says that he would be more than happy to challenge Kidman for the Cruiserweight Championship next week. Kidman agrees and Lita says well I still dont have a match! Hurricane tells her to not worry, She will figure something out, just Kidman this match wont be an easy one. Kidman, no matter how hard you try, you will never be able to fly. No matter how much you complain, you will never match up to...THE HURRICANE!!!

Back in the ring...

Lillian:The following match is scheduled for one fall! Both the United States and European titles will be on the line.

Test's music hits and he makes his way out to the ring as the crowd boos.


Lilian:Making his way to the ring from Toronto, Canada, the XPW European Champion, Test!

Test makes his way down to the ring and gets in . The crowd boos as he goes to the turnbuckle and poses showing his muscles. then "Time To Play the Game" interupts his music and here comes the Game!

Lillian:And his opponent, from Greenwich, Connecticut, the XPW United States Champion...TRIPLLLLE H!

Everyone cheers as he makes his way out on the ramp with water bottle in hand. He takes a swig and spews the water everywhere and starts making his way down to the ring. He gets on the apron and looks around. He spits water up in the air and his music changes to DX Music. He gets in the ring and goes to the far turnbuckle raising his arms up with his US Title as Test looks on from across the ring and the fans cheer for Triple H!

His music dies down as Triple H and Test stare down each other. The referee grabs both titles from the competitors and raises them in the air and signals for the bell and it rings.

Test takes a cheap shot and knees Triple H in the gut. Test sends Triple H into the corner and hits a big clothesline on him! Test hits a few hard knees on Test and then a big elbow shot. Test whips Triple H across the ring to the other corner, Test runs but Triple H puts his boot up and Test runs head first into it. Triple H starts punching Test then whips him across the ring into the ropes. Test comes back and Triple H jumps hitting his knee lift. Triple H pins Test 1…2…kick out. Triple H picks Test up and Test pokes him in the eyes. Test whips Triple H across the ring into the ropes and tries for a clothesline but Triple H ducks then comes back with a neckbreaker to Test! Triple H starts punching Test in his head as the referee counts for him to get off …1…2…3…4. Triple H gets off of Test and picks him up. He whips Test into the ropes and Test comes back and Triple H hits a spinebuster! he pins Test 1…2…kick out! Triple H picks Test up and punches him across the face then whips him to the other side of the ring. Test bounces off the ropes and Triple H locks in a sleeper hold on Test. Test starts to fall to his knees but then starts elbowing Triple H in his gut and the fans boo. Triple h stops Test from doing that and sends him into the ropes but Test comes back with a big Clothesline. Test picks Triple H up and hits a russian leg sweep and goes for the win 1…2…kick out by Triple H. Test picks Triple H up and whips him into the turnbuckle. Test runs annd hits a massive knee into the gut of Triple H. Test picks Triple H up from behind then falls slamming Triple H down with a Sidewalk slam. Test goes for the pin 1…2…kick out! Test gets up and stomps his feet! He yells at the referee holding 3 fingers up saying that shouldve been 3! The referee signals that Triple H got his shoulder up. Test says a word that had to be bleeped out on TNT and then turns around and gets a kick to the gut. Triple H hits the chin crusher to Test. Triple H waits for Test to get up and then runs and grabs him by the throat taking him down to the mat choking him! The referee counts 1…2…3…Triple H gets off. Triple H picks Test up and kicks him in the gut for the Pedigree! Test backdrops Triple H though and picks him up. Test hits a pump handle slam and rolls Triple H up holding the tights 1…


…2…kick out!!! Test is irate! Test stomps his feet yelling at the referee again. He turns around and waits for Triple H to get up. Test slaps his leg signalling for the boot. Triple H turns around and Test runs, lifts his boot up and.. Triple H ducks it, kicks Test in the gut and...PEDIGREE! Hook of the leg by Triple H and 1…2…3!

Lillian:Here is your winner and the NEW, XPW European Champion, Tripllle H!

Triple H celebrates his win as we go to a commercial break.


CLICK HERE for Hour 2 of Shocker!