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..:::##XPW BreakDowm comes live tonight from Detroit, Michigan! In the past few weeks, Tazz has been the reigning World Heavyweight Champion, and we now know that the number one contender for his title is Hulk Hogan who defeated Shawn Michaels on Shocker last week. however, if it wasnt for Shane McMahon's back up plan bringing in Goldberg as the other referee for the match, Hogan might not be the winner. So now, Goldberg has arrived, and he says that him and Hogan will soon face man to man, that could be a reality if Goldberg wins the Breakdown Brawl tonight where 16 other XPW Superstars try to be the last man standing in the ring, the winner getting the World Title Shot at Atrocity. Goldberg could face Hogan then, if in fact Hogan wins the World Title tonight, but Tazz stands in his way, what will become of this?
Also, last week on Shocker we saw some strange activity backstage with weird attacks, and now it is said that the men responsible for doing so are here tonight at Breakdown with their sights set on Kaos, Rob Van Dam, Shawn Michaels and Kidman. Who could it be? Only time will tell as XPW presents its first Ever Pay Per View live from Detroit, Michigan, this is BREAKDOWN!##:::..

The show comes on live from Detroit, Michigan with a full crowd all ready for XTREME XPW Action! We waist no time and after the Pyros get finished shooting up high high high in the arena, the music of Billy Kidman is heard as the fans cheer and we are ready for the opening match for tonight.

Lillian Garcia:The following match is set for one fall and is for the XPW Cruiserweight Championship! Making his way down the ramp at this time, from Alantown Pennsylvania, the XPW Cruiserweight Champion..Billyyyyy Kiiidmaaaann!

Kidman makes his way down the ramp with the Cruiserweight Title in his right hand. He tosses it in the ring and slides in quickly. He goes to the far turnbuckle and climbs up it raising his arms as the Detroit crowd cheer.

Tony Schavonie:Welcome wrestling fans, to XPW's first Pay Per View intitled Shocker! I am Tony Schavonie and beside me as always is my colegue Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

Just then the music changes over to Vampiro's music as the fans give out a mixed reaction.

Lillian:And the challenger, from Ontario,Canada..Vampiro!

Vampiro makes his way down the ramp and climbs up the apron. He hops in the ring and goes up on the turnbuckle and does his trademark shaking taunt towards the crowd and then looks around in a strange and erie manner.

Bobby "The Brain" Heenan:Yeah thats right Tony we are live from Detroit, michigan for the first ever XPW Pay Per View. Tonight we will see some fantastic matches including the United States Championship match which, Rob Van dam requested be a Ladder match and I now know that Kurt Angle has accepted, so the US title will hang from a wire, and the only way to win it is to climb up a ladder and grab on.

The referee takes the Cruiserweight title from Kidman and raises it up. He hands the title to the time keeper and signals for the bell and it sounds. This match is officially under way.

Kidman and Vampiro lock up. Vampiro sends Kidman into the ropes but Kidman slides under the ropes and is on the apron now. He slings himself over the ropes and lands a Headscissors on Vampiro taking him down. Kidman picks Vampiro up and whips him into the ropes hitting a spinnning wheel kick. Kidman picks Vampiro up and hits a snap suplex, now bouncing off the ropes and lands an elbow to the chest of Vampiro. Vampiro is hurting as Kidman pulls him over close to the ropes. Kidman gets on the apron, then slings over and lands a leg drop. Kidman pins Vampiro 1..2..kick out. Kidman whips Vampiro against the ropes but Vampiro holds on to them. Kidman comes back towards Vampiro but Vampiro pokes him in the eyes. The referee warns Vampiro not to do it agian and he just shrugs it off as he slams Kidman then onto the mat. Vampiro locks in a sleeper hold while on the mat. Kidman begins to get up and cram his elbows into Vampiros side, Vampiro kicks Kidman in the gut and sets him up for a powerbomb. Vampiro lifts Kidman up but Kidman counters into a Face buster! Heres the pin 1..2..kick out by Vampiro! Kidman pulls Vampiro close to the corner, and climbs the turnbuckle. Kidman leaps off and lands the shooting star press!

All of a sudden the lights go out in the arena. It is pitch dark as nobody can see what is going on. The lights come back on and we see somebody standing behind it?? it??...ITS TAJIRI!

Tajiri spits the green mist in the eyes of Kidman as the referee calls for the bell. Tajiri kicks Kidman repeatedly in the abdomen and Kidman falls to the mat in pain and blinded by the mist. Tajiri goes to ringside and grabs a chair. He slides it in the ring and then slides himself in. He whips Kidman into the corner, and flips him over in a Tree Of Woe position. Tajiri places the chair in front of Kidmans face leaning it on the face of Kidman. Tajiri runs back to the opposite corner, and then runs towards Kidman and hits a speeding Baseball slide into the chair into Kidmans FACE! The referee is yelling at Tajiri to stop this now, more referees have come down to the ring and two have taken Vampiro out of the ring and are making sure he dont decide to go into the ring as Tajiri measures Kidman off as he is on his knees and then SMACK across the temple of Kidman Tajiri plants a hard roundhouse kick. The referees finally get Tajiri away from Kidman and Tajiri has a sinister look on his face, what does all this mean?

Lillian:This match is ruled a No Contest due to the interference by Tajiri, therefore Billy Kidman is STILL XPW Cruiserweight Champion!

Paramedics rush down to the ring to assist Kidman. They help him onto a strether and put a neck brace n him, and wheel him up the ramp as We head to ringside with Tony Shavonie and Bobby Heenan for commentary.

Tony:Well fans, that was just an absolute shocking moment we just witnessed..

Brain:It was great Tony, Tajiri is here in the XPW, the Japanese Buzzsaw oh yea.

Tony:Oh give me a break he totally destroyed Billy Kidman, but non the less Billy Kidman is STILL Cruiserweight Champion.
Well welcome to XPW Shocker, this is set to be a fantastic night, up next we have the European Championship match between The Rock and Shawn Michaels.

Brain:The Rock hasnt won a single match so far in the XPW, why is he getting a European Title shot? Ill tell ya why, its because Shane O'Mac is out of his mind, HBK has this in the bag tonight, The Rock is biting off more than he can chew.

Tony:Well, you may be right, HBK is a member of KAOS, but keep in mind that KAOS had a stalker of some sort on Shocker, could Tajiri be a part of it all? Will there be another shocking appearance in this coming match, only time will tell.

The music of Shawn Michaels fills the arena PA System.

Lillian:The following contest is set for one fall and is for the XPW European Championship!

Shawn Michaels makes his way out from behind the entrance as the crowd goes nuts. He does his dancing on the stage then procedes down the ramp.

Lillian:Making his way to the ring, from San Antonio, Texas weighing in at 227 pounds..HBK Shawn Michaels!

Michaels makes his way into the ring and does a spin followed by the lean and pyro shoots up from behind him.


Lillian:And his opponent from miami Florida, weighing in at 275 pounds, The Roooock!

The Rock makes his way down the ramp as the fans cheer. He gets up the steps and goes up on the turnbuckle raising his arm in the air.

The referee holds up the vacant European Championship, and hands it to the time keeper. He calls for the bell and it rings as the match is under way now.

HBk and Rock have a tie up, and struggle for control, Rock gets it and hits a back drop on HBK.HBK now on his feet, the Rock and HBk tie up again and Shawn Michaels whips the Rock into the ropes and The Rock comes back nailing a Clothesline. The Rock picks HBK up and sends him into the corner. The Rock runs but HBK moves and shoves the Rock into the corner face first. Shawn starts to punch the Rock, and climbs the turnbuckle infront of Rock hitting him repeatedly a total of 5 times until the Rock lifts HBK up and tosses him over the ropes down to ringside! The Rock gets out of the ring and starts to lay the smackdown on HBK and with one more hit HBK flies backwards and on his ass onto the mat. The Rock picks HBK up and slams his head off of the ring steps as the referee is yelling at them to get back in the ring and has begun the 10 count..1.......The Rock slams HBKs head off of the steps again, and HBK elbows The Rock in the gut and slams HIS head off of the steps. HBK begins to hit the Rock over and over and sends him into the ring post but Rock counters and HBK goes shoulder first and stays on his feet but stumbles away. (7....) The Rock rolls HBK in the ring and the referee says to stay in the ring. The Rock pins HBK and the ref counts 1..2..kick out. The Rock whips Michaels against the ropes and connects with a belly to belly suplex. The Rock picks HBK up and goes for a suplex but HBK lands on his feet and dropkicks The Rock down on the mat. HBK picks The Rock up and tries for a suplex but the Rock wont allow it and tries for a DDT but HBK counters into a kick to the gut of the Rock, but then the Rock grabs HBK's leg but wait HBK hits an Enziguiri! HBks foot connects with the back of Rocks head and they both fall. HBk goes for the win 1..2.kick out. Shawn Michaels climbs the turnbuckle and backward flips off and lands a moonsault to The Rock. HBK pins The Rock 1...2....kick out! Shawn Michaels locks in the figure four, and the Rock is in pain...pain pain...but The Rock counters and the move is now reversed and HBK is in pain...but wait,..HBK...HBK is trying to turn the hold back over...he DOES! Shawn has the figure four locked in again, the Rock is in pain, and is reaching for the ropes. He continues reaching as HBK tightens the hold. The Rock lets out and lays down completely and the ref sees his shoulders down so he counts 1..2..The rock gets a shoulder up and with all his might reaches and grabs the bottom rope with his left hand.

HBK lets the move off and picks The Rock up, HBK sends him into the ropes and The rock then ducks a clothesline and HBK runs towards The Rock but The Rock tosses HBK over the ropes but HBK has ahold of the ropes stilll and is holding on, he uses his strength to flip himself slowly over and land on his feet as The Rock turns around he just barely notices and somehow hits a Samoan Drop to HBK! The Rock pins Michaels 1..2..kick out! The Rock picks Michaels up and starts to lay the smackdown as HBk is against the ropes, The Rock backs up and is ready for the final blow when HBK then ducks it and sends the Rock across the ring. HBK runs and jumps and hits a cross body block to the Rock. He stands up and waits for The Rock to rise, calling for his Sweet Chin Music standing sidekick finisher. The Rock slowly gets up and...THE REFEREE ACCIDENTLY WAS HIT BY THE SWEET CHIN MUSIC!!! The Rock locks in the Rock bottom position but HBK elbows The Rock in the side of the head and plants him with a DDT.

All of a sudden from out of the crowd comes Lance Storm with a chair in hand!

Storm gets in the ring and tosses the chair at HBK and he catches it...Storm hits a his Super Standing Sidekick to HBK and the chair smacks off his head! Storm puts The Rock on HBK and wakes the ref and slides out of the ring. The ref sees the cover and comse to his senses to count..1.......2...........3! The Rock has just defeated Shawn Michaels! With the help of Lance Storm?

Lillian:Here is your winner and the European Champion, The Rock!

The Rock is handed his title and he makes his way out of the ring up the ramp as Lance Storm sneaks back in the ring to Shawn Michaels again. Storm starts to stomp Michaels, and locks in the Canadian Maple Leaf half crap submission move of his...wait, here comes The Rock! The Rock slides in the ring and makes Storm get off of HBK and...ROCK BOTTOM ROCK BOTTOM ROCK BOTTOM!!! The Rock hits the Rock Bottom to Lance Storm and stares down at him. The Rock then helps up Shawn Michaels but HBK pushes The Rock away avoiding his offer for help. The Rock picks up his European Championship and shows it to HBK, then hops out of the ring and goes up the ramp as we head backstage..

We go backstage to see Michael Cole standing by with Billy Gunn.

Michael cole:Billy Gunn welcome to the Xtreme Professional Wrestling! Tonight you make your debut in the Breakdown Brawl match up, and I would like to get your comments on that as well as how you are liking this fed so far...

Billy Gunn:How am I liking this fed? I could give a rats ass about this fed, all Im here to do is succeed. As for the chumps in the Breakdown Brawl, they can all kiss my ass, cause I dont give a dam about them they are gonna get taken out and Billy Gunn will be the 'one and only' left in that ring tonight! As for you..Cole piss off!

Billy Gunn walks off past Michael Cole as he has a shocked look on his face.

We head back to the arena where we hear Lita's music hitting the PA System as the fans cheer and the Womens Champion walks out from the entrance.

Lillian:The following match is a Bra and Panties Triple Threat match set for one fall and is for the XPW Womens Championship! Making her way to the ring from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, she is the XPW Womens Champion...Liiitaaa!!!

Lita makes her way down the ramp and begins to run to the ring and slides in going up to the turnbuckle raising her arm in the air as the fans cheer.

Lita gets down and hands her title to the referee as the music of Trish Stratus hits and everyone cheers.

Lillian:And her opponent, from Toronta, Canada, Trish Strrratus!

Trish makes her way down into the ring and raises her arms up in the air spinning around. She looks over at Lita.

Lita and Trish have a stare down and then start going at each other. Lita whips Trish into the ropes and hits her with a shoulder block as "Legs"by Kid Rock hits the PA System and the crowd gives a mized reaction as Stacy Keibler struts down to the ring with a purpose. She gets in the ring and connects Lita with a spinning Heel Kick. She goes over to Lita and starts taking off her shirt but Trish hits a Dropkick to Stacy knocking her down. Trish starts punching Stacy on the mat, and Stacy counters and now is on top of Trish punching her. Lita comes up from behind and pulls Stacy's shirt over her head and swings it around as Stacy covers up screaming. Trish counters Stacy and is now on top pounding Stacy's head off of the mat as STacy screams. Trish gets up and she and Lita lock up. Lita sends Trish into the ropes and hits a tilt a wirl back breaker. She starts pulling Trish's pants off as Stacy Keibler comes up from behind and shoves Lita out of the ring through the second rope as she falls down to ringside! Stacy is yelling at Lita as Trish gets to her feet. She spins Stacy around and kicks her in the gut and plants her with a DDT. Trish pulls her own pants up, and begins to attempt to take Stacy's off as the fans cheer loudly! Stacy kicks Trish in the stomach and Trish is hurting. Stacy gets up and suplexes Trish. She then goes over to Trish and takes off her pants! The fans go wild!!! Lita has gotten up on the apron, and she climbs the turnbuckle. Stacy turns around and LITACANRANA by Lita and Stacy goes Down. Lita pulls Stacy Keiblers pants off and Stacy has been stripped down to her bra and panties but its not over there has to be pinfall! Trish from behind Lita...she hits a bulldog to Lita, and then takes off her tank top. She begins to take off her pants, but Lita shakes away and gets up and bounces off the ropes and jumps towards Trish and hits a clothesline and Trish goes down. Stacy is to her feet and attempts a Spinning Heel Kick to Lita but she ducks it and then wait! Lita rolls Trish up in a small package and he ref counts 1..2..3!

Lillian:Here is your winner and STILL XPW Womens Champion, Lita!

Lita gets up and goes to the turnbuckle taunting.

She calls for a mic and gets one.

Lita:Ladies and Gentalmen, this has been a great night so far for me, and its about to get a lot better. I am proud to announce that I am alligning myself with a couple of 'old friends' from another federation. These two are the most eXtreme people you can find, and tonight, they are back and are in XPW! Ladies and Gentalmen, Matt, Jeff, The Hardy Boyz!

The Hardys music hits the PA System and the fans cheer as Matt and jeff emerge from the entrance way. Lita gets out of the ring and runs down to the ring to meet the Hardys on the stage. They all raise their arms in unison as we head backstage.

We come in the locker room of the Impact Players where Test and Rhyno sit playing cards. Kurt Angle walks in with a nun.

Kurt:Hey guys, look as of late the Impact Players havent been having the best of luck, and I thought we could use some good luck so I got this nice old lady, a nun, to help us out and grace us with the luck we need. Isnt that right?

NUN:That is right my son.

Test and Rhyno look at each other and agree as Kurt gives the nun a seat and they begin to talk...

The scene goes dark...then when we come back from nothingness we see the face of Diamond Dallas Page.

~Diamond Dallas Page~

Hello ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to me, D..D..P! Now I see that the Xpw is in a time of crisis. So I am here to brighten the mood. There is only one problem, I am sorry but there are people here with some bad moods. That is bringging the Xpw down, but DDp will bring it right back up. Let me ask you something. Do you like you? When you look at yourselff in the mirror every morning before you go to work, do you like what you see? Well that is what DDp is best at. I like me, you like me, and Ill help you, like YOU! And that isnt a bad thing, its a good thing. DDP is here to help...a certain person, an angry person, a...well, you will know soon person. DDP has to make everything peacfule here, after all, I am not only the king of good deeds, I am the King..of Bada Bing, Bada Boom, Bada BANG!!! DDP is here to help, but also, DDP is dominate, and thats not a bad thing, ITS A GOOD THING!!

The scene holds for a second as we see DDPs smiling face and perfect teeth.

We change scenes as we go to see Shane McMahon sitting at a desk in front of the camera.

Shane McMahon:Welcome to XPW Breakdown, I hope you are all enjoying the show, I know I am. This is our First Pay Per View, and I hope it goes well, with the fans help..anything is possible and XPW will continue to soar high. So please continue to enjoy the show, and have a great night.

The scene cuts back to the locker room of the Impact Players, there is aknock at the door andd Kurt answers. It is for the nun and she goes outside. The cameras follow as we see anther nun talking to her, and hand her some money. The new nun walks back into the locker room and goes to sit down. Then she pulls a crowbar out of her skirt and attacks Rhyno! WAIT! THATS JUSTIN CREDIBLE!!! IN A NUNS OUTFIT???

Justin Credible hits Rhyno, then Test and Kurt, but pretty soon the Impact players are beating the hell out of Credible. Rhyno throws Credible against the wall, and picks up a wooden chair. Credible runs towards the door and darts out as Rhyno throws it and it breaks against the door as it closes.