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Shocker Results 05/09/02

The show opens with Shane talking to Stacy Keibler 'he' hasnt gotten here yet and he needs to be here in order to have his big match.

In the arena Pyro Shoots up as the XPW Shocker intro plays! The camera pans back showing a full crowd tonight in Peoria, Illinois and we go to ringside as always, with out commentating team of Tony Schavonie and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

Tony:Welcome XPW fans to Shocker live on TNT! We are here to give you three full ours of action as the stars of XPW Fight it out and tonight Bobby, we have a Tournament for the XPW Championship and the winner will be named number one contender to meet the Champion at our Pay Per View extravaganza know known as BREAKDOWN coming June 7th in Detroit Michigan!

Brain:No doubt tonight is going to be action packed and lets think about what happened as we went off the air last week onShocker with Scott Steiner attacking Tazz! Well Tazz is the first ever XPW World Heavyweight Champion but tonight he is going to have his hands full because he has to put that title on the line in a no DQ Match against Scott Steiner!

Tony:Couldve that been who Shane wass refering to , Scott Steiner? As not being at the arena tonight? Well Lets go to the ring where Lillian Garcia is ready to announce our first matchup tonight!

Lillian:The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the XPW Cruiserweight Championship!

Then on the PA System we hear the theme of the Cruiserweight Champ Billy Kidman as he makes his way out to the ring and the fans cheer!

Lillian:From Alantown,PA, the XPW Cruiserweight Champion, Billy..Kidman!

Kidman comes down to the ring with his Title and then on the PA System we hear the music of newcomer Elix Skipper and the fans begin to boo because they know his attitude.

Lillian:And the challenger, from Canada, "PrimeTime" Elix Skipper!

Primetime gets in the ring and attacks Kidman and the bell rings. Skipper goes for a suplex but Kidman lands on his feet. Kidman goes up for a belly to back suplex drop but Primetime flips and lands on his feet this time too. Primetime goes for a Clothesline but Kidman ducks then as they both turn facing each other now Kidman knocks Primetime down to the mat with a Dropkick. Elix gets up as Kidman grabs him and whips him into the ropes but Elix comes back and hits a cross body laterl press on Kidman! He pins Kidman 1 2 kick out.

Tony:what a fast pased match!

Kidman and Skipper now on their feet are exchangng blows to each others heads and Kidman whips skipper into the ropes and dropkicks him down to the mat. Kidman gets between the ropes and on the apron awaiting him to rise up. Kidman slingshots himself over the ropes in a headscissors position but Skipper moves out of the way and Kidman falls to the mat. Skipper climbs the turnbuckle and as Kidman gets up he jumps off for a flying clothesline but Kidman dropkicks Skipper in the stomach in mid air! Kidman then picks Skipper up and sends him hard into the corner and as Skipper bounces back from the impact Kidman comes across the ring and Clotheslines him down! Kidman picks him up and whips him into the ropes and backdrops Skipper but NO he landed on his feet and dropkicked Kidman down to the mat! Elix Skipper climbs the second turnbuckle and jumps off connecting with a leg drop and pins Kidman 1.2.kick out. Skipper sets Kidman up for his finisher the Main Event but Kidman counters into a Snap suplex. Kidman picks Skipper up and hits a Sunset Flip Hurricanrana going for the pin 1.2. kick out by Prime Time Elix Skipper! Kidman sets Skipper up on the top turnbuckle and climbs up but Skipper pokes Kidman in the eyes and the crowd boos loudly! Kidman falls down and is on his feet while Primetime is setting him up for a Tornado DDT. As Primetime pushes away from the turnbuckle Kidman uses what strength he has and turns it into his Sky High powerbomb maneuver! Kidman pulls Primetime over close to the turnbuckle and then climbs up to the top, he leaps off and hits a perfectly executed Shooting Star Press and has the pin 1.2.3!

Lillian:Here is your winner and STILL XPW Cruiserweight Champion, Billy Kidman!

Kidman celebrates as we head to commercial break.


As we come back from a commercial we see Kidman and Lita discussing something with someone who is not being shown on Camera. Lita asks if this will work and Kidman says of course it will, and tonight just like me, you both will be successful in your matches. So lets discuss this further...
The scene cuts to the locker room of XPW VP Eric Bischoff as Michael Cole is standing by with him. Cole asks how he is fealing after the Chokeslam by Taker last week on Shocker and he says that he still has some pain in his neck but that wont stop him from doing what he is about to do tonight. He says that if Undertaker doesnt win his Number one contendership Tournament match tonight, not only does he not go on in the tournament, but he will not get any type of a Title shot in the near future because he cant push Bischoff around! Not even a damn Hardcore, US, European or a darn Tag Team title shot will be given to him if he loses tonight. And Bischoff says thanks to what Taker did last week to him on Shocker, this is all happening. Eric ends in saying that he does love each and everyone of you, especially you Taker! He really does!
We then head back to the ring for more action!

Lillian:The following match is set for one fall and the winners face Kaientai next week for the Tag team Championships!

Then over the PA we hear Kronik..onik..onik...Echoing as Bryan Clark and Brian Adams make they way out to the ring with a attitude.

Lillian:Making their way to the ring, Bryan Clark, Brian Adams, they are ..KRONIK!

The fans tear the team up with boos.

Tony:Well lets take you back to last week on Shocker when it seemed that Kronik had it won, but as you can see(footage shown on X-Tron) Kaientai both jumped off the turnbuckles onto Adams and both pinned him at the same time and became the first Tag Team Champions!

Brain:Yea but the little cheaters didnt get far because Kronik made them feel their power by not only a Full Nelson and Pump Handle Slam but TWO High Times and that is why we are not seeing any of Kaientai tonight. They are resting as of now but will we are told be in action next week to defend their tag Team titles against the winers of this match.

Then the music of Scott Hall is played as both him and Big Show make their way out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Lillian:Their opponents, Scott Hall and the BIG Show!

They both slowly make their way in the ring and do the 'Razor Ramon' taunt in the center of the ring while pyro shoots up from behind them!

Clark starts out with a series of right hands, backing Hall into the corner, swift chop to Hall with a loud smack. The crowd cheers as Adams grabs Hall, whipping him into the opposite turnbuckle. Adams soon follows, crshing into Hall as the he collapses into the corner. Adams gets in a few stomps before yanking the Nwoer up to his feet. He then promptly swings Hall into a belly belly suplex, going for a pinfall....1....2..Kickout by Hall. Adams picks him up, send Hall into the ropes. Hall come sback and right into a fierce clothesline. Adams looks at him, doing a tight front flip and a square elbow into the gut as the crowd is on their feet. Adams stands up, scanning the crowd. Hall opens his eyes, and in one swift movement sweeps Adams off his feet and onto the mat. Adams hits hard as Hall stands up with a smug grin on his face. He grabs Adams by the hair, spinebuster to Bryan Adams. Hall looks to his corner, where the Big Show is standing, he leans over and Scott Tags in his partner.

The Big Show comes in at full force, grabbing Adams and throat-tossing him across the ring. Adams hits hard, luckily within an arms reach of his corner. There Brian Clark is standing, refreshed after his skirmish with Big Show. Clark hesitates then climbs into the ring. Big Show starts laughing, and Clark comes at him with several forearms intermixed with right hands. Big SHow is caught off guard, going back back, until he is resting against the ropes. Clark goes for a clothesline, but just can't get the momentum and Big Show steps away from teh ropes. Clark looks at him for a moment, then in a desperate move spears the giant. Show is caught full in the stomach and falls into a sitting position. Clark kicks him twice, then grabs one of the big Show's legs and puts in a regular leg lock. The Show howl, reaching for his leg. Clark desperately tightens up the hold, but Show twists out with a firm yank on Clark's hair. The man reaches up, exposing his midsection. Big Show wastes no time, lifting one of those mammoth boots and sending Brian Clark into the ropes. BRian comes back as show bends over...he's flipped over....Big Show with the pin.....1.......2......Brian Clark somehow gets the shoulder up right before the three count. The infuriated Big Show stands up, eyes livid as Clark crawls over to tag Adams in. Adams flicks his hair out of his face and charges with a forearm, but the Big Show is Running on pure adreniline and doesn't seem phased. He backs Adams up with a set of powerful right hands. Adams blocks one and returns it, but at that the show pushed Adams into the ropes. He comes back, and a giant hand closes around his throat. Show returns the glare steadily for a moment before lifting Adams....SHOWSTOPPER! Adams falls to the mat and Show quickly covers....1.......2.......3.........Kronik suffers a lost asBigShow and ScottHall are victorious. The crowd boos as the two men raises their arms in victory.

Lillian:Here are your winners, and the Number one contenders to meet Kaientai, The Big Show and Scott..Hall!

Scott Hall and Big Show celebrate while they go up the ramp and then Kronik starts to look over at the referee in an odd way. They realize who it is, its the same referee who officiated the Kronik vs Kaientai Tag Title match last week! He didnt do anything about the double teaming done by Kaientai and ever since then Kronik has been pissed because of that. They grab the referee by the shirt and take him to the center of the ring. They grab him by the throat and HIGH TIME him down to the mat! Their music starts to echo through the Arena as they raise their arms with a sinister smile as we go outside the arena.

We see that the world Champion Tazz has arrived and Undertaker walks up to him and tells him that soon they will meet in the ring, at BREAKDOWN, they meet because Undertaker WILL be the Number one contender and Tazz will be the one getting choked out this time! Tazz says well tonight, you have to go through hogan, and as Ive heard, if you dont, than you are screwed out of any title shot from now on, thats your problem for touching Bischoff! Now tonight I will defend my title and if in fact you do make it to BREAKDOWN as the number one contender you WILL be facing me because I will still remain champion.Undertaker says since you like to talk your crap, how about we make a deal.After I kick that old mans ass tonight, how then all the other chumps, I face you at the Pay Per View and I want it to be a Hardcore style Match! Tazz says its just fine with him, all the better way to show how damn good he really is and to make Taker just anotha Victim!


We come back from a commercial break as Stacy and Torrie Wilson are getting some water and Triple H and Stephanie walk up. Triple H says to Stacy that she had better tell Shane not to try anything funny tonight because he WILL regret it, and he will RUN...HIM..DOWN! Stephanie adds that tonight, they can sit back and relax to see the most dominant female in XPW show them how to wrestle as she whoops Lita and Tori's asses tonight! Stacy says alright, Im going to sit back tonight, and watch because soon that Title will be around MY waist, not yours got it! Steph starts to swing but HHH holds her back and Torrie holds back Stacy. Triple H says watch it girlies, why dont you go play with your dolls and let the pros do the work.

We head to a scene with Gene Okerlund standing by with Shawn Michaels. Gene informs him that because of the weather, Stone Cold Steve Austin was unable to make it here, and he will not be able to compete in his Tournament Match with HBK. Therefore, Eric Bischoff has said you will win by forfeit, and go on to face the winner of Rob Van Dam and The Rock next week in Round 2. Shawn says well thats too bad because now the people wont be able to see any sweet chin music. But dont get your hopes up just yet, anything can happen when the Heartbreak Kid is in da house!


Lillian:The following match is a World Title Number one contenders tournament and the winner meets Shawn Michaels next week on Shocker in Round 2! Making his way to the ring from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 275 pounds, The...ROCK!

Rocky makes his way down to the ring as the fans cheer his name (Rocky Rocky Rocky Rocky!) and he gets on the apron and climbs the turnbuckle raising his arm in the air and soaking up the fans cheers! Then the music of Rob Van Dam plays and the fans cheer still but now for Rob Van Dam! He gets down at the end of the ramp and waits for Lillian...

Lillian:And ihs opponent, from Battle Creek Michigan, (RVD points at himself as the fans say it along with Lillian) Rob...Van...DAM!

RVD points up at Lillian and smiles as he then rolls into the ring and raises his arms to the fans cheers. The Rock gets down off the turnbuckle and RVD's music dies down. The bell rings as the match begins.

They lock up and Rock locks in a head lock RVD pushes the Rock into the ropes and hits a drop toe hold on the Rock. RVD picks him up and hwips him into the turnbuckle corner, and RVD goes over and kicks the Rock in his gut making him fall to the mat. RVD picks Rock up against the 'buckle corner and rams his shoulders into The Rocks gut repeatedly, RVD backflips and hits another hard shoulder into the Gut of The Rock! RVD grabs Rock by his head and brings him off the corner and hits a few forearm shots then whips Rock into the ropes and runs towards him hitting a spinning wheel kick as Rock came back at him! Rob Van Dam pins the Rock 1. kick out. RVD picks Rock up and hits a belly to back suplex drop then goes to the corner and climbs the turnbuckle. The Rock gets up and RVD leaps off connecting witha Sidekick to the face of The Rock! He pins the Rock 1.2. kick out again. The Rock rolls himself out of the ring and RVD follows. He hits a couple forearms shots on Rock then lays him on the baracade. RVD gets up on the apron smiling with his thumbs pointing at him saying "Rob-Van-Dam" while the crowd says it as well. He jumps off spinning in mid air but instead of hitting Rock with his leg The Rock moved and RVD is hit by the baracade in a hard aching low blow! The Rock starts punching RVD like he does in his trademark way and points at himself mocking Van Dam, then hits another hard right hand this time knocking RVD off the baracade onto the protective mats at ringside. Rock hops over the baracade and as RVD gets to his feet Rock hits him with a clothesline knocking him back down again. The Rock picks Van Dam up and rams his head into the steel steps. He whips RVD to the baracade but Van Dam counters and Rock's back meets the baracade hard! RVD runs at him but The Rock somehow backdrops RVD over the baracade into the crowd of fans.

Brain:This is the kind of action you want to see, but Van Dam just had to mess up didnt he! See thats what they get for acting cocky and thinking they are the best. The Rock is just like him.

Then all of a sudden Lita walks down to the ring and the referee doesnt notice. Meanwhile the Rock slams RVD'd head off the baracade then pulls him over the baracade to the ringside. The Rock hits a suplex to RVD on the protective mats and the referee warns him to get back in the ring now! The Rock rolls him into the ring and goes for the pin 1.2. but RVD kicks out. Then here comes Billy Kidman down the ramp.

Tony:What is he doing here? Same thing goes for Lita, this makes no since they are just hanging out at ringside.

The Rock starts to stalk RVD as he gets up and Kidman gets up on the apron and the referee turns his attention to him telling him to get off of it as Lita gets on the other end of the ring apron and climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off hitting The Rock with a Litacanrana! RVD thanks Lita and Kidman gets off of the apron as RVD climbs to the top turnbuckle then jumps off hitting the Five Star Frog Splash! Van Dam pins The rock and the referee counts 1.2.3!

Lillian:Here is your winner, Rob Van Dam!

His music starts to play as Lita and Kidman get in the ring and hold up RVD's arms and he grabs a mic and signals for the music to be shut off. It dies down and he starts to talk of how this is the newest Stable here in the XPW, and we..are.. KAOS. Kidman grabs the mic and says anybody who impresses us will be approached to join up with KAOS and we will be watching you all!

RVD's music hits and Kidman drops the mic as he, Lita, and RVD walk down the ramp to the exit.


We come back from a commercial break as Shawn Michaels is seen walking out of Test Rhyno and Kurt Angles Locker room which on the door says "Impact Players" as the fans boo when they see it. What does this mean??? The scene then goes to the locker room of Triple H and Chris Jericho where Stephanie is in there too with Triple H. She says its time for her to go whoop some ass to show she is the most dominant female around. Triple H lets Jericho know he'll be back. Triple H and Stephanie walk out of the locker room and then Shawn Michaels walks up saying hi to them. He starts talking to them about how the fans wont go without seeing Shawn Michaels and they will get a definant Shocker tonight isnt that right Hunter. Triple H agrees and walks off with Steph as HBK continues down the hall into the locker room where Jericho is.

In the ring the music of Tori blasts over the PA System and she makes her way out to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Lillian:The Following match is for the Womans Championship! Making her way to the ring, Tori!

Tori gets in the ring as the music of Lita is heard throughout the arena and the crowd screams for the diva!

Lillian:And her opponent from Fort Lauderdale, Florida,LITA!!!

Lita gets in the ring and up on the turnbuckle raises her arms up high as the crowd cheers lowdly!

The music of Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley blasts over the PA System!

Their opponent, being accompanied by Triple H, Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley!

Stephanie and Triple H make their way down to the ring as the crowd gives a few whistles.

The bell sounds and the girls begin to stare at each other. Stephanie looks at Tori and the shake their heads at each other. They then begin walking towards Lita to attack her but Lita kicks Stephanie in the gut and then begins hammering away on Tori. Lita grabs Tori quick and gives her a Suplex. As Lita goes down with Tori Stephanie kicks her in the side. Lita stays down as Stephanie continues kicking away at Lita. Tori then climbs to her feet and begins to kick away at Lita too. Stephanie and Tori then pick Lita up and whip her into the ropes. As Lita comes back Tori and Stephanie grabs hands and try for a Double Clothesline but Lita ducks it and bounces off the other side. As she comes back Stephanie and Tori turn around and they both get a Clothesline. They both go down hard and Lita picks up Stephanie. She Bodyslams Stephanie back down the walks over to the ropes she taunts to the crowd then climbs to the top rope. She gives the fingure taunt then leaps backwards for a Moonsault. Stephanie moves and Lita lands hard on her stomach. By that time Tori is already up and she rolls Lita over onto her back. Tori tries pinning her and the ref. counts: 1, 2, but the Stephanie kicks Tori in the head. The pin is broken and Tori rolls off of Lita. Stephanie gets a smile on her face then begins to kick Lita, then Tori, then Lita again. She continues to do this for a few moments then begins to focus more on Lita. She drops an elbow to the chest of Lita and does his 2 more times. Stephanie pins Lita and the ref. counts: 1, 2, but Lita kicks out! Stephanie gets up and begins arguing with the ref. The ref. tells her to leave him alone and then Tori comes from behind and nails Stephanie in the back of the head. She begins to hammer away on Stephanie then she tosses her out of the ring. Tori turns around and Lita is just getting up. They begin to fight back and forth when finally Lita knees Tori in the gut and then whips her into the ropes. Lita runs and bounces off the other side. They both duck a Clothesline from each other and bounce off opposite sides of the ring and when they come back... Bam! They both nail a Clothesline at the same time and go down. Triple H rolls Stephanie into the ring and she pins Tori 1:2: kick out. Tori and Stephanie start a fight now as they are up to their feet and Tori slaps Stephanie down hard! Lita comes up from behind and kicks Tori in the gut and gives the finger taunt as she has Tori's head between her arms, and yells out then hits the Twist of Fate. Lita pins Tori and the referee counts 1.2.3!

Lillian:Here is your winner, and the First XPW Womens Champion, LITA!!!

Lita celebrates her win as we head backstage and see Kevin Nash being preped by Eric Bischoff to go out there and do what he does best. Then the scene cuts to show Shane McMahon talking to Kurt Angle. Kurt walks out of the locker room and goes down the hall as we cut back to Nash who is on his way out as well before we go to commercial!


Lillian:The Following match is a tournament match to determine the World Title number one contender!

The olympic music of Kurt Angle is heard throughout the arena as he makes his way out and the crowd boos.

Lillian:Making his way to the ring, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Kurt Angle!

Kurt raises his arms on the ramp and pyro shoots up then he makes his way down to the ring as the crowd is chanting "You SUCK!". Kevin Nash's music hits and the crowd breaks out in cheers!

Lillian:His opponent weighing in at 325 pounds, "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash!

Tony:This is Kevin Nash's first match here in XPW and it seems to be like quite a oppurtunity for him being his first match because he could very well become Number one contender for the World Title in a matter of weeks now that he is in this tournament.

Nash makes his way in the ring and raises his right arm high up as the crowd cheers!

Brain:But first he has to go through everyone's olympic hero, Kurt Angle and that isnt going to be an easy task Schavonie.

The bell rings and the 2 lock up Nash gains control sending Kurt into the ropes then taking him downwith a hard clothesline. Nash picks Angle up and Kurt batles back with rights and lefts trying to take down the big man. Nash is backed up into the corner and Angel starts to stomp a mudhole in him. Kurt stomps and stomps Nash then taunts to the crowd which gets a bad reaction of boos. Angle picks Nash up and grabs his right hand and tries to whip him across the ring but Nash has ahold of the buckle with his left hand. Kevin Nas uses his strength to put Kurt back up against the corner now where he was. Kevin punches Kurt in the head and smiles as Kurt struggles to stay up. Nash hits a few elbows to the head of Kurt, then a few knees. Then a few more elbows to the head of Kurt, Nash then backs up and measures him off, then comes back with a massive knee to the gut of Kurt Angle. Kurt stumbles away from the corner and falls flat on his face as the crowd laughs. Kurt crawls to the bottom rope and leans on it to catch his breath then Nash bounces off the opposite ropes and runs back and leaps onto Angle. His leg landing on the back of Kurt! Angle is now favoring his back as Kevin Nash picks him up and whips him into the corner and as Kurt bumps off of it Nash picks him up then slams him down hitting a Sidewalk Slam. Nash pins Kurt hooking the legs 1.2 kick out. Kurt is favoring his back more now as Nash signals for the Jacknife, and places Angle in position. Angle lets his legs out from under him and crawls away from Nash. Kevin Nash turns around and grabs Kurts left arm whipping him across the ring and extends his arm but Kurt ducks the Clothesline and hits a Belly to belly suplex! It looks like Kurt hurt his back more though! The referee starts to administrate the 10 count...1...2....3...4...5...6...7...8... They start to get up to their feet and the referree stops the count. Kurt starts punching Nash while Nash does the same. Kurt gains control after kicking Nash in the stomach and hits a vertical suplex but then again Kurt is now holding his back! Kurt starts stomping on Kevin Nash and Kurt picks him up and hits a German suplex! Kurt is amazing! How does he do this??? Kurt tries for another but its too much for his back so instead goes to whip Nash against the ropes and tries for a clothesline but Kevin Nash instead hits Kurt with a shoulder block taking him down. Nash takes off his straps and signals for the Jacknife Powerbomb again. He lifts Kurt up but Kurt low blows Nash and the referee calls for the bell! Kurt Angle goes to ringside and grabs a chair and gets back in the ring. He smacks Nash over the head with it and locks in the Ankle lock as he screams in pain. Then Hulk Hogan runs down to the ring!!!
Hulk Hogan runs down and gets Kurt off of Kevin Nash. Hogan whips Kurt into the ropes and hits the boot. He then hits the Big Leg Drop on Kurt Angle and the crowd goes wild! Hogan helps Nash up to his feet and out of the ring. Kurt then comes up from behind and attacks both men knocking them down. Kurt goes to work on Nash but Hogan stops him but then Here comes the Undertaker! Taker attacks Hogan and sends him into the baracade! Angle and Nash are seperated by security and Taker takes Hogan into the ring. A referee comes down and signals for the bell and it dings and here goes the Taker/Hogan match up in the World Title tournament!

Taker picks Hogan up and Hogan lands a huge right hand in. Taker stumbles but then nails a right hand of his own. Hogan backs up then comes right back with another hard punch. Taker then stumbles into the ropes as Hogan nails him with a clothesline over the top rope. Undertaker lands on his feet and slams his hands down on the apron. Undertaker rolls back in the ring and gets up and Hogan comes at him for a running boot, but Undertaker ducks and Hogan runs right into the ropes groin first. Hogan then falls to the mat as The Undertaker stomps Hogan in the chest. Hogan then gets up and Undertaker punches him right in between the eyes. Hogan stumbles and falls to his knees. Taker land in another right hand to Hogans head. Hogan then shakes his head and gets a weird look on his face and gets up. Taker goes for a right but Hogan blocks and nails two right hands. Undertaker then falls onto his butt and Hogan kicks him in the head. Taker lays on the mat as Hogan gets a looks in his eyes and runs off the ropes...he comes back and jumps in the air. Hogan then goes for the big leg but Taker rolls out of the way and Hogan crashes right down on his back. They both lay on the mat as Undertaker finally gets to his feet and Hogan does aswell. Undertaker runs at him and lands a short-arm clothesline making Hogan spin in the air and then crashing to the mat. Undertaker then takes the big weight belt off Hogan's waist and runs off the ropes but crashes into the referee knocking him down. Undertaker then takes the weight belt and smacks it over Hogans back. Hogan cries in pain as Undertaker slams it down again on Hogans back. Hogan after awhile rolls out of the ring and walks around the ring picking up a steel chair. Hogan rolls in the ring and gets up Hogan raises the chair but Undertaker boots him in the gut and grabs Hogan's throat. Undertaker raises Hogan in the air and slams him down to the mat with a visious CHOKESLAM!! Undertaker then runs off the ropes and comes back with Undertaker's own leg drop. Undertaker pu ts his body over Hogan and the ref crawls over and makes the count. one........two.........three!!

Taker then grabs the steel chair that Kurt had used and was still over in a corner and hits Hogan with the edge of it in the head! Hogan is busted open as the Undertakers theme hits and we head to a commercial!


WE come back from a commercial break as the music of Tazz is heard through the arena.

Lillian:The following is a no Disqualification Match for the XPW World heavyweight Championship! Making his way to the ring he is the World Champion, TAZZ!

Tazz makes his way down as the crowd cheers and he has his giant belt around his waist. The Sirens blast over the PA System which is Scott Steiner's theme.

Lillian:And his opponent, from Detroit, Michigan, Scott Steiner!

There is no sign of Steiner, where is he? Shane McMahon then shows up on the X-Tron as Steiner's music dies down and Tazz looks up at the screen. Shane informs Tazz and everyone else that Scott has come down with a bit of a...cold. And is unable to wrestle tonight. Tazz grabs a mic and says its bull crap Steiner isnt sick! Shane explains that he would not tell a lie. Tazz will get his match, next week on Shocker, which is still going to be NO DQ! Shane says thankyou and then the music of Eric Bischoff fills the arena as he makes his way out with a mic in hand. He tells Shane up on the screen that its time that he quit playing these stupid games. He brought that fool in here to attack Tazz, and now he isnt going to deliver? Well if Scott Steiner cant beat Tazz next week, he will be suspended, because the actions that he displayed last week were damn Extreme, but he says he just feels like doing something that will put a ache in Shanes back so thats the decision!


As we come back from a commercial break and after that startling shocker just heard we head to the ring for our main event.

Lillian:The following match is a tag Team contest set for one fall. Making their way to the ring Test and Rhyno, the Impact..Players!

They get in the ring...

Lillian:And their opponents, Triple H and Chris Jericho!

They get in the ring and the bell rings.

Rhyno and Triple start off the match and Trips whips Rhyno into the ropes and Rhyno hold on to them. Rhyno tries to clothesline Trips but he ducks it and Rhyno gets kicked in the gut then planted with an arm breaker from HHH. Triple H pick rhyno up and tries to suplex him but Rhyno dont allow it and then pushes Triple H into the ropes and as Triple H come back he gest a huge powerslam from Rhyno. Rhyno tags in his partener Test and Test enters the ring. The both whip Trips into the ropes and put their arms out for a double clothesline but Trips ducks then as all 3 turn Trips comes back and hits his big jumping knee to Rhyno and then a big DDT to Test. Triple H crawls over to his corner but Test cuts him off then stomps away at him. Test gets down to the mat and continuously hits Triple H with hard punches to his head and the refeee tells Test to stop! Test gets in the ref.s face arguing with him and turns back around and picks up Triple H. Test whips HHH into the ropes but HHH comes back and grabs Test by the throat and tackles him down choking him! The referee starts the 5 count 1..2..3..4.. and Triple H gets off of Test. Triple h picks Test up and nails a falling neckbreaker. As he stansd up Rhyno gets in the ring and takes Triple H down with a hard clothesline. The referee makes Rhyno get out and now both legal men are down. They both crawl to their corners and tag in their parteners, as Y2J gets in and so does Rhyno...Jericho hits Rhyno with a spinning wheel kick. Test then comes after Jericho but he moves and Test knocks the ref over and out of the ring! Then Y2J starts chopping Test across the chest then whips him against the ropes and hits a dropkick. Triple H is going to work on Test stomping on him which makes Test fall out of the ring and Triple H follows. Triple H hits Test with a few right hands to Test's head going up the rampway while Jericho dodges a clothesline from Rhyno but then bounces off the ropes and grabs Rhynos head slamming it down hitting a Bulldog. Jericho goes to the ropes for the lionsault but that Damn Kurt Angle came from the crowd and trips Jericho pulling him out of the ring! He starts punching Jericho in the face then slamming his head off of the ring steps and Triple H notices. Trips takes down Test with a hard spinebuster on the steel rampway and then comes back after Angle! Kurt runs in the ring and Triple H follows. Jericho runs in too but gets a GORE GORE GORE!!! from Rhyno! Rhyno tosses Jericho out of the ring and him and Angle go to work on Triple H. Triple H somehow slams Rhyno with a spinebuster but Angle the hits a belly to belly suplex on Triple H. Kurt Angle is signalling to the entrance way and out comes Shawn michaels in a IMPACT PLAYERS T-Shirt with a steel chair in hand as the crowd boos. He gets Test up and they go into the ring. Now Triple H stands up and is surrounded. HBK in front of him, Test on his left, Rhyno behind him and Kurt on his right. Triple H starts to move and HBK SMACKS the chair over...RHYNO??? Shawn Michaels just hit Rhyno over the head with the chair as a result of Triple H dodging out of the way. But wait! Sweet Chin Music to Angle! Jericho runs in the ring and hits the bulldog to Rhyno. Triple H with a kick to Test's gut, followed by, yes! , the Pedigree! Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho on Rhyno as HBK takes off the Impact players shirt and tosses it down on top of Kurt Angle! He and Triple H get out of the ring and HBK rolls the referre back in the ring and he sees Rhyno tapping and signals for the bell to ring!

"Break Down the Walls" hits the PA System as Jericho Triple H and Shawn Michaels stand tall in the ring with victory! Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley they comes down to the ring carrying a duffle bag and goes up the ring steps. Triple H holds the ropes and she gets in the ring. She takes out 3 black and green shirts. Triple H, Jericho and HBK put a shirt on, and Oh My god! It says D Generation-X on them! As Test,Rhyno and Kurt are going up the ramp the 4 in the ring including Steph are giving them the 'Suck it" taunt! "Break it Down" hits the arena as the crowd is going nuts! DX IS BACK in XPW!!!